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Clipboard Conundrum

Clipboard Conundrum

Paul Birken

Quiet down humans, We need to vent our circuits, Let the machines speak *** Constrained conditions: Confusing confrontations: Clipboard Conundrum: *** Synthesizers work many long hours generating audio which is structured into tracks and songs. They aren't usually asked their opinions on political or economic systems. This show is a collection of off-the-cuff conversations between musical machines from an undisclosed basement while they are off duty from their song writing day jobs. So put your head in the speaker, come closer and hear what they have to say.
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How many episodes does Clipboard Conundrum have?

Clipboard Conundrum currently has 14 episodes available.

What topics does Clipboard Conundrum cover?

The podcast is about Music, Podcasts, Music Interviews and Music Commentary.

What is the most popular episode on Clipboard Conundrum?

The episode title 'SOMA Rumble of Ancient Times and Gieskes HSS2020 (x2)' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Clipboard Conundrum?

The average episode length on Clipboard Conundrum is 8 minutes.

How often are episodes of Clipboard Conundrum released?

Episodes of Clipboard Conundrum are typically released every 2 days, 10 hours.

When was the first episode of Clipboard Conundrum?

The first episode of Clipboard Conundrum was released on Sep 3, 2022.

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