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Dementia Researcher - Managing family life and research career

Managing family life and research career

Dementia Researcher

06/11/18 • 33 min

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This weeks podcast is chaired by Dr Jo Barnes from University College London. Jo is joined by Dr Gemma Lace-Costigan from University of Salford, Dr Tammaryn Lashley from UCL and Dr Angelique Mavrodaris from University of Cambridge. ‘Work life balance’.... When that work is research, it brings with it an added layer of complexity. The way research posts are funded and delivered can make the decision to start a family or even have a 'life' difficult (assuming it’s a conscious decision, rather than a happy curve ball that life threw your way, and assuming you make it through the dreaded PhD years). Keeping the plates spinning is a challenge. Combine family and home life with the demands of the research process itself, and the funding, and it isn’t surprising to hear that career can impinge on family life too. So like all busy mums and dads, we find creative ways to manage, not just our time but the resonance that engaging in research can have on our way of living. And when you get the balance right... its fantastically rewarding. Our panel talk about their experiences, and share some top tips for those working in the field.

06/11/18 • 33 min

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