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Top 3 Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts
Feb 7, 2025
The Best Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

377 Episodes
Avg Length 97m
Latest episode 6 days ago
Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford.
This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.
Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts
Dungeons and Dragons often referred to as D&D, is a tabletop role-playing game that has been entertaining and inspiring players for over 45 years. It is a game of imagination, storytelling, and adventure that has captured the hearts and minds of millions of people worldwide. With the rise in popularity of Dungeons and Dragons podcasts, numerous podcasts have emerged that explore the game's world and its mechanics. These podcasts range from actual play sessions, where players record their gameplay sessions, to discussions on character creation, storytelling, and game mastering. Dungeons and Dragons podcasts offer players an immersive and engaging way to explore the game and its vast universe.
Top 100 Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts
Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top dungeons and dragons podcasts for you. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, Dungeons and Dragons podcasts offer a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the endless possibilities of this incredible game.
What's the best dungeons and dragons podcast right now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best dungeons and dragons podcasts people are listening to right now. From Dungeons and dragons-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated dungeons and dragons podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Leisure Podcasts, Games Podcasts, and Vidoe Games Podcasts.
Check out these Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts

163 Episodes
Avg Length 10m
Latest episode 3 years ago

7 Episodes
Avg Length 63m
Latest episode 8 months ago

51 Episodes
Avg Length 66m
Latest episode 10 months ago
The Heroes Tried Their Best is a comic fantasy actual play podcast following a secret society of monster slayers as they investigate a series of mysterious pattern of kidnappings in Lamplight City. Experience thrilling battles inside meandering trains, hijacked zeppelins, occult rituals and meet a wacky cast of characters. The RPG game system we use as of right now is dungeons and dragons fifth edition and its sourcebooks, as well as D&D Beyond. -- -- Season 2 of the Heroes Tried Their Best is out now! There will be brushes with the Feywild, Eladrin, Vampires, and Werewolves among other creatures from the depths of horror mythology. There are homebrew elements as well, like cold iron weaponry, cane swords, firearms, and hidden stakes. ||
|| Meet the Players: ~*~The Game Master: Dan~*~
::Season 2:: The Gnome Swashbucklin' Rogue: Frankie played by Meg -- The Harengon Graverobber/Aarakocra Bard: Vlander/Gurdy played by Alex "CheezySpud" -- The Satyr Wild Magic Woo-girl: Denysia played by Brandi "DorkyDino" -- The "Excitable" Harengon Ranger: Flynn, played by Taylor "LuckyLewin" --
::Season 1:: The Halfling Wildmagic Sorcerer: J.R played by Meg -- The Human Paladin-Rogue: Waylon played by Alex -- The Half-Elf Artificer: Roran played by Taylor ||
|| You can catch updates on the podcasts as well as all the TTRPG discussions on the podcast twitter page: -- If you're interested in content beyond dungeons and dragons 5e, you can catch us on Twitch: -- If you'd like to see our faces as well as our everyday adventures, be sure to check out our Instagram: -- If bonus episodes of D&D are your thing, or you just want to help us out, check out our patreon page: -- BravestBunch media is run by Dan and Meg ||

12 Episodes
Avg Length 23m
Latest episode 10 months ago
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
DND met een zachte G is een Nederlandse podcast waar Mardie en Chrit twee keer per maand praten over alles wat met tabletop RPG's te maken heeft.
Laat je verrassen door onze interpretaties van bekende Dungeons&Dragons-monsters en laat je inspireren door interessante discussies en gave gasten.
Stuur je vragen en verhalen naar [email protected] en volg onze instagram @dndmeteenzachteg

158 Episodes
Avg Length 68m
Latest episode 3 days ago
No-Fame is a group of not-famous friends producing sound-designed, tightly-edited D&D and TTRPG content. Check out our latest series Tall Tall Tower–a mid-level High Fantasy Tower Crawl. Coming soon is our Monster of the Week actual play 'Shuttercreek'. Be sure to take a look for our Cyberpunk Red mini-series 'End City', or our Modern D&D 5e spooky adventure 'Stories From The Shore'.
Supporters of our show gain access to our supporter channel on discord, along with a private RSS feed, and exclusive perks like live recording sessions and more :)
Links to all of their content can be found at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

316 Episodes
Avg Length 93m
Latest episode 10 hours ago
Roll for Melanin... It’s a Nat 20!
Three Black Halflings is a podcast by Jasper William Cartwright, Olivia Kennedy (but everybody calls her Liv), and Jeremy Cobb: three nerdy friends with strong opinions and even stronger Charisma scores. Join them in their quest to explore diversity in the incredible worlds of D&D and pop culture while doling out DM tips, thought-provoking conversations, a band of guests and good times!
Connect with us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook @tbhalflings or email [email protected]
If you enjoy this podcast please help us out by leaving a review and sharing with your fellow adventurers.

