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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo

Christine Arylo

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Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Space just for you to connect to the deeper wisdom and truth with you. Christine Arylo, MBA, marries timeless wisdom teachings with modern leadership, success and human consciousness application to expand your perspective, wake up your awareness, and give you practical ways to make choices that empower you to create a design for your life, work, organizations, families and relationships rooted in wholeness, sustainability and wellbeing.
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Top 10 Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - 186: What is Draining or Dimming Your Radiance? (#2 of 3 in Stay Light Series)

06/17/22 • 59 min

Today we dive into this inquiry: "What is draining, dimming or distorting your radiance? " Remember, Radiance is your light.

The brightness and strength of your radiance effect everything from your wellbeing, your physical health, your ability to get your gifts and genius into the world, your access to your intuition and power, and how you feel about yourself, your life and the world.

Our theme for this series is STAY LIGHT - not as a spiritual platitude but as a directive from the Universe and a real practice we put into place in our daily lives. Last session we explored what Radiance is, and what restores and retains yours.

In this Feminine Power Time #186, our intention is to illuminate what's draining or dimming your radiance, so you can see it, name it and be at choice with how to work with the forces that pull you down and dim, so you can can stay light and bright even in this challenging time in the world.

We'll start where we always start which is where you have the power within you to make shifts, no matter what the outside world does.

We'll dive into 5 different ways I've noticed our Radiance gets drained, dimmed or distorted because of what's happpening within us. to help you remember, we use alleteration, giving them all F's ... for "What's f-ing with my Light! :) LOL> we need to stay light as we dive into this heavy stuff.

Here are 6 ways we drain, dim or distort our Radiance

1. Forcing

2. Forgetting

3. Feeling Like...

4. Frustation at Feeling Stuck

5. Fragmenting Your Focus

6. Frequency

I'll share the signs these are present within you, give real life examples and share some of my practices for how I transform the radiance dimmers, and elevate my mood, perspective and energy.

At the end I'll guide you through a embodied meditation that tunes you into where your Radiance is getting drained, and a 3-step process to rise out of the muck into the light.

Lots of good stuff in here. Exhale. This is all in service of supporting you to name and see the patterns in what messes with your Radiance, so you can catch it sooner, shift the energy, and find your way to back to the Flow and the light beam of the "Force" :) Like in Star Wars :))

See you there.

May the light always glow and flow within you, Christine

p.s. THANK YOU for those who have left reviews and ratings for the Feminine Power Time Podcast and Overwhelmed and Over It book. Appreciate you leaving a review for one of these. Helps others find the light!

Resources & Links

Upcoming Programs

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - www.FlowPowerPause.com

Practices for Staying Light

1. 4 Rs Morning Meditation - Root Down. Rise Up. Relax Back. Receive. Access video here.

2. Daily Flow Practice Kit - Practices for Staying Clear and Centered. Video + Book. Access here.

3. The Radiance Wheel - See samples here on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe.


1. Join us and Get connected to other conscious women. www.FeminineWisdomCafe.com

2. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com

Stay Light Elevation Practice Shared

1. Step One: Get real. How does this manifest in my Body? Being? Balance?

2. Step Two: What do I need that I am not receiving?

3. Step Three: What do i need to get back into the flow? back into the "beam"?

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Every year I love to create a special a Feminine Power Time episode that invites us to press pause and really reflect and receive the progress we have made, and the impact we have had on people, the planet and all of the projects and dreams that called for our attention this year. Why? Becasue most of us do not register in our minds, bodies or being that we really have made progress, and that what we are doing is making a difference.

Most of us feel like we are not doing enough – in our day to day, towards our goals, for others in need or for the planet.

So we feel like we are always behind, like there is never enough time, and like we will never have the space to get to what matters most.

This is I believe is one of the greatest sources of anxiety, dissatisfaction, overwhelm, burnout and stress that we have the power to shift by choosing to do something differently -- pause to truly FEEL how we have made a difference so we can SEE IT and BELIEVE IT ... and RECEIVE IT.

Exhale. My body seriously just took an exhale as I wrote that!

In order for your brain to register the progress you've made, and that things ARE happening and changing, you have to pause to feel it.

For your being to believe you are making a difference through your voices and choices, you've gotta feel that too.

