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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love

Alexander Bell

It is said that the most important journey to be made in life is the journey from our head back to our heart. And it is true.
Most people are in touch with their heart to some degree and they come and go from there, depending on their surroundings, their mood, who they are with and even what they have eaten. But is it really possible - and practical - to be aware of our heart all of the time? And if so, how can we re-establish ourselves - our conscious awareness - back in the beautiful realm of peace and light that exists within every one of us?
These broadcasts will answer these questions in the most practical way possible, so that you may experience the answers for yourself. They will guide you towards bringing your body and mind back into alignment so that consciousness can flow in perfect harmony through every cell, allowing you to experience the deep beauty of who you truly are and what life truly is.
The flow of physical, emotional and mental energy within us is always looking for balance, so our primary task is to lead a balanced life so that we are not engaged in a constant struggle to bring ourselves back into alignment, which is where most of our energy is used on a daily basis.
These broadcasts will very clearly highlight the ways in which we create struggle and difficulty for ourselves on the many levels of our being, and shine a bright light on the way forward – “The Middle Way” as The Buddha called it.
As we bring more awareness, more light and more love into our lives through greater care and consciousness of our thoughts, words and actions, the world simply reflects this back to us. This is evolution; a beautiful and never-ending journey toward greater realms of light, beauty, joy, peace and consciousness. And this journey is never made alone...
Read "HOW TO LIVE IN LOVE" for free at www.AlexanderBell.org
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Top 10 Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - The Purity of Your Heart

The Purity of Your Heart

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


03/01/21 • 9 min

Which would you rather have? Your ego and all of it's conflicting and complicated thoughts, or the mind of Christ, filled with his beautiful light? Because you have the choice, just like I had. Long ago I chose the mind of Christ, and have been patiently unpicking the tendrils of the ego from my being. Eventually, you will come to the final tendrils; the more deeply conditioned ego desires for something other than God's will. Our total and complete surrender to God's will is the end of the ego, which means the end of fear also.
The ego has nothing left to cling to, because it only holds on to you with the desires that it places in your heart. These are like its roots, which give the ego a foothold in your being. It makes you desire things other than union with God, and thus union with God does not occur, and you remain yoked to the ego. Eliminating ego desires is how you loosen its roots. When they are gone, and simply doing God's will is your only desire, the shadow of the ego simply falls away from you and you join with God. What remains in you is the light of Christ.
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - HUMILITY : The Only Path To Love & Healing

HUMILITY : The Only Path To Love & Healing

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


03/18/21 • 11 min

http://AlexanderBell.org ~
Humility is what makes us part of the solution. Humility is one of the most precious of all human qualities, because it is one of the rarest. Humility never encourages us to point the finger at others or lay the blame at their feet; rather it encourages us to take responsibility and ask what we can do to be a more effective instrument for love and compassion.
We cannot truly evolve until we let go of our arrogance and self-righteousness, yet the ego hates to hear this. It rises in angry opposition when it is told that it needs to be more humble, and this is why our ego is the greatest obstacle to accessing the very beautiful and healing space of humility within our heart.
Our humility enables us to recognise that we are not perfect and that our character can improve. We can become a more loving person; a more patient person, a less irritable and moody person and so on . This simple recognition is the biggest step needed to realising the catalytic power we have to change not only our own experience of life, but also the world around us. We all have the power to make our heart a more loving, forgiving and generous place, and this is the crucible for the transformation we all want to witness in the world.
Within our own heart is where all the work is needed. If we say "No, not me. My heart is fine" and continue point our finger at all the others who we think need to change, then what this essentially means is that we will prevent ourselves from healing, growing and evolving as a human being. Instead of being an agent for the change that is needed in the world, we remain emotionally stuck where we are, refusing to recognise that anything needs to change within ourselves.
We can only evolve as we recognise - within our own character - what we want to move away from. Dysfunction, self-centeredness, vanity, unkindness, greed, impatience... these are the kind of attitudes and behaviours we all know we want to move away from. The fact that we can even recognise that such qualities are undesirable in our character is a great blessing from our conscience.
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - How To Avoid & Heal Conflicts With Others

How To Avoid & Heal Conflicts With Others

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


03/12/21 • 8 min

So this is why it's very important that we develop a forgiving nature that is willing to let go of judgment, fault, criticism and our own past pain. I know this is not easy, because our ego requires drama to feed upon. It wants conflict, it wants to battle and score points of others... but for the sake of our own heart and soul it is essential that we let it go. Yes, people will undoubtedly offend us, disrespect us and hurt us - sometimes intentionally but usually unintentionally - and it's how we respond to such things that determines the degree to which we grow and evolve.
If we can learn to let go of the anger, disappointment and hurt, our heart can heal. If we are unwilling to forgive and forget, our heart simply will not be able to open to the degree which it needs to, and we will prolong our own suffering. There is a saying which goes something like this: "Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." If we are angry with someone and we wish suffering upon them, what is occurring in our own heart while we do this? Well, love is not there, that's for sure, and in its place is the more toxic energy of resentment. It's impossible to comprehend the profound spiritual consequences of feeding such energies with our hostile thinking. To say it is detrimental is a colossal understatement, yet when our thoughts are caught up in judgment and anger, we believe we are in the right. This is the delusion of the ego, whose sole purpose seems to be to keep us separate from love, and exert control over our reality. Love and control do not go hand in hand, because love always offers freedom.
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - Dystopia Or Utopia? You decide...

