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Creative Botica

Creative Botica

Little Raging Warrior - Martha Lluch

Welcome! This podcast has episodes in English & Español.
Conversations by Martha Lluch -artist behind the Little Raging Warrior Project- focused on the intersection between creativity and healing from trauma. A space filled with insights from healthcare practitioners both from the traditional and alternative perspectives, holistic healers, artists and dear soul friends that have influenced my own journey. as I learn to navigate the world beyond my own traumatic experiences.
Bienvenidos, este es un podcast en Inglés y Español!
Conversaciones con Martha Lluch, artista detrás del proyecto Little Raging Warrior, enfocadas en la intersección entre la creatividad y sanar experiencias traumáticas. Un espacio lleno de información sobre las personas que me han ayudado en mi propia travesía de sanar.
Los invitados incluyen a profesionales de la salud tanto de la medicina tradicional como alternativa, sanadores holísticos, artistas y amigos del alma que comparten sus historias y perspectivas sobre como la creatividad los ha ayudado en sus vidas.
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How many episodes does Creative Botica have?

Creative Botica currently has 10 episodes available.

What topics does Creative Botica cover?

The podcast is about Health & Fitness, Healing, Creativity, Mental Health, Podcasts, Trauma and Arts.

What is the most popular episode on Creative Botica?

The episode title 'Tarot Terapeutico en momentos de transicion & la Creatividad con Jhanan Naime' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Creative Botica?

The average episode length on Creative Botica is 41 minutes.

How often are episodes of Creative Botica released?

Episodes of Creative Botica are typically released every 7 days.

When was the first episode of Creative Botica?

The first episode of Creative Botica was released on May 29, 2023.

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