And feel GOOD and PROUD ... this is called "honoring."

Self honor is very connected to self respect. Self Honor is one of the 10 types of self love - so it's not boastful or distorted pride, it's healthy. Honoring yourself for how you have chosen to show up, give your energy, be a source of good in the world is a way to bring more LOVE and peace and goodness into the world.

This episode is part wisdom teaching, part ritual, part guided visualization and feel-a-zation and part overall boost of wellbeing for your mind, body, spirit and heart.

Part 1: EOM - Evidence of Momentum. On the progress you have made in the different realms of your life - professionally and personally.

Part 2: EOL - Evidence that your Love and Light touched people, real humans, and it mattered! (in all the ways you gave your energy and care)

Part 3: #HarmonicDefiance for the Planet: Evidence that your choices to do things differently + to elevate your own consciousness are impactly the planet's wellbeing.

Tune in. See you there. This is for YOU.


P.S. ELEVATION ACTION: Share this podcast with a friend and then do the ritual together. Share on one or all of the parts - "I acknowledge I have made a difference by..." Witness and reflect for each other that you in fact have made a difference. Your presence matters!


Join Us for Upcoming Experiences

1. RSVP for the Year End Reflection Ritual and Power Pause - https://reflectionritual.com

2. Emerge Yearly Visionining and Intention Setting Experience - https://christinearylo.lpages.co/emerge-visioning-with-christine-arylo/

3. Feminine Wisdom Way : Live, Lead and Succeed the Way Women Naturally Work Best. Join us to Vision, Focus and Co Create in 2023 - www.femininewisdomway.com

Are you on Christine's Wisdom Letter list? Go here.

Receive twice a month wisdom letters, updates on events and trainings and community gatherings and more.

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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - 185 Stay Light: Restore Your Radiance (#1 of 3 in Series)

185 Stay Light: Restore Your Radiance (#1 of 3 in Series)

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo


06/03/22 • 59 min

STAY LIGHT. These are the two words that will frame and focus this series, with the intention of supporting you to restore your "radiance" levels to be bright and vibrant, and then keep that brightness and lightness strong, growing and glowing the rest of this year.

RADIANCE is one of those words we hear but why does it really matter? Wouldn't it be better just to focus on self-care, wellness and stress-management? Well if you want more "to dos" sure, you can go that way.

Or you can go deeper to get what is at the roots of what keeps your wellbeing strong - mind, body AND spirit and heart. Like instead of focusing on the leaves of the tree, you get into what's happening inside the trunk and within the roots and soil that allows that tree to stand tall, strong and briliant even in stormy weather.

Radiance is defined in the dictionary as brightness and lightness. And there is SO much more!

In episode #1 of 3 in our STAY LIGHT series we will dive into:

  • What is Radiance and why it matters
  • How Radiance dictates your health, relationships, ability to attract and receive opportunities, intution and overall mental and emotional wellbeing.
  • The difference between life force and radiance, and where Radiance lives in your body.

We'll pose this central question for you to contemplate and give you creative processes to reveal practical wisdom you can apply to how you structure and make choices these next few months.

"What sustains and supports my radiance?"

I will share some of the common things that support and restore our radiance such as these wisdom bites from two beings whose work I respect very much:

"Radiance is a function of stillness." - Ariel Spilsbury "Radiance acts as a hidden instrument of your intuition." - Richard Rudd

Lastly, I'll lead you through a meditation and visualiization that starts the creative juices flowing of what lifts you up and lightens you up in 7 areas of the foundation of our radiance.

And share how you can take this and create what I call the "Radiance Wheel" - which will support you not to do more, but to put structures in place and make choices to keep your light shining and wellbeing glowing, for many months and years to come.

As leaders, change makers, beings daring to do things different to create a better more beautiful world, we need to Stay Light, even in, especially in the face of challenge and chaos.

It's HOW we lead and live through this time.

Tune in See you there


p.s. Remember: SHARE this podcast with a friend and explore Radiance together.



1. Flow Power Pause - starts June 22 - Register at www.FlowPowerPause.com


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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - POWER PAUSE: Tune Into What Matters Most to You This Year - a Series of 4 Inquiries

01/06/23 • 45 min

There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Or maybe you are feeling like you'd rather just pull the cover over your head.