Dystopia Or Utopia? You decide...

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


03/25/21 • 15 min

These 2 small words – trust and faith – mean success or failure, triumph or defeat, freedom or bondage. I am asking you to have faith, and trust that the divine forces of goodness are more powerful than the forces of evil and darkness. Your logical mind may come up with 1000 reasons why this is not the case, and our logic will always attempt to talk us out of having faith. This is why we need to dethrone logic, and put faith on the throne of our mind instead. Then we listen to the voice of faith first, and then logic second. Without faith, we are mere victims of circumstance, and all the things beyond our control.
Logic is only what we know, but faith is what could be. Strive to develop unrelenting faith in the vision of a positive transformation on Earth, no matter how things may look, because your faith will inspire the faith of others, and darkness will be dispelled slowly but surely. There is no other way, because darkness must first be vanquished in our own heart. This is the responsibility of each one of us; to allow the darkness in our heart to be replaced with light. No-one else can do this for us, and we have to want to let go of the darkness, the fear, the insecurity, the anger.
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - What God is REALLY like

What God is REALLY like

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


04/03/21 • 9 min

We need to be open to seeing God as he actually is, not as who we think, or who we fear he is. I can tell you he is certainly not an authoritarian "Bow Down Before Me" God. Love does not demand such things. So don't be angry with him, or afraid of him. Just open your heart to him, and you will connect with his divine heart. Only then will you see and feel how beautiful he really is. How truly loving and caring he is. How devoted to us he is. How very much like us, he is.
So what does God desire from us? Most of all, he loves our deep appreciation of what he has created. You would never call God 'insecure', but he really, really does like to hear that we are happy with what he has created here. He REALLY, REALLY does. It actually makes God happy. So when we thank god, and feel genuine gratitude in our heart, its a confirmation to him that he did a good job in creating everything. He is not arrogant, he doesn't expect us the be thankful. He hopes we will, because that means our hearts are happy, and that is what he desires most. Let me re-iterate that. What god desires most is that our hearts are happy, joyful, free and full of love and gratitude.
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - This is How YOUR REALITY Will Be Transformed

This is How YOUR REALITY Will Be Transformed

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


03/31/21 • 13 min

Our thoughts limit the transformation of our perception, and we need to let go of all the things we think about ourselves, and all the things we think about the world. Our mental understanding creates a rigid and inflexible experience of reality, whereas reality itself is a sea of energetic potential that we need to immerse ourselves in. This is when we experience the true miraculousness of existence. This is when we see how God is flooding the earth with more light, and transforming everything on the most fundamental level possible. This is what sets us free, to swim joyfully like dolphins in the sea of love which surrounds us. We must let go of the reality of thought and all of the things we think we understand. They only maintain the illusion, and it is time for the illusion to dissolve in your life.
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - How THE MEDIA HYPNOTISES People


Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


04/11/21 • 7 min

Beware of the media, because it is being harnessed to propagate a specific political message ~ a very dangerous one. Don't let the media hypnotise you into being angry, afraid or pessimistic about the future. Your mind needs to be on the light, because THAT is the TRUTH we need. Divine truth.
Alex's website: http://AlexanderBell.org
His free book: http://TheLoveBook.site
Alex's healing music site : http://PureSound.site
God bless you
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - Your Freedom & Power

Your Freedom & Power

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


06/18/21 • 30 min

What are you choosing? Heaven or hell?
- http://Rapture.me.uk
- http://AlexanderBell.org
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - Keep Your Mind in the Light

Keep Your Mind in the Light

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


06/24/21 • 10 min

Where does your attention truly belong? How can you commune with God? Enjoy this talk...
My website: http://AlexanderBell.org
My RAPTURE site: http://Rapture.me.uk
My free music website: http://PureSound.site
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Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love - There is no need to fear. Relax your heart

There is no need to fear. Relax your heart

Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love


12/05/20 • 9 min

See all of my work • http://AlexanderBell.org
We are regularly told by the mainstream news who the ‘bad guys’ are; who has done what to whom, and how we should feel about them. But the real ‘enemy of the people’ in our society are the fear mongers; those who repeatedly – and it often seems strategically – spread fear, pessimism, doom and gloom via our screens, radios, newspapers, books and magazines, including to young audiences.
The fear and negativity that is pouring out into our society via the mainstream media really is like a poison for the human spirit. As sensitive living creatures, we do not benefit one iota from having fear or negativity poured into our minds. But what we certainly do need is more faith, more hope and more joy. Where are the faith, hope and joy mongers? They are generally not in the mainstream media. No, they are you and me.
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What is the most popular episode on Alexander Bell - How To Live in Love?

The episode title 'The End of Evil' is the most popular.
