Family Sanity
Naomi Bocaniciu
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Top 10 Family Sanity Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Family Sanity episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Family Sanity for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Family Sanity episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
05/19/20 • 6 min
Today I want to discuss why schedules are important and but how you can have a scheduled but not let it dictate your life.
Definition of a schedule is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure, giving lists of intended events and times.
Key words are plan and intention
- You can plan anchor times (which we talked about in episode 24)
- You have an idea of what's happening in your day
- You can plan predictable routines in your day
These are great, but if you don't follow them perfectly THAT'S OK!!!
They are just there as a guide. Maybe one day it makes more sense to eat lunch half hour earlier, or you forgot your child’s zoom meeting was at a certain time so you adjust.The main goal of having a plan or a schedule is to provide some predictability to your day.
Predictability is SO IMPORTANT!
- Allows for the brain not to be in alert mode at all time because you know what's coming next
- Helps your reptilian brain not sabotage your abilities to do anything beyond surviving (see episode 10 for more on this)
- Predictability is calming for children because they know what to expect
What is easier for you to do, go to a grocery store you know well and you know where everything is placed or going to a brand new store where everything is labeled in another language?
Predictability makes it easier for you to accomplish a task and having a schedule gives you this net, this support!
If you're not sure where to start to make a schedule that allows predictabiltiy check out my IGTV on instagram @familysanitytips for mini trainings on
- How to create anchor times
- Plan for the 4 basic needs in a family’s schedule ecosystem (episode coming this week).
If you want a step by step guide, check out my eBook "How to Make Sanity Saving Schedules For Your Family"!
It will be available next week and it includes the things you need to think about before you even start making a schedule and then it has 5 clearly labeled and color coordinated steps to build a schedule that is perfect for your family.
I will fill you in about where you can buy this resource in my show next week once it's launched! Until then, join my email list to get a 50% pre-book launch coupon code.
Join Email List!
05/12/20 • 5 min
Welcome to Season 2! This season of the Family Sanity Podcast will be shifting from daily quarantine specific ideas to weekly tips on how to manage family life especially when it comes to your schedule and teaching your child.
Today's tip: time management is the single most effective sanity saving tool!
- Being aware of your time helps get tasks done and helps eliminate anxiety and necessary stress.
- When I had to create a time distribution for my classroom, it was helpful to have something to fall back on even if we weren't always sticking to the schedule. I make a similar kind of schedule for my family now!
- What times are constant every day at school: lunch and recess! Using eating and moving as anchor times throughout the day will help create a realistic schedule for your family.
Fine me on Instagram @familysanitytips for a mini training on how to use anchor times in your schedule.
Join the Community Facebook group: Schedule Tips for Your Family's Sanity
05/01/20 • 5 min
This is the last episode of Season 1: The Quarantine Diaries. Starting in Season 2 episodes will air 2 days a week and will dig into more specific tips for prioritizing parenting and maintaining your sanity while being an intentional parent and family member.
Thank you for a wonderful season, see you in Season 2!
I can not believe I started this podcast a month ago! It feels like just yesterday and also like an eternity. Since quarantine life isn’t so new anymore and maybe hopefully we’ll even be out of it soon, my podcast is going to take a little shift. Today will be the last episode of season 1 the quarantine diaries. Going forward, instead of specific quarantine family tips brought to you daily, the family sanity podcast will air twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays and the main focus will be how to prioritize parenting while navigating family life with small kids. On the other days I will be hosting mini trainings on Instagram stories for things like how to read with your child, how to prioritize self care and how to set your play areas up for success. This project has become such a highlight for me and I love sharing ideas with you so I really look forward to the next season!
Since you’re here, I do want to share one last quarantine quick tip: live so that you have nothing to regret. You will get through this, we all will. At one point or another life will start to look normal again, the old normal and when that time comes I want you to be able to look back at this time and know you did your best. If that means your house isn’t always clean because you’re spending time with your children, or if you had to make some changes in your professional priorities to tend to your family, know you did your best. To wrap up this season, I want to leave you with Dance Party Friday. And remember whether your family is going insane or you've got it all together, these are definitely times you will always remember.
