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Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis

Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis

Dea dan Irene

Isinya sih akan berputar pada ekspresi-ekspresi kami terkait ilmu antropologi. Mungkin kalau nantinya podcast ini jalan bisa aja meluas ya topiknya! Yang kami pikirin untuk sekarang podcast kami akan berisi uneg2 kami yang sering kami obrolin ber2 ajaa, seperti review bahan bacaan antropologi, sejarah perkembangan teorinya, review film dikaitkan dengan antropologi, dan cerita cerita kami selama belajar antropologi. Kemungkinan bakal ada bintang tamu-bintang tamu antropolog, peneliti antropologi dan juga mahasiswa antropologi.
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How many episodes does Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis have?

Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis currently has 1 episodes available.

What topics does Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis cover?

The podcast is about Podcasts and Education.

What is the most popular episode on Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis?

The episode title 'Perkenalan Dea, Cis, dan Dunia Antropologi.' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis?

The average episode length on Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis is 24 minutes.

When was the first episode of Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis?

The first episode of Chit Chat Antropologi with Dea dan Cis was released on Jul 6, 2020.

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