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The best podcasts for mom entrepreneurs

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Who am I?

I'm a podcast junkie who's currently growing my third entrepreneurial venture, The Founding Moms, the #1 platform for mom entrepreneurs to build better businesses. Before that, I started a music management firm and then launched and sold a baby jewelry company before creating my current venture. I've self-published The Best Business Book In The World* (*According To My Mom) and the best-seller, Found It: A Field Guide for Mom Entrepreneurs. I gave a TEDx talk on 11/11/11, was dubbed a “Cool Mom Entrepreneur We Love” by MSN Live, and was named one of the Top 50 Women to Watch In Tech as well as a Top 100 Champion Small Business Influencer after Forbes’ named The Founding Moms one of the Top 10 Websites For Entrepreneurs.  I've shared the speaker stage with Richard Branson, Sheryl Sandberg, Daymond John, Marilu Henner, and Desmond Tutu and after all that speaking, along with realizing how few people talk about the mistakes they make in running a business, I decided to host the Why Are We Shouting? podcast...and here we are. Mom entrepreneurs are an often overlooked and underserved audience. How do I know? I am one. The topic's been near and dear to my heart for a long time because I've been building a community of us for over a decade...and I've learned an awful lot about it along the way. For one thing, I am a mom. For another thing, I am an entrepreneur. The combo led me to a desperate moment searching for help in how to do both at the same time. Which led me to organize a meetup at a coffee shop where I invited strangers to help me. Which led me to formalize the meetups into a global community that I've been leading ever since. I've learned a lot from thousands of women over time and figured it was high time that someone shared their stories.

My Show

What is my podcast about and/or how does it relate to the playlist topic you chose?

I want no part of the traditional business landscape. Also, I can't stop shouting, especially when it comes to biz advice. Why Are We Shouting? tackles the A’s to every mom entrepreneur’s Q’s when it comes to running a company and lets you in on the stories along the way. I ponder the big questions of our day: “How can I grow my business without losing my mind?” “Why can’t my kids stop whining when I’m on an important call?” "How long will it take before Stephen Colbert's team invites Jill to be a guest?" I'm an award-winning entrepreneur, author, global speaker, and gum junkie who’s been building businesses for over a decade. I currently runs The Founding Moms, the #1 platform that helps mom entrepreneurs build better businesses. Over the years, I've tried a million trillion quadrillion different things to grow my companies and wanna save you some time and a few headaches. Above all else, I'm certain of one thing: I never know what I'm doing. If you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing either, let’s shout about it.

What is my podcast playlist about?

Tune in to this playlist if you heaps of relatable blunders and loads of inspiration. Women need to listen to other women. Our voices are full of wisdom. Our mistakes are full of gems that we can pass along to others so that they can learn and shine and grow. There's plenty more where these suggestions came from and I hope you shout from the rooftops about them, too.

The podcasts I picked and why

1. Hear I Am

Why this podcast?

Regina Carey's delicious voice and delightful sentiments are not to be missed. She's the guru of slowing down, finding your place of center, and helping to calm all of those nervous thoughts you have as you make your way through your busy day. It's best to tune into this first thing in the morning if you need a great way to start your day.

Hear I Am

Hear I Am

Regina Carey


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We are here today. Alive and strong. We often seek out advice, strategies, and inspiring content day after day to help move us along in life. Then one day we hear it differently - as if for the first time. It resonates and we accept it, adopt it, implement it. Listen in to find out if today is the day you hear what you need to hear at exactly the time you need to hear it. I am here for you. Hear I am.

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2. Experience Action

Why this podcast?

Jeannie Walters is the foremost authority on everything you ever needed to know about the customer experience. Not only is she full of gems when it comes to figuring out how to serve your customers best, but she's hilarious! It's best to tune into this mid-week when you're tackling alllll the work responsibilities of the day and need a recharge.

Experience Action

Experience Action

Jeannie Walters, CCXP


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How do we do this customer experience thing anyway? Join award-winning customer experience (CX) expert Jeannie Walters as she answers real questions from overwhelmed leaders! Let's turn ideas into ACTION! From company culture to employee experience (EX) to customer service, Jeannie wants to help you demystify the process for enriching the customer experience. With over 20 years investigating the best and worst in CX, this international keynote speaker has heard it all... and now she's here to give you the answers you need! You won't want to miss an episode! Do you have a question? Visit askjeannie.vip to leave Jeannie a voicemail!

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3. Mom Owned and Operated

Why this podcast?

Rita Suzanne seems to know exactly what mom entrepreneurs need –– conversations with fellow mom entrepreneurs about the trials and tribulations of running a company while raising a family. She invites guest stars to join her in walking through what they run, why they launched it, and how they're going about making waves in their local communities, online economies, and handling time management challenges like champs. It's best to tune into this at the end of the week for that pick-me-up you'll need after wading through that busy schedule of yours.

Mom Owned and Operated

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REAL MOMS. REAL COMMUNITY. REAL HONEST. Created and hosted by Rita Suzanne. Rita Suzanne is a business strategist who helps mom business owners get clients consistently so they can finally get off of the revenue rollercoaster and alleviate burnout for good. She has also struggled with juggling all of the responsibilities of running a business and being a mom. She has been divorced twice, has two sons and two daughters. Rita decided it was time to connect with other moms just like her so she interviews them about raising a family, running a business and remembering themselves.

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4. The Soulful Entrepreneur's Club | How to run a Purposeful, Profitable, Aligned Business without Stress

Why this podcast?

Kavita Melwani wants you to succeed. And she will help you with all the grace of an aligned and successful soul. She empowers empathic entrepreneurs to shine their lights via purposeful, profitable businesses, and she wants you to know all about it. It's best to tune into this podcast anytime for that deep breath and engaging episode you'll need to help you thrive in your day, your week, or your month.

Welcome to “the Soulful Entrepreneurs Club Podcast”
(Formerly - Aligned & Soulful Success)

My name is Kavita Melwani, and I am a Master Certified Business Coach

I empower spiritually-led businesses and conscious leaders to opulently shine their ligh t without the hustle.

I truly believe You CAN fulfill your soul’s desire without losing yourself. You can Ignite your confidence, know your worth, AND run a profitable business while walking your Divine, unique path.

In this podcast, I will dive deep into topics/challenges/blocks that soul-led individuals experience as they rise up into their aligned life and work.

I will not only explore the challenges and I will also share real implementable solutions so you can step into your unique purpose and shine. I truly believe that if you do your inner work, the ripple effect can change the world.

Are you ready to rise up as the leader you were born to be?

If you are, then join me as I will go deep using my training, and personal experience, and work as a master coach to empower you.

"it is possible to bridge the leadership success you already have with the truest, soulful, mystical parts of yourself.

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5. Link in with Louise

Why this podcast?

Looking for info on how to use LinkedIn for your biz? Look no further. Louise Brogan covers the four pillars of using LinkedIn in a non-sleazy way – your profile, your content, networking and messaging. Grow your sales using her tried and true tips and tricks. I promise you, this Irish lass won't disappoint. It's best to tune into this podcast mid-week when you need a business boost on social media to get those followers and that feedback you've been seeking.

Link in with Louise

Link in with Louise

Louise Brogan


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Are you ready to level up your LinkedIn? Join Louise Brogan for this weekly podcast where she shares her best advice and tips for using LinkedIn to make more profit in your business. As the serious social media network, LinkedIn can help you to build a valuable network of contacts, clients and customers. From LinkedIn profile tips, content creation, using InMail to articles, Company Pages and more. Join Louise for the Linking in with Louise Podcast and find out how you can level up your LinkedIn.

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