This new reality is just that, something new we need to deal with, but you don't need to deal with it alone. Check in every week day for another quick tip on how to maintain your family sanity. I'm your host Naomi Bocaniciu you can learn more about me and this podcast on Instagram @familysanitytips. I’m so grateful you are here and if you’re enjoying these tips please rate the podcast and share with your friends. Until next time, whether your family is going insane or you've got it all together, these are definitely times you will always remember.
04/30/20 • 3 min
We all lose it sometimes. What's important is how we deal with the aftermath. Repairing the relationships is the key to moving forward even if things are bad. Try this 4 step plan to repair and renew after a time you lost it.
You know that feeling of boiling anger where you can almost see the smoke coming out of your ears because your husband forgot to turn on the dishwasher or your child is doing something you specifically told them not to do and they're just blatantly disobeying you? In that moment, in the smoke, there is a choice to be made. You can try to contain your emotions and parent gracefully or you can just lose it. Yell, scream, say mean words, uhhh its horrible.
I am guilty of this and even though I made an intentional commitment to myself a few weeks ago to not lose it in front of my kids especially, the reality is, we are under so much pressure. The exhaustion, the fear, the unending to do lists, it can really cause an explosion especially if someone pushes the right trigger- and at least my family members are trigger experts.
So instead of beating yourself up for being human, a phenomenal parenting tool is knowing how to repair the situation after the explosion. So my quick tip is on how to do this and I came across this 4 step repair plan when you lose it from Chelsea and Caitlin who are the two mamas behind @mamapsychologists. They have all kinds of amazing mom-life ideas so go check them out. I’ll link in my show notes.
But they’ve created a 4 step plan of what to do after you’ve lost it. Here it is.
First, apologize- take responsibility for what happened and model what you’d want your child to do when he makes a mistake. Second describe what happened so that you’re both on the same page and you can explain that your reaction was not acceptable. For example, Saying “I’m sorry I scared you, its my job to manage my own emotions. Yelling is no way to work something out with someone you love”. This allows for everyone to process what happened and solve the issues that have come up. Third, do not blame or make excuses like saying, if you would have listened or you weren’t paying attention. Own up to your mistake but be kind to yourself which is the fourth step. This is an extremely stressful time for everyone. Give yourself some grace and work on repairing the relationships.
This 4 step process is a great way to deal with those moments when you lose it. Sometimes you may not need to go through the whole thing but remember no matter what happens, you have the power to restore and improve the relationships in your home right now more than ever. We all have our moments, its what we do after that really matters.
This new reality is just that, something new we need to deal with, but you don't need to deal with it alone. Check in every week day for another quick tip on how to maintain your family sanity. I'm your host Naomi Bocaniciu you can learn more about me and this podcast on instagram @familysanitytips. I’m so grateful you are here and if you’re enjoying these tips please rate the podcast and share with your friends. Until next time, whether your family is going insane or you've got it all together, these are definitely times you will always remember.
I Am Getting Overwhelmed. Stop. Just Breathe
Family Sanity
04/29/20 • 3 min
Feels like the word overwhelmed is coming up a lot these days. There is so much going on in our homes. I felt like this and needed to take a mental break so I found this amazingly simple but powerful poem. I hope it gives you a moment of peace today.
To be honest, I didn’t want to get this episode together. I am overwhelmed and I feel like the daily podcast commitment may have been too overzealous. Since the internet is kind of a black hole, I’m not quite sure if what I’m saying is useful to anyone and I feel stretched thin. My family is severely suffering from cabin fever and I’m finding myself with a short temper and at a loss of order because of everything going on.
I could give a quick tip on the importance of meditation and quiet time but I know you’ve heard it and I also know its hard to implement so instead, today, I want to give you a quiet moment by sharing this peaceful poem by Lilly Darmetko, it’s called, Just Breathe.