53 Episodes
Avg Length 151m
Latest episode 4 years ago
Your New Third Favorite Actual Play TTRPG Podcast!
Campaign One: Join our trio of wild west gunslingers and magical cutthroats as they descend into the dusty, lawless frontier in "The Badlands."
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

50 Episodes
Avg Length 98m
Latest episode 7 days ago
Join Ben Costa, James Parks, and George Higgins as they play the Land of Eem tabletop roleplaying game, inspired by the series of fantasy books: Dungeoneer Adventures and Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo.
Ben Costa and James Parks are the creators of Dungeoneer Adventures, Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo, and the tabletop roleplaying game, Land of Eem. They have been friends since the 2nd grade, and love making stuff together.
Lovers of fantasy, they strive to craft tales that celebrate the adventures of unlikely heroes. Ben and James grew up playing tabletop roleplaying games, creating countless characters and collaborative worlds with our pals, a pastime that paved the way for their creative careers, as authors and illustrators.
Land of Eem is a tabletop roleplaying published in partnership with indie game publisher, Exalted Funeral. and is about adventurers exploring and discovering the remnants of a forgotten better age. Described as The Lord of the Rings meets The Muppets, players portray lore-seeking travelers, fortune-seeking pioneers, and adventure-seeking heroes in a time devoid of them. But for all its post-apocalyptic doom and gloom, Land of Eem is tonally quite lighthearted and droll.
Dungeoneer Adventures is a fun, middle-grade fantasy adventure series from Simon & Schuster, about the only human kid attending the adventure school, Dungeoneer Academy. The books are packed with illustrations and available at Target, Barnes & Noble, and Amazon, or you can ask for them wherever books are sold.
Rickety Stitch and the Gelatinous Goo is a fun YA graphic novel series from Random House, about a skeleton bard and his best friend on an epic quest to discover who he was when he was alive. The books are available through Exalted Funeral or online at Amazon, and you can ask for them wherever books are sold.
For more visit:
Get ready for an exciting blend of anime and D&D in this epic audio adventure! Nova's lifelong dream is to become a powerful sorcerer, just like her father and brother before her. But there's a hitch—she can't cast a single spell. That all changes when she makes a life-altering bargain with a mysterious woman for power, but at what cost?
Join Nova, alongside her classmates Ren and Briar, as they dive into arcane teachings at the Tower Sorcerer Academy under the guidance of Professor Xarion. However, Nova's journey isn't just about mastering spells; she's caught in the sights of Foundation and their mysterious leader, Diamond. Just what does the masked organization want with her?
Dive into 'Warlock,' a thrilling D&D audio odyssey with an anime-inspired flair—a thrilling quest that dares to explore: who was the first Warlock?

119 Episodes
Avg Length 90m
Latest episode 7 months ago

8 Episodes
Avg Length 151m
Latest episode 7 days ago
16-Bit Otaku is an anime, gaming, tech, comics..all things nerdy podcast. It is hosted by two brothers, Steven and Connor, who talk about today's news on the aforementioned topics. We have years of experience in these topics, with each of us having expertise in certain subjects. Steven, is in techy, gaming, and anime subjects, while Connor is into Movies, Disney, DnD and gaming. We are quirky, fun average guys who just love to talk about the things they love. Please come and pull up a chair and join us for the conversation!
Welcome to Astronomica, a science fiction OSR actual play podcast using the Stars Without Number RPG system. Join Star Master Stan and regular players Colin, Cullen, Geoff, and Kristen as they crew the definitely-not-piloted-by-a-rogue-AI ship The Admiral Grace. From encounters with magnificent space whales to battling intergalactic corporate scumbags, there is nothing this crew can't make way more complicated than it needs to be. Tag along every Wednesday and listen in as we learn that the true friends were the ones you decompressed and maybe accidentally spaced along the way.
An actual-play livestream turned podcast from Death Dreams Studio.
Join a new party of adventurers as they make their way through Paizo's standalone module Rusthenge - that'll take the PCs through levels 1 - 4 and be used as the jumping point to Paizo's 200th volume and celebratory return to the iconic Pathfinder town of Sandpoint in the 200-page campaign Seven Dooms for Sandpoint!
Visit for more podcasts, merch, and our very own collection of games and adventures! Join our Discord to hang and game with us as well!
Catch us LIVE every Monday 8pm PST/11pm EST at gift the group OBOLS or throw a random encounter at them!
Whispers of Doom and Death Dreams Studio LLC uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., used under Paizo's Community Use Policy ( We are expressly prohibited from charging you to use or access this content. Whispers of Doom is not published, endorsed, or specifically approved by Paizo. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, visit
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

32 Episodes
Avg Length 61m
Latest episode 2 days ago

177 Episodes
Avg Length 83m
Latest episode 1 day ago
Hot Eights is a group of nerds just having fun!
We play a variety of DnD 1 shots, longer campaigns, give DM roundtable discussions and more!
This podcast is NSFW.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.

