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God Needs New PR

God Needs New PR

Dave Seidl

A podcast by Dave Seidl focused on the love of God, challenging traditional and mainstream views of God with thoughtful, thoroughly researched content. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dave-seidl/support
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Top 10 God Needs New PR Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best God Needs New PR episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to God Needs New PR for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite God Needs New PR episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

God Needs New PR - Chapter 7 - One Thing About God Bible Study

06/09/20 • 6 min

Chapter 7 - God’s Thoughts About You


Having your thoughts about yourself aligned with what God thinks about you is key to living the Christian life. What God believes about you can be found in the heart of God. The heart is the belief system at the core of one’s being. God has spoken so well of you that it can’t really be expressed in words. What God believes about you and what He says about you can really only be found in Jesus.

Ch. 7 Outline - God’s Thoughts About You

  • What God believes about you and what He says about you can really only be found in Jesus. He’s spoken so well of you that it can’t really be expressed in words.
  • God Believes You Matter - One of the biggest reasons for people living without God is that they are trying to fulfill their need to belong, to be loved, to be accepted and feel they matter when they already are loved and accepted. Gen. 1:28 - Barak
  • God Believes Your Worth His All - Parable of the Hidden Treasure - Matt. 13 - read it from God’s perspective, not with you as the main character.
  • God Believes in His Image & Likeness - Gen. 1:26 - says we were made in His image and likeness

20 Things God Says About You - My Favorites - I am a friend of God. I can all things through Christ.


  • Mathew 13:44-45
  • Genesis 1:26
  • Genesis 17


  1. Where do we find what God thinks and believes about us?
  2. When looking at the parable of the hidden treasure from God’s perspective, who is the treasure being referred to?
  3. What is the heart’s biggest need?
  4. How do people usually try to find love and acceptance? Share with others in your group about your experiences.
  5. How can we learn from our experiences of trying to find love and acceptance?
  6. What does the word bless mean in the original language? How does this signify God’s thoughts about us from the very beginning?
  7. How do we see God’s beliefs in action in the life of Abraham?
  8. How have you seen God’s belief in action in your life? Share your stories with your group.
  9. What is your favorite scripture regarding what God says about you?
  10. What are some practical things you can do to keep what God says about you in the forefront of your mind?
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Chapter 16- Tough Questions/Myth Busters


Some good questions tend to come up in our walk with God. This section is like a Christian FAQ’s page. The questions we address here are why does God send people to hell? Why do good things happen to bad people? And also why aren’t my prayers getting answered? These are complex answers but really give you some good insight about God and His true nature when you can get a revelation of the truth about these questions

Ch. 16 Outline - Tough Questions/Myth Busters

  • 1) How can a loving God send people to hell?
  • God isn’t the one who sends people to hell. He gives people free choice and the only way someone goes to hell is if they choose that they don’t want anything to do with God.
  • If a child has cancer, do you hate the child or hate the cancer that is killing them? When Jesus died on the cross, God was killing the thing that was killing us. What was killing us? Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death...not God. Those that don’t obtain eternal life will do so because of the wrong belief they have, not because God is killing them.
  • Woman caught in adultery - Did Jesus say he couldn’t stand to be around her? The scriptures actually said to stone this woman, but Jesus said I don’t condemn you. Jesus was the Word of God. He judges no man according to the flesh, meaning by what they do or have.
  • 2) Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • The question really should be why do bad things happen at all?
  • The way people make God out to be the bad guy leaves no need for the devil. It’s like we’ve made God the most valuable player on the devil’s team. The devil doesn’t play on God’s team either, he is not God’s messenger boy. John 10:10 makes it pretty clear and simple: The thief (devil) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
  • Putting John 10:10, 1 John 3:18 and Hosea 4:6 together we can see that a lack of knowledge about the devil and his intentions leads to death and destruction (bad things).
  • 3) Why does God allow bad things? True love requires a choice. In us having that free will, some will chose to reject God thus opening the door for these bad things.
  • Why aren’t my prayers getting answered?
  • What are you delighting in? Psalm 37:4
  • Who are you praying to?
  • Don’t use your faith for things, put your faith IN Jesus. That’s it. It’s his good pleasure to give you the kingdom. He knows what is best for you and He wants you to succeed even more than you do.


