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Top 16 Architecture Podcasts
Mar 8, 2025
The Best Architecture Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

135 Episodes
Avg Length 52m
Latest episode 2 days ago
Join Fred Mills, Liam Marsh, and Luke Bligh as they discuss news and trends from the construction, engineering and architecture industries in a relaxed atmosphere. Grab a coffee or cuppa tea and enjoy The World's Best Construction Podcast by The B1M
Email us! [email protected]
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

551 Episodes
Avg Length 64m
Latest episode 2 months ago

51 Episodes
Avg Length 31m
Latest episode 10 days ago

157 Episodes
Avg Length 46m
Latest episode 5 days ago

239 Episodes
Avg Length 35m
Latest episode 5 days ago
Now celebrating its 8th year (Season 9), Talking Architecture & Design is Australia’s first B2B architecture podcast that regularly talks about a range of issues that affect Australia’s architects, building designers and built environment professionals. Run by Australia’s most popular architecture magazine, Architecture & Design, the Talking Architecture & Design podcast gives a regular bite-sized dose of what is important and sometimes what is just plain old interesting to anyone and everyone in the business of building design.

86 Episodes
Avg Length 17m
Latest episode 7 months ago

51 Episodes
Avg Length 36m
Latest episode 4 years ago

9 Episodes
Avg Length 40m
Latest episode 2 years ago
Welcome to Cerca! We’re putting the world's best travel guide on your phone - the free Cerca app for iOS is available now.
Barcelona is a city filled with tourists, sure, but it remains a surprising cultural, culinary and historical goldmine better enjoyed if you know how to look beyond the crowds. In this Cerca guide to the pearl of the Mediterranean, Neil Innes and Andrés Bartos tell you all about a strange, historic, and culturally bonkers Barcelona that's all too easy to miss.
And there's even more in the Cerca app - bonus content, maps, and info on the points of interest mentioned in our episodes. Listen, become inspired and plan all without worrying about having to hit pause and take notes - because the info you need is waiting for you in the Cerca App.
So whether you're planning a trip to Barcelona in the near future, are already there, or just want to learn about a place we love, you're in the right place. This is what we do.
Let's go to Barcelona!
~ This Cerca Guide was written by Neil Inness and voiced by Andrés Bartos and Neil Innes
Visit for more news on where Cerca is going and to sign up for special access to new features.

88 Episodes
Avg Length 50m
Latest episode 8 months ago

450 Episodes
Avg Length 91m
Latest episode 4 days ago

125 Episodes
Avg Length 55m
Latest episode 12 days ago
Welcome to Inspiring Living with Mark Candelaria, hosted by architect, blogger, traveler, chef, father, husband, and founding partner of Candelaria Design Associates. Mark has designed timeless homes across the country for forty years, while hosting tours to Italy, Spain, and beyond. Throughout the course of his journey, Mark has met wonderful people who truly inspire him and this podcast is about them and the opportunities that are all around us to Inspire Living! While we talk about architecture and design on this podcast, Mark also introduces you to a wide gamut of guests and industries, and ventures into all sorts of topics that will teach you, motivate you and inspire living your best life.

