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A New Voice of Freedom

A New Voice of Freedom


The controlling theme of our Podcasts is that we are all children of God who is no respecter of persons. We are all created equal by God. The primary purpose of a democratic republic is to protect that equality, making all laws equal to all citizens all the time. We need to return to the vision of our forefathers that "certain truths are self evident, that among our inalienable rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If we are to survive as a republic, we must hold firm to the Constitution and Bill of rights, to the balance of power, and above all, we must, as a Christian nation, hold firm to our belief that it is God who protects our freedom, and it is truth that makes us free. We must protect freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press. All citizens must have the right to realize their own desires and pursue their own destiny.
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Top 10 A New Voice of Freedom Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best A New Voice of Freedom episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to A New Voice of Freedom for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite A New Voice of Freedom episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Season 4 Podcast 91 Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen, Canto 1 C Episode 3 “Archimago.”

In the previous Podcast, # 86, The Red Cross Knight defeats the dragon and earns his armor. He and Una and the Dwarf, who because of a storm had divagated from the straight and narrow path and wandered in the wilderness seeking shelter. That is how they came upon the Dragon’s lair. They leave the wild wilderness and get back on the path. Proud of his accomplishment, the Red Cross Knight is unprepared for his next test which comes in disguise.

The three meet a holy man.

At length they chaunst to meet upon the way

An aged Sire, in long black weeds yclad,

His feet all bare, his beard all hoary gray

And by his belt his book he hanging had;

Sober he seemed, and very sagely sad,

And to the ground his eyes were lowly bent,

Simple in shew, and void of malice bad,

And all the way he prayed, as he went,

And often knockt his breast, as one that did repent.

Fooled by appearances the three feel perfectly safe. The adventurous knight asks the holy man if he knew of any strange adventure that needed his attention.

He faire the knight saluted, louting low,

Who faire him quited, as that courteous was:

And after asked him, if he did know

Of strange adventures, which abroad did pass.

Ah my dear Son (quoth he) how should, alas,

Silly old man, that lives in hidden cell,

Bidding his beads all day for his trespass,

Tidings of war and worldly trouble tell?

With holy father sits not with such things to mell.

The old man assures them that he is but a hermit and doesn’t meddle with worldly things; however, he does know someone who can answer his question.

But if of danger which hereby doth dwell,

And homebred evil ye desire to hear,

Of a strange man I can you tidings tell,

That wasteth all this country far and near.

Of such (said he) I chiefly do inquire,

And shall you well reward to shew the place,

In which that wicked wight his day doth wear:

For to all knighthood it is foul disgrace,

That such a cursed creature lives so long a space.

Far hence (quoth he) in wasteful wilderness

His dwelling is, by which no living wight

May ever pass, but thorough great distress.

The Red Cross Knight, seeking adventure, wants to meet this strange man. It is the same curiosity that enticed him to look into the Dragon’s lair. He feels it is his duty as a knight to challenge such an evil man. Having learned nothing from his first experience, again he desires to run to a battle he never should have fought.

Una, however, immediately senses danger and as she warned the Red Cross Knight not to get too close to the dragon’s den, she warns him again not to go to this “wasteful wilderness.” Even the sun rests after a weary day and so should the Knight.

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A New Voice of Freedom - Season 1, Podcast 15, “What is Man?”

01/23/21 • 20 min

Season 1, Podcast 15, “What is Man?”

We cannot understand man unless we first understand God, who God is and what his relationship is to man. God is a self-existing intelligence without beginning or ending. He has always existed through all the eternities. That which has life in itself cannot be created or destroyed. God has life in himself. He cannot be created or destroyed. God is the greatest of all intelligences. He is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. He is all knowing, all powerful, and though he is an individual with flesh and bones, his presence is felt throughout the universe. There is no greater intelligence than God, and there can never be a greater intelligence than God.