Don't let the chaos and pressure of the world or the should's of your self-induced pressure and thoughts swirl you up. Instead turn inward, tune into your heart and dare to tap into your deeper wisdom and desires and let those inspire and guide you.

Wisdom teaches us to use the power and practice of "inquiry" to consider the path before moving into action.

Not so we can have it all figured out like an agenda or project plan. But so we can be clear on our intentions, be connected to what's really in right timing, and to see what we can't see with our eyes but can sense with our deeper intuitive knowing ... if we slow down to listen.

Wisdom also teaches us ... the wisdom is within you for your most soul-aligned path ahead, the path that sustains you on all levels - mind, body, heart and spirit. And the portal into that wisdom is not in your mental mind, it's in your heart and body.

Every year I do an episode that takes us through a series of wisdom inquires I think would serve us to contemplate, at this time.

How we start the year creates the reality ahead.

Use the practice of these 'wisdom inquiries' so you can stay focused on what truly matters, create the realities for ourselves and the world that align with our deeper truth and desires, and realize sustainable success.

This year we have a set of 4 inquiries Four is the number of structure. So you can think of this as you setting structure / focus so that the year ahead actually aligns with what matters most.

Every year the inquires are different.

Because every year, we need differently inquiries to lead us to the possibilities we haven't even considered with our limited - often fear reactive - minds.

I comb through the many inquiries we use in the EMERGE Visioning Process to find 4 to "prime the pump" and open your visioning, intention setting and focusing for the year to come.

Tune in with me, Christine Arylo, transformational leadership advisor and teacher, for episode 202: Power Pause: Tune into What Matters Most to You This Year - A Series of 4 Inquiries

See you there!


P.S. This somatic and intuitive meditation was taped live during the Wisdom Session: A Different Way to Dream & Succeed. To tune into the full wisdom session go to https://christinearylo.lpages.co/a-different-way-to-dream/.


Upcoming Programs , Retreats & Trainings - Learn more

1. EMERGE 4-week Visioning Journey - starts Jan 8th, you can start any day in Jan. www.EmergeVisioning.com

2. Feminine Wisdom Way 2023 - Vision. Lead. Live. Succeed. the way women naturally work best. Enrollment open throughout January. www.FeminineWisdomWay.com

Free Feminine Wisdom Sessions: 1. A Different Way to Dream & Succeed https://christinearylo.lpages.co/a-different-way-to-dream/

2. Year End Reflection Ritual & Power Pause www.ReflectionRitual.com


1. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com


Inquiries Shared in the Podcast

For this year ...

1. Tune into Self Love

  • I would love to explore ...
  • What I most need to receive to feel deeply nourished, sustained and supported is...
  • What would interfere with me allowing myself to explore or receive what matters to me?

2. Tune into Momentum

  • What already has momentum that I can continue to grow and receive from?
  • What pressure could I release to create space for what matters to me?

3. Tune into Creating a Whole Life

  • What matters most in my physical foundation - home, health and wealth this year?
  • What matters most in my personal relationships this year?
  • What matters most in my professional relationships / community connections this year?
  • What matters most in my sacred work, career, projects this year?
  • What matters most in my self-expression and personal growth this year?

4. Tune Into Joy

  • What would bring me joy this year?

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Every year around the day known as Independence Day in America, I like to tap into the energy of freedom and liberation to bring forth the wisdom, practices and inspiration for all of us ... so we can use the freedom mojo to break free from what might be holding us back, and liberate us to imagine and design the path and possibility forward.

This is a co-creative practice - a practice I engage in to co create the now and the next. I come back to this liberation and freedom energy every year at this time because if we are evolving, stretching and expanding we can expect resistance and struggle, but we don't want it to stop us.

One way we exterminate the interference is by expanding so much into the possibility, it just cannot take the light!

This year I was really feeling we could all use a boost of heart power to clear out the interference and break our consciousness & creativity free, so we can feel the possibility as reality, so much so that it gives us momentum to fuel and focus us forward.

Consider this: The consciousness that got you here, cannot take you to what you are thirsting for, what's calling you, what you want to feel and experience next. But if you are feeling it within you, it is real. So we expand to elevate.

