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Complete list of Human Rights Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

Browse the complete list of Human Rights Podcasts on Goodpods

Human rights are fundamental principles that safeguard the dignity, equality, and freedom of every individual. They are crucial in promoting justice, equality, and social progress worldwide. To stay informed and engaged in the global human rights discourse, podcasts provide a powerful medium for exploring important issues, sharing stories, and advocating for change. Goodpods, a prominent podcast platform, hosts a diverse collection of human rights podcasts that shed light on various aspects of human rights violations, activism, and advocacy. Here, we present a comprehensive full list of human rights podcasts available on Goodpods, offering listeners a valuable resource to deepen their understanding and engagement with human rights.

Comprehensive List of Human Rights Podcasts

Goodpods hosts a comprehensive list of human rights podcasts that offer diverse perspectives, in-depth discussions, and valuable insights into the global human rights landscape. These podcasts not only raise awareness about human rights violations but also empower listeners to take action and advocate for change. By engaging with these human rights podcasts, listeners can deepen their understanding, broaden their perspective, and contribute to the global dialogue on human rights. If you are looking for the best human rights podcasts head over to our leaderboards to see the top-rated & listened-to podcasts on Goodpods. So, tune in to these thought-provoking podcasts on Goodpods, and join the movement to protect and promote human rights for all.

The +972 Podcast

37 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Dive past the headlines in Israel-Palestine to explore the issues and stories other outlets tend to ignore with +972 Magazine writers and local activists, politicians, and experts. +972 Magazine is owned and operated by a group of Israeli and Palestinian journalists, providing fresh, in-depth reporting and analysis directly from the ground in Israel-Palestine. The magazine is committed to human rights, democracy, and freedom of information, and actively opposes the Israeli occupation.
EU Scream

113 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 11 days ago

Politics podcast from Brussels

32 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Rights matter, but conversations about rights can be polarizing, confusing and frustrating. Lawyers and law professors Claudia Flores and Tom Ginsburg have traveled the world getting into the weeds of global human rights debates. On Entitled, they use that expertise to explore the stories and thorny questions around why rights matter and what’s the matter with rights. Entitled is produced with the support of University of Chicago Law School and Yale Law School, and is part of the award winning University of Chicago Podcast Network.
Democracy Paradox

211 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 8 months ago

Is it possible for a democracy to govern undemocratically? Can the people elect an undemocratic leader? Is it possible for democracy to bring about authoritarianism? And if so, what does this say about democracy? ​​My name is Justin Kempf. Every week I talk to the brightest minds on subjects like international relations, political theory, and history to explore democracy from every conceivable angle. Topics like civil resistance, authoritarian successor parties, and the autocratic middle class challenge our ideas about democracy. Join me as we unravel new topics every week.
Webster World Report
This program shares the educational expertise of members of the Webster University community as that community responds to a world in crises. As this program began during the coronavirus pandemic, this podcast has connected the University's campuses in nine different countries, and various locations throughout the United States and shared experiences during the move to remote operations and lockdown. Much of the program has been devoted to telling the stories of how students, faculty, staff and administrators are coping with the pandemic. However, the program has also broadened its reach to discuss race, racism, police brutality, human rights, politics, and international relations as other events have dictated.
Women Resisting Violence

9 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Women Resisting Violence champions the innovative work of women addressing gender-based violence in Brazil, Guatemala and the UK. It is presented by Renata Peppl and produced by Louise Morris.'Behind every victory we have, there is a fight led by women who make it happen' - Eliana Sousa Silva, Redes da Maré, Brazil.~Aligned with the Global 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence (25 Nov to 10 Dec), Latin America Bureau and King’s College London release a three-part podcast in which women tell their own stories of social change. Through the project, we hope to influence policy around gender-based violence and highlight the voices and lessons of those working on the frontlines of their communities. We’d be grateful if you could help us achieve this by leaving a review and sharing the podcast using #WomenResistingViolenceAvailable in English, Spanish and Portuguese on all podcast platforms and on our website.Tw: @LatAmB Insta: @latinamericabureau Fb: @latinamericabureauHead to wrv.org.uk for more information about the project.Get in touch: [email protected] the press release: In English | En español | Em portuguêsFunded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Account held at King’s College London. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Justice Matters