Man is also an eternal intelligence as old as God is. Intelligence can be defined as life, consciousness, and intelligence, with thought processes and self-awareness. It must be so else how can we account for the existence of life or the existence of God. Something can never come from nothing. What is intelligence? Intelligence is who we are. It is what makes us unique. Intelligence must have the following attributes:

· It must be made of matter and energy.

· It must have life in itself.

· It must have consciousness.

· It must have infinite potential.

· It must self-exist.

· It cannot be created or destroyed.

· It can have no beginning or end.

That, of course, leads to some fundamental questions. If intelligent life self exists, what is man’s relationship to God? Why do we refer to God as our creator? The answers are actually very simple. We must refer back to who God is, omniscient and omnipotent, all knowing and all powerful.

God is an intelligence. We are intelligences. God saw the potential in us, and he wanted to make us like him; therefore, he invited us into his Kingdom. Like him we were self-existing intelligences, but unlike him we were not omniscient and omnipotent. God invited us onto the path of eternal progression, the same path that gave him his Godhood, that we may become like him. What other purpose would he have? Isn’t that what we want for our own children. Life on earth is patterned after life in heaven. That is why we have the Fifth Commandment, “Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long on the land which thy Father in Heaven giveth thee.”

God has a body of flesh and bones. We didn’t. We wanted a body of flesh and bones. To enter the kingdom of God, he first had to become the Father of our spirits. In other words, we were born into his kingdom, becoming his spirit children. That means our self-existing intelligence was placed in our spirit body, just as our spirit body is placed into our physical body. That also means that we have heavenly parents just as we have earthly parents. Through birth we were giving a divine nature. That is what Peter meant when he said,

2 Peter 1:1-4

“Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

We lived with God as spirits in heaven. Even in heaven we had agency. There was a War in heaven in which Lucifer drew away a third part of the spirits. The others followed the archangel Michael, who acting under the direction of Jesus Christ, defeated Lucifer and hi

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A New Voice of Freedom - Season 4 Podcast 3 “We the People vs Globalism”

01/04/23 • 18 min

Season 4 Podcast 3 “We the People vs Globalism”

It is common for members of the same party to excuse every faux pas of members of their own party and condemn every fault of members of the opposing party. It is obvious, when listening to the news, which party the newscasters belong to by the way they spin the news.

But we need to bypass the spin and listen to the language of our leaders and hold them accountable. On the one hand, we must show charity for simple verbal blunders spoken extemporaneously, sometimes in a fluster. We all stumble. On the other hand, we must hold them accountable for what they say. In prepared speeches, every word matters. In extremely important events, such as an Inaugural Address of a President or a State of the Union Address, they should be accountable for every word, every phrase, every clause, every proposition. We must be wary of rhetorical devices and dissembling words.

In President Barrack Obama’s First Inaugural Address, he uses the phrase “We, the people” only once; however, he uses phrases that mean “We, the people” over fifty times. In other words, he uses the clinical we as if “we the people” were in entire agreement with every assertion he makes. It is one thing to use the phrase “we the people” in the preamble to the Constitution, it is another to assume that what a president or any other politician says represents ‘the voice of the people.’

For example, examine the following statement By President Obama:

· “At these moments, America has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we, the people, have remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears and true to our founding documents.”

Noble words, but that is the heart of the problem, isn’t it? They may not mean what you think they mean. The liberals, who are trying to turn us into a socialist state and a globalist community, have not “remained faithful to the ideals of our forebears and true to our founding documents.” Our forebears would be appalled at where the liberals are taking our nation.

As a conservative, ask yourself if President Obama speaks for “We, the people” when he says the following (taken from his First Inaugural Address):

· Our health care is too costly, our schools fail too many -- and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet. These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, that the next generation must lower its sights.

And what did Obama replace our health care system with—Obamacare which is twice as expensive for those who must pay for it and free for those who don’t. We don’t even get to choose our own doctors. Many prefer to pay the penalty and go without health insurance rather than pay the high premium of Obamacare. Obamacare is socialized medicine and a gross form of redistribution of wealth. Furthermore, members of Congress, whose health care is paid for by tax-payer money, exempted themselves from Obamacare, making it mandatory only for “we the people.”