Here's the 3 parts we'll explore and bring into your life now in practical ways to

  1. Interference - The unconcious stuff that keep us stuck in patterns and realities that we no longer desire or no longer serve. Imprints like the solo-solitude or scarcity trap. Internal inteference like constraints and conflict that bind us up vs open us up. When you see the interfernce, you can move beyond it, otherwise you just get "goobered" up and stuck in it (very technical term lol).
  2. Imagine - What you are seeking is also seeking you. When you name it and speak it, from a deep place of self worth and empowerment it's like you are painting that reality through your radiance and passion into the world. I'll teach you a practice that invokes the power of Invitation & Radiant Magnetism.
  3. Design - It's not a magical manifestation trick, it's a co-creative path and practice we engage in actively to bring this into being. From the power of invitation to exploration to experimentation, it takes courage and clarity and conscious creation and creativity. But that is part of the gift ... the question is will we dance with the Universe or try to control it and therefeor kill it?

Join me for episode #216: Invoke Your Power To Expand Your Possibility & Reality - a liberation and invitation boost from the heart.

See you there!


P.S. REMEMBER to SHARE this podcast with a friend to Elevate together --> invite them to do the Invitation & Radiant Magentism process with you - naming what you desire to invite in & what you would love to be true by next year. Inquiries below or on the podcast page https://christinearylo.com/podcast/



What would you love to be true by next year?

Share and be inspired here. https://community.christinearylo.com/posts/dare-to-share-what-would-you-love-to-be-true-by-next-year-38659536


RESOURCE: OVERWHELMED & OVER IT BOOK - www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com



Subscribe to Christine's Monthly Wisdom Letters - https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/

Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media: http://www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo



  1. l would love to invite more into my life ...
  2. I would love to invite in more .... (then respond for the different realms of your life, my work in the world, my self expression, my wellbeing (home, health, wealth), my professional relationships, my personal relationships
  3. What I would love to be true by this time next year ...
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Freedom is one of the most essential human needs, and desires. People have died fighting for it, many have never tasted it, and most of us, even if we live in a 'free' world have many ways in which we are NOT free.

Every year as we pass through July 4th marker, which in America is celebrated as Independence Day, in a country that is supposed to be founded on freedom (but in many ways is not, and was not for all people)... I take a pause to shine a light on all the ways I personally am not free or feeling free, and what is happening collectively that is so not about freedom of the people or the planet.

I tune in every year also for what conversation to have with all of you here at Feminine Power Time around Freedom. And this year, well wow, unprecented with the repealing of rights to our body, rights to be safe from gun violence in schools and public spaces, rights to vote, rights to affordable housing, and ....

So today I tuned in after my morning practice to what was needed for ust to gather around ... and out flowed Feminine Power Time #187: Fighting for Our Freedom, the Feminine Way. A power pause to consider how we channel our energy and influence.

We'll dive into:

  • Freedom "Power Points" - where to focus our attention, energy to stand for freedom vs. add to the chaos and waste our energy
  • Practices for how to emote our anger, rage, grief, and to express from wholeness vs. the wound, so we add to mometum of elevation
  • Perspectives on freedom and control through our "wise" eyes - to see what might

I will lead you through:

  • 5 inquiries to ask yourself at this time to choose how you can consciously channel and direct your energy, time, money, life force and influence.

There is wisdom here for navigating these times.

Not to just get through them. But to break through.

We've each got a part to play. We are all being called to awaken even more. And none of us can do this on our own.

Tune in to this touchstone for your radiance, rootedness and rememberance.


p.s. THANK YOU for those who have left reviews and ratings for the Feminine Power Time Podcast and Overwhelmed and Over It book. Appreciate you leaving a review for one of these. Helps others find the light!

Resources & Links

Upcoming Programs

1. FLOW Mid Year Power Pause - www.FlowPowerPause.com

2. Strengthening Sisterhood, Healing the Wounds Between Women So We Can Lead Together. Interactive Wisdom Session - https://christinearylo.lpages.co/strengthening-sisterhood/

Practices for Staying Light

1. 4 Rs Morning Meditation - Root Down. Rise Up. Relax Back. Receive. Access video here.