86 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 9 days ago

Investigating matters of human rights at home and abroad. Listen to the podcast by the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, hosted by Executive Director Maggie Gates and a team of Harvard faculty members acting as co-hosts, including Mathias Risse, Aminta Ossom, Rob Wilkinson, Kathryn Sikkink, and Yanilda Gonzalez.
No White Saviors Podcast

33 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 2 years ago

No White Saviors is an advocacy campaign lead by a majority female, majority African team of professionals based in Kampala, Uganda. Our collective experience in the development & the aid sector has lead us to a deep commitment to seeing things change in a more equitable & anti-racist direction. We have created the No White Saviors podcast as a way for us to expand the conversations we have been having on social media and on the ground. We will be diving deeper into important topics and inviting guests who will share their own unique perspectives from the African continent & all over the world.
Human Rights Magazine

44 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 17 days ago

Exploring inequality, abuse and oppression around the world, we hear from those directly involved in an issue, examine the structural context to find why rights abuse exists, and look for possible solutions. Read articles related to these issues and episodes at the web site of The Upstream Journal - www.upstreamjournal.org. We are pleased to see that Human Rights Magazine is a top-rated human rights podcast at Feedspot. (https://blog.feedspot.com/human_rights_podcasts/)
The Activist Files Podcast

61 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 4 months ago

The Activist Files is a podcast by the Center for Constitutional Rights where we feature the stories of people on the front lines fighting for social justice, including activists, lawyers, and storytellers.
The G-Word: A Podcast on Genocide

7 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 4 months ago

What is genocide? Why, where and how does it still happen? This is where you learn about the crime of genocide. We bring academics, former diplomats, and activists together to talk about old and new genocides, and to discuss what accountability looks like for the crime of all crimes. Shilla Kim is an international human rights lawyer and investigator who worked for the UN and various other international organizations. Clemence Pinaud is an associate professor at Indiana University whose focus is on civil war, genocide and sexual violence. This podcast is supported by Indiana University's Presidential Arts and Humanities Program, the Tobias Center, the African Studies Program, the Center for the Study of the Middle East, and the Huh Jum Ok Human Rights Foundation. Follow The G-Word on Twitter @GWordGenocide
Limitless Africa

104 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 15 days ago

Welcome to Limitless, the podcast series that asks the questions which matter to Africa.Are tech start-ups the answer to Africa's unemployment problem? Can we stop fake news from spreading on the continent? How do we raise a generation of football stars? These are just some of the topics we’ll be tackling.And we’re not looking for simple answers. Just as Africa’s potential is limitless, so are the possible solutions to any challenges the continent faces.During each podcast episode, we’ll be asking three very different subject experts to give their take on each question. This will come as no surprise but they don’t always agree.Made possible with a grant from the U.S. Department of State and the Seenfire Foundation. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
On a Move with Mike Africa Jr.

59 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Born in a prison cell, Mike Africa Jr. spent decades fighting to have his parents freed from prison. On a Move with Mike Africa Jr. will illuminate the issues and struggles of the people, inform the uninformed, and give you nothing but the truth.
Brave Voices, Bold Actions: Women's Health, Rights & You

13 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 4 years ago

On White Ribbon Alliance's Brave Voices, Bold Actions podcast, we’ll take a close look, episode by episode, at the ten basic universal human rights that all women and newborns are due in pregnancy and childbirth. This podcast will give you what you need to understand what women’s and newborn’s rights in childbirth are, and how to advocate successfully for those rights, wherever you are.
The Catch

7 Episodes


Avg Length 19m


Latest episode 2 years ago

The Catch
The Keeper: A Human Rights Podcast

33 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 8 days ago

Hosted by Lantos Foundation President, Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, The Keeper features in depth conversations about the most pressing matters of human rights and justice around the world and welcomes some of the most important human rights figures of our time as guests.The Keeper takes its name from the personal conviction of the Lantos Foundation's namesake Congressman Tom Lantos, fully lived out in his own life, that we have a moral and ethical obligation to be our brother and sister’s keeper. This guiding principle led Congressman Lantos to found the Congressional Human Rights Caucus and use his eloquence, leadership, and personal passion to advocate fiercely on behalf of those whose human rights were being trampled in every corner of the world.

