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F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


F_PODCAST talks about architecture, feminisms, intersectionality. We visit non-conforming spatial practitioners–architects and artists–who are exploring spatial methods to create more equitable spaces. In their workplaces we talk about their ways of working, we learn about individual backgrounds, about networks and strategies. Let's discuss whether these positions can help us to bring the diversity we see on the streets into architectural institutions and planning offices. Visit us on ______ fem-arc.net _____ F_PODCAST schafft Raum, um Architektur, Feminismus, Intersektionalität zu diskutieren. Wir besuchen unangepasste Architekt*innen und Künstler*innen, die mit ihren Arbeitsweisen und -methoden das Vokabular der Raumproduktion erweitern, um gerechtere Räume zu erzeugen. An ihren Arbeitsplätzen sprechen wir über Methoden der Raumschaffung, über individuelle Lebensläufe, Netzwerke und Strategien. Lasst uns darüber diskutieren, ob diese Positionen uns helfen können, die Diversität, die wir auf den Straßen sehen, in Architekturinstitutionen und Planungsbüros zu bringen. Besucht unsere Website für mehr infos.
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Top 10 F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice - starting from difference with Zoe Partington & Jos Boys [en]

starting from difference with Zoe Partington & Jos Boys [en]

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


03/18/20 • 57 min

from the (dis)ordinary architecture project

Zoe Partington and Jos Boys from the (dis)ordinary architecture project work with a network of disabled and deaf artists to develop models of new practice for the built environment, led by the creativity and experiences of those artists. In their regular meeting place in London we talk about how hard it is to challenge norms, who is enabled or disabled by existing spaces, and how their projects enable architecture students to explore built spaces beyond their usual perspective. (find references on fem-arc.net or in show notes)


00:01:06:13 Friends Meeting House London https://www.quaker.org.uk/contact-us/friends-house
00:01:43:18 Matrix Feminist Design Co-operative https://www.spatialagency.net/database/matrix.feminist.design.co-operative
00:02:33:22 Architecture Inside Out (Tate Modern) Film by Abigail Norris and Joseph Young 2008 < https://artofnoises.com/architecture-inside-out/>
00:06:44:02 Jay Dolmage https://uwaterloo.ca/english/people-profiles/jay-dolmage
00:08:03:02 Disordinary Architecture Project http://disordinaryarchitecture.co.uk
The DisOrdinary Architecture Project Vimeo showcase https://vimeo.com/showcase/4562223
00:23:25:11 Architecture Beyond Sight Project Planning Workshop https://vimeo.com/296974975
00:24:01:16 Bartlett Dean: Alan Penn https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/prof-alan-penn
00:25:51:18 Writer: Mandy Redvers-Rowe https://disabilityarts.online/directory/redvers-rowe-mandy/
00:26:37:17 Architect: Carlos Pereira http://www.carlosmouraopereira.net/
00:27:18:12 Architect: Shade Abdul https://deft.space/about/#about-people-sect2
00:29:56:08 Ergonomic Drawing: Glasgow School of Art http://www.gsa.ac.uk/life/gsa-events/events/j/jos-boys-doing-disability-differently-in-architectural-education-plus-practice/
00:32:08:16 Artist: Joseph Young https://artofnoises.com
00:35:43:10 Artist: Rachel Gadsen http://www.rachelgadsden.com/
00:35:56:02 A Sense of Place http://disordinaryarchitecture.com/wp/Projects-509/
00:38:39:20 Emily Stone: Events Officer Co-Lead of Events Management Community of Practice, UCL https://uk.linkedin.com/in/emily-stone-26b0996b
00:38:35:10 Prof. Barbara Penner https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/dr-barbara-penner
00:44:20:07 Artist: David Dixon http://daviddixon.co.uk/
00:44:21:00 “Alterator” Project by David Dixon http://disordinaryarchitecture.com/wp/projects-502/
00:45:05:23 Zoe Partington’s ‘Characters’ project. https://www.zoepartington.co.uk
00:51:06:10 Peter Barker OBE (1836 - 2018) Joint Mobility Unit (JMU) RNIB and Visiting Professor in Inclusive Environments, University of Reading
00:51:35:09 Artist and activist: Barbara Lisicki https://the-ndaca.org/the-people/barbara-lisicki/
00:51:37:09 Artist and activist: Alan Holdsworth https://the-ndaca.org/the-people/alan-holdsworth/
00:51:41:01 Artist: Liz Crow http://www.roaring-girl.com
00:53:32:00 Aimi Hamraie https://aimihamraie.wordpress.com/
00:55:17:11 Alison Kafer https://liberalarts.utexas.edu/english/faculty/ak34238
00:55:19:23 Tanya Titchkosky https://www.oise.utoronto.ca/sje/People/1995/Tanya_Titchkosky.html
00:55:33:25 Campaign: Access is love https://disabilityvisibilityproject...

