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Top 13 Homeschooling Podcasts
Mar 26, 2025
The Best Homeschooling Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

269 Episodes
Avg Length 86m
Latest episode 23 hours ago

107 Episodes
Avg Length 48m
Latest episode 12 days ago

156 Episodes
Avg Length 63m
Latest episode 11 days ago

51 Episodes
Avg Length 38m
Latest episode 21 days ago
The Homeschool Compass Podcast is all about finding confidence in community and help in the wisdom of those who have gone before us. Through conversations with homeschool veterans who know the daily joys and challenges of homeschooling, you'll gain valuable perspective and inspiration for your own homeschool life. Wherever you are in your homeschool journey, we hope these episodes leave you encouraged that you are loved and you are not alone.
The Luminous Mind Podcast | A show about you becoming your best self through unconventional thinking

105 Episodes
Avg Length 53m
Latest episode 3 years ago

257 Episodes
Avg Length 26m
Latest episode 5 days ago
Sit down, relax, and take a little coffee break with Carrie. Using biblical principles, years of experience, and a little bit of humor, Carrie De Francisco offers homeschooling advice, tips, and ideas to moms who have been called to this homeschooling adventure. Weekly coffee breaks and conversations with Carrie will give you the support and encouragement you need to help you homeschool one day at a time, one step at a time, and one cup of coffee at a time. Author of Just Breathe ( & Take a Sip of Coffee): Homeschool in Step with God & Homeschool High School: A Handbook for Christian Education.
Psychology, spirituality, and parenthood with a dash of sarcasm and a whole lotta love. For the cycle-breakers, the change-makers, and the revolutionaries envisioning a more beautiful way to live, work, and play—come hang with Ryann Watkin as she dives into the heart of the matter with the world's leading experts and authors. Oh, and get ready to grow your book list because around here, there can never be enough books.

80 Episodes
Avg Length 40m
Latest episode 1 year ago

827 Episodes
Avg Length 72m
Latest episode 2 years ago

38 Episodes
Avg Length 15m
Latest episode 6 years ago

74 Episodes
Avg Length 45m
Latest episode 3 years ago

75 Episodes
Avg Length 50m
Latest episode 5 years ago
Homeschooling Podcasts
Welcome to the ultimate homeschooling podcasts on Goodpods! If you're ready to revolutionize your at-home education routine and infuse your days with some serious fun and excitement, then you're in the right place.
With homeschooling podcasts, you can wave goodbye to the monotony of traditional learning methods and welcome a whole new world of creativity, innovation, and inspiration. These podcasts are like the magic wand you've been searching for, capable of turning even the most reluctant learners into enthusiastic students.
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Top 100 Homeschooling Podcasts
Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top homeschooling podcasts for you. From imaginative lesson plans to expert guidance on every aspect of homeschooling, including curriculum development, testing, and assessment, these podcasts are a treasure trove of homeschooling knowledge. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, there's something for everyone. So, it's time to tune in and get ready to become the homeschooling hero you were meant to be!
What's the best homeschooling podcast right now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best homeschooling podcasts people are listening to right now. From homeschooling-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated homeschooling podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Education Podcasts, Teaching Podcasts, and Language Learning.
Check out these Homeschooling Podcasts
The Space Hub is a kids’ podcast brought to you by Happy Moon Homeschool. Join Professor Nova and space explorer Neutro N. Star as they adventure through the cosmos, sharing stories, answering questions, and teaching short and sweet astronomy lessons that make learning fun!
🔥 Welcome to The Empowered HomeFront Podcast! Dive deep into the SECRETS of health, wealth, relationships, and faith. We're on a mission to arm families with the blueprint for entrepreneurship and financial freedom. Every episode uncovers battle-tested strategies to dominate your life, create lasting legacies, and rise above societal norms. Tune in, transform your mindset, and lead your family to victory! 💪 #EmpoweredHomeFront #FamilyLegacy #Entrepreneurship

57 Episodes
Avg Length 39m
Latest episode 6 days ago
Self Directed - A Podcast on Life, Learning, and Raising Free Thinkers. Hosts Cecilie and Jesper Conrad, full-time travellers since 2018 and parents of four, invite a new guest on the podcast every Thursday.

