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Top 4 Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts
Mar 25, 2025
The Best Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

384 Episodes
Avg Length 96m
Latest episode 4 days ago
Welcome to NADDPOD! Join Dungeon Master Brian Murphy as he leads players Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz on a comedic, actual-play adventure through the realms of Bahumia and Beyond. The show also features a score composed and performed by Emily Axford.
This team has created a variety of D&D campaigns, as well as numerous other series such as DUNGEON COURT and 8-BIT BOOK CLUB. They also occasionally hit the road and roll dice live on stage.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts
Dungeons and Dragons often referred to as D&D, is a tabletop role-playing game that has been entertaining and inspiring players for over 45 years. It is a game of imagination, storytelling, and adventure that has captured the hearts and minds of millions of people worldwide. With the rise in popularity of Dungeons and Dragons podcasts, numerous podcasts have emerged that explore the game's world and its mechanics. These podcasts range from actual play sessions, where players record their gameplay sessions, to discussions on character creation, storytelling, and game mastering. Dungeons and Dragons podcasts offer players an immersive and engaging way to explore the game and its vast universe.
Top 100 Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts
Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top dungeons and dragons podcasts for you. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, Dungeons and Dragons podcasts offer a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals and explore the endless possibilities of this incredible game.
What's the best dungeons and dragons podcast right now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best dungeons and dragons podcasts people are listening to right now. From Dungeons and dragons-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated dungeons and dragons podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Leisure Podcasts, Games Podcasts, and Vidoe Games Podcasts.
Check out these Dungeons And Dragons Podcasts

246 Episodes
Avg Length 59m
Latest episode 5 days ago

25 Episodes
Avg Length 47m
Latest episode 2 years ago

33 Episodes
Avg Length 80m
Latest episode 27 days ago
Welcome to The Vast, a Starfinder Actual Play series about pirates, found family, and chasing dreams. Our story takes place in the pirate-riddled Pact Worlds and follows Skrank the ysoki Technomancer, Kivari the lashunta Evolutionist, and TJ the human Mechanic.
Join us for this story of chasing dreams, found families, and endless adventures in space.
The Vast is:
Katie as Skrank
Ben as TJ
Beth as Kivari
and Justin as the Space Game Master
Be sure to support our friends!
Ben can be found at
Beth can be found at
and uh... You can page Katie at 2266 I guess.
You can find all links at, including links to our sound-designed D&D actual play homebrew series 'Silvistead', our D&D tower crawl series 'Tall Tall Tower' and many other ttrpg adventures!
Join our discord and get in on the conversation at
Support the show at
Thanks for listening and we'll see you soon, travellers...
*No-Fame Podcast's 'The Vast' is not affiliated with Paizo or the Starfinder IP.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

53 Episodes
Avg Length 151m
Latest episode 5 years ago

18 Episodes
Avg Length 158m
Latest episode 1 year ago
World Weavers is a D&D actual play about world-building, storytelling, and imagination. The players not only have their character and play through a 5th edition actual play adventure but also shape the world and its people. They will craft landscapes, build towns, control factions, and breathe life into the stories springing into existence around them - and these will be the settings for our actual play adventures
Live on Youtube Mondays at 7PM EST -
World Weavers is a Homebrew Network podcast. Find more at
Follow at @thehomebrewdnd on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
A real-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast where 3 adventurers work to prevent calamities and disasters from arising before they can ever become a threat.
In Campaign 1, join Arlo Agon, Winterra Darknight, and Saithe as they try to protect the world from unknown forces, and try to adjust to working for the Department of Adventurers Maintaining Normality and Eradicating Debacles, or as they're better known, DAMNED.
Follow Campaign 2 for those DAMNED Contractors - Lya, Tarra Stormblight, and Post L Delvri as they try to be the best of what's left.

47 Episodes
Avg Length 62m
Latest episode 10 months ago
S!de Quest [S!QPOD] is an all-original, actual play, TTRPG podcast based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system. It follows the adventures of Dr. Phineas Cogsbuckle, Din Viesel, and Bolder as they survive the perils of the Warrens through light-hearted robbery, frivolic wanton deception, and a general sense of come-togetherness.

119 Episodes
Avg Length 90m
Latest episode 9 months ago
Welcome to Gust of Wanderlust!
Join players Sam, Matt, Rayla and Taylor as they journey through our homebrew setting of Mirabillis under the guidance of our oh so humble DM Charlie.

81 Episodes
Avg Length 61m
Latest episode 4 years ago

194 Episodes
Avg Length 34m
Latest episode 3 days ago
Ein Dungeons & Dragons 5e Podcast auf Deutsch! Wir (Aaron und Marie) reden einmal pro Woche über ein Thema aus dem beliebten Pen & Paper RPG. Wir erklären euch DND Lore, Monster, Items aber auch all die Basics.

