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Complete list of Virus Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

This Week in Virology

577 Episodes


Avg Length 85m


Latest episode 4 days ago

This Week in Virology is a netcast about viruses - the kind that make you sick.
This Week in Virology

1169 Episodes


Avg Length 88m


Latest episode 4 days ago

TWiV is a weekly netcast about viruses - the kind that make you sick. Brought to you by four university professors and a science writer.

44 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 4 years ago

BREAKERS is Shepherd Grey’s account of what life looks like after organized civilization crumbles as he and his faithful canine companion, Rommel, venture out from their home in Virginia to try and count themselves among the survivors. It has been several years since the outbreak began. The virus is just a sick and twisted part of life now. You test as much as you can, but there is no “preventing” it, only staying alive until you catch it. “Red you’re dead” is a phrase all too commonly heard throughout the world. You have your Gunslingers, your criers, your survivors, and your breakers... If you don’t fit into those categories, your are among the dead.
Cybersecurity Today

886 Episodes


Avg Length 10m


Latest episode 1 day ago

Updates on the latest cybersecurity threats to businesses, data breach disclosures, and how you can secure your firm in an increasingly risky time.
Lights On with Mitra Manesh

126 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Lights On with Mitra Manesh was born to shed light on the challenges and magic we call life. Mitra is a mindfulness expert, storyteller, coach, executive trainer and UCLA teacher at the Semel Institute School of Neuroscience and Human Behavior with 35+ years of experience. These sessions are taken live from Mitra’s keynote talks, classes and some studio recordings. They are real questions, real answers, and real challenges people are facing. We hope you find value in the coaching and teachings offered. From today forward let’s move in the direction of lights on, facing what’s in front of us and more importantly inside of us. To contact innermap team with comments, questions, or suggestions, please email [email protected]. If this podcast works for you we ask that you please rate/review/share it. Music for Episodes 1-36 by: Title of the song: 22:22 (from the EP Enmore20) Artist: Markusen https://senormarkusen.bandcamp.com Instagram: @senormarkusen Facebook: @senormarkusen Music for Episodes 36-present by: Pablo Guadalupe & Ariel Zutel
I Was Prey

101 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 17 hours ago

Hear shocking, true stories about people who found themselves in a life or death situation, face-to-face with a dangerous animal. I Was Prey features direct audio from five hit TV shows: I Was Prey, This Came Out of Me, Nature’s Deadliest, Still Alive and Monsters Inside Me. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Radio Davos

232 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 17 hours ago

How do we solve the world’s biggest challenges? From climate change to inequality; the rise of big tech and rapid changes in how we live and work. Radio Davos talks to the people who have the ideas, the passion and the power to make change happen in a way that benefits all of us.
Bringing Chemistry to Life

54 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 8 days ago

Conversations with the brightest chemical minds — Join us in educational chats with some of the most fascinating and influential scientists in the world. Learn about their personal stories, notable contributions, and an enthusiasm for discovery that unites them all. Covering various fields and industries, this is a podcast for anyone who wants to learn more about science and the brilliant minds advancing it.

125 Episodes


Avg Length 30m


Latest episode 23 days ago

Powerful stories of biotechnology breakthroughs, the people they help, and the global problems they solve.
Stolen Goodbyes

