Complete list of Charisma Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

58 Episodes
Avg Length 20m
Latest episode 1 month ago
This fun podcast series is for anyone who has to deliver a message, tell a story or speak to another human being. Robin Kermode and Sian Hansen cover all aspects of how you connect with everyone you meet - whether you're giving a speech, running a meeting or simply talking with friends. Our Communication Experts series includes experts in many different fields: TV and radio presenters, politicians, auctioneers, writers, professors, lawyers, film directors, actors, art dealers, photographers and designers etc. Everyone will be an expert in communicating with their audience in their particular medium. Robin Kermode, is an actor, best-selling author, leading Communication Coach, popular keynote speaker, body language expert and media commentator. For more information visit:

384 Episodes
Avg Length 37m
Latest episode 3 days ago
Welcome to the Charisma Quotient hosted by dating, makeover and confidence expert, Kimmy Seltzer. Each week, learn from Kimmy and other experts about how to build confidence from the outside, in. She’s consulted thousands of people to revamp their style, boost their confidence and most importantly, find love. Her lighthearted, down-to-earth and practical approach brings a fun and knowledgeable style to the podcast. She alternates the podcast with solo episodes highlighting various topics, interviewing experts, reading questions and answering them with surprising answers and live coaching sessions.

13 Episodes
Avg Length 17m
Latest episode 3 years ago
Communication is your most powerful tool to create the impact you desire. How can you start fully using this power to your advantage? In the Communication Charm podcast, you will discover the best strategies to help you stand out and shine in every interaction.•The episodes are short and sweet so you can apply what you learn immediately.•Learn how to influence, pitch yourself, negotiate, create charisma, and executive presence among other skills. Explore topics like business communication, interpersonal skills, public speaking, writing, feedback, listening, empathy, body language, positive communication.•Connect better with your business partners, friends, family. You will always create a positive experience and make a lasting impression. I am your host Johny K. In my career as a communication strategist and coach, I have seen many people who were doing amazing things, but they were not seen because they didn’t know how to present their successes. I made it my mission to help them create a winning communication strategy and boost their confidence. Everyone can be a great communicator if they know how to do it. Communication is the door to a whole new world of opportunities, connections, and fulfilling life. Will you open that door? Hit subscribe!

126 Episodes
Avg Length 21m
Latest episode 2 days ago
The Social Skills Mastery Podcast is where High-Performance Social Confidence Coach and Corporate Trainer, Susan Callender helps professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs stand out in competitive and often high-stakes situations, by raising social capital and using the power of polished people skills to make an impact. Weekly content encompasses what to do, what to say, how to maneuver tricky situations and get it right the first time.

132 Episodes
Avg Length 45m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Ausstrahlung, Charisma und eine gute Körperbeherrschung sind Aspekte, die zu einem erfolgreicheren Leben beitragen. Warum ich dieser Meinung bin, liegt ganz einfach daran, dass ich selbst eine riesen Veränderung durchlebt habe und heute dafür sorge, dass andere Menschen vielleicht ein paar weniger Umwege gehen müssen, als ich damals. Anhand spannender Geschichten, handfester Fakten und anwendbarer Tipps möchte ich dich auf deiner Reise zum "Menschenmagneten" begleiten.

10 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
Latest episode 5 years ago
If you're an entrepreneur, sales person, network marketer, or anyone who'd like to eliminate fear, indecision, and doubt from your life and become a ten times bolder and more badass version of your already awesome self then this is the podcast for you. The training, tips, and advice you'll learn in this podcast will help you become more confident, charismatic, and persuasive so you can make more money, have more fun, and live a happier and more fulfilled life. Cesar Rodriguez is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, sales trainer, and success coach who's an expert on boldness, psychology, and communication. He's most famous for making his first million by 29, being a #1 recruiter and top producer in multiple companies, and for impacting the lives of millions of people through his videos, talks, and trainings. In this podcast Cesar shares the success secrets, strategies, and hacks he’s learned from thousands of books, audios, and real world experiences that when applied, will allow you to have more success, happiness, freedom, and fulfillment. If you like your wisdom, philosophies, and lessons delivered to you by fun, fiery, and edgy speakers who are entertaining, inspirational, and motivational, then you're gonna love Cesar and this podcast. To connect with Cesar, search for CesarLRodriguez on Instagram and look for the profile with the blue check, or search for him on Facebook, YouTube, or Google. To become friends with Cesar and thousands of other Be Ten Times Bolder listeners, request to Join this show's Official Facebook Group by typing in “The B10xB Movement” in the Facebook search box.

