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A Meaningful Life By Design - Start-ups are the Ultimate Personal Development Course

Start-ups are the Ultimate Personal Development Course

A Meaningful Life By Design

08/10/20 • 44 min

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Start-ups are the Ultimate Personal Development Course – IntroductionToday I welcome onto the show, Josh Rogers, the Start-up guy, He is a Consultant, Strategist, Founder, and yes essentially The Start-up guy. Before we dive into Josh’s very impressive bio, I’d like to share why I invited him onto the show and give you a preview into a little bit of the gold that Josh gifts us with in this episode. Unquestionably the most intelligent person I’ve ever met, Josh also has an astounding EQ and ability to not just mentor on how to make a start-up successful, but on how a start-up is the ultimate personal development course and furthermore how humility, vulnerability and self-awareness are as key to success as having your investment lined up.Before we dive in, here is the formal bio-About the GuestJosh has advised tech startups for more than 20 years with companies who have delivered nearly $2 billion in shareholder value and across a wide range of sectors; product marketplaces, content, social media, travel, blockchain, fintech, hospitality, GIG, recruitment, employment, gaming, e-commerce and telcos.​He’s also participated also as Founder, Advising Strategist, Executive or non-Executive Director or Founding Investor with his core specialty being 2-sided models or digital platforms.​Josh has also exited from ventures in every way imaginable; trade sales, IPOs, mergers, de-mergers and reverse mergers, MBOs and asset sales and each one has brought its own unique challenges, learning and rewards.He’s impressive on paper, let’s see how impressive in is live, haha.Podcast ConclusionSo wonderful to have Josh on the show today. And to be reminded today on just how important it is that we constantly check in with ourselves, get humble, and grow and develop so that we can better bring our unique gifts to the world in a way that’s meaningful. Definitely getting Josh back onto the show! In the meantime if you enjoyed this episode of AMLBD please ensure to subscribe, and if you could review us on ITunes or your fav podcasting app that would be amazing! This helps ensure that many more people will gain access to the podcast and the wisdom of our guests. Please be sure to go to the shownotes on the AMLBD site to find out where to follow Josh. Thanks again for joining us on the show and wherever you are in the world wishing you a beautiful morning, day or eve.Where to find Jason Website:https://www.joshrogers.me/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/josh.rogers.1865904

08/10/20 • 44 min

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