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George Calleja (Christian Author / Podcaster) - 022 – The Joy of Christ

10/27/23 • 46 min

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This Christian Podcast by the Christian Author George Calleja includes the following:

Reflection: The Joy of Christ

It is really true what is written in John 15:11 as Jesus says: “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” Christian joy is only possible through Jesus. Jesus promises full joy when we remain in Him.

The joy that Jesus gives is not a joy that comes and goes, but it is a joy that remains for it is spiritual joy. Even when as Christians we face difficult times in life like any other human being, difficult times due to sickness, due to being unemployed, due to lose of our dear ones, God will still be with us through His Son Jesus, and will pour His love, His comfort, His joy through the unity of the Holy Trinity.

To experience the joy of Christ is possible when one’s life is in a personal relationship with Jesus, giving one’s heart to Jesus. It is in this relationship that the joy of Christ will flow out of Christ Himself and dwells into one’s heart.

Song: Dear Lord

Reggie Love Music


[email protected]

Book Reading: Her Silence

(Chapter 4 - Silence in the Old Testament - pages 32 to 33)

This book is available from:



Barnes & Noble:




Song: Castle Far Away

Kelly Pierce (Kelly Wayne Music)






Special Guest Speaker: Chase Neely (President of Leverage Brands)



[email protected]


Bible Study: Luke 6:19 ...and the people all tried to touch him, because power was coming from him and healing them all.


You might ask, how lucky were those people who met Jesus and got healed?

If only you and I were there.....we might have also been healed.

But today, now, Jesus is also here. Through the Holy Spirit, just believe, have faith and pray.

Jesus will also heal you and me!

God Bless you and take care,

George Calleja (Christian Author - Podcaster).


Published books by George Calleja:


George Calleja (Official Website):


Peace and Unity in our Lives (Website administered by George Calleja):


Email address of George Calleja:

[email protected]


credit to https://mixaund.bandcamp.com/ for the entry soundt...

10/27/23 • 46 min

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