· On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations, and worn-out dogmas that for far too long have strangled our politics.

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Season 4 Podcast 149 Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen, Book I, Canto 8 Pt II Episode 21 “King Arthur Slays the Giant Orgoglio.”

In last week’s episode, King Arthur, his squire, and Una are led to the giant’s castle by the dwarf. The squire blows his magic horn and all the gates of the castle fly open. Duessa riding a many headed beast and the giant Orgoglio attack King Arthur and his squire while Una looks on from a distance. This podcast tells how Arthur slays the Giant and how Una and King Arthur find an emaciated Redcross Knight deep in the dungeon. We ended last week’s episode with King Arthur cutting off the giant’s arm and by King Arthur scalping one of the many heads of the beast that carried Duessa. We begin today by hearing the beast roar in pain causing the beast to nearly throw off his gorgeous rider. However, the giant rushes to her aid and forces King Arthur to back away.

Thereat he roared for exceeding paine,

That to have heard great horror would have bred,

And scourging th' emptie ayre with his long traine,

Through great impatience of his grieved hed

His gorgeous ryder from her loftie sted

Would have cast downe, and trod in durtie myre,

Had not the Gyant soone her succoured;

Who all enrag'd with smart and franticke yre,

Came hurtling in full fierce, and forst the knight retyre.

King Arthur had cut of the giant’s left arm and he was left to fight with only one hand. However, because of his rage, his right arm was doubly strong, and he raises his club high with the strength to cut a mighty oak tree into two pieces. He strikes King Arthur’s shield with such force that King Arthur falls to the floor. No mortal could have endured such a blow.

The force which wont in two to be disperst,

In one alone left hand he now unites,

Which is through rage more strong than both were erst;

With which his hideous club aloft he dites,

And at his foe with furious rigour smites,

That strongest Oake might seeme to overthrow:

The stroke upon his shield so heavie lites,

That to the ground it doubleth him full low:

What mortall wight could ever beare so monstrous blow?

However, King Arthur is no ordinary man. He has on the full armor of God. He has the shield of faith. As Arthur falls, his shield which before was covered shakes the veil and a light reflects from the shield so bright that it blinds Orgoglio. The giant drops his arm and withdraws from the battle.

And in his fall his shield, that covered was,

Did loose his vele by chaunce, and open flew:

The light whereof, that heavens light did pas,

Such blazing brightnesse through the aier threw,

That eye mote not the same endure to vew.

Which when the Gyaunt spyde with staring eye,

He downe let fall his arme, and soft withdrew

His weapon huge, that heaved was on hye

For to have slaine the man, that on the ground did lye.

The many headed beast that carried Duessa was so amazed at the flashing beams of the shining shield that he was blinded, and all of his senses dulled. The beast tumbled to the dirty ground and yielded his powers. When Duessa perceived the fall, she cried aloud to the giant to come back to her rescue.

And eke the fruitfull-headed beast, amazd

At flashing beames of that sunshiny shield,

Became starke blind, and all his sences daz'd,

That downe he tumbled on the durtie field,

And seem'd himselfe as conquered to yield.

Whom when his maistresse proud perceiv'd to fall,

Whiles yet his feeble feet for faintnesse reeld,

Unto the Gyant loudly she gan call,

O helpe Orgoglio, helpe, or else we perish all.

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Season 4 Podcast 182 Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen, Book I, Canto 10 Pt V Episode 32 “The Celestial City.”