35 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Welcome to the award-winning Stolen Goodbyes with Karen Rice, foreign affairs journalist, and podcaster. Each week inspiring wives, husbands, partners, children, and newly-weds intimately recount the shock and anguish of death to Covid 19 without warning or goodbye. Each season we push the boundaries to explore, explain and uncover a myriad of aspects of grief to Covid 19. Forced to grieve in isolation, these people detail needless mistakes and decisions that cost lives including patients being placed on Covid hospital wards when they were Covid-free or others condemned to an early death by the secret use of Do Not Resuscitate forms. Some were left to die alone, the ultimate social taboo. This unique, legacy podcast is a social history record of the widespread suffering caused by the Coronavirus pandemic of 2020, an infection that changed the world as we know it. It is also an important space where ordinary yet extraordinary people are remembered and celebrated for everything that made them quintessentially unique and irreplaceable. The participants of this podcast have bared their souls in a bid to stop their loved ones from being written off as just another statistic when they were much-loved individuals whose premature deaths could help to save others from the same fate while holding those responsible to account. This Covid 19 podcast helps participants and listeners to come to terms with a grief like no other.Created, produced, and hosted by Karen Rice, the Stolen Goodbyes podcast won gold in the fiercely competitive Best Lockdown category of the British Podcast Award 2021.Stolen Goodbyes is described as: "outstanding ethical and trauma-informed journalism. Karen Rice manages to capture a historic event in real time by listening with empathy. Future generations will listen to this podcast and know what it felt like to live through this pandemic." Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma.Please listen to, review, and share this podcast with your network, it really helps!If you would like to make a donation (no matter how small) to the running costs of this passion project, please visit: https://karen-rice.com/podcast/ You can follow Karen on Twitter @Ricekmc and Stolen Goodbyes on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ITXSFC Facebook: https://bit.ly/3kGGwnG and Youtube: http://bit.ly/3Yq0jW5Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/stolen-goodbyes. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Love, Loss & Life:  Real Stories From The AIDS Pandemic

20 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 1 month ago

A podcast series from the National HIV Story Trust, the charity telling the story of HIV and AIDS in Britain. Presenting a perspective of the crisis in the 1980s and 1990s through the lives of a diverse set of individuals, this series recognises the true tragedy of HIV and AIDS, and shares tender stories of love, unending compassion, and the unity of a disparate community in the face of a global crisis. Introduced by Anita Dobson and voiced by actors Christopher Ashman, Elexi Walker, and Kay Eluvian, the series features stories taken from NHST’s first book, a collection of essays, reflections, and testimonies also entitled ‘Love, Loss & Life’ which was published in 2021. The book and podcast series feature in short-form just some of the moving and tragic recollections that the NHST archive of over 100 filmed interviews, currently housed at the London Metropolitan Archive, capture in expansive detail. This extensive archive provides a 360-degree thought-provoking view of the AIDS pandemic in Britain through the real-life experiences of those who were there. Since 2015, over 120 interviews have been filmed with survivors, family members, friends, advocates, and medical professionals candidly remembering their personal experiences. Through archiving these films at the LMA, and sharing the stories collected through education, media, and art projects, NHST’s mission is to preserve the story the HIV and AIDS pandemic for those who know it, and to teach it for the first time to those who do not.

147 Episodes


Avg Length 119m


Latest episode 1 day ago

MS-DOS CLUB - Informática Clásica. El Club de los obsoletos pero orgullosos.
GEOlino Spezial – Der Wissenspodcast für junge Entdeckerinnen und Entdecker

182 Episodes


Avg Length 16m


Latest episode 9 days ago

»GEOlino«, das Magazin für junge Leserinnen und Leser, gibt's jetzt auch als Podcast.Auf Entdeckungsreise durch unsere Welt gibt es viel zu sehen – und zu hören! Der Podcast »GEOlino Spezial« macht sich auf und nimmt euch dabei mit: Moderatorin Ivy spricht mit Angstforscherinnen, Fake-News-Entlarvern und Fridays for Future-Aktivistinnen. Warum ist Angst eine gute Sache? Warum gab es Falschmeldungen schon im alten Rom? Und was haben morgendliches Vogelgezwitscher und große Musikfestivals gemeinsam? Dazu gibt’s jede Menge Basteltipps, Spiele und Experimente mit aufs Ohr.Eine Produktion der Audio Alliance.Hostin: Ivy HaaseSprecher: Tim PommerenkeAudio-Produktion: Aleksandra ZebischRedaktion: Bernadette Schmidt
Absolute Gene-ius

20 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 15 days ago

Inspiring stories and advice from dPCR gene-iuses.
Update verfügbar

47 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 8 days ago

Das monatliche Update des Bundesamts für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) läuft ganz einfach. Es geht von selbst ins Ohr und liefert die aktuellsten Neuerungen: Die Digitalthemen der letzten Wochen in einem großen Patch für Sie - immer am Monatsende. Unsere Moderatoren Ute Lange und Michael Münz liefern brandaktuelle Neuigkeiten, fesselnde Gäste und erstaunliche Geschichten rund um Digitalisierung, Cybercrime und Zukunftstechnologien - leicht verdaulich und klug erzählt. Jetzt abonnieren und schon heißt es alle vier Wochen: Update verfügbar! https://update-verfuegbar.podigee.io/feed/mp3 https://www.instagram.com/bsi_bund/ https://de-de.facebook.com/bsi.fuer.buerger https://x.com/BSI_Bund https://www.youtube.com/BundesamtfürSicherheitinderInformationstechnik oder per E-Mail an: [email protected]
STERN nachgefragt – Nachrichten. Experten. Meinungen.

