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Complete list of Boardgame Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods


122 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 3 months ago

Felicia Day is an actor, writer, producer and author of the bestselling memoir "You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)". Her "Felicitations!" podcast feed has her monthly solo podcast, and her Felicitations Book Club with Bonnie Burton that is held live monthly at discord.gg/feliciaday! Felicia's podcasts cover such geeky topics as gaming, television, reading, but also often veer into her personal life as a creator and parent. Welcome!
The Dice Tower

835 Episodes


Avg Length 81m


Latest episode 12 days ago

Tom Vasel and Eric Summerer take a look at board games, card games, and the people who design, publish, and play them. Top ten lists, Q&A, tales of horror, and more await you!
Board Game Barrage

329 Episodes


Avg Length 57m


Latest episode 3 days ago

Join Kellen, Neilan, Mark, and Christina for a podcast about board games, the latest hotness, and how to have fun with your friends even when you're losing.
Board Game Blitz

231 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 3 days ago

Board Game Blitz is a 30 minute bi-weekly podcast about modern board games and card games hosted by Ambie and Crystal.
The Letters Page

455 Episodes


Avg Length 87m


Latest episode 5 days ago

Christopher Badell and Adam Rebottaro discuss characters and events from their hit game, Sentinels of the Multiverse, and answer fan questions regarding the past, present, and future of Sentinel Comics.
The Warwick Recordings

13 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 6 months ago

The Warwick Recordings - An 11-episode audio drama podcast from The Deadbolt Mystery Society.Everyone has secrets. Knox Carter, a mid-list suspense author, is no exception. After getting divorced and needing a change of scenery, he buys a run-down house to restore in the Warwick Court neighborhood as a way of both preserving his own secret and finding a distraction from his personal problems. However, Warwick Court and its residents also have their fair share of secrets. Listen to The Warwick Recordings and hear Knox Carter's accounts of the strange series of events that take place there. But, beware, the Owl King is coming!
Monsters & Multiclass

203 Episodes


Avg Length 73m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Come join Ellie, Jarred, and Will for your Dungeons & Dragons fix! With a new episode every other Thursday the Monsters & Multiclass crew will discuss two segments, Multiclass Mashup and a Monster of the Week!
Arcade Castle: A Gaming Podcast

21 Episodes


Avg Length 61m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Welcome! You've reached the home of the Arcade Castle Podcast, a podcast that looks a little at video games, a little at board games, and those things that got a little bit of both. While most podcasts tend to look at the latest and greatest, we have opted for a far darker path through the sprawling realms of digital and analog games. For lying between these two genres is a pile of games few dare to play, games that often defy categorization. Bizarre chimeric creations and licensed games abound here. Found in thrift stores and on-line, studying these games will be a global effort as countries across the planet send these objects to the Arcade Castle for examination. Why do we do this? To determine how well these board games capture the essence of their parent franchise. To see how the strategies, gameplay, game mechanics, player challenges, and player roles are translated from the digital realm of video games to the analog base of the board game. Can we learn anything about design and gameplay by comparing how a single franchise is represented in two different mediums? Can one inform the other? That, and who doesn't love board games and video games? Website: http://arcadecastle.blogspot.com
The Go Forth And Game Podcast

120 Episodes


Avg Length 55m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Go Forth And Game Podcast is a show focusing on interviewing board and card game designers, publishers, and others in the board game community.
The Corner Game Table Board Gaming Podcast

14 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 11 months ago

The Corner Game Table is a podcast about board games, the people who play them, and the amazing experiences that are just waiting to be had when you sit down with other people around a game table. The group has assembled at the best table in the house and we have been saving a seat just for you! Won’t you come over and join us? The Corner Game Table is a production of Salamander Games.
Cult Following: The One True Podcast

3 Episodes


Avg Length 47m


Latest episode 5 years ago

The podcast for "Cult Following: The One True Game" - a storytelling party card game where players create ridiculous cults and pitch them to their friends. Hosted by game creator Trevor Bradley.
Dice Tower Now

304 Episodes


Avg Length 22m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Dice Tower Now is your source for the biggest news from the tabletop gaming world. Each week, the DTNow team brings you breaking stories, special reports, interviews, Kickstarters, new releases, and more.
Funding the Dream

345 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Raising money and launching a business are daunting tasks. Since 2011, Richard Bliss has hosted a wide array of guests who bring their expertise in all areas of business.With a heavy focus on the board game industry, Richard and his guests have taught thousands of people how to fund their dreams. Join Richard and his next guest as you look to build and grow your own business.
2 Guys and Some Cardboard Unboxed