In last week’s episode the Redcross Knight met the greatest of the seven Beadsmen, Humility who welcomed the guests. Humility led the Knight to Charity who instructs the Redcross Knight in almes and charity and how to frame his life in righteousness. Led by Mercy, the Redcross Knight then climbs a steep hill. Exhausted, Mercy had to help the Redcross Knight climb the mountain. On the top they meet blind Contemplation who teaches the Knight the way to heaven. However, Contemplation admits that it is mercy that sends the prayers of the righteous to God and ask God for clemency. Contemplation reminds the Knight that on the straight and narrow path to heaven they will meet long labors and sad delays; therefore, he must endure a season of fasting and prayer until his spirit is cleansed from all sin and his strength returns. Contemplation leads the Redcross Knight up an even higher mountain. Contemplation tries to elevate the thoughts of the Redcross Knight by introducing him not only to holy scriptures but also to the best of great books. He shows the Knight a small path in the distance that led to the New Jerusalem, the celestial city. He describes the walls of the city where inside he will have peace and happiness.

As he thereon stood gazing, he might see

The blessed Angels to and fro descend

From highest heaven in gladsome companee,

And with great joy into that Citie wend,

As commonly as friend does with his frend.

Whereat he wondred much, and gan enquere,

What stately building durst so high extend

Her loftie towres unto the starry sphere,

And what unknowen nation there empeopled were.

Contemplation tells the Knight that it is the New Jerusalem built by God for those who have purged themselves from all sin with the precious blood of Christ. He reminds the Knight that Jesus shed his blood on the cross to cleanse all who come to him and repent of their sins.


Faire knight (quoth he) Hierusalem that is,

The new Hierusalem, that God has built

For those to dwell in, that are chosen his,

His chosen people purg'd from sinfull guilt

With pretious blood, which cruelly was spilt

On cursed tree, of that unspotted lam,

That for the sinnes of al the world was kilt:

Now are they Saints all in that Citie sam,

More dear unto their God then younglings to their dam.

The Redcross Knight, stunned by the Celestial City, exclaims that before he thought Cleopolis was the greatest city on earth and that Panthea was the brightest thing there was. Those of course symbolize the architecture of man which can have no comparison to the architecture of God. For him London would be Cleopolis and Westminister Abby Panthea. One may just imagine other knights using the greatest architecture or cathedrals of their own country. The point is that nothing on earth compares to the New Jerusalem.

Till now, said then the knight, I weened well,

That great Cleopolis, where I have beene,

In which that fairest Faerie Queene doth dwell,

The fairest citie was that might be seene;

And that bright towre all built of christall cleene,

Panthea, seemd the brightest thing that was:

But now by proofe all otherwise I weene;

For this great Citie that does far surpas,

And this bright Angels towre quite dims that towre of glas.

Contemplation tells the Redcross Knight that becoming for noble Knights to seek to be included in the books of immortal fame, that they may be eternized or made famous forever in the annals of history in doing service to their queen. Serving their queen who is heavenly born will also receive heaven’s rewards.

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A New Voice of Freedom - Season 3 Podcast 50 Manmade Law

Season 3 Podcast 50 Manmade Law

A New Voice of Freedom


03/11/22 • 23 min

Manmade Law

This is the third and final podcast in the trilogy on law. The first podcast is entitled temporal law. The second podcast is entitled spiritual law. The third and final podcast is entitled manmade law. Let me encourage you to listed to all three.

Four of the greatest words in the English language are freewill, freedom, agency, and liberty. Because they are sometimes used interchangeably, I shall give them specific Definitions.

Will is that which is an inherent part of our consciousness, our life force, our intelligence, that which makes us unique, that which distinguishes us from all other forms of life, that which we call self, that which has always existed, and which always will exist, that which we are, that which drives us to become better. Will is the driving force of our spirit. Our spirit body was created by God to house our self-existing intelligence. Consciousness cannot be created or there is no freewill. It has always existed. That explains why God exists and why life exists. In short, there is a part of you that has existed throughout all eternity and will continue to exist throughout all eternity. The self-existence of intelligence is the only reason freewill is possible.

