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Diet Soap - a podcast

Diet Soap - a podcast

Douglas Lain

The Diet Soap podcast began in 2009 in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Since then it has gone through many transformations, including becoming the podcast for a critical theory imprint out of the UK.
Today the Diet Soap podcast is running under its original name for Sublation Media.
Sublation Media includes a book publishing effort for critical theory and left politics, a magazine that covers current events and theoretical issues, youtube videos on theory and politics, and finally the Diet Soap podcast. The podcast is where we continue to interrogate the left and each other while having a good time.
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How many episodes does Diet Soap - a podcast have?

Diet Soap - a podcast currently has 188 episodes available.

What topics does Diet Soap - a podcast cover?

The podcast is about Society & Culture, Art, Marxism, Podcasts and Philosophy.

What is the most popular episode on Diet Soap - a podcast?

The episode title 'Episode 462: Adorno and Freud in the Parrot Room' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Diet Soap - a podcast?

The average episode length on Diet Soap - a podcast is 61 minutes.

How often are episodes of Diet Soap - a podcast released?

Episodes of Diet Soap - a podcast are typically released every 6 days.

When was the first episode of Diet Soap - a podcast?

The first episode of Diet Soap - a podcast was released on Jun 25, 2021.

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