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Top 7 Heavy Metal Podcasts
Feb 2, 2025
The Best Heavy Metal Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.
413 Episodes
Avg Length 71m
Latest episode 3 days ago
10 Episodes
Avg Length 71m
Latest episode 4 months ago
141 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 10 months ago
135 Episodes
Avg Length 62m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Heavy Metal Podcasts
Heavy metal podcasts cater to fans of the genre, offering a diverse range of content including discussions, interviews, music reviews, and industry news. These podcasts delve into various subgenres of heavy metal, including thrash, death metal, black metal, and more, providing listeners with an immersive experience into the world of heavy music. Whether you're a seasoned metalhead or new to the scene, heavy metal podcasts offer a platform to discover new bands, explore classic albums, and engage in conversations with fellow metal enthusiasts.
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Top Heavy Metal Podcasts
Several podcasts have gained popularity for their engaging content and in-depth coverage of heavy metal music. Shows like "The MetalSucks Podcast," "The Metal Injection Livecast," and "Talk Toomey" consistently rank among the top heavy metal podcasts. They feature interviews with musicians, album reviews, discussions on metal news and culture, and insights into the creative process behind metal music. Whether you're interested in exploring the latest releases or revisiting classic albums, these podcasts offer something for every metal fan to enjoy.
What are the best Heavy Metal Podcasts right now in 2025?
As the heavy metal community continues to thrive, new podcasts emerge to offer fresh perspectives and insights on the genre. Some of the best podcasts to listen to right now include "The Metal Hammer Podcast," which covers a wide range of topics including album reviews, artist interviews, and industry news, and "The Abyss Podcast," a podcast that explores the history and impact of iconic metal albums. These podcasts provide listeners with a mix of entertainment, education, and inspiration, offering a deeper understanding of the music and culture of heavy metal.
Frequently Asked Questions About Heavy Metal Podcasts
What topics do Heavy Metal podcasts cover?
Heavy metal podcasts cover a wide range of topics related to the genre, including but not limited to album reviews, artist interviews, industry news, concert reviews, and discussions on metal culture and history. These podcasts provide listeners with a platform to explore new music, engage in conversations with fellow metalheads, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the world of heavy metal.
Are Heavy Metal podcasts suitable for all metal fans?
Yes, Heavy Metal podcasts are designed to be accessible and informative for metal fans of all backgrounds and preferences. Whether you're a fan of classic metal bands, underground acts, or emerging artists, there's something for everyone to enjoy from heavy metal podcasts.
How can I find Heavy Metal podcasts to listen to?
Heavy Metal podcasts are readily available on, where you can discover new shows and episodes based on recommendations from fellow metal enthusiasts. Simply search for "Heavy Metal podcasts" or browse through the available categories to find shows that resonate with your interests and preferences.
Can listening to Heavy Metal podcasts help me discover new bands and albums?
Absolutely! Heavy Metal podcasts offer listeners a valuable platform to discover new bands, albums, and artists within the genre. Whether you're looking for the latest releases from established bands or exploring the underground scene for hidden gems, these podcasts provide curated recommendations and insights to help you expand your musical horizons and discover new favorites.
Are there any podcasts that focus specifically on niche aspects of heavy metal, such as specific subgenres or regional scenes?
Yes, many Heavy Metal podcasts feature episodes dedicated to exploring niche aspects of the genre, such as specific subgenres like black metal, death metal, or doom metal, as well as regional scenes from around the world. These episodes may include interviews with bands, discussions on the history and evolution of the subgenre or scene, and recommendations for standout albums and artists. Whether you're interested in delving deep into a specific subgenre or exploring metal scenes from different parts of the globe, there are podcasts available that provide detailed coverage and insights tailored to your specific interests within the broader landscape of heavy metal.
Check out these Heavy Metal Podcasts
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No es todo lo que se ha dicho sobre el rock... Es todo lo que nos queda por decir...