57 Episodes


Avg Length 51m


Latest episode 1 year ago

We work to free hostages and the unjustly detained worldwide. Together with their families, we share their stories and let you know how you can help. Host, Daren Nair has been campaigning with many of these families for years and will introduce you to some of the most courageous and resilient people among us, people who have never given up hope, people who will never stop working to reunite their families.
Slam the Gavel

749 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 22 hours ago

Slam the Gavel is a podcast to discuss Family Court Issues, Support Court, Support-contempt conferences and hearings and Child Services issues. Advice on how parents can cope with these issues along with Parental Alienation. Based off the book, Dismantling Family Court Corruption, Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough. This book can be found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kindle, Apple and Smashwords.dismantlingfamilycourtcorruption.comPodcast music provided by [email protected]
Democracy IDEAs

47 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 11 days ago

Democracy IDEAs is brought to you by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA). Our podcasts share analyses, data, and insights from experts worldwide to help you understand the challenges of democracy in times of crisis. Find more information to empower you on decision-making processes at www.idea.int
Asiaa homona

2 Episodes


Avg Length 56m


Latest episode 2 years ago

"Asiaa homona" on sateenkaariaiheisiin keskittyvän verkkolehti ja -media Kehrääjän toimituksen podcast, jossa toimituksen jäsenet sekä vieraat käsittelevät sateenkaarimaailman käänteitä, ajankohtaisia asioita, sateenkaarikulttuuria ja muita tärkeitä teemoja.Vakiojuontajina toimivat päätoimittaja Julia Peltonen, kulttuuritoimituksen vastuutoimittaja Aasa Timonen sekä Anna Harjuvaara. Podcastin tunnusmusiikin on tehnyt Jukka Ruostila ja taiteesta vastaa Inka Tuulia. Verkkolehden löydät osoitteesta https://kehraaja.com ja kaikki jaksot osoitteesta https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJh6pZEskeGVJ-6SZv0N4Ww
Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion Podcasts

22 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 29 days ago

ISI Podcasts help to unpack different dimensions to the issue of statelessness, and to explore challenges and opportunities in working to ensure the right to a nationality around the world.Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to a nationality and that no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality. Yet, there are more than 15 million people across the globe who face a life without a nationality; every ten minutes, another child is born stateless; and citizenship is increasingly wielded as a tool of exclusion. Without nationality, stateless people are vulnerable to discrimination and unequal treatment. They are denied access to education, healthcare, housing, employment, social welfare and documentation, as well as the right to own property, travel, be safe, free and equal, participate politically and have their voices heard. The Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI) is the first and the only human rights NGO dedicated to working on statelessness at the global level. Our mission is to promote inclusive societies by realising and protecting the right to a nationality. See www.institutesi.org for more details.
Libya Matters

52 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode 9 months ago

A podcast by Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL) about truth, justice, and human rights in Libya with hosts Elham Saudi and Marwa Mohamed.
Trafficking Matters: A Douglass Fellowship Podcast

20 Episodes


Avg Length 44m


Latest episode 1 year ago

From The Human Trafficking Institute's Douglass Fellows comes the Trafficking Matters podcast. In each episode, you'll hear from Douglass Fellows as they speak with those who are working to decimate human trafficking and how you can join the movement. Douglass Fellows are 3rd year law students who participate in a nine-month fellowship program with the Institute. (www.TraffickingInstitute.org / www.DouglassFellows.org)
Que Nuevas

3 Episodes


Avg Length 68m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Welcome to Que Nuevas, the podcast of the Arizona Hispanic Community Forum. Our mission is to improve the status and opportunities for Latinos and to work towards active participation with policy-making bodies, nationally, statewide and locally. The AHCF also strives to empower the Latino community through voter registration, voter education and voter participation in the electoral process. The AHCF advocates for civil and human rights, justice and equality for all. Hosted by Debbie Lopez.
Just World Podcasts

105 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 7 months ago

Just World Podcasts is an innovative podcast series on international affairs. In November 2023, we launched a new series titled "PalCast", which is a collaboration with Tortoise Shack Media in Dublin, Ireland. Our host for this series is Yousef AlJamal, and Helena Cobban is co-host. Tony Groves of Tortoise Shack is also part of these timely conversations.JWP is run by the publishing house Just World Books and Just World Educational.
Let's Try UBI