The will is set free only by obedience to law for it is only law that gives order to the universe. God organized temporal laws and spiritual laws. God created our immortal spirit body in his image to house our everlasting intelligence. God created our physical body to house our immortal spirit body. He is the father of our spirit.

Temporal laws govern our physical body. Spiritual laws govern our spirit body. All laws of God, whether temporal laws or spiritual laws, were designed to give us freewill. Freewill is protected by God through law. It is sacred. Those who claim that we do not have freewill do so because they are misled by the deterministic nature of temporal law. They base all of their conclusions on temporal law and do not account for the immortal spirit. The determinism of temporal law is irrelevant to freewill because freewill is spiritual not temporal, immortal not mortal.

Freedom is a product of temporal law. We have freedom because we have choices. Temporal law is governed by conditions, and it is through knowledge of those conditions that we have freedom. The conditions of temporal or mortal laws allows us to use laws similar to the way that God uses laws, as a means of creation. Through temporal law God has given us some of his power, thus giving us freedom. When Christ said,

“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

He was speaking of all the laws of God. Truth is law and law is truth. They cannot be separated. It is the consequences of temporal law that are deterministic. Conditions determine consequences. Where we have control over conditions, we have freedom to use law for our own purposes. Where those conditions are beyond our powers, then we are subject to the deterministic nature of temporal law. The greater our knowledge of temporal law the greater our freedom.

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Season 4 Podcast 187 The Stories of the New Testament, Matthew Ch 22:23-33, Pt 4, “Resurrection.”

To understand Matthew 22, it is useful to go back to the story of Adam and Eve and their relationship as husband and wife. The tradition of the resurrection and the eternal nature of the marriage covenant begins with the story of Adam and Eve who were married by the Lord.

21 And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;

22 And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Before they are cast out of the Garden of Eden they are referred to as husband and wife.

20 And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. 21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.”

There is no more enigmatic prophet in the Old Testament than Elijah who, like Enoch, was taken up into heaven without tasting death. The last chapter of Malachi, speaking of the return of Elijah, also refers to the eternal nature of the family.

“5 ¶ Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: 6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.”

Heaven patterns earth and earth mirrors heaven. Earth is a shadow of heaven. We were a family in heaven. We are all spirit children of God. He is referred to as our father, making us all brothers and sisters. We came to earth to gain a physical body with the charge to Adam and Eve, our first parents, to “multiply and replenish the earth. Who comes to earth through the lineage of Adam and Eve? None other than all the other children of God who are still spirits living with God. Elijah is intimately involved in the family relationships as revealed in Malachi’s prophesy. Regarding the eternal nature of marriage, Jesus said, as recorded in Mark 10

2 ¶ And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him. 3 And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you? 4 And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. 5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6 But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8 And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9 What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

As with Adam and Eve who were married by God himself, Christ announces the doctrine, “What God hath joined together let no man put asunder. In other words, the marriage covenant was meant to last forever, but it had to be performed under the power of God. That is why that binding power, which had been lost because of apostasy, was given to the apostles.

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Season 5 Podcast 41, A New Voice of Freedom, Argument for the Existence of God, Episode 34, “Science and Faith A ‘Law’.”

A scientist may be an atheist or a theist, but true science should be neither. Science deals with the how. Religion deals with the why. Both atheist and theist may make a great scientist. The reason is very simple. All things are governed by a complete set of laws, and laws are subject to the scientific method. Laws obey the principle of causality giving predictability. Predictability is the only true validation of science. Without predictability every theory is reduced to opinion.

The Holy Grail of Physics (meaning science) is to prove that all laws are connected. Connecting the four forces of nature—the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, gravity, and the electromagnetic force—is the Holy Grail that scientists seek. It is a noble goal and is reachable.