4 Episodes


Latest episode 12 years ago

Der nerdige & niveauvolle Trashtalk

171 Episodes


Avg Length 69m


Latest episode 5 days ago

"Der nerdige Trashtalk" über Rollen- & Brettspiele, Literatur, Comics und Filme. Unverfälschtes Nerd-Gelaber, kritische Rezensionen und spannende Einblicke in die deutsche Nerd-Szene. Kann Spuren von guter Laune enthalten. +++ "Der niveauvolle Trashtalk" ist unser Interview-SpinOff. Gleiche Thematik, gleicher Aufbau, aber mit wechselnden Gästinnen und Gästen, die auf ihrem Themengebiet echte Expert*innen sind. +++ Die Hosts: - Philipp ist mit seinem Nerdkultur-Blog https://nerds-gegen-stephan.de/ eine feste Größe in der deutschen Rollenspiel-Szene. Wenn er nicht gerade leidenschaftlich Comics liest oder international publizierte Regelwerke schreibt, gewinnt er Kreativwettbewerbe für Indie-Rollenspiele (GRoTaNaRSpEW 2016, 2x WOPC 2021) und organisiert verschiedenste Community-Aktionen (z.B. RPG'n'more Podwichteln, PEN&P). - Elea wurde schon öfters mal als Shooting-Star der Phantastik-Szene bezeichnet. Zudem ist sie eine langjährige (Live-)Rollenspielerin, streitbare Literatur-Aktivistin und hat einen Doktortitel in Kriminalpsychologie. Also der perfekte Gegenpart ab der 2. Trashtalk-Staffel. Mehr Infos zu ihr unter https://eleabrandt.de/ - Wohl niemand aus dem Trashtalk-Team ist so umfassend im Nerd-Bereich verwurzelt wie Patrick. Egal ob knallhartes & regelintensives Tabletop, erzählerisches Rollenspiel, satirische Animationsserie oder auch einfach mal süße kleine Zauberponys - Patrick kennt die Trends aller pop-kulturellen Nischen! Seit der 5. Staffel verstärkt er den Podcast, um sich mit Elea & Jörg bei der Co-Moderation abzuwechseln. - Jörg Benne, das laut Ausweis älteste, aber optisch jüngste Mitglied des Podcasts, leitete früher ein bekanntes Online-Magazin für Popkultur & Videospiele. Seit der 5. Staffel hat er sich aber ganz dem Podcasten verschrieben. Zudem gewährt er als Autor zahlreicher Solo-Spielbücher, Gesellschaftsspiele und Phantastik-Romane tiefe Einblicke in die "andere Seite" der Popkultur-Szene. Mehr zu seiner Autorentätigkeit findet man unter https://www.joergbenne.de/ In wohliger Erinnerung an die 1. Staffel: - Herbert, Vollblutsatiriker, ist wiedererweckte Rollenspiel-Storyteller und langjähriger Tabletop-Stratege. Sein neues Youtube-Soloprojekt trägt den Namen "Herbert Immersion". In dankbarer Erinnerung an die 4. Staffel: - André ist ein Urgestein der deutschen Rollenspiel-Szene und begleitet diese schon seit 2008 kritisch mit seinem Würfelheld-Blog. Außerdem ist er Herausgeber zahlreicher Phantastik-Anthologien und streitbarer Aktivist für Barrierefreiheit (sowohl beim Nerdkram als auch im echten Leben). Der Cyberpunk-Liebhaber wechselte sich in der 4. Staffel mit Elea bei der Co-Moderation ab. +++ Impressum: https://www.nerds-gegen-stephan.de/node/1538 Datenschutzerklärung: https://www.nerds-gegen-stephan.de/node/1539
DTV Audio

1046 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 8 days ago

Do you want just the audio from our Tops 10s, special videos, and select reviews? Then you've come to the right place
Married and Board

101 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 4 months ago

Welcome to the Married and Board podcast. A podcast about board games and the stories they tell.
Three is Company

24 Episodes


Avg Length 146m


Latest episode 2 years ago

A monthly podcast focusing on Fantasy Flight Games’ Lord of the Rings LCG. Join hosts Ryan, Liam, and Joseph for card reviews, various in depth discussions and all things LOTR LCG.
The Booster Pack Network

83 Episodes


Avg Length 76m


Latest episode 1 year ago

The Booster Pack Network offers a diverse range of TCG-related content through its quartet of shows.From players to collectors to designers & even academics, we have the show for you.Formally "The Booster Pack" podcast, this feed has expanded to invite new voices & platforms to share our love for collectible trading card games.
Boards Alive Podcast

365 Episodes


Avg Length 84m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Boards Alive is a podcast where we talk about tabletop games. Our goal is to show that tabletop gaming can be just as exciting and engaging as Hollywood movies or big budget video games. We try to highlight games that have a rich theme that connects with the mechanics of the game. We want to help people escape into tabletop games and enjoy the competition and camaraderie of gaming.
Comfy Club