4 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 3 years ago

We explore the wonders of Universal Basic Income. Let's combat poverty and inequality one episode at a time. Let's Try UBI. Powered by the Citizen's Basic Income Trust in the UK.
Iowa Civil Rights History

43 Episodes


Avg Length 40m


Latest episode 12 days ago

Discover Iowa’s role in the advancement of civil rights. Learn how landmark Iowa court cases, the Iowa Underground Railroad, Iowa towns like Buxton, and Iowa civil rights pioneers like Alexander G. Clark, Ralph Montgomery, Edna Griffin, and more guided the future of the state and the nation. We will look at how the nation’s path forward might be discovered by gleaning the wisdom of Iowa's history. For any questions or suggestions, please email Erick at [email protected]

41 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 8 months ago

Az Amnesty International Magyarország podcastja. Emberi jogok Magyarországon és külföldön, emberi jogi oktatás és aktivizmus.
The New Arab Voice

149 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 2 days ago

A podcast from The New Arab, a leading English-language website based in London covering the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, and Arab and Muslim affairs around the world, bringing you news, culture, and lifestyle from these regions and beyond. Mirroring our diverse coverage, the podcast combines storytelling and news analysis to bring our listeners something familiar yet new. Visit our website for more quality journalism: www.newarab.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

5 Episodes


Avg Length 7m


Latest episode 2 years ago

The International Committee on Nigeria (ICON) is a US-based organization focused on being a voice for the millions of Nigerians who are facing violence and terrorism on a daily basis. This is the third season of ICON's podcast. This season we will share testimonies and stories from those who have suffered and survived attacks and persecution across Nigeria.
Hablemos de Derecho Internacional (HDI)

151 Episodes


Avg Length 48m


Latest episode 29 days ago

HDI es un podcast jurídico donde se abordan temas de derecho y política internacional en compañía de expertos/as de reconocimiento mundial. El anfitrión, Edgardo Sobenes, es un abogado especialista en derecho internacional público, que tiene una amplia experiencia en litigios internacionales ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia, la resolución pacífica de controversias, y política internacional - www.hablemosdi.com
Rabbit Hole Stories

94 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 8 days ago

🎙️ This podcast is about ple₿'s and their Bitcoin Rabbit Hole Stories. We're interested to hear all the different reasons someone got on board. You'll often hear different opinions, discussions, and topics. However, we all have one thing in common. Making the world a better place with Bitcoin 🧡
The Peacebuilding Practitioner

18 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 10 months ago

A podcast for people working in and on conflict. A show where we talk about key peacebuilding concepts. A show where we stimulate debate and encourage exchange. A show that offers hands-on and tested advice.
Right the Wrong

6 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 2 years ago

We've made it half-way through season 1! RTW has been on a long break- our host had an intense year (the joys of indie podcasting). RTW is still active- we're going through a re-structuring, and will be moving to a model that's less than biweekly, but will get content out soon. As a one-person team, thanks for patience. Follow us on IG to stay up to date. As always, thanks for your support!----------------Every year, hundreds of global human rights defenders are murdered, imprisoned, or disappeared for their commitment to rights. But how many of those names do you know? Right the Wrong is for people who love true crime, care about understanding the world, and care even more for the people who fight to make it better. Join Ta’Mara Hill, for a deep dive into the cost of defending rights. These inspiring reflections will highlight a global advocate whose story needs to be told, and whose work lives on. Come discuss state crime, history, global affairs, and human rights. Come be angry...come be inspired...come ready to Right the Wrong. Visit rightthewrongpodcast.blogspot.com to learn more; and listen wherever you get your podcasts. Follow the podcast on IG at: www.instagram.com/RightTheWrongPodcast
ADVOCATE by ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights

28 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 4 months ago

APHR's podcast channel discusses the most important human rights developments across Southeast Asia.
Just Access