8 Episodes
Avg Length 60m
Latest episode 4 years ago

107 Episodes
Avg Length 76m
Latest episode 9 days ago
A Curse of Strahd actual-play D&D podcast! We're the Goons, an adventuring party of actors, teachers, woodworkers, brewers and web developers banding together to defeat D&D's most horrifying villain–Strahd von Zarovich. Join us around the table as we endeavor to bring hope and light back to the people of the far, foggy realm of Barovia!

51 Episodes
Avg Length 69m
Latest episode 5 days ago
G'day! Welcome to the Down Under Dungeon Podcast! Join our Dungeon Master and their band of tabletop goblins as they explore exciting worlds and tell new stories! This Actual Play TTRPG Podcast strives to give real players a space to explore and disengage from the woes of late-stage capitalism. So, join Amber McLindin, Daniel Bugge, Emerson Cross, Georgia Hood and Oscar Grant on an odyssey of outrageous discovery!
Follow us on Instagram to see some beautiful art of this world and its characters.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
16-Bit Otaku is an anime, gaming, tech, comics..all things nerdy podcast. It is hosted by two brothers, Steven and Connor, who talk about today's news on the aforementioned topics. We have years of experience in these topics, with each of us having expertise in certain subjects. Steven, is in techy, gaming, and anime subjects, while Connor is into Movies, Disney, DnD and gaming. We are quirky, fun average guys who just love to talk about the things they love. Please come and pull up a chair and join us for the conversation!
Welcome, adventurers, to the world of Tales of Aezeron! Here, we journey through epic battles, daring escapes, and mystifying magic as we explore the vast lands of our 5e Dungeons and Dragons homebrew podcast. Whether you're a seasoned player or a curious newcomer, we've got a place for you at the table. Join us as we roll the dice, share stories, and immerse ourselves in the fantastical world of Aezeron. So grab your swords, prepare your spells, and get ready to embark on a journey like no other - let's dive into the adventure together!
Logo provided by: Dan Chaparro
Music provided by: R. Jenkins
Eventyrtimen er en norsk rollespillpodkast med actual play. Ny episode kommer annen hver lørdag. Spillet er Dungeons and Dragons og spiller nå sin andre fulle kampanje. Lurer du på hvor du skal begynne?
Kampanje 2 er et fint sted å starte, historien tar sted i en egenskrevet verden, skapt av spilleder Mikael Barr Kongsteien. Svært ulike karakterer, spilt av Helle Langmoen, Robin Frøyen, Martin Mathiassen Oeding, Niklas Alexander Frogner og Eirik Buflaten. En gryende uro i samfunnet de lever i, viser seg å skape flere uventede situasjoner..
Historien tar dem gjennom utfordrende kamper og binder livslange bånd mellom karakterene. Serien byr på high fantasy, humor, men også seriøse rollespilløyeblikk som gir hjerteskjærende innsikt i hva som driver karakterene på reisen. Og selvfølgelig dødelig god presisjon i kamper mot utfordrere og banditter. En god blanding som viser hvordan rollespill kan både engasjere, utfordre og underholde på en og samme tid.
I Eventyrtimens første kampanje starter historien i Waterdeep, fra DnD verdenen Forgotten Realms. Spilleder Magnus Thune tar spillerne med på egenlagde historier, godt blandet med settinger fra Wizard RPG. På den måten likner kampanjen på en hjemmekampanje, slik man ville spilt den med noe homebrew, og med inspirasjon og kampanjesettinger fra DnD-bøker. Stemningen rundt bordet bygger også veldig under dette, med spillere Robin Frøyen, Martin Mathiassen Oeding og Olav Brevik. Episodene byr på spenning, humor og knallgod karakterutvikling. Antall episoder: 49
Karantenetimen ble sendt live på Eventyrtimens Twitch-kanal i 2020-2021. Spilleder Olav Brevik tar med seg fire spillere gjennom sin egenlagde verden der de flykter fra den Normanske Handelsallianse. Selv om spillerne sitter bak hver sin skjerm er stemningen høy og latteren sitter løs nå Robin Frøyen, Martin Mathiassen Oeding, Magnus Thune og Ina Elizabeth Sletten slår seg løs med sine interessante karaktervalg. Lydversjonen av episodene er tilgjengelig der du lytter til podkast, og streamen kan sees på vår youtube-kanal Eventyrtimen.
Antall episoder: 12
I våre one shots, eller korte eventyr, møter man unike karakterer med sterke personligheter som skaper uheldige og mildt sagt interessante situasjoner. Settingene varierer, men er i egenskapte verdner. I Halloween-spesialene får man innblikk i spilleder Martin Mathiassen Oeding sitt hode og hans forkjærlighet for horror.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

76 Episodes
Avg Length 34m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

1 Episodes
Avg Length 2m
Latest episode 18 years ago
An actual play D&D 5th Edition podcast traversing though the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden module, played by a bunch of Aussie friends week to week for your enjoyment!