2. Daily Flow Practice Kit - Practices for Staying Clear and Centered. Video + Book. Access here.

3. The Radiance Wheel - See samples here on the Feminine Wisdom Cafe.


1. Join us and Get connected to other conscious women. www.FeminineWisdomCafe.com

2. Overwhelmed and Over It Book - www.OverwhelmedandOverit.com

Power Pause Inquiries Shared

  1. Where am I being called to direct your life force, energy, time, resources and influence these next 6 months?
  2. What have I been tolerating that is no longer working? Personally? Professionally?
  3. What is my part now?
  4. Where are my community touchstones?
  5. What is calling for my devotion this next 6 months, so I am deeply supported and sustained?
  6. What do I need these next 6 months to stay light, keep bright, and stay focused?
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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - 189 Feminine Wisdom for Intense & Changing Times: Preparing Ourselves for the Now & Next

07/29/22 • 64 min

About two to three timess a year I feel the call to do one of these Feminine Wisdom for Intense and Changing Times sessions - where we take a pause, put our wise woman / wise being glasses on and take a deeper look at what is going on in the Field (the bigger collective world) and in our field (our own inner experiences, relationships and reality.)

So we can see what is real, what is needed, what the patterns are, and find the wisdom to navigate the now and the next.

This session was taped live during the time span between July 25th and August 8th which is always a powerful time to elevate and expand your consciousness ... and liberate yourself from stuff you just don't want to carry with you or create from (you can google Mayan Day Out of Time, Lammas, Leo New Moon, or 8 8 Lions Gate to learn more).

The intention of our exploration is to give you perspectives & practices to prepare you for the now and the next.

Some of the wisdom models, practices and tools we'll work with is:

  • Triangle of Transformation
  • Sovereignty in the Swirl
  • This is not that
  • Co-Create from Momentum and Intention
  • Be aware of the now and what's needed, AND keep the long game in mind. Put energy in both.
  • Focus on your part and your design. If you are not clear, create this space to get clear this year.
  • EOE - Evidence of Elevation
  • EOM - Evidence of Momentum

Lots of good wisdom to share - that's all I am going to say here. Tune in for more. Resources below.


Upcoming Classes, Feminine Leadership & Professional Develoment Programs

1. Choosing ME & WE - 4 Week Relationship Pop Up with me and Noah Martin, my partner. Starts August 9th.

2. Overwhelmed and Over It: Path to Sustainable Success, Impact & Wellbeing - 4 month Council & Experience for Professional Women - Starts first week of October.

3. Self Love Essentials - 12-week Training for those who guide others in emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and relational wellness. Starts Sept 13th www.SelfLoveTraining.com

4. Gather and Guide Your People - A Feminine Leadership Training, Creative Catalyst & Collaborative Council - for people who do or desire to create potent experiences -workshops, programs, classes, circles, events, retreats - online and in person - that lead to real connection & lasting transformation... AND sustain you. Starts early November. www.GatherandGuideYourPeople.cpm

To get notifications of events, programs and happening - subscribe to my Wisdom Letter e-mail list at https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/

Or join the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, our private online community at https://community.christinearylo.com/share/ICzZ3ZdHAspOUkyQ?utm_source=manual


1. Triangle of Transformation - video and model posted on Feminine Wisdom Cafe here. https://community.christinearylo.com/posts/how-we-make-change-meet-uncertainty-the-wise-way

2. The Feminine Super Power of Catalyze Podcast #161 - https://christinearylo.com/2021/08/161-feminine-super-power-catalyze-release-the-comfortable-embrace-the-call-to-shift/

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Can you re-imagine a world in which our intuition is valued as much as our intellect?

Where young women and girls, and all humans, are taught how to discern between their internal knowing, wisdom and truth?

Make decisions that not only make logical sense, they make heart sense .... the kind that keeps us aligned on our path ... the kind that gives us the courage to speak up, stand up and do things differently?

I think we can co create this reality now - but we need new language, understanding and each other.

Consider this: There is SO much power in expanding our understanding, trust in and value system of what true intelligence is.

So much power in doing what Joesph Campbell called following your bliss, and what I call follow your heart wisdom AND don't be a dummy pants :)

So much power in knowing how to tune into the 4 parts of our full spectrum of intelligence - instincts, intuion, insight and intellect.

