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David John Clark


My podcast The Late Bloomer ActorAdelaide South Australia based actor. Husband, father of 3 sons and host of The Late Bloomer Actor podcast .www.bucklandandgun.com.au

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Podcaster Q&A

Tell us about yourself – what is your background?

Adelaide South Australia, based actor. Husband, father of 3 sons and host of The Late Bloomer Actor podcast . I am a 'late bloomer' to the world of acting having started out when I hit my forties, hence the name of my podcast, The Late Bloomer Actor.

Why did you get into podcasting?

I got into podcasting to share my journey as an actor and to encourage others to follow their dreams.

How did the idea for the show come about?

I once attempted a fund raising pledge to raise money for an acting course, and came up with the term Late Bloomer Actor for the fund raiser. That led me to consider it as branding for a podcast.

What do you hope listeners take from the show?

I hope they take away the motivation to follow their dreams, and also to know that they aren't alone in the pitfalls of the acting journey.

What's been the biggest challenge for you?

Time. As a shift-worker, and father of 3, finding the time to record, edit, promote and plan is the biggest challenge, but certainly worth it.

How can your listeners support your show?

By listening regularly, sharing on their social media, liking/subscribing/reviewing on their podcast platform and perhaps also by becoming a monthly paid supporter at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1898130/support

Any future plans that you'd like to share?

Not overly so, just that I'm here for the long haul.

Anything else you'd like to share?

See you on set.

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