107 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 2 years ago

STERN nachgefragt - Nachrichten. Experten. Meinungen. In diesem Podcast sprechen wir mit Expert*innen über das, was uns in Deutschland aktuell bewegt. Wir analysieren Hintergründe, wir beleuchten die gesellschaftlichen Phänomene unserer Zeit, wir haken kritisch nach.Eine Produktion der Audio Alliance.Redaktion: Stefanie Hellge, Kirsten FrintropProduktion: Aleksandra Zebisch
BiOfunk - Bakterien, Viren und Wir

18 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Die meisten Krankheiten werden durch Viren verursacht – oder durch Bakterien. Das Konzept, dass unsichtbare Erreger Krankheiten verursachen, wurde vor ungefähr 140 Jahren entwickelt. Die sogenannte Keimtheorie ist ein ungemein erfolgreiches Konzept, dass die Entwicklung der modernen Medizin erst möglich machte. In diesem Biofunk-Spezial betrachten wir exemplarisch verschiedene Stationen, die zur Entwicklung der Keimtheorie und zum besseren Verständnis von Krankheitserregern geführt haben. Es ist eine Art chronologischer Wegweiser zu allen BiOfunk-Folgen, die sich mit der Keimtheorie und Krankheitserregern befassen. Alle ein bis zwei Wochen wird eine neue Episode veröffentlicht. Diese und alle anderen BiOfunk-Folgen findest du auch auf www.BiOfunk.net/Thema Viel Spaß beim Hören! Du möchtest Geschichten aus der Biologie hören? Dann empfehle ich dir meinem anderen Podcast: BiOfunk sendet spannende Geschichten aus der Biologie. Wie machen Viren und Bakterien krank? Welche Aufgaben haben Proteine? Warum gibt es überhaupt Sexualität? Das sind nur einige unserer Themen.

30 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 13 days ago

Welcome to CEConversations, a clinical podcast presented by Creative Educational Concepts designed to improve clinician performance and optimize patient outcomes.
US Chamber of Cannabis Podcast

133 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 1 year ago

'Grow Knowledge and Extract Truth.'The US Chamber of Cannabis Podcast is here to explore and evolve the science and culture of cannabis into the future. We aim to ask every question we can think of and strive to grow the community of ethical operators in the cannabis world. With over 40 years of combined personal and professional cannabis experience, join the Professor and Keegan Mack as they explore the fast growing world of cannabis and help usher in the next era.From the street to the grow, from dispensary to the corporate office, from flower to dabs and everything in between; We are here to enhance the cannabis user experience and support profitability without mistreatment.@uschamberofcannabis
MEDICUS - the Podcast by Duke-NUS Medical School

12 Episodes


Avg Length 18m


Latest episode 9 days ago

MEDICUS – the Podcast shines a spotlight on the people whose very ideas are shaping the future of science and medicine. Produced by Duke-NUS Medical School, a landmark collaboration between Duke University and the National University of Singapore, the podcast shares the stories of scientists who are working on the Little Red Dot to transform medicine and improve lives for people in Singapore and around the world. We cover what we know best--from COVID-19 science to neurological conditions and end-of-life care, and from diabetes and heart disease to sleep disorders and cancers. We make the science relevant and easy to understand. Never want to miss an episode? Subscribe to MEDICUS now: https://www.duke-nus.edu.sg/medicus/subscribe
Radio Davos

231 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 17 hours ago

How do we solve the world’s biggest challenges? From climate change to inequality; the rise of big tech and rapid changes in how we live and work. Radio Davos talks to the people who have the ideas, the passion and the power to make change happen in a way that benefits all of us.

