Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
ReFrame Ministries
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Top 10 Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
Dry Bones and God's Promises of Restoration
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
09/20/24 • 25 min
Have you ever felt so hopeless that the idea of experiencing or attaining anything remotely good seemed impossible and out of reach? It’s during similar moments of hopelessness in the book of Ezekiel that God interrupts his messages of judgment with powerful images of restoration. In Ezekiel, God famously depicts Israel’s sinful condition as a valley of dry bones. But in this vision, the bones amazingly do not stay dead. Slowly, death is reversed and beyond all reason and logic, the dry, dead bones are restored to life. The bones were not lost forever and through this vision, God was promising restoration for Israel. Join us in studying the hope-filled imagery of this and other restorative visions in Ezekiel and be reminded of just how great God’s love is for his people, how seriously he takes his promises, and how deeply we can trust that one day God will restore us fully too.
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Spiritual Apathy and Justice in Malachi
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
05/10/24 • 25 min
Malachi prophesied to God’s people after they had returned to Israel from exile in Babylon. His message was one of caution and warning. Back in their homeland, the people were finally comfortable again and spiritual apathy began to settle in their hearts. Through Malachi, God addresses Israel’s indifference and unfaithfulness to him. Join Groundwork as we study the profound words of Malachi and witness how out-of-sync life can get when we go through the motions of faith without investing our hearts. We’ll learn from his warnings against spiritual apathy and his encouragement to examine our hearts, and discover how our faithfulness to God impacts our lives and our communities. Together, let’s explore how the timeless wisdom of Malachi can illuminate our faith and transform our worship today.
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Sabbath Rest
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
01/08/21 • 25 min
In our work-driven culture, it can be hard to rest. And yet, in the Ten Commandments, God commands us to 'Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.' What exactly is God asking of us with this commandment? Does Sabbath rest just mean taking a day off? Or is there more to it than that? Join us as we trace the spiritual discipline of Sabbath rest through Scripture to better understand what God designed Sabbath for. Together we’ll evaluate commonly held ideas and traditions about the Sabbath, consider healthy ways to keep the Sabbath, and discover how cultivating this time-honored practice can strengthen our faith and draw us closer into relationship with our Creator God.
Jesus Christ Restores
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
11/20/20 • 24 min
Have you ever wondered if you’re too broken, if you’ve sinned too much, or if you’re just too far gone for Jesus to love you? Witness an interaction between Jesus and Peter that gives us the hope and courage to love Jesus despite our failings and to trust that Jesus is more than willing to restore us to full relationship with him. Join us as we study this post-resurrection appearance of Jesus Christ in the closing chapter of John’s gospel and discover what Jesus calls all of his followers to go and do.
Stand Firm in the Reality of Christ's Resurrection
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
09/01/23 • 24 min
After the Apostle Paul started the church in Corinth, others came after him that began to teach the Corinthian Christians differently. These false teachers were challenging Paul’s teaching on the resurrection, a crucial and important truth at the heart of the Christian faith. Influenced by the culture around them, they suggested that Christ’s resurrection was not a true, physical, bodily resurrection. As Paul responds to these false teachings, he is adamant that it is necessary to believe in the truth of Christ’s bodily resurrection. Discover what Paul says are the consequences for our faith if Jesus is not raised from the dead and why this truth is crucial to the gospel message. Learn from Paul’s message to the Corinthians why you can continue to stand firm today on the truth and reality of Christ’s resurrection.
Christmas Hope: Ruth
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
12/10/21 • 24 min
Life has its difficult seasons and when the trials and challenges drag on with no end in sight, it’s easy to wonder if God cares. Sometimes we even question if continued faithfulness is worth the effort. Join Groundwork for an Advent reflection on the story of Ruth, the third woman named in Jesus’ genealogy. Ruth faced many trials in her life that left her very vulnerable. But in her story, we’ll discover how God uses the simple faithfulness of both her and Boaz to ensure the continuation of the Messiah’s family tree. Together, we’ll remember that God does not forget his people and that he chose to enfold faithful foreigners into his family in order to bring forth his salvation plan for the entire world.
You Belong. Be Rooted in Christ’s Love.
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
01/14/22 • -1 min
Keeping a strong faith can be hard when life’s circumstances are difficult. It’s easy to second guess what we know to be true when everything around us seems to challenge or oppose that truth. The Ephesian Christians knew firsthand how it felt to question whether or not God’s promises really extended to them and whether or not they were really part of God’s plan. In his letter to the Ephesians, the Apostle Paul reminds the believers of God’s original plan for inclusion and affirms their identity in Christ and their belonging to God’s family. Join Groundwork as we study Ephesians 3 to receive the Apostle Paul’s assurance that we belong in God’s family, that his promises are, indeed, for us, and to be blessed by his prayer for the Holy Spirit to root us in Christ’s love.
God's Plan and Spiritual Blessings
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
12/31/21 • 24 min
When life seems inexplicable and out of control, it’s easy to feel anxious or unsure. Having a plan can bring us assurance in such circumstances. Having a plan ensures we know what direction we’re headed. It often also means we know what comes next and who is going to do what. In Ephesians 1, the Apostle Paul reassures the early Christians in Ephesus, and us, that God most definitely has a salvation plan, and that his plan isn’t just a reaction to what’s going on in the moment. God put his salvation plan in place before creation. Join us to study and discuss Paul’s teaching in Ephesians 1 and find assurance that God has not abandoned us, but that he actively cares for his creation and provides his Holy Spirit to us as a seal that helps us trust that God is in control.
Spiritual Attacks and the Armor of God
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
02/04/22 • 25 min
Have you ever felt like your faith was under attack? In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul warns believers to expect spiritual attacks on their faith. He makes it clear that the devil will always be scheming to undermine and distract them. This continues to be true for us today. But thankfully, Paul also makes sure to remind us of how God has equipped us to defend ourselves. Paul calls this the “armor of God.” Rightly understood, this passage gives us strength and confidence in our faith, but it is a passage that has also been misused in Christian history. Join us as we study Paul’s imagery to better understand his purpose and intent, discuss how this passage has been misused, and apply this to how we live our faith today.
The Final Events of Jesus' Earthly Life
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life
11/13/20 • 24 min
As the gospel of John details the final events of Jesus’ earthly life, it is clear that Jesus goes to the cross knowingly and willingly. Study the stories of Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion, and witness the truth woven through John’s gospel. Hear Jesus pronounce his work finished, remember the resurrection, and watch Thomas’ doubt dissipate. See the fulfillment of the message John urgently declared in his opening chapter “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” and let the final events of Jesus’ earthly life lead you to believe more fully in him.
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How many episodes does Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life have?
Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life currently has 230 episodes available.
What topics does Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life cover?
The podcast is about Christianity, Theology, Media, Religion & Spirituality, Bible Study, Podcasts, Scripture and Christian.
What is the most popular episode on Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life?
The episode title 'Dry Bones and God's Promises of Restoration' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life?
The average episode length on Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life is 25 minutes.
How often are episodes of Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life released?
Episodes of Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life?
The first episode of Groundwork: Biblical Foundations for Life was released on Nov 29, 2019.
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