Welcome to the Bwitch, Please! Podcast. A series-based show for the woman thats been called a bitch, a witch or worse and couldn’t give any less fucks. A show for the womxn who play in the night and challenge oppressive structures. On this show we discuss pop culture topics through an academic lens. Using the scholarship of our Black, Femme, Queer, and women of color ancestors, we dive deep into the happenings within culture and explore how it impacts our daily lives. In short, this podcast is where theory meets practice and practice meets community.
As a part of our first series: The Cumpilation, we really get into the gut of conversations about consent, kink, fantasies, pleasure and so much more while centering the lives and experiences of Black and Brown women identified folx. Coming series (no pun intended) will explore different kinds of interpersonal relationships, faiths, forms self-exploration, community and many other topics, each of which will be grounded in scholarship and made fruitful by your personal stories and shared lived experiences!
On this week’s episode titled “May I Have Your Consent? Part 1”, we talk to activist and scholar, Dr. Juana María Rodríguez (@radiorodriguez on Twitter) about consent and pleasure. She shares gems about allowing ourselves to submit and be transformed by pleasure. She is attentive to the moment and calls on us to honor where we are but to also imagine and practice a better future.
Our episode was sponsored by Get Bodied by Shane Donae a black and woman owned all-natural body and hair nutriment line. Available for purchase on ShaneDonae.com Shipping everywhere in the continental US.
Our audio engineering was done by Reno @therenonevada on the socials.
Let’s have a little pillow talk- Send us your thoughts on the first half of this conversation! You can email us at
[email protected], you can tag us on Instagram or twitter @bwitchpleasepod, or you can comment on our website, bwitchpleasepod.com. You may hear your comment read on next week’s episode during this very segment!
If you like what you heard today, subscribe so our episodes can magically appear in your inbox every Thursday. Like and review so that more amazing bad bwitches can find us and community. Want more Bwitch, Please! Follow the pod @bwitchpleasepod on all the socials.
You can follow the host @helloitsro_ on all socials.
Visit our website- www.BwtchPleasePod.com