1 Episodes


Avg Length 18m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Ever thought about why you laugh when you’re tickled? Do you pop your knuckles and wonder whether or not that’s actually bad for you? (Surprise, it's not.) Or have you always wanted to catch up with the latest scientific breakthroughs but never found the time to do so? Well, you’ve come to the right place.For students who used to, still do, or want to like science, DnA is for you. Don’t worry, we’re not like the typical professors and teachers; we don't talk textbook. Hosted by 4 current international IB students, our podcast aims to deliver and popularize science in a fresh and dynamic way. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Podcasts Santé Atavik

5 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 5 years ago

Podcast by Podcasts Santé Atavik
Radio Davos

230 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 7 days ago

How do we solve the world’s biggest challenges? From climate change to inequality; the rise of big tech and rapid changes in how we live and work. Radio Davos talks to the people who have the ideas, the passion and the power to make change happen in a way that benefits all of us.
TLC Sessions - Living with Long Covid

82 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 1 month ago

A podcast dedicated to Long Covid. Noreen Jameel and Emily Kate Stephens talk to fellow sufferers, doctors and experts searching for answers about this new, debilitating post-viral condition. So if you are one of the millions suffering from, or interested in, this new condition - tune in to our weekly podcast.
Bøssepesten og dens pionerer  - 40 år med aids i Danmark

3 Episodes


Avg Length 44m


Latest episode 2 years ago

AIDS-Fondet markerer, at det i år er 40 år siden, aids-epidemien for alvor fik fat. En ny sygdom i verden, som ingen forstod eller vidste, hvad man skulle stille op overfor.Sådan var det i begyndelsen, men i år er det også 25 år siden, at der kom en behandling, som virkede, så en hiv-diagnose ikke længere at betragte som en dødsdom. Men hvordan begyndte det, og hvad kunne man egentlig stille op overfor noget, man ikke rigtig vidste, hvad var. I denne podcast fra AIDS-Fondet tager journalisten Mathias Kryger dig med tilbage i tiden, og du møder nogle af dem, der var med til at skabe den danske indsats mod hiv og aids. De medvirkende er: Jens Ole Nielsen, der var læge på Hvidovre Hospital, da de første danske patienter bliver indlagt. Steffen Jensen, som i 1981 var nyvalgt medlem af ledelsen i Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske. Ole Morten Nygaard, der er en af de første, som bliver testet positiv. I afsnit tre medvirker Anne Marie Helger, der mistede sin bror og blev aktiv i aids-arbejdet. Optagelse og redigering: Mie Brandstrup. Tekst og musik: Kristian Haarløv, Anne Marie Helger og Carsten Lund. Foto: Neel Munthe-Brun
Sue's Healthy Minutes with Sue Becker | The Bread Beckers

133 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 3 days ago

At The Bread Beckers, Inc, we believe that what passes for food today bears little resemblance to the living organisms God created. Fatigue, sinus problems, constipation, high cholesterol and even warts are just some of the conditions that many suffer with, from eating foods that our bodies were never meant to process. Sue's Healthy Minutes Podcast is an extension of The Bread Beckers, Inc. Sue Becker, Founder, is a Food Scientist with over thirty years of experience in the food industry. Here, she discusses the nutritional science behind the foods that we eat today and reveals how simply eating real food can be beneficial to your overall health and wellbeing. *DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this podcast or on our website should be construed as medical advice. Consult your health care provider for your individual nutritional and medical needs. The information presented is based on our research and is strictly that of the author and not necessarily those of any professional group or other individual. Visit our website: https://www.breadbeckers.com/. Like us on on Facebook: @thebreadbeckers Follow us on Instagram: @breadbeckers
Spanish Practices - Real Life in Spain

98 Episodes


Avg Length 8m


Latest episode 4 years ago

This is the story of a Brit in Spain from Day One of the lockdown, what ordinary life is like in a Corona Virus Epicentre
The Checklist by SecureMac

399 Episodes


Avg Length 24m


Latest episode 6 days ago

SecureMac presents The Checklist. Hosted by Ken Ray, each week The Checklist hits security topics for your Mac and iOS devices. From how-to's and safety tips, to security news of the day, The Checklist by SecureMac takes a conversational, solutions oriented approach to security for the average user. Check in each Thursday for a new Checklist!
Raise the Line