  • Ezek. 16:6-14 NIV.
  • John 8:3-11 NIV.
  • Romans 2:4
  • 1 John 3:8 NIV
  • Matthew 6:7-8 NIV.
  • Psalm 37:4
  • John 17:3
  • 2 Peter 1:3
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A revelation of God’s character and nature will give us hope. But this hope is not like the world’s definition of hope. This is a confident expectation. This chapter talks about the confident expectation you can and should have in your life with God. This will give you a barometer of your thought life and revelation of God’s goodness. I talk about some things you should be expecting from God, how to combat any negative expectations and how to position yourself to continue to receive from God. It’s not just a one time event, but a continual receiving from God that you can experience.

Outline - Confident Expectation - Expecting & Receiving From God

  • Hope = confident expectation. Biblical hope is a confident expectation that what you have always desired to be true in your life, already is true. It’s not begging and wishing. It’s a certainty of the glory (view and opinion) of God being revealed in those that believe in the return of Jesus.
  • Hope deferred leads to unrelenting disappointment
  • Lottery ticket example - the hope you have between the time you win and actually cash in your winning lottery ticket is the kind of hope we have in Christ. A confident expectation.
  • The thing that is really cool about Biblical hope is that not only can you have a confident expectation of the life you will have with God, but you can also have a confident expectation that God is the one who will bring it forth for you.
  • A righteous person (one who believes in God) expects blessing and understands the blessings are theirs. They have what you could call Godfidence that God is well pleased with them and that He is well able to provide for them all they need in abundance.
  • Receiving - open hand vs. clenched fist
  • Put yourself in a position to receive by sitting at His feet and listening to good message
  • For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer. 29:11


  • Proverbs 13:12
  • Nehemiah 8:10
  • 2 Peter 1: 2-4
  • Colossians 3:16 NIV
  • Jer. 29:11


  1. Are you currently expecting anything from God? How does this speak to your relationship with God? Share with the group
  2. When we’re not expecting or receiving from God, why do you think that is? What can we do to counteract this?
  3. How does knowing God and His thoughts about you affect your life? Share your experiences
  4. How would you define “the good life”? How has that definition changed over time?
  5. What does the Message version of the Bible describe what happens when our hope is deferred? What does that look like to you? Have you ever experienced this in your life?
  6. What is the Biblical definition of hope? How does this differ from the world’s definition?
  7. Who is the one who will bring forth life in you? How so?
  8. How is the example of getting a winning lottery ticket similar to the hope we have as Christians?
  9. What is Godfidence? Would you say you have it? Why or why not?
  10. How can you position yourself to receive from God?
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Chapter 13 - The Sweet Fruit of Patience


Patience is very underrated but key to living the Christian life. Patience will allow you to enjoy your life and give you freedom from the cares of the world. It comes from hearing the right message and continuing in it. We need to understand how patience works to live the Christian life going forward.

Ch. 13 - The Sweet Fruit of Patience

  • Patience is important. One of the fruits of the spirit. Don’t hear much about it because people don’t want to hear about it.
  • It’s not about denying that certain things are going on, it’s just your cares will not be on the things of the world. There is no better way to wait for something then to not even be aware that you are waiting for it.
  • Detention in school example - focusing on the clock just made it seem so much longer. Need to be able to get your mind off of what you want and rest in what you have.
  • Babies on a schedule example - they develop patience because they know even thought they may be hungry, their parents will be feeding them soon. Otherwise they’d throw tantrums every time their hungry.
  • Me watching Michael Jordan growing up - in awe of him because he was so great at what he did. God is great at what He does and what He does is bring life. If you can rest in Him long enough you can get to a place where you’ll be in awe of Him and His doing.
  • The biggest factor to you having patience is only hearing a message of God and his grace. If you’re hearing a mixed message you’ll be tempted with the cares of the world and be running around like Martha. Relax! God’s got this.