Conducido por Sergio Alvite y Jorge Medina
Encuéntralo todos los jueves a las 00hrs. horas del centro de México
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
32 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 1 year ago
205 Episodes
Avg Length 11m
Latest episode 6 days ago
96 Episodes
Avg Length 26m
Latest episode 2 months ago
THE BLOG OF ROCK ist das Hardrock & Heavy Metal Podcast MusikMagazin. Ich bin Uwe Lerch und nehme Dich Backstage mit zu dem RockStars!
Natürlich quatschen wir über die Musik, die uns alle verbindet. Über neue Platten, über Live-Pläne und was früher so war. Aber wir sprechen auch über die Menschen dahinter. Was hat sie inspiriert und motiviert und welche RockStar-Tips haben sie für Dich da draussen. Jeden Freitag neu zum Feierabendbier - kostenlos und laut! 🤘
Hier findest Du alle weiteren Podcast-Portale, wo Du THE BLOG OF ROCK auch abonnieren kannst – sowie weitere Informationen über mich und einen Link, der Dich auch in meine offizielle Facebook-Gruppe führt. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn wir uns hier kennenlernen.
Höre Dir gerne auch die bereits veröffentlichen Stories an, denn jede Woche gibt es hier neues Futter. Und vor allem - erzähle es Deinen Freunden und teile die frohe Kunde auf Social Media.
ABONNNIERE oben rechts und wähle Deinen Anbieter wie Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music oder deezer aus, damit Du keine Folge mehr verpasst.
Alles klar? Dann hören wir uns ja bald!
Bis dahin,
Keep On Rockin!
Über den Host des Podcasts:
Uwe Lerch ist ein passionierter Musik-Experte, Co-Gründer des ROCK HARD-Magazines und seit fast vier Jahrzehnten im Musikbusiness in verschiedenen Funktionen erfolgreich tätig. In diesem Podcast plaudert er aus dem Bierkästchen über seine Begegnungen mit den RockStars und den Machern dahinter.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
308 Episodes
Avg Length 163m
Latest episode 2 days ago
383 Episodes
Avg Length 97m
Latest episode 8 months ago
This podcast is your backstage pass to the ultimate rock experience! Designed for rock enthusiasts who crave more than the basics, host PJ Pat takes you deep into the world of iconic rockstars and legendary bands. From exploring rock history and breaking down the latest news to dissecting magazine articles and sharing jaw-dropping stories from your favorite artists, this show is a must-listen for anyone who lives and breathes rock ‘n’ roll.
Connect with PJ Pat at or the socials below:
Facebook: "its 1louder podcast" page
Instagram, X and YouTube: @rockwithpjpat
Rock on to live on!
152 Episodes
Avg Length 55m
Latest episode 4 months ago
58 Episodes
Avg Length 60m
Latest episode 7 months ago
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
91 Episodes
Avg Length 37m
Latest episode 4 days ago
Established in 2007, Full Metal Racket is a 2 hour extreme metal radio show featuring the best in thrash, death and black metal from the underground as well as the more established artists! As well as the best new releases, there's older stuff too and also weekly regular features.
The show goes out live on Hard Rock Hell Radio every Sunday at 7pm GMT
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
7 Episodes
Avg Length 74m
Latest episode 1 month ago
Two gore whores and metal heads breakdown the genres that influence their lives. Digging deep into the relationships between and that have been made out of Horror Movies and Heavy Metal Music.
391 Episodes
Avg Length 58m
Latest episode 4 days ago
126 Episodes
Avg Length 116m
Latest episode 12 days ago
Podcast muzyczny - Ciężka muzyka, newsy, nowe albumy, kreatywne rozmowy, zaskakujące sytuacje, wywiady, relacje z koncertów - to wszystko nutką poczucia humoru. To dzieje się u nas! Za sterami Michał Stiller oraz Michał Drab
35 Episodes
Avg Length 57m
Latest episode 5 days ago
A punk and a metalhead started a podcast because they want to show each other records and they both have ADHD and need to make the other listen to and now they're going to make you listen to them. Side One/Side B with Dave & Steve is a podcast put together with two bandmates with ADHD who have a similar Venn diagram of music tastes, but Dave comes at it from the punk perspective and Steve from the heavy metal perspective. It’s kind of like crossfire, except we don’t hate each other, or make Jon Stewart sad.