54 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 1 day ago

Just Access Podcast: Your Gateway to Global Human Rights ConversationsWelcome to the Just Access Podcast, where we delve into the dynamic world of human rights with compelling conversations and insightful interviews. Hosted by Dr. Miranda Melcher, our podcast brings you closer to the heart of human rights advocacy, featuring in-depth discussions with a diverse array of notable figures—from academics and international officials to frontline human rights defenders.About the Just Access PodcastEach episode of the Just Access Podcast is meticulously crafted to shed light on the myriad aspects of human rights. We explore pressing issues, share personal stories, and dissect complex challenges in the realms of social, economic, cultural, and environmental rights. Our goal is to provide a platform for thought-provoking dialogue, informed by expertise and experience, that inspires action and fosters a deeper understanding of human rights worldwide.Diverse Voices, Unified MissionThe Just Access Podcast is committed to amplifying diverse voices in the human rights community. Our guests range from seasoned academics to international officials and courageous human rights defenders working on the ground. These conversations offer a multifaceted perspective on human rights issues, highlighting both the progress made and the challenges that remain.Advancing Human Rights through Education and AdvocacyThe Just Access Podcast is more than just a series of interviews; it is a crucial component of Just Access's mission to support human rights worldwide. By engaging with experts and activists, we aim to educate our listeners, raise awareness, and inspire advocacy. Each episode is a step towards building a more just and equitable world.Join the Conversation!Subscribe to the Just Access Podcast wherever you get your podcasts and be part of a global community dedicated to human rights. Whether you are a student, an activist, or simply someone who cares about justice, our podcast offers valuable insights and actionable knowledge. Together, we can make a difference.Connect with Us!Stay updated with the latest episodes and join the conversation on social media. Follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram, and visit our website for more information about our work and how you can get involved.Support Our Mission!If you believe in the importance of human rights and want to support our mission, consider donating to Just Access. Your contribution helps us continue our advocacy, education, and strategic litigation efforts to uphold human rights around the globe.For more information and to listen to our episodes, search Just Access wherever you get your podcasts. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

81 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 4 years ago

I talk to humanists, freethinkers and atheists around the world...They tell me their lifestories, how they became non-beliveries and how it is to be a non-believer in a pre-dominantly religous world. We talk about their involvement in the humanist movement, what challenges they face and what risks they take...The purpose of this podcast is to give a voice to non-believers...Follow Babelfish on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/babelfishthepodcast... and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babelfishthepodcast/You can support the show on: https://www.patreon.com/babelfish or https://babelfish.10er.dk/...
Carefully with Per Axbom

12 Episodes


Avg Length 11m


Latest episode 1 year ago

A podcast that shares learnings about new technology and human rights. For everyone pursuing wellbeing in a modern society. You will hear informal thoughts, essays and observations on practicing digital care... fully.
Rebel Justice - changing the way you see justice

68 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 3 months ago

What is justice? Who does it serve? Why should you care? When we think about justice, we think about it as an abstract, something that happens to someone else, somewhere else. Bad people. But justice and the law regulate every aspect of our interactions with each other, with organisations, with the government. We never think about it until it impacts our lives, or that of someone close.News, views and trues from The View Magazine, a social justice and campaigning platform for the rights of women in the justice system. Our guests are women with lived experience of the justice system whether as victims or women who have committed crimes; people at the forefront of civic action who put their lives on the line to demand a better world such as maligned climate justice campaigners. We ask them to share their insight into how we might repair a broken and harmful system, with humanity and dignity. We also speak with people who are in the heart of of the justice system creating important change, climate activists, judges, barristers, human rights campaigners, mental health advocates, artists and healers.The View believes that we can rebuild lives with hope, and successfully reintegrate people who have caused harm or been harmed, through the restoring nature of art and creativity, open dialogue and - love.
Tessy Antony De Nassau's Zoom O'Clock

47 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 1 year ago

This wide-ranging podcast series aims to provide access to a more personal perspective on the work of global figures and everyday heroes. It celebrates humanity and the work we do in order to make this world safer, more diverse, just, fun, and empowering to all, and aims to inspire the listener to look at global topics with fresh eyes and sometimes even learn about domains one would never hear about any other way. A podcast that connects the dots and inspires thought.
Allusions:  LGBTQ Writing