499 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Join hosts Shiv Gaglani, Hillary Acer, Lindsey Smith, Caleb Furnas and Michael Carrese for an ongoing exploration of how to improve health and healthcare with prominent figures and pioneers in healthcare innovation such as Chelsea Clinton, Mark Cuban, Dr. Ashish Jha, Dr. Eric Topol, Dr. Vivian Lee and Sal Khan as well as senior leaders at organizations such as the CDC, National Institutes of Health, Johns Hopkins University, WHO, Harvard University, NYU Langone and many others.
Frag dich fit – mit Doc Esser und Anne

207 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Die besten Tipps für ein gesundes Leben gibt es jeden Freitag zu hören. Im Gesundheitspodcast geht es um Ernährung, Sport und Wohlbefinden. Und damit auch um viele Volkskrankheiten – und wie wir ihnen vorbeugen können. In jeder Folge beantworten Doc Esser und Anne eure Fragen. Wenn ihr dabei sein wollt, schickt uns die Fragen per Mail an [email protected].

185 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 12 days ago

This is a weekly podcast on cyber security domains. We discuss, dissect and demystify the world of security by providing an in-depth coverage on the cybersecurity topics that matter most. All these in plain easy to understand language. Like it, share it, and most importantly enjoy it!
Ich glaube, es hackt!

54 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Hier ist der „Ich glaube, es hackt“-Podcast, in dem wir (Tobias Schrödel und Rüdiger Trost) die Themen der IT Sicherheit einfach und verständlich erklären. Jeder nutzt Smartphone, Tablet und Computer und ist von den Gefahren betroffen. Aber wie behält man als Nicht-Nerd da den Überblick? Etwa 20 Minuten widmen wir uns alle 2 Wochen einem Thema und geben praktische Tipps für jedermann. Wir wünschen Euch gute Unterhaltung bei unserem Podcast!
Ist das gesund? Der Medizinpodcast der Kleinen Zeitung

119 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 13 days ago

In unserem Gesundheitspodcast (ehemals Corona-Update) widmen wir uns ab sofort allen Themen rund um die Fragen: Was macht uns krank? Was hält uns fit? Wie beugen wir vor? In den ersten Episoden des Podcasts sprechen wir über Depressionen, Zucker und Sex.
You are fucked – Deutschlands erste Cyberkatastrophe

7 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Ab dem 6. Juli 2021 geht in der Landkreisverwaltung von Anhalt-Bitterfeld nichts mehr. Hacker haben Daten verschlüsselt und erpressen den Landkreis. “You are fucked” ist ihre erste Nachricht. Der Podcast rekonstruiert, warum der Landkreis wegen des Hackerangriffs für 210 Tage den Katastrophenfall ausruft. Was heißt es für die Menschen, wenn eine Verwaltung nicht arbeiten kann? Wieso reist eine IT-Forensik-Firma nach neun Tagen wieder ab? Wofür kommt die Bundeswehr? Warum kritisiert das BSI den Landkreis? Wer sind die Hacker? Und vor allem: Was haben Verwaltungen und Behörden aus Deutschlands erster Cyberkatastrophe gelernt? Ein Podcast von MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT.
Før alarmen går

51 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Velkommen til podkastserien «Før alarmen går» - laget av Atea Norge. Vi skal ta opp dagsaktuelle problemstillinger og løfte sikkerhetsutfordringer vi står overfor som samfunn. Vi gir deg læring, inspirasjon og caser - og konkrete tips til hva du kan gjøre for å være forberedt på cyberangrep og kriminell aktivitet. Våre gjester er fageksperter som tar for seg ulike sider ved IT-sikkerhet - alt forklart på en folkelig måte. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Life with Long Covid

12 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 2 days ago

The Covid-19 pandemic is a distant memory for many people, and it is not given much news coverage. Yet there is a growing number of people who have reported that symptoms never left them after contracting the virus; many of them have had these symptoms for years. The Office of National Statistics estimates that over 2 million Britons have Long COVID-19. You may have it or know somebody who is struggling with it. The number worldwide is unknown. My name is Paul, and long Covid has debilitated me since January 2022. In this podcast, I share my journey and the things I have experienced along the way. I aim not to give medical advice; I am not qualified. Instead, I want to share my experiences. I have been gaslit, ridiculed and dismissed for my symptoms, which has been a lonely place to be. Through this podcast, I want people to know they are not alone.
After the Virus - a Surviralist's Journal