24 Episodes
Avg Length 15m
Latest episode 4 months ago
Welcome to the Charisma Matrix Podcast- your guide to mastering the social skills of the world's most influential individuals. As the podcast to the Charisma Matrix YouTube Channel, both run by Baron Cruz, this platform offers a deeper dive into the nuanced world of elite social dynamics and communication. - Decoding micro expressions and mastering body language - Developing a powerful, resonant voice and impactful vocal tonality - Navigating complex social and dating dynamics - Enhancing attractiveness through elite communication methods - Applying ultra-rich strategies in personal and professional settings Whether you're aiming to dominate in your career, transform your dating life, or become a master of human interaction, our playbook has the answers. Join us as we decode the communication strategies of the ultra-rich and help you apply them in your own life.

53 Episodes
Avg Length 58m
Latest episode 2 years ago
The INFJ Journey podcast explores all things INFJ focusing on the shared human experience and our unique storytelling.

52 Episodes
Avg Length 24m
Latest episode 6 months ago
Become More Compelling Radio is a podcast where I (Jeff Callahan) have conversations with charisma and people skill experts. My goal with each conversation is to deconstruct what makes them fantastic at what they do, and pass that glorious information along to you on a silver platter so that you can craft a more compelling social life. To learn more about maximizing your social skills and charisma using behavior and psychology head over to

291 Episodes
Avg Length 15m
Latest episode 4 days ago
In diesem Podcast geht es um Körpersprache, Stimme, innere Haltung und den richtigen Einsatz von Worten, damit du so wirken kannst, wie du es möchtest. Denn: Du wirkst immer und überall. Als studierte Schauspielerin und Hochschuldozentin bin ich eine der in Deutschland meist gefragtesten Körpersprache-Expertinnen im Bereich der nonverbalen Kommunikation. Als Wirkungsspezialistin unterstütze ich außerdem Vorstände in DAX-Unternehmen, traditionellen Familienunternehmen wie Würth und schule deutsche Politiker für den richtigen Auftritt. Mit meinen Inhalten zeige ich dir, wie du deine Wirkung mit einfachen Tricks verbessern kannst.

244 Episodes
Avg Length 31m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Der kontext*denken-Podcast bietet auf vergnügliche Weise einen sprachlichen Perspektivenwechsel auf die "Problem-Klassiker" des Alltags an. TV-Moderatorin und NLP-Trainerin Miriam Deforth und Hypnocoach, Kommunikations- und NLP-Trainer Florian Groß bringen professionelles Sprach-Verdrehen humorvoll und sofort umsetzbar für jeden unters Volk. Denn je mehr Menschen sich einer bewussteren und wacheren Sprach- und Denkweise bedienen, desto einfacher werden Probleme gelöst. Der Podcast ist eine Einladung, in die hohe Kunst der Sprachzauberei hinein zu schnuppern, neurolinguistisches Programmieren zu lernen und viele tolle Kniffe und Möglichkeiten des Kommunikationstrainings im Alltag anzuwenden. Jede Woche Dienstags gibt es eine neue, kostenlose Folge. Die beiden Sprachprofis nehmen sich Themen wie Konfliktlösung, Krisenbewältigung, Moderation, Dialogtraining, Feedback und Diskussionsfluss zur mütterlichen (und väterlichen) Sprachbrust oder behandeln Fragen, die von Hörern eingereicht werden. Immer am Ende des Podcasts gibt's viele Tricks und Besserwisserei für den Heimgebrauch. Sprache kann zaubern - und wie einfach das funktioniert, zeigt dieser Podcast. Viel Spaß beim Hören!

249 Episodes
Avg Length 12m
Latest episode 8 hours ago
Für alle, die mehr wollen im Leben: Glück. Erfolg. Anerkennung. Charisma. Erfüllung von Herzenswünschen. Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit. In meinem Podcast erhalten Sie praktische und wirkungsvolle Tipps, wie Sie Ihre Ziele am besten erreichen. Dazu gibt es interessante Infos und kleine Übungen zu den jeweiligen Themen. Meine Basis: Über 40 Jahre Erfahrung als Psychologin, Coach, Referentin, Seminartrainerin und Bestsellerautorin für Ratgeberbücher.

19 Episodes
Avg Length 19m
Latest episode 2 years ago
Entdecke das Geheimnis von Erfolg und Lebensfreude pur. Mindshift Magie© bedeutet, dein Leben und dein Business in Einklang zu bringen mit deinem wahren Selbst, deinen Zielen und Wünschen, deinem Lebensplan. Dörte Scheffer gelingt es bodenständiges Coaching mit Spiritualität und Medialität zu verbinden und unterstützt genau darin auch ihre Kunden. Sie ist seit über 20 Jahren Psychologin, Unternehmerin, Coach und Medium. Und sie hat sich einen besonderen Ruf als Akasha Chronik Leserin aufgebaut. Mehr findest du unter