Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
Karen Curry Parker
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Top 10 Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker Episodes
Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker episode by adding your comments to the episode page.
Special Re-Release from Amplify!: The 6 Steps to Creating Your Chief Aim Statement
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
05/02/22 • 4 min
Welcome to the Cosmic Revolution. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Amplify! on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.
We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Cosmic Revolution and Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker!
Last week, I shared some information with you about your Chief Aim. This week, I have a short exercise for you to help you assess whether you’re clear on your chief aim. If you’re not? Keep listening and we’ll discuss 6 steps on how to create your chief aim statement, together. If this is hard for you, that doesn’t mean you’re not ready. If you wait until you’re ready, you’ll never start.
Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at
May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.
- Karen Curry Parker
Special Re-Release from Amplify!: Finding Your Chief Aim and Making Your Impact
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
04/18/22 • 7 min
Welcome to the Cosmic Revolution. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Amplify! on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.
We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Cosmic Revolution and Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker!
1% of people have impact
99% barely make a ripple
If you’re like most people with an idea they want to share, you’ve been collecting all kinds of publishing and marketing “checklists” and “how to publish” reports. That information is pretty easy to find.
Our clients are a little different. They want more than to just write and publish a book. They want to make an impact. Maybe you relate to this?
You’ve got a wish, a hope, a snarled up frustrated feeling in your gut that you’ve got something important to share with the world. You watch other people do it. Maybe you even hear other people say things that you know you could say better...but you never act on it.
Or you start, get in the weeds, get too busy, go round and round with it, but never get it done. In some cases, you never even get it started.
Today we share with you a powerful piece of intelligence we’ve dispensed to our clients over and over again during our combined 60 years in publishing and visibility coaching.
We can get you published, produce your podcast, or get you up on stage - no problem. (We have all of that “in house” and a team of the world’s leading experts who can help you get to the top of bestseller lists, get your Voice out into the world, and help you craft a powerful signature talk.) The tactics and techniques to do this are pretty boiler plate and there are a lot of good people out there who can help you with this.
But the one thing we do best, is help you find your Chief Aim so that your very presence in a room creates impact.
Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at
May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.
- Karen Curry Parker
Special Re-Release from Amplify!: Marching with Blessed Unrest
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
04/04/22 • 4 min
Welcome to the Cosmic Revolution. As a special 4-part series during April and May of 2022, we are re-releasing some of our favorite episodes from our companion microcast, Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker. If you enjoy these episodes, make sure to subscribe and follow Amplify! on your favorite podcasting platform to hear all the past episodes from Karen and to be notified when new episodes release.
We’ll be back at the end of May 2022 with new episodes of Cosmic Revolution and Amplify! with Karen Curry Parker!
When we create, we will never be satisfied with what we create.
We think our creative dissatisfaction is a signal that we’re not getting it right or that our creative offering isn’t “enough”.
What if it is enough? What if your self-judgement and dissatisfaction is simply a symptom of being on the evolutionary edge of your creativity?
Find out more on how you can explore your creativity at
May your voices gain strength. May your creative vision stay clear and strong. May your creative fire spark change in the world.
- Karen Curry Parker
Moving past Your Desire for Approval from Others
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
03/21/22 • 4 min
When you devalue yourself, you’re often driven by a need to prove your value to others as a way of compensating for your own inner sense of lack. But there's a flip side to this issue that we don't address.
What if people love your work?
What if you slide across the finish line as the best in your field?
This can create a different kind of prison of constantly seeking the approval of others as validation for your creativity. Either way, whether you think you're not enough or your not enoughness causes you to get drunk on the approval of others, it stops us short in our creative explorations. Join Karen Curry Parker on Cosmic Revolution for some bite-size thoughts on how to move past a desire for approval from others so you can allow your marvelous and authentic voice to be heard across the world.
Please visit to discover how you can activate your relentless and authentic self-expression.
