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Podcaster Q&A
Tell us about yourself – what is your background?
A middle-aged white guy who is concerned about the lack of women in tech. Why? Well, for starters, we need women to make better products and to build more profitable companies. TBH, I do not have a background in diversity. I just look at what we need to grow.
Why did you get into podcasting?
Since I started listening, I always wanted to make a podcast. But somehow, I never got to do it until I started looking into the whole diversity in tech theme and discovered that it makes for fascinating listening.
How did the idea for the show come about?
It started with the infamous stat about the funding of female-led tech startups: they receive only 2% of the total amount that is invested in tech startups each year. Once you start digging into the numbers behind it, you find out that there is so much more to it than just funding. That's when I decided to create a podcast about the women who are disrupting the tech sector.
What do you hope listeners take from the show?
That it is possible for a female founder of a tech startup to build a successful company and that there are investors who do understand the value propositions that female-led tech startups come up with. More in general, I hope to inspire young women to trust themselves that they can be successful.
What's been the biggest challenge for you?
So far, getting the show to grow as much as I want to.
How can your listeners support your show?
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