The conflict between science and religion arises when scientists presume they alone can explain the why, and theists presume they alone can explain the how. Science always flounders when it enters into the realm of why. Religion always flounders when it denies the truths of scientific law. They both become idol worshipers. Religion invents a god who is arbitrary. Science invents gods who work miracles such as happy accidents, startling coincidence, improbable chance, or serendipity of circumstances. They worship false gods who are presented as meaningless substitutes to explain the unknown. They will claim almost anything to avoid admitting to cosmic ignorance. It is hubris in its true form. They even become convinced that their gods are true gods even though they explain nothing.

Science has created elastic gods that stretch into their theories. Let me illustrate this with an example that I have used before and will undoubtedly use again for it perfectly demonstrates the point. I make no secret that one of my favorite science writers is Stephen Hawking. A celebrated genius, he became the modern spokesman for science and atheism.

In the Grand Design, Mr. Hawking said,

Over the centuries many, including Aristotle, believed that the universe must have always existed in order to avoid the issue of how it was set up. Others believed the universe had a beginning, and used it as an argument for the existence of God. The realization that time behaves like space presents a new alternative. It removes the age-old objection to the universe having a beginning, but also means that the beginning of the universe was governed by the laws of science and doesn’t need to be set in motion by some god.


The clever statement condemns itself. It begs the question, ‘Where do laws come from?’ First of all, Hawking must be right on one point or the universe makes no sense. The point he made is this: “The beginning of the universe was governed by the laws of science.” Everything created by God is governed by law, and higher laws govern lower laws in an unbroken chain.

However, I must take issue with the phrase “the laws of science.” Science has never created a law and never will. Law like truth can be discovered, but not created, certainly not by science. Strictly speaking they are not ‘laws of science.’ They are laws of God discovered by science. The paradox is this. Law came first. Creation second. For the discoveries of science, however, creation came first—that which can be observed—and law came second—that which can be inferred. Let me be bold in saying that the most advanced science hasn’t even begun to understand law, and it never will. It is beyond the scientific method. Part of scientific heresy is to think they can understand the origins of things.

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A New Voice of Freedom - Season 4 Podcast 52 Self-Reliance Concept 1: Blind Obedience

03/14/23 • 17 min

Season 4 Podcast 52 Self-Reliance Concept 1 Blind Obedience

At the heart of our democratic republic is the principle of self-reliance. If we do not require self-reliance from our citizens we soon lose our freedom and liberty. Any move toward a democratic republic produces an increase in self-reliance; any move toward totalitarianism produces a decrease in self-reliance. It has company. It is all in concomitant variation. Any movement away from democracy and toward socialism, communism, and totalitarianism is a movement toward

· Bigger government

· Centralized power

· Loss of liberty

· Loss of freedom

· Loss of self-reliance

Elected officials become puppets governed by the strings of those few in power. You do not need to ask how Congress will vote if you already know how the leader of their party will vote.

You do not measure freedom by the number of rights or by free elections or by quarrelling parties. You measure freedom by the percentage of citizens who are self-reliant. If the number of those who are dependent upon big government is larger than the number of those who are self-reliant, then freedom is but a name used to hide the specter of socialism.

As power becomes more centralized, corruption increases by those holding high office. When elected officials become superfluous, many turn their thoughts away from their loss of power in politics and toward personal wealth, self-preservation, and retirement such is our government today. They exempt themselves from their own laws. The left has one vote, not many. There are no dissenters among democratic socialists. Their wealth increases as their power decreases because in wealth they find substitute power. Many enter office poor and leave rich.

If we do not return to self-reliance our democratic republic is doomed. With over a 30 trillion-dollar debt perhaps we have already reached critical mass that will set off the chain reaction of economic collapse.