29 Episodes


Avg Length 17m


Latest episode 3 years ago

From the post-apocalyptic novel After the Virus - A Surviralist's Journal (available on Amazon). When a deadly mutated virus sweeps the globe, survival expert Will Scott knows that his only chance is in the remote Ishi Wilderness, once the domain of “America’s last wild Indian”. He soon finds that surviving the elements is nothing compared to the relentless pursuit of a failed-state militia bent on killing every “surviralist” existing outside of the quarantine zone. When he rescues a teenage girl named Hope, whose family has been slaughtered and trains her in wilderness self-sufficiency, her skills eventually exceed even his. His compassion is repaid when Hope becomes the provider and the warrior needed for them to endure. Told first-person in the style of a daily diary, each episode contains one or more day’s journal entries of nearly 12 months on the run in the wild.
Talking Transplant

2 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Welcome to Talking Transplant! Throughout this podcast our expert host and guests will discuss topics in transplant that go beyond the every-day. Listen to the first episode where Dr Annemarie Weißenbacher (Austria) and Dr Mark Harber (UK) discuss the principles of sustainable healthcare for transplants and explore improvement opportunities in long-term sustainability of transplant care and empower the medical community to take action. Listen to the second episode where Dr Annemarie Weißenbacher and Dr Deepali Kumar (Canada) raise awareness of infectious complications throughout the transplant journey, and the risks that they may pose to patients undergoing both solid organ and haematopoietic stem cell procedures.All information is accurate as of June 2024. This podcast is intended for HCPs outside of the USA. This podcast is initiated, organised and funded by Takeda. Speakers were paid an honorarium by Takeda for their participation. Copyright 2024 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. All rights reserved. Takeda and the Takeda logo are registered trademarks of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. Episode 1: Date of prep: September 2022; VV-MEDMAT-72907; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0038; VV-MEDAT-73823; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0036; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0040; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0041; C-ANPROM/GB/MARI/0039.Episode 2: Date of prep: July 2024; VV-MEDMAT-105917. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Hep-cast

13 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Join us as we go beyond the statistics to explore the human impact of one of the greatest health crises of our time. Over 350 million people are living with viral hepatitis worldwide. The Hep-cast is about the people whose lives have been changed by viral hepatitis and those fighting to eliminate it as a public health threat by 2030. Guests include people living with viral hepatitis, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and activists. They will expose the human cost of this cruel virus and explore what can be done to win the fight against it. The Hep-cast is a collaboration between the World Hepatitis Alliance and Gilead Sciences. The Hep-cast is fully funded by Gilead Sciences Europe Limited. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Digital Crime - Auf digitaler Spurensuche

66 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 11 days ago

Erlebt die spektakulärsten Fälle von Cyber-Kriminalität und Cyber-Sicherheit hautnah mit. In der vierten Staffel des preisgekrönten True-Crime-Podcasts Digital Crime begibt sich Moderatorin Mag gemeinsam mit Expert*innen auf digitale Spurensuche und rekonstruiert die spannendsten Kriminalfälle aus dem Netz. Und wem das noch nicht reicht, der hört alle zwei Wochen in unser neues Kurzfolgen-Format rein. Dort vertiefen wir die interessantesten Aspekte rund um das Thema Cyber-Sicherheit.
Flipside Christian Church

242 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 10 days ago

Watch our Live Sermons every Sunday morning at 10:30am by searching "Flipside Christian Church" on Youtube or go to "flipside.church" See more of Flipside Christian Church by going to our website at "http://www.flipside.church/media/" or download our app by searching "Flipside Christian Church" in the Google Play and Apple App Store. Flipside Christian Church Madera Ranchos, CA
Le monde de la cyber