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F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice - F_WALK audiowalk

F_WALK audiowalk

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


09/11/20 • 71 min

How can we collectively experience feminist spatial practices despite physical distance?
During a walk guided by binaural sound recordings, we encounter a variety of female perspectives on daily-life in cities. The walk is a compilation of very different situations from very different places. While quietly walking the streets of the town they're in, participants will experience emancipatory practices and spaces together with different narrative characters that guide them. Narrated spaces and the physical environment blend into each other. What can we learn from each other no matter the distance that separates us? Recorded spaces resonate in the real space. What would that be like if we'd use the same practices right here? The audiowalks collect perspectives that are often times invisible, inaudible, and not payed attention to in city planning. Topics addressed include access/exclusion to/from spaces, culture of remembrance in public space, autonomous spaces, and urban economies.

link to the CHAT

(intro) Dank an Mildred

(00:00:32) Quote Book Flexen. Flâneusen* schreiben Städte by Özlem Özgül Dündar, Ronya Othmann, Mia Göhring, Lea Sauer (2019) Deutschland https://www.verbrecherverlag.de/book/detail/1006

(00:03:33) Position one by Kerstin Honeit

(00:17:28) Amanzi by Mandhla Ndubiwa https://www.instagram.com/mandhlandubiwa/

(00:27:31) Interview with Zoe Partington and Jos Boys www.disordinaryarchitecture.co.uk and www.vimeo.com/showcase/4562223

(00:36:38) Jaapo - Verein für schwarze Frauen in Linz, Ausschnitt von Beitrag Lebenswelten veröffentlicht auf Dorf TV am 19.06.2020 www.dorftv.at/video/33610

(00:41:40) Naomi Boima

(00:47:39 8 de Marzo by Ana Rodriguez Bisbicus (fem_arc)
Sounds recorded by Adriana Román
International Feminist Alliance 8th March Demo Berlin 2020 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/Alliance-of-internationalist-feminists-berlin-372603526530950/
Performance “Un violador en tu camino” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2OTZs-GIoQ
Instagram Las Tesis https://www.instagram.com/lastesis/

(00:58:18) Interview with Sarnt Utamachote/un.thai.tled collective https://www.facebook.com/unthaitled/
Sounds recorded by Udo Noll, radio aporee https://aporee.org/

(01:10:09) end

We are fem_arc collective, a group of female architects working on intersectional projects. We're all based in Berlin, but we each have different backgrounds and interests. In our projects we use this multitude of perspectives to question norms and standards in the built environment and in our profession.

Follow our projects on instagram and find out more on www.fem-arc.net

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F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice - F_WALK english audiowalk

F_WALK english audiowalk

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


09/18/21 • 68 min

How can we collectively experience feminist spatial practices despite physical distance?
During a walk guided by binaural sound recordings, we encounter a variety of female perspectives on daily-life in cities. The walk is a compilation of very different situations from very different places. While quietly walking the streets of the town they're in, participants will experience emancipatory practices and spaces together with different narrative characters that guide them. Narrated spaces and the physical environment blend into each other. What can we learn from each other no matter the distance that separates us? Recorded spaces resonate in the real space. What would that be like if we'd use the same practices right here? The audiowalks collect perspectives that are often times invisible, inaudible, and not payed attention to in city planning. Topics addressed include access/exclusion to/from spaces, culture of remembrance in public space, autonomous spaces, and urban economies.