Make sure to subscribe and follow Cosmic Revolution at or on your favorite podcasting platform so you don't miss any of the amazing shows we have in store for you.
Produced by Number Three Productions,
You Deserve to Have Faith, First and Foremost, in Yourself
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
02/14/22 • 6 min
I was in middle school the first time I heard the expression, “Knowledge is Power.”
I was the ultimate nerd in middle school. I spent my afternoons indulging in my obsession over lichens, traipsing through the vacant fields behind our luxury apartment with my magnifying glass and collection plates.
I went to a small international school in Germany where I was able to take bonus classes in the high school. All twelve grades were housed in the same building, so I only had to walk across the gymnasium to my advanced biology class where I’d absorb all the information that they threw at me while I crushed on the cute Scottish boy who sat next to me.
For most of the day I was in classes with my same-aged peers. When my teacher shared the phrase, “Knowledge is Power” with us I distinctly remember taking a good, long, slow look at the kids in the classroom and thinking that this phrase is distinctly not true.
If knowledge is “power,” then I wouldn’t be picked on mercilessly in class. The boys, who just the day before, had positioned a bucket of water in the corner of the classroom door which had unceremoniously dumped onto our teacher, wouldn’t still be here in the classroom. If knowledge was power, we’d be able to get through our daily lessons without having to stop because the class was talking too much or distracted by a completely non-sequitur topic. And I wouldn’t always be the last one picked in P.E.
I had, what felt like to me, a lot of knowledge, but very little power. Like many of you, I felt like that a lot of my life.
What Sir Francis Bacon didn’t lay out in his brilliant statement is specifically what kind of knowledge do you need to have to be powerful. Obviously, it isn’t knowledge about lichens - or - from my more adult perspective, knowledge about how to soothe a newborn baby, how to fix a hearty bowl of soup to feed your family when funds are tight, or how to emotionally prop up an anxious 12-year-old during a pandemic.
What kind of knowledge was Sir Francis Bacon actually referring to?
Over time this statement has often been used to highlight the importance of education. More recently, this statement refers to being “in the know” about conspiracy theories.
We’ve spent a lot of time exploring the idea of knowledge, which is this day and age is a highly mutable concept. What is knowledge? Who decides what is knowledge? Or, on a more frightening note, what is truth?
Maybe it’s time, instead of trying to understand what defines knowledge, we look at this statement through the exploration of what is power? In the material world and through the lens of material consciousness, power is force. Power is controlled by numbers and how much access you have to material resources. Basically, those with the most toys win.
The knowledge that defines this kind of power is the ability to know how to take seize, hustle, hoard, usurp, and steal resources. This knowledge teaches us how to play a zero-sum game and come out as the winner.
Because this is a zero-sum game, no one wins until a certain group of people have power over the vast majority of the resources. We are living on the very edge of this formula and if we continue this game a whole lot of us are going to lose.
But we no longer live in the material era. Science has shown us that the world isn’t really a material world. It’s a quantum world. The material world is simply an artifact of a quantum reality that plays according to a different set of rules.
In the quantum world, the person who “wins” and has the most amount of power, is the person who builds a big enough field of quantum information that eventually drops into material formation once it reaches a critical mass.
Quantum science has shown us that manifestation is influenced by emotional alignment. We now understand that the cosmos itself is biased towards unity, coherence and advanced states of organization and goals and intentions that are in alignment with this core bias are more powerful than those that go against it.
Our core problem with power is that we fail to yield it. We are so deeply entranced and hypnotized by the material world that we don’t allow ourselves to cultivate the faith to create anything beyond what we know how to create. We don’t dream. We don’t imagine. Some of us have even stopped hoping...
In the Quantum Era, power comes not from force, but from faith. How much faith you have determines what and how much you can create. It determines how much you can build, influence, endure, sustain and, ultimately, how many resources you create so you can share more with the world.
Faith is a muscle which is cultivated with practice. Faith, by definition, is the belief in something that you can’t see and the possibility of doing something you don’t know how to do. Faith lives on the very edge of creativity and builds the infrastructure for evoluti...