  • John 10:10
  • Galatians 5:22
  • Luke 10:38-42


  1. What does patience allow you to do?
  2. How does the example of babies being on a schedule show us about the heart of God for us and help us develop patience?
  3. Think about somebody you know who is really good at what they do. How does that compare to how good God is at what He does? How does this help us develop patience?
  4. Have you ever experienced being mesmerized by something that God did in your life? Meditate on that and share with your group.
  5. What is the biggest factor to you having patience?
  6. What are some things that lead to you being impatient?
  7. How important do you think patience is in your life?
  8. What does a life without patience look like to you? Can you see how one with patience is superior? How so?
  9. How does the scripture John 10:10 encourage you and give you patience?
  10. What are some practical things you can do to have more patience in your life?
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God Needs New PR - One Thing About God Bible Study Chapter 9

06/24/20 • 5 min

Chapter 9 - God’s Perfect Will For Your Life


The question of what does God want me to do will inevitably come up in your walk with Him. If you are misguided in this area it can lead to much confusion and frustration. The perfect will of God has nothing to do with what you end up doing or not doing. The perfect will of God is simply that the quality of life that He has would manifest in your life. Don’t try to do everything right, we can’t do everything right and that’s not what God has called us to do. God’s plan is that we would be born of Him and that His life would be in us.

Ch. 9 Outline - God’s Perfect Will For Your Life

  • The question of what does God want me to do will inevitably come up in your walk with Him.
  • Romans 12:2 - Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
  • The perfect will of God has nothing to do with what you end up doing or not doing. The perfect will of God is simply that the quality of life that He has would manifest in your life.
  • God does not want us condemned to a life of trying to do right and not doing wrong through our will power. God’s plan is that we would be born of Him and that His life would be in us.
  • God’s good pleasure to give you a good hand to do with what you please, not feel enormous pressure to play it exactly right
  • Stop defining yourself by what you have and what you do. You’ll find yourself in the perfect of will of God effortlessly by doing this.


  • Romans 12:2
  • John 10:10


  1. What is God’s perfect will for your life?
  2. What hinders us from being free? How can we combat this?
  3. What is the only thing God has called us to do?
  4. Can you think of a time when you tried to do everything right? What drove you to do that? How did you get set free from it?
  5. How does the wisdom of the world define you?
  6. How does God define you?
  7. Think about a time when you felt pressure to perform. How did it affect your life?
  8. How does your belief about God’s perfect will for your life affect your relationship with Him and others?
  9. What does the renewing of the mind look like to you?
  10. How can we make this mind renewal practical in our lives?
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Chapter 17 - Walking in the Cool of the Day


Walking in the cool of the day is the culmination of everything we learned in this book. Again it’s not something we have to try to do, just find ourselves doing as we learn about and abide in the love of God. This is the life we can look forward to with God. It’s a life full of peace, love and joy regardless of our circumstances. It’s a life free from guilt, offense and laboring. It truly is a beautiful life that God has made for us. Enjoy.

Outline - Walking in the Cool of the Day

  • We don’t have to wait until we get to heaven to experience the benefits of our relationship with God. We can experience the benefits of walking with God in the here and now.
  • This term comes from Genesis 3:8 in the King James version which says; “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.” The word for “in the cool” is translated from the Hebrew word ruach which means breath, wind or spirit. So walking in the cool of the day could also be thought of as walking in the spirit.
  • Again, walking in the spirit is dwelling in the thoughts and intentions of God towards you. When you do this, that spirit will bring forth fruit, not you.
  • Don’t Try Too Hard - when you’re trying too hard to produce fruit and/or see God’s quality of life manifest in your life, you leave yourself exposed for the lies of the enemy to come and wreak havoc in your life. The devil’s mindset will try to come in and take advantage of your over eagerness in an attempt to frustrate you and disappoint you with the goal of getting you out of relationship with God.
  • Abide In Him - apart from Him we can do nothing.
  • The fruit of the spirit is not a bunch of things we are commanded to do in our will power, it’s the life we experience when we are walking in the cool of the day.