When you feel hopeless and overwhelmed
Just Breathe
When times are tough and you can’t get up
Just Breathe
When you are filled with doubts or fears
Just Breathe
Remember that God is near
He can bring you back from your abyss
When you are overwhelmed with joy
Just Breathe
When things are going your way
Just Breathe
When you are filled with relief
Just Breathe
Remember that God is in control
He’s got you no matter what
All you need to do is
Just Breathe
Thank you for letting me share this with you and thank you for being here.
This new reality is just that, something new we need to deal with, but you don't need to deal with it alone. Check in every week day for another quick tip on how to maintain your family sanity. I'm your host Naomi Bocaniciu you can learn more about me and this podcast on instagram @familysanitypodcast. I’m so grateful you are here and if you’re enjoying these tips please rate the podcast and share with your friends. Until next time, whether your family is going insane or you've got it all together, these are definitely times you will always remember.
Link to poem
The Strongest Parenting Tool You Have: EMPATHY
Family Sanity
04/28/20 • 3 min
Everyone is dealing with Quarantine in their own way. If your child is acting out or you feel like you are constantly in a power struggle, try utilizing empathy. Consider why your child is in this state and allow for her to have these feelings and then address them when things are calmer. Showing empathy is respectful and will allow for a deeper connection with your child.
Alright I’m going to be honest here. When I was a little girl, I got spanked a lot. At least, that’s how I remember it. Now that I’m a parent I can see how it is so easy to lose your cool and how kids somehow find the perfect ways to get under your skin. But that shouldn’t fuel the way you’ve chosen to parent. There are a lot of variables but my experience definitely influenced the way I’ve chosen to raise my kids.
I am a firm believer in empathetic parenting. When we put ourselves in our children’s shoes discipline takes on a different form. Rather than correcting or fixing, you are supporting and nurturing. This is so critical right now during this time of isolation and complete deprivation of life as we knew it. Kids are so vulnerable right now and it is more important than ever to show empathy and respect.
I’ve been needing to remind myself of this often. Being cooped up all day with no breathing room makes it hard to deal with everyone. On the days I have a short fuse or things aren’t going how I want, its easy to snap at the smallest of offenses. I have to keep reminding myself to be empathetic. My kids haven’t seen anyone in weeks. School was abruptly stopped. Their life is so different and the adjustment period is not easy for anyone and it also looks different for everyone. Some kids may be acting out, some may be picking fights with their siblings. Some may be in complete defiance mode. This is frustrating. But by putting yourself in your child’s shoes, you are giving them respect. Respect and understanding that its ok to make mistakes, and its ok to not know how to deal with these changes.
So my quick tip today which is a big for me is that the next time your child does something they shouldn’t, first ask yourself why, why did he do that? And then adjust your response to show respect and nurturing instead. If there is a deeper issue you can identify, try working on it when things are calm. Remembering that your child is going through a hard time and being a buffer for those feelings will help make the transition more tolerable for you both.
04/27/20 • 5 min
During quarantine we grieve our loss of freedom. tI realized I went through the stages of grief these last few months and I've finally reached acceptance. Today's quick tip is to think about something positive that would otherwise not have happened if you weren't quarantined. Finding the silver lining can help get to acceptance and help you grow during this difficult time.
These last few days seem to have been better. Not necessarily easier, but there seems to be a kind of acceptance of the new normal. I’ve gotten used to my husband being around all day, the kids aren’t asking to go to the park as much, and we’ve found a tolerable groove between the housework, childcare and work work. Getting to this acceptance was not easy and I realized that since the COVID-19 quarantine started I went through all the stages common to those of grief. The stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, despair, and acceptance.
I’m going to walk you through my experience through these stages and see if any resonate with you.
First, denial. Back in early March, I was laughing at the fact that the stores were out of toilet paper. I refused to buy excess hand sanitizer and was even starting to buy into some of the conspiracy theories.