Self trust. Creative strategic planning that supports creativity + productivity. Making choices in careers, & relationships that lead to less suffering & anxiety and more aliveness and ways to express our creative genius.. Speaking up. Just to name a few.

The mind & intellect are not built to tap into creativity and possibility, or even make wise choices. Our minds can only see what we've done before or seen others do. The intellect alone will make all kinds of things that are bad for our world (atomic bombs and AI to name two).

When we choose to honor, value, access, embody, employ this feminine energy of intuitive intelligence & heart wisdom... we open up the field of possibilty and creativity... we bring more heart power onto the planet... and the Universe starts showing up to show us the way to create realities that reflect the good and beautiful in humanity.

Tune into the second in the series is 212: The Power of Intuitive Intelligence & Heart Wisdom

Some of what we will dive into...

  • How to play with your intuition and intellect so they work together for you - so you don't get stuck in being over rationale ... or ungrounded in wishful thinking
  • My 4 Eyes model for accessing the full spectrum of intelligence ... which give you access to Wisdom and a higher level of intelligence
  • Why the mental mind is not the place to look if you want to do things differently - and where to look instead
  • What is heart wisdom, how do you follow it?

I will also walk you through a short 4 inquiry contemplation to apply heart wisdom and intuitive intelligence.

See you there.


p.s. >> REQUEST - SHARE this with a friend and then do the heart wisdom tune in together.



  1. Mid Year Power Pause - Reset. Realign. Refocus. www.FlowPowerPause.com


  1. Overwhelmed and Over It - Chapter 1 - Choose What is Right for You www.OverwhelmedandOverIt.com
  2. Feminine Leadership Wisdom Session - for visuals and more wisdom on Power Spectrums and Feminine Leadership Archetypes - Gain Access Here


  1. I know....
  2. I really desire...
  3. I feel...
  4. I need...


Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christinearylo/

Instagram: @christinearylo

Feminine Wisdom Cafe - private online community off social media: www.FeminineWIsdomcafe.com

You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChristineArylo

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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - 132: Sharing Your Words, Writing & Fierce Grace with The World (with Kris Carlson, replay)

08/25/22 • 64 min

Fierce Grace. If you asked me to describe embodied Feminine Power in two words i would say "Fierce Grace." When we are truly rooted in our unique expression of fierce grace we have access to our full power, presence, purpose and wisdom.

Fierce grace comes through our presence, through our words both spoken and written, through our passion and purpose, through both courage and compassion - it's all about embodied pure heart.

Now more than ever the world needs each of our pure hearted power, presence and purpose in the world. Imprints of what it looks, feels, and sounds like to embody both fire and water.

This month is the two year marker of my fourth book, Overwhelmed and Over It was sent final edition to the printers ... this book was the first book in which I fully unleashed and embodied the energy of fierce grace. I had spoken from this place many times, including this podcast and all of my programs and trainings. But a written book or really any written form is a different animal. One I think all of us can use some wisdom on.

I was inspired to re-run this conversation to dive into how we can share our words and writing with the world.

Whether you are a writer, or want to be, or you want to write a book, or a blog, or just show up more powerfully in your authentic presence in your communications -- or just start writing for JOY because you have something to say or you just want to! COME to this conversation.

I invited Kristine Carlson, NY Times Best Selling Author of Don't Sweat the Small Stuff for Women, founder of the Book Doula incubator and community that starts every September, and a woman who has been like a big sister to me in my writing and book career to join us for Fierce Grace Talk #1: Sharing Your Words & Writing with the World"

It seems like the perfect time to pull the veil back and have a heart to heart about what writing a book is like ... how it catalyzes your personal growth ... and what support and structure is really needed. And HOW to just get started.

And to also explore at this time when so many voices are speaking out there -- how do YOU want to show up, speak up and share ? In a way that matters to you? Feels good to you? And is adding to the world you desire to create for yourself and others? This is the power of Fierce Grace.

Take us with you for a walk.. pour some tea and settle in... take us out in the sun to do some earthing, heck pour a bath or snuggle up in bed ... it's a heart to heart ... supporting us each to share our words and writing in the world in ways that light YOU up and light up those you touch.

Wherever this finds you... the words you share and the presence you share them through - in your voice, your energy, your purpose - matters. Nothing is too small, we start where we are.