Die Beiden sind ein perfect match, wenn es darum geht, die Szene neu zu bürsten. Der eine seit zwei Jahrzehnten Musiker und Content Creator, der andere Journalist, Chefredakteur, Host und Manager. Axel One und Zacke Zahn vereinen das Beste aus allen Teilen des Rock- Pop und Kultur-Universums und daraus wird jetzt ein Podcast. Ja, noch einer. Exakt. Und zwar einer, der es in sich hat, weil die Beiden alle Themen mit chirurgischer Präzision sprachlich unter die Lupe nehmen. Metal, Rock und Pop ist gesetzt, aber auch andere lebensbestimmende Themen wie Konzerte, Klamauk, Film, Fernsehen und Firlefanz kauen die Beiden wider. Getreu dem Motto "Wir nehmen alles in den Mund" wird "Gnadenlos" schon bald in jeder Playlist zu Hause sein. Von A(xel) bis Z(acke), ein Thema wird jeden von euch interessieren. Die beiden sind nicht nur Experten in ihren jeweiligen Bereichen, sondern auch BBF – best buddies forever. Zusammen zwar schon fast 100 Jahre alt, aber das sollte sich auf den Podcast nicht auswirken, ganz im Gegenteil, Stichwort Lebenserfahrung. Diese und auch ihre uneindeutige Meinung wird euch GNADENLOS präsentieren. Popcorn raus und Füße hoch, ein unterhaltsames und zugleich informatives Erlebnisformat für die Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer ist geschaffen.
Axel One bringt seine jahrelange Erfahrung als Musiker ein und weiß genau, worauf es bei gutem Sound ankommt, nicht nur bei sich selbst. Zacke Zahn hingegen hat einen scharfen Blick auf das aktuelle Geschehen in der Musikszene (Axel natürlich auch) und filtert die Essenz des niemals endenden Informationsstroms. Gemeinsam bereiten sie es hörfertig und scharfwortig auf, die Meinung kommt gratis oben drauf.
Gemeinsam beleuchten sie alle Facetten des Musikbusiness: von den neuesten Alben bis hin zu skandalösen Auftritten oder kontrovers diskutierten Themen wie Streaming-Dienste oder Ticketpreise. Dabei nehmen sie kein Blatt vor dem Mund - “Gnadenlos” eben!
Doch auch abseits der Musikwelt haben Axel One und Zacke Zahn viel zu sagen: Ob über ihre Lieblingsfilme, Serien oder Bücher, Team Hosen oder Team Ärzte, Ost oder West, schwarz oder weiß...den Beiden fällt immer was ein. Immer.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The latest news about your favourite Rock and Metal festivals. We'll cover the predicted line-up of bands, the latest announcements, and answer your questions about camping in the UK.
We love seeing live Rock and Metal. We started off covering Download Festival exclusively, but now cover a broader range of rock gigs and festivals. We're here to offer news, opinions and advice.
Get bonus content on Patreon including exclusive outtakes of the show!Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vältä raudanpuutos ja tankkaa hivenaineet hilselinkoosi Heviosastolta! Heviosasto on raikas ja rietas podcast raskaamman rockin ihmeellisestä maailmasta. Moshpitissä marinoidut hevidiggarit Arttu, Jokke, Jesse ja Lauri ruotivat metalliskeneä, ehdottavat kuuloelimillesi uutta kuunneltavaa ja ennen kaikkea iskevät tarinaa metallimusiikista. Kvartettimme skaala ulottuu aina ryhdikkäästä faijarockista salamannopeaan sankariheviin ja kalmankatkuiseen kuolometalliin, joten jokaiselle pitkätukalle löytyy tarttumapintaa!
