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Podcaster Q&A
Tell us about yourself – what is your background?
Connor works on the education team at Bristol Zoo Project and works in various projects to get young people more involved in nature-related decision-making. He is animal- and zoo-obsessed, and is slowly filling his and Steph’s home with an unholy amount of animal-themed decor. Steph is a freelance environmental communicator working in writing, editing, content creation, events, and more. She adores rainforests and even had a Master’s degree in their ecology! She has many, many plants.
Why did you get into podcasting?
We love all things nature, wildlife, animals, plants, etc. but have found that a lot of ways that these topics are communicated to the public can be a little, well, dull. We wanted to find a way to reach people and get them to care about protecting the natural world, but do so in a fun, fresh, and kind of silly way… hence the birth of Planty Planty Zoo Zoo! We both love talking about the things we love and are pretty imaginative people, so it’s the perfect platform for us.
How did the idea for the show come about?
Steph came up with the idea of us starting a podcast that combines Connor’s love of animals with her love of plants. From there, we contemplated how we could best present these topics, then it hit us, zoos and botanical gardens! Where we seem to spend all our free time. By combining all of these things we both love, we have a created a positive and fun podcast where you can learn about nature.
What do you hope listeners take from the show?
We really want listeners to find a refreshed or maybe even brand new love for nature and all of the plants and animals that it encompasses. We want you to learn new things, be transported away by incredible stories of plant detectives and rare animals being found, and most of all actually enjoy learning about wildlife. We hope that all of this inspires listeners to take action in any way that they can to protect the natural world.
What's been the biggest challenge for you?
Time! We both work full time, have multiple side projects and voluntary commitments, as well as delightful social life in Bristol. We started out releasing episodes weekly but quickly found they we couldn’t keep up with the pace and produce the quality episodes that we wanted to, and most importantly enjoy the process. We solved this by dropping back to releasing 1 episode a fortnight, but we really hope to one day be able to afford to spend more time on the podcast and go back to 1 a week!
How can your listeners support your show?
Please rate us, review us, or subscribe to us on any platform that you listen to podcasts on, this makes an enormous difference. You can also follow us here on Goodpods as well as on Twitter @PlantyPlantyZoo and on Instagram @PlantyPlantyZooZoo. And if you enjoy the podcast, then don’t keep it a secret, share it with your friends! Or enemies, we don’t mind.
Any future plans that you'd like to share?
We’ve just started introducing guests to our podcasts for some episodes, so watch this space for big names in the nature world, including TV presenters, photographers, and naturalists.
Anything else you'd like to share?
We absolutely love creating our podcast and to be honest, we really think we’re on to something here, and we hope you agree too!
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