In this podcast and the others that follow I wish to discuss Self-reliance as seen through the eyes of Ralph Waldo Emerson as discussed in his remarkable essay, Self-reliance. It was written when this nation was in its youth. Emerson captured the spirit of our forefathers. For the full text please read Emerson’s entire discourse. By necessity in these podcasts, I must be selective. Hopefully, however, I can be true to Emerson’s philosophy and accurately define his perspective of self-reliance. I have selected twelve concepts related to Self-Reliance from Emerson’s Essay:

· Concept 1: Blind Obedience

· Concept 2: False Charity

· Concept 3: Truth

· Concept 4: Faith

· Concept 5: Non-Conformist

· Concept 6: To Thine Own Self Be True

· Concept 7: Self-Reliance

· Concept 8: Character

· Concept 9: God

· Concept 10: Solitude

In this Podcast, we shall discuss Concept Number One: Blind Obedience.

“Well, most men have bound their eyes with one or another handkerchief, and attached themselves to some one of these communities of opinion. This conformity makes them not false in a few particulars, authors of a few lies, but false in all particulars. Their every truth is not quite true. Their two is not the real two, their four not the real four; so that every word they say chagrins us, and we know not where to begin to set them right. Meantime nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.

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A New Voice of Freedom - Season 3 Podcast 155 The Invisible God, Pt I

08/10/22 • 15 min

The Invisible God Pt I

We should not overlook the power of an invisible God. The imagination of man is far stronger than any idol made of wood, stone, or metal.

It requires no effort to go from ego-centric faith (faith in self) to ecto-centric faith (faith in others), but to move from ecto-centric faith to Theo-centric faith (faith in God) requires humility, both to achieve and to sustain. Only one of the ten lepers came back to give thanks. That is why it is seemingly more difficult for those who are shielded by temporal or worldly success to move from the first two levels of faith that provided their success into the unknown third level of faith. Sometimes tragedy or other misfortunes force one to be humble, but that is no guarantee. Only to the faithful does faith in an invisible God appear essential in this world. But the first step is humility:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14)

All faith ultimately is Theo-centric; however, God may bless us through ecto-centric faith or the faith of others as with Naaman, captain of the host of the King of Syria. He was not a believer, but he was told that Elisha could cure him of his leprosy. However, when he was required to do a simple act such as bathe in the river Jordan seven times, he became angry. To bathe in the river Jordan was all that he was asked to do, but he refused. It was below his dignity. That teaches us a lot about the nature of faith. Sometimes it is filtered down so that all that is required of us is some small and simple act of humility which we refuse. Fortunately for Naaman his servant was wiser. His servant said,

“My father, if the prophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he saith to thee, Wash, and be clean?” (2 Kings 5:13)

Naaman followed his servant's advice:

“14 Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.” (2 Kings 5:14)

It is no coincidence that Naaman was required to act first before he could be cleansed. Had he not bathed seven times in the river Jordan, he would not have been cleansed from his leprosy. Nor is it an accident that bathing in the river Jordan, where hundreds of years later Christ was baptized by John, symbolizes baptism, a requirement for all Christians upon entering into the Kingdom of God. Baptism symbolizes spiritual cleansing, washing away of sins, or sanctification. Is not baptism considered by some too simple a thing to attend to, yet it is the gateway to the kingdom of God.

For most of us life is very ordinary, and the greatest of miracles appear in such ordinary ways that they go unnoticed. The Lord may bless us through ecto-centric faith by providing the necessary tools or by ego centric faith, brought about by our own special gifts, not recognizing that all gifts come from God.

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How many episodes does A New Voice of Freedom have?

A New Voice of Freedom currently has 751 episodes available.

What topics does A New Voice of Freedom cover?

The podcast is about Liberty, Democracy, Freedom, Podcasts, Christianity and Religion & Spirituality.

What is the most popular episode on A New Voice of Freedom?

The episode title 'Season 3 Podcast 241, What is Real, Pt 10, "Implications of the Assumptions of Science, 1"' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on A New Voice of Freedom?

The average episode length on A New Voice of Freedom is 16 minutes.

How often are episodes of A New Voice of Freedom released?

Episodes of A New Voice of Freedom are typically released every 1 day, 23 hours.

When was the first episode of A New Voice of Freedom?

The first episode of A New Voice of Freedom was released on Oct 6, 2020.

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