28 Episodes
Avg Length 65m
Latest episode 13 days ago
Hej og velkommen til podcasten de utæmmelige riger. Hvis du kan lide d&d podcast’s er du kommet til det helt rigtige sted. Lyt med når mine venner og jeg kaster os ud i episke eventyr, spændende fortællinger, ukontrollerede grineflip, dramatiske kampe og meget meget mere.
Kampagnen Honestus følger fire eventyrer, der sammen forsøget at hjælpe byen Uhrholt, i landet De Utæmmelige Riger. Deres rejse er dog kun lige begyndt, og hvor eventyrets uransagelige veje fører dem hen er endnu uvist?
Giv det et lyt og lad dig inspirer, forarge eller blive underholdt, og giv os et like eller følg os på instagram – de utæmmelige riger, hvor billeder fra de forskellige kampe og lignende bliver lagt op.

97 Episodes
Avg Length 50m
Latest episode 6 days ago

88 Episodes
Avg Length 82m
Latest episode 4 days ago

120 Episodes
Avg Length 70m
Latest episode 7 days ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A high fantasy, improv-comedy show where everything's made up and the hit points don't matter! 🔥🐉
DUNGEON RADIO HOUR is the funniest actual-play D&D podcast you've ever heard! Enjoy the outrageous, side-splitting insanity of four lifelong friends, actors, and comedians as they search this mystical new world for a way back home. NEW ADVENTURES EVERY OTHER TUESDAY!➕ Look out for bonus episodes of DUNGEON RADIO AFTER HOURS, our non-RPG spin-off show!
Another actual play podcast focused on worldbuilding and Improv amongst friends, living out fully fleshed-out worlds.Current Campaign: Backspin Dai-height (Ran By Mic, Players include Danny, Dio, Jas,)Dio:

34 Episodes
Avg Length 81m
Latest episode 1 month ago

186 Episodes
Avg Length 108m
Latest episode 6 days ago

11 Episodes
Avg Length 49m
Latest episode 6 years ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

60 Episodes
Avg Length 79m
Latest episode 1 year ago

25 Episodes
Avg Length 47m
Latest episode 2 years ago

40 Episodes
Avg Length 65m
Latest episode 6 months ago
"ABCD (American Born Confused Desi)" is being redefined in new livestream/podcast series American Born Chatty Desis hosted by internet personalities Sandeep Parikh (The Guild, The Legend of Neil) and Omar Najam (Dimension 20). The two hosts (and a sometimes exciting guest) in front of a live chat, with a fast and loose format where they check in with their chakras, debate over their American roots v. Desi heritage then close with a ridiculous game! Come for the light hearted commentary, stay for the deep insights into life from the second generation point of view.
Sit down and grab yourself a bowl of the best narrative soup your ears will ever taste. Bard Soup is an actual play D&D podcast using the 5th edition ruleset. Join us as Jordan Johnsen, Shannon Meikle, and Prima Zhao along with Dungeon Master Zach Meikle embark on a magical journey through the flat world of Xav.

103 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
Latest episode 8 days ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The board is set, the dice are laid out, it's time to ROLL! Join the Biscuit Wagon Crew on their wacky adventures in the realm of imagination. Will they find treausre, fame and fortune? Will biscuit continue to be cursed by every single door he ever opens?.........Probably. Tune in every month to find out!
1v1MeDM Upload new episodes every 2 weeks.
Check out 1v1MeDM's Facebook and youtube page for ANIMATED episodes, and short video content!

40 Episodes
Avg Length 65m
Latest episode 6 months ago
"ABCD (American Born Confused Desi)" is being redefined in new livestream/podcast series American Born Chatty Desis hosted by internet personalities Sandeep Parikh (The Guild, The Legend of Neil) and Omar Najam (Dimension 20). The two hosts (and a sometimes exciting guest) in front of a live chat, with a fast and loose format where they check in with their chakras, debate over their American roots v. Desi heritage then close with a ridiculous game! Come for the light hearted commentary, stay for the deep insights into life from the second generation point of view.

90 Episodes
Avg Length 86m
Latest episode 4 years ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.