Once I realized this wasn’t a joke. I felt a lot of emotions. But a big turning point for me was when my son’s preschool announced they would be closed for the rest of the year, I was mad. The kind of anger that makes you cry because you don’t know what else to do. This phase lasted a while and it totally spilled into my marriage and family dynamic. I really didn’t know how to cope and it lead me to the bargaining phase.
This it the phase where you still want to be in control so you try compromising and creating illusions. I kept saying this would be over by the end of April. Or I still want to go to the stores with mask on. But once all the schools in Illinois were announced closed the rest of the school year and I realized masks were becoming more of a mandate than a suggestion I got really scared.
So then comes despair. Despair is rough because you are vulnerable. You realize you have no control. Health, income, sanity. It’s all up in the air. And this is a horrible phase to be in but it didn’t last too long for me because I just gave in. The last thing left to do:surrender. Accept that this is what it is. And make do with the reality.
The sense of loss is drowning us right now as a world. Suffering the loss of a person or if someone close to you is sick, its a horrible feeling that has no cure. If your loss is a bit more superficial, like that of your freedom or your food options its still a challenge to deal with and accept. So whatever your situation is, its ok to be grieving. And its ok to be stuck in a certain phase.
Once you have reached acceptance, there is a choice to be made. You can accept what it is and move forward letting the tides take you where they may. Or you can grow in this situation. To do that today’s quick tip is this: find something positive that would never have been possible in your life if there was no COVID-19 quarantine. Are you getting a lot more family time? Have you gotten closer to someone? Are you able to pursue a hobby? Are you able to connect with your child in ways you never did before? Or are you trying out new recipes? Whatever it is Find at least one thing to be grateful for.
For me its this podcast. I’ve been able to channel my creative side and share some of the things I’ve learned as a mom that I get to share while we’re in this weird phase in history together. It feels like a little flower growing in a forgotten field but in time once everyone’s random positive experience flowers have blossomed, our world will look more beautiful than before.
04/24/20 • 3 min
Rearranging furniture is one of the main ways I de-stress. It is actually super great way to keep your family's sanity because it provides a fresh look to any room which can help get you out of the cabin fever funk. It also allows for new ways to play in that room!
Follow on Instagram @familysanitypodcast for more "life with small kids pro tips". Subscribe and review if you've got a minute too! Have a great weekend!
Before we jump into dance party Friday, I want to share with you one of my FAVORITE tips on getting out of the funk. When you don’t know what to do next with your toddler or your baby is just staring at you looking for entertainment, that funk. What you need to do is rearrange your furniture. Like move your couch from in front of the window to the other side. Or move that arm chair to your bedroom. Physically change at least one room in your home. My favorite was always the living room. Moving the couch or a book shelf would give the space a new life and it would make us play differently by giving us a new nook to sit in or using a new corner as the reading space. The beauty of this is, if you don’t like it, you can change it back. So try changing some things around and let me know how it goes! But before you do that or after really, enjoy this dance party Friday!
This new reality is just that, something new we need to deal with, but you don't need to deal with it alone. Check in every week day for another quick tip on how to maintain your family sanity. I'm your host Naomi Bocaniciu you can learn more about me and this podcast on Instagram @familysanitypodcast. I’m so grateful you are here and if you’re enjoying these tips please rate the podcast and share with your friends. Until next time, whether your family is going insane or you've got it all together, these are definitely times you will always remember.
04/23/20 • 4 min
Does it seem like your house is a hot mess ALL THE TIME? Having small kids can really make it hard to keep the order. Here are 2 tips to help your family in the tidying department.
We have an art closet. It's in the basement and it is the dedicated space for coloring, gluing and my kids all time favorite activity- painting. They love painting. We do it every day, multiple times and you don’t even want to know how much paint and paper we’ve gone through.
Anyways, Now that they’re both a bit older and they can play independently for longer I have been letting them hang out in the basement while I get lunch ready or put a load of laundry in.
