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Brand Shorthand - Super Bowl Ad Preview and a Look Back on 50 Years of Advertising - The Rise of Transactional Media

Super Bowl Ad Preview and a Look Back on 50 Years of Advertising - The Rise of Transactional Media

Brand Shorthand

02/05/24 • 34 min

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Mark and Lorraine have a long chat about the Super Bowl commercials and why they can be a good or a bad buy, and what makes the difference. Get a glimpse of what's coming as advertisers spend $7 million per spot just for the media buy. Then hear how the rise of transactional media has been one of the significant changes over the last 50 years of advertising and why awareness media still matters.
Spend 30ish with Mark and Lorraine as they discuss all things marketing, advertising, and positioning!

02/05/24 • 34 min

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Brand Shorthand - Super Bowl Ad Preview and a Look Back on 50 Years of Advertising - The Rise of Transactional Media


Mark Vandegrift
Welcome to the latest episode of the Brand Shorthand Podcast. I'm your host, Mark Vandegrift, and with me is the most unique value proposition I know, Lorraine Kessler. Lorraine, we're back again to talk about our 50th anniversary and all that's happened in advertising since 1974. But before we get there, guess what? It's Super Bowl week, our favorite time of the year. It's like Christmas for us.
Lorraine Kessler
Yep, it's coming up.
Mark Vandegrift
I heard last

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