192 Episodes
Avg Length 67m
Latest episode 11 months ago
Architecture Podcasts
Podcasts offer an excellent way to learn and explore topics that interest us. They provide an enjoyable and informative medium, and for the ever-changing and interdisciplinary industry of architecture, they are an ideal tool for staying up-to-date with new trends and developments. Typically presented in a conversational style or through interviews, architecture podcasts can make you feel like you're part of the discussion. You can listen to an entire episode at once or in pieces while on the go, giving you the freedom to learn whenever and wherever it suits you. Integrating podcasts into your daily routine is simple and can be beneficial for multitasking.
Related Society & Culture Podcast Leaderboards
Top 100 Architecture Podcasts
Moreover, hearing about architectural experiences and conversations from around the world can broaden your perspectives on the possibilities and challenges of architecture as a profession. Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top architecture podcasts for you. By exploring different approaches to design and gaining insight into how professionals tackle complex issues, architecture podcasts offer a fascinating and informative journey through the world of architecture.
What's the best architecture podcast now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best architecture podcasts people are choosing to right now. From architecture-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated architecture podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Society & Culture Podcasts, Alternative Podcasts, and Place & Travel Podcasts.
Frequently Asked Questions About Architechture Podcasts
What are Architecture Podcasts?
Architecture Podcasts are audio programs dedicated to exploring and discussing topics related to architecture, design, urban planning, and the broader field of the built environment. These podcasts provide a platform for architects, designers, urbanists, and anyone interested in the world of architecture to engage with discussions about innovative projects, design principles, and the impact of architecture on society.
How can Architecture Podcasts benefit listeners interested in the field of architecture and design?
Architecture Podcasts offer several benefits for listeners interested in architecture and design. They provide a convenient and accessible way to stay updated on the latest architectural trends, learn about iconic buildings and architects, gain insights into design processes, and explore the intersection of architecture with culture, technology, and sustainability. These podcasts often feature interviews with architects, discussions on design philosophies, and explorations of architectural history.
What topics are commonly explored in Architecture Podcasts?
Architecture Podcasts cover a wide range of topics to cater to the diverse interests within the field of architecture. Common themes include discussions on specific architectural projects, interviews with architects and designers, examinations of architectural styles, urban development, sustainability in architecture, and the impact of design on communities. The topics covered depend on the podcast hosts' and guests' focus and expertise.
Can you recommend some popular Architecture Podcasts?
Certainly! Here are a few popular Architecture Podcasts: "99% Invisible," "The Architecture Happy Hour," "The Business of Architecture," and "The Urbanist." These podcasts feature engaging discussions, interviews with architects and experts, and a mix of entertainment and information for individuals looking to explore the world of architecture and design.
Are Architecture Podcasts suitable for both professionals in the field and those with a general interest in architecture?
Yes, Architecture Podcasts are designed to be inclusive and cater to both professionals in the field of architecture and those with a general interest in architectural design. Whether you're an architect seeking industry insights or someone passionate about the aesthetics and functionality of buildings, these podcasts offer content that is informative and enjoyable for a broad audience.
Check out these Architecture Podcasts

428 Episodes
Avg Length 43m
Latest episode 10 days ago

11 Episodes
Avg Length 99m
Latest episode 15 years ago

5 Episodes
Avg Length 18m
Latest episode 1 year ago
How are designers responding to the climate crisis?
This is a podcast by Future Observatory, the Design Museum’s research programme for the green transition. Hosts Justin McGuirk and Cher Potter talk to design researchers investigating alternative materials, methods and systems for a more ecologically conscious future.
The Future Observatory podcast is supported by the Design Museum and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The producers are Marie Keyworth and Sarah Treanor and the music is by Takahisa Mitsumori.
Subscribe to the Future Observatory newsletter at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

68 Episodes
Avg Length 77m
Latest episode 4 days ago
The Build World Podcast is a dynamic show that delivers engaging, in-depth conversations with Miami's top real estate leaders, developers, and entrepreneurs. Each episode explores the latest industry trends, success stories, and expert insights, all in a relaxed and inviting atmosphere, often accompanied by cocktails. Hosted in a conversational style, the podcast features high-profile guests who share their experiences and perspectives, offering valuable insights for both seasoned professionals and those simply interested in the real estate world. Whether you're seeking inspiration or professional knowledge, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone passionate about the industry.

40 Episodes
Avg Length 44m
Latest episode 4 days ago
Cette émission reçoit des architectes, d'intérieur comme d'extérieur, pour parler des bâtiments que nous côtoyons chaque jour, et des objets avec lesquels nous vivons.