161 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Allusion, the creating of characters and stories from the best writers of LGBTQ are interviewed here. Find out how they get the ideas for the books that they have written and the process behind their writing. No question is out of bounds in this series and it's nothing you'll hear anywhere else!Host/Creator - Alan R. Warren from the House of Mystery Radio Show on NBC! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Happiness for Humanity

12 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 7 months ago

Join The Happiness Consultant Rania Badreldin and her guests for an hour of meaningful conversations for a happier world. Happiness for Humanity delves into everything happiness, from individual to collective humanity, because we deserve it, and the world needs it. Tune into a new value-packed episode every other Thursday, covering everything from human rights, physical and mental health and well-being, relationships, spirituality, and inner peace to personal development, success, leadership, and governance. Now more than ever, it's time to come together for a happier world, to reevaluate where we are, determine where we want to be, and collectively work towards it.Watch Happiness for Humanity on YouTube or tune in through your favorite podcast platform.
US News Daily

278 Episodes


Avg Length 9m


Latest episode 23 hours ago

Welcome to US News Daily, brought to you by Brief! Our AI selects the latest stories and top headlines and then delivers them to you each day in less than ten minutes (for more details, visit www.brief.news/how-it-works). Tune in to get your daily US news covering politics, elections, the economy, foreign policy, social issues, current events, and breaking news. Say goodbye to overwhelming headlines and information overload. Want to get these updates by email? Subscribe to Brief today https://www.brief.news/
Laadheenee Meehun

4 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 4 months ago

The offical podcast of Laadheenee.com, Laadheenee Meehun (Irreligious People). We are advocates for queer, political, and religious rights for all Maldivians.
Point of Disorder

47 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 5 days ago

Welcome to the "Point of Disorder" podcast, where we bravely wade through the political swamp, armed with nothing but our sharp wit and unshakable progressive ideals. Here, we're not just talking politics – we're crafting a masterful blend of expert ramblings, semi-enlightening interviews, and just enough entertainment to keep you from switching to that other podcast. Get ready to have the truth served up with a side of sarcasm, as we champion causes so progressive, they haven't even been thought of yet.
The Magdalenes and I

22 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 3 months ago

On a calm, clear Tuesday night in February 2013, a long line of Irish women in their 60s, 70s and 80s stood side by side on the plinth outside Government buildings in Ireland. These women were survivors of the notorious Magdalene Laundries. On behalf of the State and its people, the leader of their country had apologised for all they had endured. In the midst of that group of women stood a young man in his 20s named Steven O’Riordan. Steven isn’t the son of a Magdalene survivor. He isn’t a human rights activist. He is the ‘accidental’ campaigner who fought to have these women and their stories recognised. The Magdalenes and I is the extraordinary story of how one young man met with and campaigned for 100s of Magdalene survivors. It reveals in shocking detail the trauma the women suffered with exclusive never heard before interviews given by survivors and their family members. It pieces together the highs and lows of what it was like for Steven and the women he met to expose the truth, fight for justice and triumph against all the odds. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Parliamentary Conversations in the Commonwealth

9 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Parliamentary Conversations in the Commonwealth, a podcast by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), gives a voice to Parliamentarians, civil society experts and activists across the Commonwealth to discuss common democratic challenges and share their ideas on what can be done to solve them. The CPA promotes knowledge of the constitutional, legislative, economic, social and cultural aspects of parliamentary democracy. Our work enables Commonwealth Parliamentarians and officials to uphold and strengthen parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, sustainable development and human rights.
Island Noir: Beyond the Palm Trees

10 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 6 months ago

Island Noir: Beyond the Palm Trees, hosted by Nya Starr, explores impactful stories of crimes affecting marginalized people worldwide. From historical injustices to modern-day cases, we go beyond the headlines and into the truth.Unseen victims. Untold truths. Uncovered resilience.
Island Noir: Beyond the Palm Trees

10 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 6 months ago

Island Noir: Beyond the Palm Trees, hosted by Nya Starr, explores impactful stories of crimes affecting marginalized people worldwide. From historical injustices to modern-day cases, we go beyond the headlines and into the truth.Unseen victims. Untold truths. Uncovered resilience.
Clean Clothes Podcast

7 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 3 years ago

We're here to share the stories, insights, and solidarity across the Clean Clothes Campaign.