One day a few weeks into quarantine, I heard silence. It was particularly quite and you know that means someone is up to trouble. When I got down there and saw the art closet door ajar I knew this wasn’t good. They managed to open the door, climb the table to get to the tall shelf housing the paint, and dumped the neon orange and baby blue paint all over. It was on the furniture, it was on the floor and it was on them. They both just stood there staring at me, waiting for my reaction.
Honestly, I started laughing. I wasn’t happy, but I must've left the closet unlocked and they just love painting so much and they were really rockin the cute guilty look. This was an extreme example of a mess in my house, but let me tell you, my house gets messy and it took me a long time and I’m still working on accepting it. Toys are everywhere, crumbs are everywhere, dishes are piled high, laundry is all over and my biggest trigger is when I can’t find stuff because it wasn’t put away. It drives me crazy!
Especially now that we’re all home all day it feels like the messes are unstoppable. I try to implement designated clean up times but young kids are not motivated or interested in keeping a tidy home.
There are a lot of variables here including your child’s age, the space you have, and your own cleaning style, but I'll give 2 different quick tips of what has worked for us. First assess if you have clutter. Clutter, according to the dictionary, is a collection of things lying about in an untidy mass. You can find so many ideas about decluttering your home but I’ve never been one to get rid of things that could be useful at a later time. The important thing here is that you have storage for your things especially if you have clutter. If you have bins or baskets, use them! If you don’t you can use cardboard boxes or even bags. When everything has a place, it is easier to tidy up and easier to keep it cleaner for longer.
The second tip is to make cleaning a family event in order to get a desired activity. So for example, before my kids can watch TV, we all tidy up the toys in the room for a few minutes. At first they would just watch me but then they realized if they helped they could watch TV quicker. Modeling what you expect is the first step in getting small kids to understand what you want them to do.
Unfortunately a messy house is part of life with small kids and as overwhelming as it gets, its ok. They will grow up and understand that putting their toys away is an expectation if you model it. Until then, keep your paint locked up and have realistic expectations of what your family can do right now.
This new reality is just that, something new we need to deal with, but you don't need to deal with it alone. Check in every week day for another quick tip on how to maintain your family sanity. I'm your host Naomi Bocaniciu you can learn more about me and this podcast on instagram @familysanitypodcast. I’m so grateful you are here and if you’re enjoying these tips please rate the podcast and share with your friends. Until next time, whether your family is going insane or you've got it all together, these are definitely times you will always remember.
To Do List Organization Tip: Batch Scheduling
Family Sanity
05/27/20 • 4 min
Today's episode describes what Batch Scheduling is and how to do it. For some more context and examples check out my Batch Scheduling 101 eBook
Here are some notes:
Batch scheduling is:
1. Grouping similar things you need to do
2. Assigning times for doing them
After making categories you can do 1 of two things:
Plan times to do certain categories
Sundays from 3-4 I will do all my meal prep
Tuesday mornings before kids wake up is when I do family related things on the computer
Create a mini to do list which is what I like to use. This is a list of things you can do when you have a mini opportunity to get something done. Like when baby sleeps an extra 15 min or you find yourself with 5 min of free time. Look at your mini list (which is batch organized) and cross some thing off from there
Mini training on this will be on my Instagram page on Thursday!
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How many episodes does Family Sanity have?
Family Sanity currently has 26 episodes available.
What topics does Family Sanity cover?
The podcast is about Homeschooling, Parenting, Kids & Family, School, Family, Quarantine, Podcasts, Covid-19, Coronavirus and Kids.
What is the most popular episode on Family Sanity?
The episode title 'Predictability Is the Most Important Outcome of Making Schedules' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Family Sanity?
The average episode length on Family Sanity is 5 minutes.
How often are episodes of Family Sanity released?
Episodes of Family Sanity are typically released every 1 day, 1 hour.
When was the first episode of Family Sanity?
The first episode of Family Sanity was released on Apr 6, 2020.
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