8 Episodes
Avg Length 32m
Latest episode 5 years ago

113 Episodes
Avg Length 54m
Latest episode 5 days ago

11 Episodes
Avg Length 44m
Latest episode 25 days ago
Join us, Tom and Leah, UK based parents, on a deep dive into both the school and home education systems as we try and figure out which route is best for our children.We'll be exploring some of the most talked about challenges of both home and state funded education methods. Trying to take an objective view and using scientific research where possible. We will also be interviewing people from both sides of these drastically different worlds. Whether you're interested in potentially home schooling or just fascinated as to why people would, we look forward to sharing what we find with you.

436 Episodes
Avg Length 34m
Latest episode 1 day ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

28 Episodes
Avg Length 3m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Jump into world history with a bird's eye view of the human story. Your host, Dr. Scott Swartsfager, uses his PhD in history and years of teaching to connect the world across time. Too often historians focus on names and dates rather than the juicy story of how we came to be who we are today. History should never be boring because it’s our story! Each week he unfolds another chapter in the history of the world from a bird’s-eye view. This history is engaging, interesting, and relevant. This is the history you want to know, not what you were forced to learn. This is History Unbound.
For more information about speaking engagements, or to see Dr. Swartsfager's other works, please visit To support the podcast and get bonus features and content please visit
In this podcast, we specifically serve new homeschool families through engaging conversations with homeschool parents and families at all levels of experience and expertise. Listeners will increase their confidence and assurance about their children's education and future while diminishing their fears. This podcast helps you know how to begin homeschooling, navigate challenges, and answer questions for all stages of the journey.
The name “This Golden Hour” has meaning. First, this name refers to the years parents have to raise and teach their children from birth to when they leave home to be on their own. As parents, we have a golden opportunity to teach and learn alongside our children during these formative and essential years of growth and development. Second, “This Golden Hour” points to this same period of childhood as the children’s chance to read, explore nature, and enjoy an inspiring atmosphere of family, love, and learning.

22 Episodes
Avg Length 11m
Latest episode 4 years ago

61 Episodes
Avg Length 29m
Latest episode 12 days ago
Hosted by educator and parent, Dr. Lisa Hassler, The Brighter Side of Education: Research, Innovation, & Resources is a research-informed podcast offering action-based solutions for teachers and parents. Committed to spotlight innovative individuals who bring about positive change in education, its primary mission is to connect educators and parents to resources that pave the way to a brighter future for our children. The podcast's music was created by Brandon Picciolini, her son, from The Lonesome Family Band. You can explore more of his work on Instagram.

