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Character Corner - A Podcast on Your favorite Comic Book Characters - Barry Allen and the Flash Family Part 1

02/18/21 • 80 min

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This feels like a long time coming. It's actually quite amazing that it's taken us this long to cover Barry Allen. We're slowly making our way through the original seven members of the Justice League (Martian Manhunter is the only remaining member left and we'll cover him soon). There's a few reasons why it's taken us such a long time to cover the character that practically launched the Silver Age of comics. First, we're Wally West fans. There's a reason why Wally West was the second character we ever covered on the Character Corner. And rightly so. Most of what everyone knows of the Flash came from Wally's time (The Speed Force was created during Mark Waid's great Wally West run). Related to this, the second reason it has taken us this long is because Barry Allen for so long represented more of a Legend in the DC Universe than anything else. His first appearance kicked off the start of the Silver Age and his death not only saved the DC Universe but also arguably kicked off the Bronze Age. His sacrifice set the bar and tone for so many characters, not just Wally. He also for the longest time the promise of a hero passing his mantle and legacy to his protege. And honestly, the best Barry Allen stories and the ones people really think of that define the character, all came after his return from death after two decades. But before we get into Barry, we start with Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash. We'll also be covering some of the other members of the Flash family in part 2. Consider these episodes the primer for later this year when we do a deep dive Comic Book Book Club into Josh Williamson's run on the Flash that really brings home and ties together the legacy of Barry Allen. Issues: Jay Garrick Flash Comics #1 - First Appearance of Jay Garrick The Golden Age Flash All Star Comics #3 - First Appearance of the Justice Society of America (Jay was founding member and Chairman) Barry Allen Showcase #4 - First appearance of Barry Allen the Silver Age Flash Flash #110 - First Appearance of Wally West as Kid Flash Flash #123 - Flash of Two Worlds (Barry & Jay meet for the first time) The Original Rogues (We covered Flash Rogues on this episode) Captain Cold - Showcase #8 Mirror Master (Sam Scudder)- The Flash #105 Gorilla Grodd - The Flash #106 Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway) - The Flash #106 Weather Wizard (Mark Mardon) - The Flash #110 Trickster James Jesse - The Flash #113 Captain Boomerang - The Flash #117 The Top (Roscoe Dillon) - The Flash #122 Abra Kadabra - The Flash #128 Heat Wave - The Flash #140 The Golden Glider (Lisa Snart) - The Flash #250 Rainbow Raider - The Flash #286 The Flash #139 - First appearance of Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom The Flash #275 - The death of Iris Allen The Flash #282 - 283 - Thawne revealed as Iris' murderer The Flash #324 - Barry kills Thawne when Thawne tries to kill his new fiance The Flash #340 - 350 - Trial of the Flash. #350 ends with Iris being revealed to be from the 30th century and still alive, Barry goes off with Iris to live in the 30th century Crisis on Infinite Earths The Wally West Years (Check our Wally West Character Corner & the Update) Final Crisis #2 - The real return of Barry Allen The Flash The Rebirth - Six Issue mini-series. Sets the ground for the modern take on Barry and Eobard. Revealed that Thawne went back in time to kill Barry's mother The Flash vol 3 Blackest Night Flashpoint The Flash Vol 4 (Rebirth) The Williamson run. We will be covering this in a Comic Book Book Club Like what you hear? Subscribe so you don't miss an episode! Follow us on Twitter: @Dpalm66 @InsanityReport @TheMTRNetwork Our shirts are now on TeePublic: https://teepublic.com/stores/mtr-network Want more podcast greatness? Sign up for a MTR Premium Account!

02/18/21 • 80 min

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