Using the Pareto Principle to Change the World
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
01/24/22 • 6 min
You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at
Produced by Number Three Productions,
My husband is an architect. He is 71 years old and still likes to design spaces by hand. His office has several large drawing boards covered with paper that he uses. You can find him most nights hunched over a board, mechanical pencil in hand, drawing and designing.
He has BIG (negative) feelings about computer software programs that do the designing and drawing for you.
Part of why architectural computer programs frustrate him so much is that he feels like they disconnect you from what you’re doing. The ease of moving design elements and pushing buttons takes you out of the core essence of the design process and the physical experience of using a pencil to access more than just binary options. Computer designing disconnects you from the impact of your creativity and your actions. Computer design makes it easy to stop responding to the needs of your clients.
I feel the same way about journaling with a pen versus writing with a computer.
If you look up the word “architect” on the internet, you’ll find that the term now applies more to the digital world than to the deliberate and conscious design of spaces in the material world.
To “architect” is a term now more commonly associated with software design than building physical places. The internet uses words like “site”, “space” and “place” as if there is a physical reality to software design when there is not.
The gap created between physical and virtual realms is the difference in the way we treat one another. No reasonable and good human would communicate with another human the ways trolls treat each other online or with the ease at which we can text and email each other terrible things without much thought.
Physical reality grows from virtual reality. When we speak to each other in the physical world the way we speak to each other in the virtual world, we’ve crossed into a different reality where internet troll behavior sometimes becomes acceptable in the physical world.
It’s easy to think that the virtual world represents physical reality and certainly in the past few years, as the stress of this transition we’re in has held us all firmly in its claws, it seems that our outer world is a representation of the careless use of the influence of the virtual world.
And yet...
I’ve marveled over the past few years at how, when I go out into the physical world and actually connect with people, how people are, by far, overwhelmingly kind and loving towards each other.
We recently purchased a house in a small farming town in Wisconsin. It’s an unusual town, a mix of hippies, co-housing communities, food activists, organic farmers and climate refugees from California who coexist with traditional dairy farmers and the Amish.
We bought a house here because it’s an incredible place that truly embodies the energy of “community.” Even though I’ve met a lot of people who are nothing like me at all, I’ve been met with nothing but kindness, loving curiosity, and a desire to be good neighbors.
My point is this. A small percentage of the people in the world are affecting a large portion of what we are experiencing and our consequent perception of reality.
If we look at the world through the lens of math, 80% of the resources of the world are controlled by 20% of the people. 20 percent of your efforts in life net 80% of the results.
This is called the Pareto Principle or the 80/20 Rule. The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes, often referred to as the “vital few.”
Our experience of our outer reality is being influenced by 20% of the world. How much of what we see in the world - the news, social media, movies, TV - is influenced by a disproportionate perspective of a minority of people?
What if the world and her inhabitants are actually, by far, wildly good, kind, generous, caring, desirous of change, future oriented, concerned about their children and grandchildren and about other people’s children and grandchildren?
What if our actions ARE actually significant and powerful?
What if we can change the world simply by making small, incremental changes in 20% of our actions to generate 80% more growth?
What if we don’t have to transform our entire life, just 20% of it, to begin to experience the effects of these small changes?
Think of it like this. Making conscious, deliberate, and targeted shifts in your thinking and actions can be ...
The Beginning of the New Year: Unifying our Minds and Building our New World, Together
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
01/10/22 • 5 min
Every year we begin the New Year by sowing the seeds of our dreams, born of our imagination. As we begin this new year, as Cosmic Revolutionaries on a journey to transform the world, let’s unify our minds and hold a vision of the world we’re building together.
Let’s imagine a world of sustainable, equitable peace - a world where everyone is abundant, well fed, and has easy access to sustainable sources of clean water.
A world where all people have easy access to integrated health care that supports the full expression of their health and vitality.