159 Episodes
Avg Length 62m
Latest episode 1 year ago
180 Episodes
Avg Length 57m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Heavy Metal, 'You either love it, or hate it'.
Each episode, our host, and my friend, Tom, walks us through the history of the genre, from Sabbath to Slipknot, the '60s to modern day, and gives us a little background on each artist, all through the use of a selection of songs and albums, that he feels, defines the band and the genre as a whole.
A fan of heavy metal? Not a fan? Or just open to the experience, like me? Well then join us as we discuss the artists, songs, and albums that define this genre.
If you would like to listen along to all the songs that we have listened to on the show, then you can check out the 'Metal Marmite Playlist' on Spotify or Apple Music. Just click the link below and start listening now.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
13 Episodes
Avg Length 46m
Latest episode 4 years ago
Ikkje berre spelar dei den tyngste, hardaste og mest brutale musikken på norsk radio, men du får farleg mykje pisspreik på kjøpet! Gammal metall rustar aldri, og Piggtråd sørger for at du ikkje gløymer det!
Her får du servert all praten frå kvar veke si sending!
Høyr på oss, med musikk, kl. 15-18 kvar søndag på 5000 Bergen.
Instagram: Piggtråd (@piggtraad)
Facebook: Piggtråd
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
36 Episodes
Avg Length 121m
Latest episode 9 months ago
Horror Movies and Heavy Metal!
What happens to a group of friends when they get together to introduce their sheltered West Virginia Country Boy Best Friend to a Horror Movie and a Heavy Metal Album?
Under this Show we have several segments which include:
BlastBeat- This is a one off episode, sometimes containing lists or current events.
The Sanguine Record- This is our interview show. This is where we allow creators to talk about what they want to talk about!
Mosh Pit Episodes- This is our bread and butter so to speak. One Horror movie reviewed start to finish, scene by scene. One Heavy Metal album, start to finish, track by track!
The cast includes both experts and novices of the Horror and Heavy Metal Genres. Listen to the thoughts and sometimes disagreements of both lovers and newbies of the Horror and Heavy Metal Genre's.
Also don't forget that everything is Dave's fault.
Greg Buzzelli (Can barely be considered coherent enough to be a host)
Dave Farrell (The Reason for the Show! Complete Noob)
Dustin Holston (Stares at his massive arm muscles and veins while podcasting)
Emily Austin (Random Female Hire. Has questionable views on Heavy Metal)
Andy Holston (Hi! I'm Andy. An actual wild card that we have no idea what he will say!)
47 Episodes
Avg Length 61m
Latest episode 1 month ago
106 Episodes
Avg Length 118m
Latest episode 2 years ago
Robb Flynn is the lead vocalist, lead guitarist, and mastermind for the thrash metal band Machine Head. Listen every week as Robb brings you backstage while he tours the world bringing you deeper inside the makings of a hard-living touring musician, interviewing friends in bands, his die-hard Machine Head fans (affectionately called “Head Cases”), as well as the wacky cast of his road crew.
As you may know, Robb is an outspoken, no holds barred tell-it-like-it-is personality in the Metal community, and never plans on holding back on his very own podcast, No Fuckin' Regrets!
205 Episodes
Avg Length 75m
Latest episode 14 days ago
Album Anarchy is a show that looks at all things Heavy Metal. Reviews of some of the most influential Heavy Metal albums, bands, and all the sub-genres. Join your host, "The Willster", for a look at some of the greatest and maybe not-so-great parts of Heavy Metal! \m/
291 Episodes
Avg Length 46m
Latest episode 1 day ago
This is the Podcast of Alan Averill aka Nemtheanga, vocalist of the Irish Metal band Primordial for almost the last three decades! It's all about music industry commentary and insider info, rock n roll stories from a life on the road, travel experiences from every continent, piracy and general skullduggery, gallows humour, some political observation, musings on history and culture and some good old Irish psychoanalysis. A Vagabond of the Western World!.....
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
18 Episodes
Avg Length 13m
Latest episode 1 year ago