  • Acts 17:24-28 MSG
  • Hebrews 4:11
  • John 15: 4-5
  • Genesis 3:8


  1. Does God need us to run errands for Him per Acts 17? Are we like His slaves or free to live with Him?
  2. How does the approach a baseball hitter takes at the plate give us an example of how to live the Christian life?
  3. What happens when we are over eager to produce fruit? How does the devil take advantage of that?
  4. What are we able to do in our own power? How does this correlate to giving God glory?
  5. What does walking in the spirit mean?
  6. What does walking in the cool of the day look like to you? How often would you say you experience this?
  7. How can we restore somebody to walking in the spirit if we see that they are not? If you have any experience with this, share with the group.
  8. When we are frustrated and burnt out, what is that a result of?
  9. Do you find that you struggle more with getting peace about something in the past or the future? Discuss with the group and see if others may be able to encourage you.
  10. What are some practical things you can do to walk in the cool of the day?
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Chapter 12 - Guarding Your Heart


When you are exposed to the truth about God, the devil will come in to try to steal it away from you. This is why it’s important to know how to guard your heart. Guarding your heart is not about doing anything, it’s about believing something. A temptation we all face is to be led astray from solid doctrine based on what you see in the world. That is walking by sight not by faith. Knowing how this dynamic will work in your life going forward is important to being able to stay in the truth about God.

Ch. 12 Outline - Guarding Your Heart

  • Want to be able to guard our hearts once we have learned the Good News. We do that by continuing to believe in what we’ve learned
  • Prov. 3:5-6 - 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
  • Trust in the Lord with all your heart - boils down to doctrine. Biggest stumbling blocks are ignorance or apathy.
  • Lean not unto your own understanding - don’t walk by sight and what you see in the world impact what you believe.
  • He shall direct your paths - He will make your paths straight. Just stay the course and don’t put the burden on yourself.
  • The work of God as defined in John 6 - to believe
  • The good works James talks about is continuing to believe
  • That’s how we do the work of God. That’s how we guard our hearts


  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • John 6:29-30
  • James 2;20-23


  1. How do we guard our hearts?
  2. What do you think are the benefits of guarding our hearts?
  3. What are the 3 main parts of the scriptures in Proverbs 3:5-6?
  4. What is the key word in verse 6? Why?
  5. What are the biggest stumbling blocks to trust in God with all your heart?
  6. What is the work of God as defined in John 6:29-30? How does that differ from what you may have previously believed it to be?
  7. How did Abraham do the work of God described in James 2?
  8. What are some things you can do in your life to do the work of God?
  9. How is guarding our heart and doing the work of God correlated?
  10. What are some practical things you can do to guard your heart and do the work of God?
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God Needs New PR - One Thing About God - Ch. 2 Summary

05/08/20 • 6 min

Chapter 2 summary by Dave Seidl.

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God Needs New PR - One Thing About God Bible Study Chapter 8

06/17/20 • 6 min


This blog series talks about why trust is so vital, what God has done for you, will do for you and more. When trust in God is not in our hearts the channel through which God can influence our lives is blocked. If we don’t trust in God, He can’t be our God no matter how bad He wants to be. It’s not because He doesn’t want to, but because we can’t receive from Him anymore. So, for God to have access to your life, He needs you to trust Him. This is why God runs His “campaign” for you so to speak.

Ch. 8 Outline - God’s Campaign For You

  • This blog series was about trust. Specifically how God brings forth trust in Him.
  • Parallels to presidential campaign - candidate has to bring forth trust - same with God. He knows the burden is on Him.
  • Why trust is so vital - it’s the channel through which God can influence our lives. If he doesn’t get our trust, He won’t be able to persuade us to live life with Him
  • Trust is earned. Faith comes from hearing the Word, not just any word though. It has to be the rightly divided word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15). It’s just like if I tell somebody their child was hit by a car. They don’t have to try to feel fear, it just happens. See the power of the words you hear? Faith just happens when you hear the right message.
  • God’s Motives Behind His Pursuit - It’s not to get you to do something for Him. Not so that He can use you. He wants to serve you (example of Peter in John 13). You take his breath away. You just do it for Him. When He envisions His “best life” He can’t envision it without you. You complete Him.
  • John 21 - shows us the heart of God. He just wants to fellowship with us.
  • God’s Track Record - What God did for Paul, prophecies fulfilled, etc.