link to the CHAT

(intro) Dank an Mildred

(00:00:32) Quote Book Flexen. Flâneusen* schreiben Städte by Özlem Özgül Dündar, Ronya Othmann, Mia Göhring, Lea Sauer (2019) Deutschland https://www.verbrecherverlag.de/book/detail/1006

(00:03:33) Position one by Kerstin Honeit

(00:17:28) Amanzi by Mandhla Ndubiwa https://www.instagram.com/mandhlandubiwa/

(00:27:31) Interview with Zoe Partington and Jos Boys www.disordinaryarchitecture.co.uk and www.vimeo.com/showcase/4562223

(00:36:37 8 de Marzo by Ana Rodriguez Bisbicus (fem_arc)
Sounds recorded by Adriana Román
International Feminist Alliance 8th March Demo Berlin 2020 https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Community/Alliance-of-internationalist-feminists-berlin-372603526530950/
Performance “Un violador en tu camino” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2OTZs-GIoQ
Instagram Las Tesis https://www.instagram.com/lastesis/

(00:47:14) Interview with Sarnt Utamachote/un.thai.tled collective https://www.facebook.com/unthaitled/
Sounds recorded by Udo Noll, radio aporee https://aporee.org/

(00:59:14) Interview with Gina Périer/Lapee https://www.lapee.dk
Sounds from Ars Electronica Festival Linz

(01:06:42) end

We are femarc collective, a group of architects working on projects from an intersectional angle. Since 2018, we have been critically examining power structures in space and the intersection of individual experiences of discrimination due to gender, race, economic status, ability, queerness, religion and others. Through formats such as talks, workshops, a podcast series, and audio walks we question norms and standards in our field and propagate spatial strategies that contribute to the production of non-discriminatory spaces. femarc's members: Océane Vé-Réveillac, Amelie Schindler, Insa Streit, Lara Stöhlmacher, Lucía Gauchat Schulte, Aslı Varol und Ana Rodriguez Bisbicus. Voice: Zoë Ritts. Editing: fem_arc & Noumissa Sidibé

Follow our projects on instagram and find out more on www.fem-arc.net

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F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice - radio activism and cyberfeminism with Diana McCarty [en]

radio activism and cyberfeminism with Diana McCarty [en]

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


03/13/20 • 48 min

Diana McCarty is a media producer and feminist media activist. She is founding editor of Reboot.fm and co-founder of the FACES online community for women among other initiatives. We visited her at Reboot.fm studio in ACUD and talked about cyberfeminism, the movie Born in Flames, radio as a feminist space, and a lot more.


ACUD www.acud.de

Reboot.fm founders: Diana McCarty, Pit Schulz, Guido Plonski and Noémie Cayron

Book: Mark Wigley - „Buckminster Fuller Inc.: Architecture in the Age of Radio“

Documenta 10 Hybrid Workspace www.xplicit.de/dokumenta-x www.bootlab.org/

Natascha Sadr Haghighian www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natascha_Sadr_Haghighian

Kanak attak www.kanak-attak.de

Bar Café Ich Orya www.ichorya.de

Orient Taxi - Berlin www.reboot.fm/2020/03/08/yayin-baligi-31

Steve Morell - The Zero Hour Show on reboot.fm

DJ Officer, Officer

The Voices www.reboot.fm/category/magazin-talk/the-voices

Talking Feminisms www.reboot.fm/category/magazin-talk/talking-feminisms

Make Capitalism History www.reboot.fm/category/magazin-talk/make-capitalism-history-magazin

The toten Crackhuren im Kofferraum www.thetotencrackhurenimkofferraum.de

Movie: Born in Flames - Lizzie Borden, 1983

Kotti.fm www.reboot.fm/projects/kottifm www.reboot.fm/category/magazin-talk/kotti-shop-on-air

Interflugs www.interflugs.de/de

We are born free www.wer.oplatz.net www.reboot.fm/category/past-shows/wearebornfree-empowerment-radio