You matter. Believe it.


**** Resources for Sharing Your Writing and Words with the World

the BOOK DOULA incubator and community with Kristine Carlson - learn more or reach out to Kris for a conversation at www.BookDoulas.com ... her incubator starts early September. Check it out and you can also schedule a conversation with her. If you decide to do it, Kris offered 10% savings to all of us. Just use christinearylo10 as the discount code.

Learn more about Kris Carlson, her blog, podcast and books at www.KristineCarlson.com

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Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo - 191: Taking Leaps: Doing Beginnings, Endings, Cycles with Grace & Gumption

09/08/22 • 63 min

Taking leaps. Small ones. Big ones. In between ones. Whether we are leaving a job or changing careers... or moving our home... or starting or ending a marriage or relationship... or choosing to make a change, break a pattern or complete something without knowing exactly what's on the other side...

Taking leaps is like an olympic sport most of us didn't get training for. So we figure it out as we go. If we are fortunate, we find guides along the way who have leapt before us.

People who can give us some wisdom and practical steps for how to take leaps with grace. People who can support us to tap into our gumption to fuel the courage and clarity we need to leap.

I've lept many times into the unknown, followed the unconventional path, made choices for freedom over security, trusting that it would all work out in the end. So far I am still standing, still smiling and while I have some stretch marks from the stress that leaps almost always bring, the rewards in my heart and soul bank far outweigh the stretch marks.

Taking leaps is how people who live fully and freely live. We don't wait for all things to be in place or feel comfortable. But we also aren't 'dummy pants' and leap with no net. And the net isn't always what you think it is.

Wisdom Byte: If you never step into the unknown you just keep repeating the same reality.

I sat down to create this session of Feminine Power Time #191: Taking Leaps, Doing Beginnings, Endings, and Cycles with Grace & Gumption, on the 6th evening of sleeping in my new house, in a new city on the other side of America. A marker of 9-month cycle of making signficiant and intentional leaps in many areas of my life - from career to relationship to health to home to financial. Whew! Exhale.

So many of the people I advise and coach, and the women in the leadership councils and wisdom schools I founded, are also moving through big cycles - some they welcomed with opened arms, others they've resisted for some time.

I imagine you might also be going through a cycle with endings and beginnings too, whether you are conscious to it or not.

So i poured some tea, put on my downshifting white jammies, sat at my desk for the first time in 9 months and created this for you - to share what I've learned and noticed about cycles, about going through this current transition and what I'm seeing in other conscious humans currently.

I've got some inquires, stories and elevated perspectives to share that I hope will give you some grace and gumption in whatever leap you are making or is calling you.

I'll end us with 4 inquiries to elevate you and/or do with a friend.

See you there! Christine


Elevation Wisdom Inquires

Write these out and contemplate them or conversate with a freind

1. What is the cycle, begining, ending I am in, approaching or resisting? 2. What do I know? 3. What am I unsure of? 4. What do I need to take the next step?

*** Upcoming Happenings & Trainings & Retreats

1. Self Love Essentials Professional Training - www.SelfLoveTraining.com

2. Women's Leadership Experience - A Path to Sustainable Success, Impact & Wellbeing for professional women daring to do it differently. www.PathofSustainbleSuccess.com

3. Gather and Guide Your People: Transformational Program Design Training, Incubator and Council www.GatherandGuideYourPeople.com

4. Receive Equinox Retreat - Chicago - www.PowerPauseRetreat.com

** To be notified of upcoming progams, sign up for Christine's twice a month wisdom letter here https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/

Or join the Feminine Wisdom Cafe (its free) - private online community site https://community.christinearylo.com/share/ICzZ3ZdHAspOUkyQ?utm_source=manual

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How many episodes does Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo have?

Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo currently has 300 episodes available.

What topics does Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo cover?

The podcast is about Selflove, Podcasts, Self-Improvement, Education and Business.

What is the most popular episode on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo?

The episode title '186: What is Draining or Dimming Your Radiance? (#2 of 3 in Stay Light Series)' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo?

The average episode length on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo is 50 minutes.

How often are episodes of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo released?

Episodes of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo are typically released every 8 days, 3 hours.

When was the first episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo?

The first episode of Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo was released on Apr 5, 2016.

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