174 Episodes
Avg Length 80m
Latest episode 8 days ago
An actual-play Dungeons & Dragons Podcast.
We've been questing since 2022.
Starring in alphabetical order:
Adelaide Underhill the halfling rogue (played by Alex Dunne)
Rowan Harcourt the human warlock (played by Chloe Homewood)
Sapphire Crow the tabaxi monk (played by Gráinne O'Brien)
Sybilline Ex'eventu the anteater wizard (played by Alex Foulkes)
Your Dungeon Master is Lucas "Zero Fun" Maxwell
Your friendly NPC is Ting the Verbeeg druid.
All artwork for the show by Gannucci Art.

188 Episodes
Avg Length 108m
Latest episode 10 days ago

90 Episodes
Avg Length 86m
Latest episode 4 years ago
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

60 Episodes
Avg Length 79m
Latest episode 1 year ago

13 Episodes
Avg Length 85m
Latest episode 5 years ago

9 Episodes
Avg Length 65m
Latest episode 2 years ago

101 Episodes
Avg Length 184m
Latest episode 4 days ago

94 Episodes
Avg Length 83m
Latest episode 7 days ago

51 Episodes
Avg Length 66m
Latest episode 11 months ago
The Heroes Tried Their Best is a comic fantasy actual play podcast following a secret society of monster slayers as they investigate a series of mysterious pattern of kidnappings in Lamplight City. Experience thrilling battles inside meandering trains, hijacked zeppelins, occult rituals and meet a wacky cast of characters. The RPG game system we use as of right now is dungeons and dragons fifth edition and its sourcebooks, as well as D&D Beyond. -- -- Season 2 of the Heroes Tried Their Best is out now! There will be brushes with the Feywild, Eladrin, Vampires, and Werewolves among other creatures from the depths of horror mythology. There are homebrew elements as well, like cold iron weaponry, cane swords, firearms, and hidden stakes. ||
|| Meet the Players: ~*~The Game Master: Dan~*~
::Season 2:: The Gnome Swashbucklin' Rogue: Frankie played by Meg -- The Harengon Graverobber/Aarakocra Bard: Vlander/Gurdy played by Alex "CheezySpud" -- The Satyr Wild Magic Woo-girl: Denysia played by Brandi "DorkyDino" -- The "Excitable" Harengon Ranger: Flynn, played by Taylor "LuckyLewin" --
::Season 1:: The Halfling Wildmagic Sorcerer: J.R played by Meg -- The Human Paladin-Rogue: Waylon played by Alex -- The Half-Elf Artificer: Roran played by Taylor ||
|| You can catch updates on the podcasts as well as all the TTRPG discussions on the podcast twitter page: -- If you're interested in content beyond dungeons and dragons 5e, you can catch us on Twitch: -- If you'd like to see our faces as well as our everyday adventures, be sure to check out our Instagram: -- If bonus episodes of D&D are your thing, or you just want to help us out, check out our patreon page: -- BravestBunch media is run by Dan and Meg ||

221 Episodes
Avg Length 41m
Latest episode 11 days ago
The Level Up Your Gaming Podcast is a tabletop RPG podcast. Assisting GM's DM's and Players, the Level Up Your Gaming Podcast is here to help you take your games to the next level. Each Wednesday your hosts, Aaron and Josh, talk about a new topic to help you improve your tabletop role playing games. You can email us your questions, comments, and episode suggestions at [email protected] Follow us on Facebook at leave us a review on apple podcasts or your favorite podcast site here.

17 Episodes
Avg Length 79m
Latest episode 1 month ago
The “Commanders of the Cosmos” podcast hosted by game designers Shiraz and Brent is a fun and informative show dedicated to exploring all aspects of geek culture. Whether you're a fan of sci-fi, fantasy, comics, video games, or any other niche interest, this podcast has something for you.
Shiraz and Brent are both passionate about geek culture and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to each episode. They discuss the latest news, reviews, and trends in the world of geekdom, and share their own opinions and insights.
Each episode features lively discussions on a variety of topics, from the latest superhero movies to the newest tabletop games and everything in between. They also bring on special guests, including industry experts and fellow geeks, to offer their unique perspectives and insights.
In addition to the entertainment factor, the “Commanders of the Cosmos” podcast also aims to educate listeners on the history and background of different geek subcultures. Shiraz and Brent delve into the origins and evolution of various franchises and fandoms, providing context and background that helps listeners appreciate the deeper significance of these cultural phenomena.
Overall, the “Commanders of the Cosmos” podcast is a must-listen for anyone who loves geek culture and wants to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news. Shiraz and Brent's enthusiasm and expertise make each episode engaging and informative, and their deep knowledge of the subject matter ensures that listeners will learn something new with each episode.