A world where all people feel loved, empowered, and able to make their unique contribution to the world.
A world where we all heal the karma and the pain of the past and only bring forward the lessons and the blessings from what we’ve experienced, and the intention to write a new story of humanity that is equitable and just.
A world where we take our direction in life from our spiritual connection and our connection to the unique, vital and irreplaceable role that only we can play – where we are guided by our desire to contribute to the greater good of humanity and we embrace the many diverse spiritual paths that we collectively and individually choose to follow.
Let’s imagine a world where everyone is safe from war, hatred, discrimination, and terror. Where we see the Heart of each other and we honor the unique expression of each and every one of us.
A world where we are free to choose who and how we love, and we embrace the many faces and facets of love.
A world where we embody the understanding that WE are because YOU are, and without YOU, each and every one of you, We would not be who We are.
A world where all children are loved, nurtured, and welcomed.
Where all people are free and have easy access to education and can follow their dreams and their destinies – and are celebrated on their unique journey of discovery and mastery.
Where experience is honored and valued and we understand that sometimes wisdom can only come from experience and time so that not only do we celebrate our children, we celebrate our mothers, our fathers, our grandmothers, and our grandfathers.
A world where words are used to uplift, create, empower, love, and honor each other.
A world where we live in alignment with nature and where we assume our place as humble inhabitants and care for our planet and her resources with the deep awareness that each of our individual actions have the capacity to affect us all.
A world where we honor all sentient beings and serve as sacred stewards for this breathtaking and awe- inspiring planet.
We see ourselves living in a world where our natural state of wonder in connection with our true creative power is kept alive and celebrated and where everyone honors their unique gifts and knows that each life is a precious once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event.
Where the extremes of life cause us to take rapid and compassionate action for the sake of others.
Where we nurture love and value ourselves and our own unique contribution to the world.
A world where we know death is inevitable, so we dance with the vulnerability and joy of life knowing that each moment is precious and that all manifestations of life are precious.
We see a world of sustainable resources and, consequently, sustainable peace, and we hold that vision with faith, confidence, and the open awareness that the solutions and manifestations we seek are already on their way.
And we embrace where we are right now knowing that we are exactly where we need to be, enveloped fully in the energy of Love, fully present, and ready to take the next necessary steps ready to evolve the world.
Thank you for joining me in co-creating this vision. Thank you for being the unique, vital, and irreplaceable part of the Divine Plan that you are.
You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at Produced by Number Three Productions,
Your Guide to Positive Transformation: Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker Trailer
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
12/28/21 • 2 min
Welcome to the Cosmic Revolution! A microcast for Cosmic Revolutionaries who transform the world, hosted by Karen Curry Parker.
You are here, at this exact time, to serve as a revolutionary. Join us each week as Karen takes us through bite size ideas and teaching on how you can transform your world. How will you revolutionize your world, today? To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at Produced by Number Three Productions,
What a Year! Welcoming in 2022
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
12/27/21 • 2 min
Thank you for joining us for the first year of Cosmic Revolution! Each week, Karen Curry Parker guided us through ways to serve and revolutionize our world. We can't wait to see what 2022 brings, make sure you check out the first release from Karen on January 3rd, 2022, to start your New Year off with a bout of inspiration!
Your are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event. To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at
Produced by Number Three Productions,
We Are Vibrational Beings
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker
11/15/21 • 5 min
What if, as Cosmic Revolutionaries, our role isn’t to run from low energy and hide from really good sci-fi novels, but to bring our highly aligned frequencies onto the planet? To find out more about how to continue your dreams and make a difference in your world, visit Karen Curry Parker at
We at the Cosmic Revolution love to read science fiction.
Not because we're big believers in dark apocalyptic prophesies and dystopian realities. We actually like to read science fiction, especially science fiction written by black women, because we think the medium of science fiction allows for the full expression of emotions and shows the shadow of the pain of exclusion and disempowerment. Also, it’s an expression of creativity that has permission to be wildly out of the box.
