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1 Creator

...a podcast, pulverizing episodes BEYOND The Walking Dead UNIVERSE!
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Top 10 SQUAWKING DEAD Episodes

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Podcast Q&A

Why did you start this show?

"If you want something done right, do it yourself." The premiere of The Walking Dead's 8th season marked its 100th episode and things were looking rough for both the show's ratings and within the fandom's ranks. What made things infinitely worse, from our point of view, were podcasters in the space simply riding that brown, stinky lightning: choosing to hyper-focus on what was wrong with the show rather than so many things they were doing right. We simply had to throw our hat in the ring.

What do you hope listeners gain from listening to your show?

Above all else: joy. We love to laugh - not necessarily at The Walking Dead Universe's expense - we do tend to take ourselves rather unseriously. Your input is very much appreciated, especially when we might disagree because it allows us to go through takes that hadn't occurred to us and give them a fair shake, much like we do every series we cover. At our core, we want you to feel something and walk away thinking differently than you otherwise would've on your own, at first watch.

Which episode should someone start with?

THE LATEST ONE and work your way backwards! We've improved so much over the years and seek to continuously improve our production quality and podcast format with every episode. Starting from episode one is... ill-advised! Starting from the latest episode allows us to connect with you on the latest episodes you are watching RIGHT NOW, anyway, so you don't feel like you are listening to a voice in the past, stuck in a moment of time when that episode was first released.

Which have been your favourite episodes so far?

It might sound like a cop-out, but every new episode release makes us more and more proud than the last. There are specials we release, outside the serialized episode breakdowns, that are ports in the storm that don't necessarily follow the usual format, which are a real treat: whether they are trailer breakdowns, breaking news, holiday specials, AMAs, or even thoughts on a new character appearing or an old one returning. And, of course, our interviews with cast and #TWDFamily!

Which episode are you most proud of?

As I write this, now, our tour of the Living with The Walking Dead exhibit at Museum of the Moving Image with Teo Rapp-Olsson. Getting to interview him on his present role on The Walking Dead while showing him the exhibit for the first time was so much fun on a multitude of levels.

What is your vision for your show?

To affect the lives of others: whether it be getting them to think differently about what they've just watched, getting them to feel something that they might not have connected with on their own, or even via our charity efforts, directly. We're continuing to build upon our core mission, improve it, and offer more to our listeners as we go.

What is your favourite other podcast that isn't yours?

We'll post a link to our Goodpods list of fellow creators in the space when its ready! Consider this a placeholder!

How did you come up with the name for your podcast?

It's kind of a double-entendre: the dead squawk; we squawk; we squawk about the dead. And we are not "the" (noun), we just are SQUAWKING (verb).

Tell us a bit about yourself

As the founding member, David Cameo has been podcasting before it was cool (Hipster podcaster) back in 2000-2006. LIFE HAPPENS and a decade later, those skills were put to good use - along with a metric f***-ton of life experience - and a desire to seek both truth and beauty in the world, rather than ride those never-ending waves of negativity. We want to improve the world and add to its beauty, rather than chip away at it.

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How many episodes does SQUAWKING DEAD have?

SQUAWKING DEAD currently has 295 episodes available.

What topics does SQUAWKING DEAD cover?

The podcast is about Podcasts, Tv Reviews and Tv & Film.

What is the most popular episode on SQUAWKING DEAD?

The episode title '[REACTION] TWD: The Ones Who Live Q&A /w Andrew Lincoln, Danai Gurira, and Scott M. Gimple' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on SQUAWKING DEAD?

The average episode length on SQUAWKING DEAD is 87 minutes.

How often are episodes of SQUAWKING DEAD released?

Episodes of SQUAWKING DEAD are typically released every 6 days, 17 hours.

When was the first episode of SQUAWKING DEAD?

The first episode of SQUAWKING DEAD was released on Oct 10, 2017.

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