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What's The Difference?

What's The Difference?

Sara Taylor

Diversity is an incredible resource that is likely going untapped in your organization...Here is your chance to change that. Look around this country. Diversity & Inclusion professionals, as well as countless committed leaders and employees have been working hard for decades to create organizations that are more diverse and inclusive. They are working hard to make Diversity & Inclusion (or D&I) a part of the DNA of their organizations and communities. Yet for every two steps forward, we still take one step back. Or two. Or three. It's time for our approach to make sure that two steps forward remains just that: two steps forward. It's time for Diversity 3.0: Transformational Diversity. Transformational Diversity requires us to build new skillsets to go along with new mindsets. It requires us to respond to ever greater levels of complexity. When we operate at this level we ensure that the fact of Diversity, the fact that we are all different to one degree or another, actually transforms individuals with ideas and experiences from ineffective siloed belief-bunkers into truly inclusive environments where everyone interacts at the peak of professional effectiveness. Sara Taylor is author of the best-selling book Filter Shift, and founder of deepSEE Consulting. Each podcast episode of What's The Difference? provides the tools, resources, and insights you need to begin to transform your organization or the organizations with whom you work into the inclusive, effective powerhouses of the 21st century.
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How many episodes does What's The Difference? have?

What's The Difference? currently has 130 episodes available.

What topics does What's The Difference? cover?

The podcast is about Society & Culture, Podcasts, Business and Diversity.

What is the most popular episode on What's The Difference??

The episode title 'Episode 51: The Black Experience in the Workplace, with Talisa Lavarry' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on What's The Difference??

The average episode length on What's The Difference? is 22 minutes.

How often are episodes of What's The Difference? released?

Episodes of What's The Difference? are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of What's The Difference??

The first episode of What's The Difference? was released on Feb 28, 2019.

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