  • Romans 6:23
  • Genesis 3:1
  • 2 Tim. 2:15
  • John 15:15
  • Romans 6:4
  • Luke 12:7
  • Psalm 139:17-18


  1. Why is trust so important in relationships?
  2. How does trust work? How would you describe how trust works in your relationship with God?
  3. How does Arthur Meinjtes describe a friend? Would you say that is consistent with how you know God? How so or not?
  4. What is your favorite name for God and why?
  5. Does God want us to serve Him or does He want to serve us? How does the story of Peter in John 13 show this to us?
  6. What does John 21 show us about the heart of God?
  7. What does the Prodigal Son story show us about the heart of God and His pursuit of us?
  8. How does what God did in Paul’s life show us His heart?
  9. How many Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus? Which one do you think is the most amazing?
  10. What is your favorite scripture about what God will do for you?
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God Needs New PR - Chapter 5 - One Thing About God Bible Study

05/27/20 • 7 min


This blog series focused on overcoming the 5 most common misconceptions about God; Distant God (far away, not interested), Grandfather God (nice but old and out of touch), Schoolteacher God (someone you need to please and avoid punishment from), Angry/Judgmental God (all about right and wrong), Mystical God (weird, works in mysterious ways, etc.). Your whole Christian life will flow from the image you have of God. These writings will give you a great foundation for a healthy relationship with God.


  • Hebrews 5:12
  • Romans 5:1
  • Romans 3:22
  • 2 Cor. 5:21
  • Phillipians 3:7-9
  • Hebrews 4:15
  • Romans 3:20
  • Hebrews 13:8

Ch. 5 Outline - The God I Wish You Knew

  • Distant God (far away, not interested) - say he’s too busy like SNL
  • Grandfather God (nice but old and out of touch) -
    I understand the logic behind this reasoning. The fact that the Bible was written like 2,000 years ago. Society has evolved so it makes sense to people that Jesus’ teachings are no longer relevant to today’s culture
    God is a genius in all aspects of life. At least have the decency to be intrigued :).
  • Schoolteacher God (someone you need to please and avoid punishment from) - son or servant mentality?
  • Angry/Judgmental God (all about right and wrong) - misunderstanding of why the law was given.
  • Mystical God (weird, works in mysterious ways, etc.) - he works in different ways but they can be understood. He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. He is consistent. You can know Him, just a matter of giving Him time.


  1. What are the 5 most common misconceptions mentioned in this section? Do you agree? Any one of those you had to personally overcome in your relationship with God?
  2. What does eating do for us? Where do we get our strength from in the Christian life?
  3. What is the meat of the word of God? Why?
  4. Where does Jesus make His home? How does that make you feel?
  5. What was the purpose of the 10 commandments?
  6. Did God come after Adam & Eve in the Garden before or after they sinned? Christ died for us while we were yet what? What does this show us about the character of God?
  7. How do you determine the value of something? If a drop of Jesus’ blood was still available today, how much do you think it would sell for on Amazon? What does this tell us about the value God places on us?
  8. What is the main problem in terms of people coming to God? Why do you think that is? How can we help combat that?
  9. What is the difference between having a son and servant mentality? Which do you relate to and why?
  10. Is God more like a taskmaster or ice sculpture? Think about how you experience this in your life and share with your group.
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How many episodes does God Needs New PR have?

God Needs New PR currently has 17 episodes available.

What topics does God Needs New PR cover?

The podcast is about Christianity, Religion & Spirituality and Podcasts.

What is the most popular episode on God Needs New PR?

The episode title 'One Thing About God Bible Study Chapter 10' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on God Needs New PR?

The average episode length on God Needs New PR is 6 minutes.

How often are episodes of God Needs New PR released?

Episodes of God Needs New PR are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of God Needs New PR?

The first episode of God Needs New PR was released on May 8, 2020.

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