48 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Bienvenue dans le monde de la cyber ! Je m'appelle Leslie Fornero et je travaille dans la cybersécurité. Avec ce podcast, je vous emmène à la découverte de ce monde à la fois merveilleux et terrifiant. Chaque mois, je rencontre un nouvel acteur de la cyber : un hacker éthique, un acteur politique, une association, une entreprise qui propose une solution innovante, et bien d'autres encore... On parle de cyberattaques, de gangs de hackers, d’entreprises et d’hôpitaux qui se font attaquer, de rançons qu’il faut payer ou non, des gestes de cybersécurité simples à mettre en place pour ne pas tomber dans les pièges d’internet. Pour que le monde de la cyber n’ait plus aucun secret pour vous.
Bitácora de Ciberseguridad

36 Episodes


Avg Length 77m


Latest episode 5 years ago

El programa en el que tratamos la seguridad de la información desde un punto de vista práctico y asequible para concienciar sobre los peligros de no proteger adecuadamente nuestros recursos informáticos e información. Producido por Proyecto Albedo y presentado por Sergio R.-Solís y Raúl Fernández. Un podcast 100% libre de virus y para todos los públicos.
De RIVM Podcast Leefomgeving & Gezondheid

6 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 2 years ago

De leefomgeving waarin je woont, werkt en recreëert, heeft grote invloed op je gezondheid. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan hoe schoon de lucht is, of je naast stille natuur of juist naast een druk vliegveld woont of hoe groot de kans is dat je in die omgeving door een bacterie of virus besmet raakt. Hoe kunnen we nu en in de toekomst, zo goed, lang en gezond mogelijk in onze eigen omgeving blijven wonen? Bij het RIVM buigen vele wetenschappers zich over deze vraag en zetten zich daar in voor een gezonde bevolking en leefomgeving. In de RIVM podcast Leefomgeving en Gezondheid, klopt presentatrice Nienke de la Rive Box aan bij de mensen achter de wetenschap van het RIVM. Zo hoort ze van hen hoe het kan dat je in de stad ziek kunt worden van dieren. Ook vraagt ze zich af of het beter voor het milieu is als we gezond eten en of stilte gezonder is dan herrie. In deze gesprekken hoort ze welke risico’s er zijn maar ook wat je zelf kunt doen om je omgeving en gezondheid te verbeteren.

5 Episodes


Avg Length 22m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Het personeel in de Noord-Hollandse ziekenhuizen werkt harder dan ooit, nu de coronacrisis de wereld al maanden in zijn greep heeft. Radiomaker Arend de Geus interviewt elke week verschillende van deze Coronastrijders uit de regio aan de hand van een thema. Kijk voor meer informatie op https://www.nhnieuws.nl/coronastrijders
a dating advice show for microbes
Vaccine 4 1 1 - Daily News on the Covid-19 and Coronavirus Vaccines

256 Episodes


Avg Length 5m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Vaccine 411 is a daily news and information source dedicated to keeping you informed about the Coronavirus and Covid 19 vaccines. As news develops, Vaccine 411 will keep you informed, provide updates, and any useful information in the race to find preventions and treatments for coronavirus and Covid 19.For more info check out http://www.vaccine-411.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Everyday Tech

267 Episodes


Avg Length 44m


Latest episode 1 day ago

Everyday Tech is MPB Think Radio's weekly program about consumer technology. Email the show at: [email protected] episode explores the latest news talk, issues, and products in consumer technology, and they troubleshoot problems posed by the show's callers.Everyday Tech airs Wednesday mornings at 11e/10c on Mississippi Public Broadcasting's Think Radio network, can be seen on MPB Think Radio's YouTube channel, and can be heard live or on demand on the MPB Public Media App, and streamed on MPBOnline.org.MPB Think Radio Network Station Guide:WMAE-FM 89.5 TupeloWMAV-FM 90.3 OxfordWMAB-FM 89.9 StarkvilleWMAO-FM 90.9 GreenwoodWMAW-FM 88.1 MeridianWMPN-FM 91.3 JacksonWMAU-FM 88.9 Natchez/McCombWMAH-FM 90.3 Biloxi/Gulfport Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Informe Coronavirus

50 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Última hora sobre el coronavirus en España y el mundo.La Cadena SER reúne la información más relevante, de voces autorizadas, sobre el COVID-19.