Kotti & co. www.kottiundco.net

FACES mailing list www.faces-l.net

Prof. Heidi Schelhowe www.dimeb.informatik.uni-bremen.de/index.php?id=68

Prof. Wendy Chun www.sfu.ca/digital-democracies/people/Wendychun.html

Spaces of M.U.D.S. and M.O.O.S. www.units.miamioh.edu/psybersite/cyberspace/addiction/muds.shtml

VNS Matrix www.vnsmatrix.net/projects/the-cyberfeminist-manifesto-for-the-21st-century

Text: Donna Haraway - The Cyborg Manifesto, 1985 www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/english/currentstudents/undergraduate/modules/fictionnownarrativemediaandtheoryinthe21stcentury/manifestly_haraway_----_a_cyborg_manifesto_science_technology_and_socialist-feminism_in_the_....pdf

Old boy network www.obn.org/inhalt_index.html

Cornelia Sollfrank www.artwarez.org/
Florian Cramer interviews Cornelia Sollfrank www.rhizome.org/editorial/2011/apr/28/rhizome-archives-hacking-art-os-interview-cornelia/

Shu Lea Cheang www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shu_Lea_Cheang

Nettime mailing list www.nettime.org

Book: Virginia Wolf - A Room’s One’s Own, 1929

Cashmere Radio

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F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice - critical mapping mit Diana Lucas-Drogan [d]

critical mapping mit Diana Lucas-Drogan [d]

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


03/13/20 • 52 min


gtas www.gtas-braunschweig.de
Haut von Hellersdorf www.hautvonhellersdorf.tumblr.com
Michel De Certeau: The Practice of Everyday Life
Stop Deportation Group www.facebook.com/stopdeportationgroup/
Stadt als Byte www.metrozones.info/mz-clip-stadt-als-byte/
Kunst im Untergrund www.archiv.ngbk.de/projekte/kunst-im-untergrund-seit-1993/
Georges Perec: An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris
Magarethe Kusenbach: Street Phenomenology
Rolf Lindner: Die Angst des Forschers vor dem Feld
Mapping the Refugee Complex www.mappings.metrozones.info/#/Intro/Mapping/

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F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice - Introduction


F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice


03/13/20 • 3 min

[en] We are the fem_arc collective and this is the F_PODCAST. In this podcast we visit architects* and artists* at their workplaces and talk about methods of creating space, about individual resumes, networks and strategies. We are especially interested in young and critical actors who are committed to the spatial component of justice in the broadest sense. We are looking for new role models and new ways of working for architectural theory and practice. We juxtapose four spatial positions from the fields of architectural design, critical mapping, radio and immersive performance. Let's discuss whether these positions can help us to bring the diversity we see on the streets into architectural universities and planning offices. [d] Wir sind das fem_arc collective und das ist der F_PODCAST. In diesem Podcast besuchen wir Architekt*innen und Künstler*innen an ihrem Arbeitsplatz und sprechen über Methoden der Raumschaffung, über individuelle Lebensläufe, Netzwerke und Strategien. Insbesondere junge und kritische Akteur*innen, die sich im weitesten Sinne für die räumliche Komponente von Gerechtigkeit einsetzen, interessieren uns. Denn wir sind auf der Suche nach neuen Rollenbildern und nach neuen Arbeitsweisen für die Architekturlehre und -praxis. Wir stellen vier räumliche Positionen aus den Bereichen Architektur Entwurf, Critical Mapping, Radio und immersive Performances gegenüber. Lasst uns darüber diskutieren, ob diese Positionen uns helfen können, die Diversität, die wir auf den Straßen sehen, in die Architekturunis und Planungsbüros zu bringen.
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How many episodes does F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice have?

F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice currently has 7 episodes available.

What topics does F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice cover?

The podcast is about Society & Culture, Architecture, Women, Feminism, Design, Podcasts and Arts.

What is the most popular episode on F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice?

The episode title 'F_WALK english audiowalk' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice?

The average episode length on F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice is 50 minutes.

How often are episodes of F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice released?

Episodes of F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice are typically released every 4 days, 23 hours.

When was the first episode of F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice?

The first episode of F_PODCAST intersectional spaces in practice was released on Mar 13, 2020.

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