9 Episodes
Avg Length 61m
Latest episode 1 month ago
Open City is a charity dedicated to making architecture and built heritage more open, accessible and equitable. This feed includes our weekly show, The Brief which features news and analysis covering the big issues in British architecture, heritage, housing and planning. We also release longer form shows breaking down big issues connecting urbanism and politics with in-depth discussion. Our shows are hosted by a roster of architectural critics and practitioners, featuring guests from across architecture and design, as well as artists, academics, policy makers and journalists.
Open City Friends get early, ad-free access to all Open City podcasts, and help support accessible independent journalism and life-changing education programmes. Sign up as an Open City Friend today.
This show is made possible in part by Bloomberg Connects, a free mobile app featuring guides to over 200 museums, galleries and cultural spaces.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

17 Episodes
Avg Length 14m
Latest episode 8 days ago
هلا و سهلا من منطقة التصميم ومني منال احييكم.منطقة التصميم هي منشأة مرخصة للاستشارات الهندسية و منال هي م.منال المصْبح، مؤسس منطقة التصميم، اكاديمية سابقة في عدة جامعات سعودية ومعتمدة من الهيئة السعودية للمهندسين كمهندس مستشار.ماذا يميزنا؟ اول بودكاست من مختصين مؤهلين أكاديمياً في المجال المعماري و التصميم الداخلي باللغة العربية. حلقاتنا لتوصيل معلومات متخصصة بطريقة سلسة و مختصرة يفهمها المهتم قبل المختص.مواضيعنا تشمل تصميم المنازل، المكاتب، قطاع المطاعم، الضيافة ، التعليم، الرعاية الصحية، الترفيهية، وغيرها بما يناسب طبيعتنا كعرب و خليجيين و بالاخص كسعوديين.بنتكلم ايضا عن التخصص و اللبس في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. اذا كان اي من هذي المواضيع يهمك تابعنا..الله يحييك.نرحب باستفساراتكم و آراءكم على الايميل [email protected] *المعلومات في هذا البودكاست خاصة في منطقة التصميم . استخدام محتواها يتطلب إذن مسبق من منطقة التصميم.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

11 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 1 year ago
materico is a podcast that collects together a series of interviews and conversations about architecture, hosted by Leonardo and Ludovica. Here we give the floor to the most qualified professionals in the field, who share their perception, pursuing our goal: to improve human spaces. Stay tuned and follow us on this journey!

135 Episodes
Avg Length 45m
Latest episode 2 months ago

16 Episodes
Avg Length 4m
Latest episode 15 years ago

31 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 1 year ago

32 Episodes
Avg Length 27m
Latest episode 9 months ago
This podcast offers a deep dive into some of the big issues surrounding forests and our relationship to them and serves as a platform for cross-disciplinary discussion. Drawing on the work of scientists, conservationists, forestry professionals, academics, designers and architects, Words on Wood is a space for frank reflection on the challenges and opportunities presented by working with forests.
Created in conjunction with Disegno, the Quarterly Journal of Design.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

76 Episodes
Avg Length 29m
Latest episode 10 months ago

95 Episodes
Avg Length 31m
Latest episode 1 year ago

12 Episodes
Avg Length 4m
Latest episode 16 years ago

31 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 8 days ago
From a fashion show what we remember most are the clothes, and yet it’s not just that. In this podcast we will focus on these spectacular shows that the different houses offer us during Fashion Week. Thanks to my architectural eye, we will analyze in the smallest details what the decors of fashion shows hide from us.
A Podcast by Elisa Tonelli @itsnotashowitsafashionshow
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

50 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 15 days ago

14 Episodes
Avg Length 26m
Latest episode 2 years ago

155 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 12 days ago
Design Create Inspire: Your Architecture Podcast for future architects. Join host Bryn Young, AIA, to explore design, business, and career growth. Ideal for ARE 5.0 candidates looking to pass their exams, firm founders, and ambitious entrepreneurs.