57 Episodes
Avg Length 39m
Latest episode 6 days ago

48 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 7 months ago

28 Episodes
Avg Length 3m
Latest episode 1 year ago

67 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 14 days ago

53 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 7 years ago

265 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 6 days ago

36 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 1 year ago

64 Episodes
Avg Length 39m
Latest episode 7 years ago

74 Episodes
Avg Length 45m
Latest episode 3 years ago

12 Episodes
Avg Length 17m
Latest episode 6 days ago
Enjoy interesting and uplifting content with insights and information on small family farming, self-sufficiency preparedness, home remedies, education, homeschooling, and most importantly biblical precepts for life and learning.
Family Tree Ministries sponsors this content and is a 501 c(3) non-profit organization opened since 1999 providing educational and inspirational videos and literature focusing on homeschool education, family issues, small farming methods and spiritual growth. Our paramount goal is to share life-changing biblical precepts to help you grow spiritually and live a life in peace and more pleasing to God.
The mission of the Sisterhood of Motherhood podcast includes 1. Defining motherhood with inspirational poems, readings, and short stories 2. Home-sweet-home perspectives with examples and real-life stories and strategies to build a healthy home environment and integration into society 3. Education reviews on different educational programs, learning methods and strategies for adults and young learners 4. Gardening, small family farming and home remedies from beginning to advanced levels for self-sufficient preparedness 5. Services and information for solutions and reassurance for the journey.
Your host is Nancy Moral. Nancy earned a bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a master’s degree in Educational Technology and Research. She was a Florida certified teacher for 30 years and with her husband, Bob homeschooled their 3 children. Nancy is an accomplished singer/songwriter and guitarist, and an avid gardener and small family farmer. She is the founder of a non-profit organization and a K-12 school for homeschoolers, wrote numerous publications, developed curricula, and served on several boards and advisory councils, and was an invited speaker before the Florida Senate on education issues. For more information, visit
"When a human does not grow, you change the environment in which they grow, not the human."
Welkom bij de Paperclip Tribe Podcast – dé plek waar creatieve vrijheid, duurzaam leven en persoonlijke transformatie samenkomen. Laat je inspireren door verhalen over authentiek samenleven, innovatieve leerervaringen en de perfecte balans tussen oude wijsheid en moderne inzichten. LIVE - LEARN - GROW!

71 Episodes
Avg Length 34m
Latest episode 3 years ago
We believe that the quality of your life and leadership depend on the quality of your relationships.
Lead Together is the podcast designed for Christian men and women striving to lead more effectively at home and work.
In a world of constant change and demands, it's common for couples in leadership to feel disunified, unprepared, or reactive.
That's why we're here—to guide you with practical leadership skills that will increase your impact in all your spheres of influence.
Your hosts are Nick and Kim Bogardus.
The podcast where we have honest and real conversations about all the intricate pieces of being a woman, and how each and every one of those pieces has been redeemed by a good God with good plans. Join me every other Tuesday as we dive deep into what it means to be a woman living a life redeemed by God!

58 Episodes
Avg Length 12m
Latest episode 1 day ago
Enrich your homeschooling journey with the joy and ease of homeschool music education. Each week, veteran homeschooling mom of 8 and music teacher for over 30 years, Gena shares practical tips, homeschool music resources, inspiration, and encouragement for homeschool parents and teachers to seamlessly integrate music into your curriculum. From 15-minute music appreciation quick wins to in-depth explorations of music theory for homeschoolers, we've got you covered. Explore composers' stories, gain insights into music concepts, and discover affordable home education resources such as homeschool music lessons to bring quality and fullness to your homeschooling experience. Find the website at, the online course site at, and the Music in Our Homeschool Plus Membership at A popular Free Music Lessons freebie can be downloaded at

209 Episodes
Avg Length 7m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Is science one of those subjects you struggle with teaching in your homeschool? You have come to the right place! Hi, I'm Paige Hudson, a veteran homeschooling mom, and author of the programs at Elemental Science. In each season of the Tips for Homeschool Science Show, we will take the complexities of teaching science and break those down into building blocks you can use in your homeschool! See all the episodes and download show notes at
In this podcast, we specifically serve new homeschool families through engaging conversations with homeschool parents and families at all levels of experience and expertise. Listeners will increase their confidence and assurance about their children's education and future while diminishing their fears. This podcast helps you know how to begin homeschooling, navigate challenges, and answer questions for all stages of the journey.
The name “This Golden Hour” has meaning. First, this name refers to the years parents have to raise and teach their children from birth to when they leave home to be on their own. As parents, we have a golden opportunity to teach and learn alongside our children during these formative and essential years of growth and development. Second, “This Golden Hour” points to this same period of childhood as the children’s chance to read, explore nature, and enjoy an inspiring atmosphere of family, love, and learning.

53 Episodes
Avg Length 36m
Latest episode 2 months ago
Formerly the "How To Homeschool in High School" podcast!
Different name - Same mission
Welcome to Fearlessly Different, a podcast focused on encouraging families and students to choose the road less traveled when it comes to education! Hosted by a homeschool graduate, the podcast aims at encouraging a generation of fearless students to rise up, stand for truth, and chase a God-honoring education. To accomplish that goal we need to realize we are not alone and listen to the voices of our parents, educators, and peers, which will be showcased on this platform! I can’t wait to go on this journey with you and build this community around you! Let us together be strong and very courageous!