96 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 13 days ago

Just two best friends talking about the coziest video games

11 Episodes


Avg Length 11m


Latest episode 9 months ago

Desgutabu é um podcast dedicado à degustação de jogos de tabuleiro. A cada quarta-feira, degustaremos um novo jogo.
The Enlightened Illumineers - A Disney Lorcana Podcast

5 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Welcome to The Enlightened Illumineers! Here you will learn the finer details about the new Trading Card Game called Disney Lorcana made by Ravensburger in partnership with Disney. Each week I will discuss upcoming events, new meta shifts, and all news. Solo hosted by Trey 'Cabled' with occasional featured guest from the community
The Downtime Gaming Podcast

108 Episodes


Avg Length 74m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Every other week we'll be bringing you news, reviews, and thoughts on the latest and greatest in the world of board games, videogames, and everything else that you can do in your hard earned downtime.

167 Episodes


Avg Length 102m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Playtime, jeux de société et monde ludique.

37 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 10 years ago


85 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 3 years ago


26 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 3 years ago

The Dominion League Weekly Podcast

154 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 5 months ago

Listen to a summary of this week in Dominion games.
Dads on a Map

209 Episodes


Avg Length 88m


Latest episode 14 days ago

A board game podcast by Dads, for Everyone - talking 18xx, Cube Rails, COIN, the Pax series, and Old Dusty Euros.

21 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 16 years ago

'ScapeTalk is a monthly podcast formatted like a radio talk show, wherein we discuss board game news, game reviews, and of course all things Heroscape. Visit http://www.heroscapers.com to join in the discussion.
Zombicide Fans

7 Episodes


Avg Length 121m


Latest episode 19 days ago

The first and only Zombicide podcast. Whether you're a newbie looking to pick up your first Zombicide game or a veteran wading through waves of the undead in various settings, we've got you covered. Tune in as each episode will provide an in-depth review for either a Zombicide game or big box expansion. We cover modern, fantasy, sci-fi, western, superhero, and more. Join us as we gear up, level up, and roll the dice and take down the hordes of the undead! Zombicide Fans is an unofficial podcast and is not affiliated with or endorsed by CMON or Guillotine Games.Our Website: https://zombicidefans.comJoin us on Discord https://discord.com/invite/rHzUx567NqJoin us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/zombicidefansUpgrade your games https://BoardGameGoodies.shop
Average Meeple

33 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Average Meeple: Where average people talk about games.
The Who, What, Why? Game Design Podcast

358 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 9 months ago

On Who, What, Why? I discuss game design with those who make games and try to learn more about the game design process. Each episode I interview a designer, publisher, developer, artist, etc. of tabletop games such as card, board, or role playing. Some episodes discuss big ideas in design rather than individual games. I have both mainstream and independent developers as guests.

168 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 5 months ago

Design Diary

145 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Board Games Are For Losers

60 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 6 months ago

Board Games Are For Losers is a podcast where two friends with the same name talk about everything board game related and introduce new players to the hobby in an entertaining attempt to dispel the notion that board games are for losers.On the main episodes the hosts (Darin and Daron) welcome a guest with limited gaming experience and ask them about their opinions of board games. They then pick and play a game with them and see if those opinions change.Other segments on the podcast include reviews of popular games, discussions about board game related accessories, and board game related trivia.Visit our website www.boardgamesareforlosers.com for more information and send us an e-mail at [email protected] if you have a question you'd like us to answer on the podcast.
Board Game Dialog

21 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 6 years ago

The Board Game Dialog podcast discusses the world of modern board gaming. We cover board gaming related topics, deliver reviews of your favorite tabletop games and more!
Player One | Player Two: The Board Gaming Duo

39 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 3 years ago

When you exclusively play board games with two players, the hobby can feel a bit like a solitary experience. The purpose of this podcast is to open our door to you, and welcome you into our gaming world, as well as hopefully help introduce other people to the hobby.
Un Board Game Presque Parfait

133 Episodes


Avg Length 168m


Latest episode 10 days ago

Des amis se retrouvent autour d'une table de jeu pour discuter des actualités ludiques et pour partager leurs impressions sur les jeux de l'heure!
The Juggercast

73 Episodes


Avg Length 71m


Latest episode 2 years ago

The Juggercast is the official Juggernaut Gaming Company podcast hosted by Anthony, Rob, and Jorli. We’ll be bringing you gaming news, tips for players, senseless rambling, interviews, our take on the gaming world, and above all else informing gamers of today and welcoming gamers of tomorrow.