Recently, Karen had a copy of the Broken Earth Trilogy by N.K. Jesimin sitting on my kitchen table when a friend of hers came to visit. She delicately picked up the boxed set, looked at the images and the title and quickly set it down, a look of fear on her face. She started brushing the air as if she was shoosing a fly.
Karen asked her what was she was doing. “I’m clearing the vibe” she said. "That book has some dark energy and it immediately grabbed my aura. I don’t like negative things...”
Karen stared at her for a minute and wondered how much of a physics lecture she could endure in her energetically compromised state. She decided to keep my mouth shut.
Sometimes holding on to a good vibe takes self-regulation.
Actually, holding on to a good vibe ALWAYS takes self-regulation.
If you can stretch your mind back to the physics classes we took in high school, you might remember the lessons we learned about vibrations and the amplitude and frequency of waves. High frequency vibrational waves move quickly with lots of small, rapid undulations. Low frequency vibrational waves move more slowly with longer times spent in the valleys and peaks of the waves.
We are vibrational beings. Each and every one of us carries a vibrational signature that is measurable. The higher our vibration, the more immune we are to the impact of the daily ups and downs of life. The lower our vibration, the more dramatic and intense everything feels.
Higher vibrations entrain lower vibrations. In other words, a higher vibe can pull up a lower vibe, but not the other way around.
Lower vibrations cannot lower a higher vibration unless you allow it. It’s not personal. It’s simply physical law.
There’s a difference between being an empath and having your energy field highjacked by someone else’s energy. You can feel low vibe energy. But just because you feel it doesn’t mean you have to absorb it. In fact, the more you hold your own energy, the more you can shift the vibe in the room.
What if, as Cosmic Revolutionaries, our role isn’t to run from low energy and hide from really good sci-fi novels, but to bring our highly aligned frequencies onto the planet?
Are you able to stand strongly enough in your own vibe, open up your CNN News page, and just beam energy to all the challenges on the planet? What if you didn’t buy into the realities you read or hear about and simply hold true to your own narrative?
It’s a practice. A practice that takes time and patience.
Here’s a quick hack.
When you’re in a situation that feels intensely low vibration, pop into your head and describe what is happening in 2-3 sentences without drama.
Notice who else is involved in the situation or story.
Ask yourself if your boundary is being too permeable. Pay attention to where or who the low energy is emanating from.
Do you feel threatened? Is what you’re sensing something that is actually happening to you?
If you are safe, simply be present to the situation.
Are there any actions you can take to shift the energy?
Finally, place your hand over your heart and be in love. If you want, you can send love to the situation, but only do so if you can stay detached from the outcome. The true source of much of the depletion of empaths comes from wanting to control the situation. What if the situation is exactly as it needs to be for the Divine Plan to unfold?
Here’s a final thought. The single most effective thing you can do to shift the vibe on the planet is to be relentlessly authentic.
That’s it. Just be yourself. Oh-and love yourself wildly. Start there and see what else unfolds from that vibe...
You might be surprised at the Cosmic Revolution that starts from the radical act of loving yourself.
Have a great week!
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How many episodes does Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker have?
Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker currently has 28 episodes available.
What topics does Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker cover?
The podcast is about New, Change, Spirituality, Selfhelp, Inspirational, Impact, Help, Voice, Religion & Spirituality, Growth, Revolution, Podcasts, Improvement, Self-Improvement, Education, Self, Economy, Inspiring, Global and Inspire.
What is the most popular episode on Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker?
The episode title 'Special Re-Release from Amplify!: The 6 Steps to Creating Your Chief Aim Statement' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker?
The average episode length on Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker is 6 minutes.
How often are episodes of Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker released?
Episodes of Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker are typically released every 7 days.
When was the first episode of Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker?
The first episode of Cosmic Revolution with Karen Curry Parker was released on Oct 21, 2021.
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