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Complete list of Hacker Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

The Changelog: Software Development, Open Source

1301 Episodes


Avg Length 63m


Latest episode 9 hours ago

Software's best weekly news brief, deep technical interviews & talk show.
Modem Mischief

70 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 5 months ago

Modem Mischief tells the true stories of the outlaws of cyberspace. Hackers, dark web lurkers and cybercrime perpetrators of the digital underground are explored in this true crime series.
Changelog Master Feed

2188 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 9 hours ago

Your one-stop shop for all Changelog podcasts. Weekly shows about software development, developer culture, open source, building startups, artificial intelligence, shipping code to production, and the people involved. Yes, we focus on the people. Everything else is an implementation detail.
The Hacker Chronicles

28 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Meet Alice – a burnt-out barista who turns to the Dark Web to pay off her student debt. But when cybercrime pulls her deeper than she could have ever imagined, only one question remains: can Alice get out before it’s too late? The Hacker Chronicles Season 2: Digital Nomad. Presented by Tenable. Starring Michael C. Hall as John Doe. And Chloe Taylor as Alice.
Hack és Lángos

578 Episodes


Avg Length 55m


Latest episode 6 days ago

It's all about IT Security! IT biztonságról fogtok hallani olyan módon, mely azok számára is érthető, akik nem ülnek nyakig a bitekben.
The Lockdown - Practical Privacy & Security

19 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Official Website: https://lockdown.mediaWelcome to The Lockdown. Privacy doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. The inability to attain extreme levels of privacy shouldn’t deter one from taking any protective measures at all. The show is hosted by Ray Heffer, an expert in the field of privacy and cybersecurity, with each episode touching on a range of topics such as data privacy, password management, and secure browsing habits. Tin-foil hats are optional.Follow the show on Twitter @privacypod
The Tripwire Cybersecurity Podcast

33 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Tripwire’s cybersecurity podcast features 20-minute conversations with the people who protect people from cyber threats. Hosted by Tripwire’s VP of Product Management and Strategy, Tim Erlin, each episode brings on a new guest to explore the evolving threat landscape, technology trends, and cybersecurity best practices.
CISO's Secrets

40 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 11 months ago

“CISO's Secrets” promises clear talk on cybersecurity’s burning topics, but not only; A series of 40 minutes weekly podcast hosting Telco industry CIOs and CISO’s, from global and leading companies. Podcast will share true stories, reveal real-life scenarios, and more. The host will lead discussions about Security trends, best practices, cloud, networks, data, employees, habits, and secrets while drifting between personal and professional life. Earn your CISO's Secrets membership badge at http://bit.ly/2NT5vmH
Security Explained

49 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Welcome to Security Explained, where we strive to make the complex realm of cyber security better understood by everyone. Join our three hackers / hosts Christopher Grayson, Drew Porter, and Logan Lamb for approachable conversation and a few laughs on the world of hackers, how to think about privacy and security in today's rapidly changing world, and how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
Controversial Figures

16 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Welcome to Controversial Figures; a podcast about intriguing figures in the media. Created by Tammy Hawkins. If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a 5 star rating and comment; and subscribe to the show so you never miss a new episode. I've created this podcast with no sponsor; it would mean the world to me if you visit Patreon and donate anything you can, so I can continue bringing new content regularly. https://www.patreon.com/controversialfigurespod
Hacker News Recap

519 Episodes


Avg Length 17m


Latest episode 1 month ago

A podcast that recaps some of the top posts on Hacker News every day. This is a third-party project, independent from HN and YC. Text and audio generated using AI, by Wondercraft.ai. Create your own news rundown podcast at app.wondercraft.ai

3 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 1 year ago

All the latest news, politics & information regarding the scam economy, how to spot scams and stop scammers, and how fraud victims can get justice.
Deno Developer Show

38 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 7 months ago

On this show I talk about going from a novice in backend development and Deno to a confident and secure backend developer with JavaScript/TypeScript. So, listen in as we demystify backend development and secure your confidence with Deno.
The Growth Hacking Podcast with Laura Moreno

83 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 1 year ago

The Growth Hacking Podcast is a bi-weekly show created for YOU, the Startup Founder, Marketing Expert or Investor. If you are looking for inspiration and ACTIONABLE advice on how to GROW your Startup, Laura Moreno delivers great interviews twice a week. Each episode brings you a successful Startup Founder or Growth Hacker who shares a Growth Hacking Strategy that worked for them. Each episode ends with the Lightning Round where they will share with you their secrets for lean growth and success!
The Cyber Brief Podcast

17 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 1 year ago

The CyberBrief Podcast uncovers the latest cyber attacks, hacks, and stories that matter. Cyber crimes are growing exponentially, with many of the latest attacks & hacks being the biggest in history and costing billions of dollars. But what can we as cyber professionals, business leaders, or just people living in a digital age do? In this series, we’ll dive into the history of cybersecurity, some of the top hacks and scams in cyber, and what we can do about it.To mark Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we’re bringing to you our nationally acclaimed cyber training from our Cyber for Government Leaders Program, packaged up in easy-to-digest bits, through a new pod mini-series called Data Care for Everyone. We all have data – no matter how connected or disconnected we might be. We’re sharing tips and tools to demystify common types of cyber-attacks you could be a victim of. We’ll share from top cyber experts like Robert Herjavec, Shark Tank star and founder and CEO of Herjavec Group, as well as NCC’s Chief Strategy Officer and resident cybersecurity expert, Mark Weatherford, and more. We’ll cover some key cyber-attacks, including some you might not initially suspect, and why they succeed. Then, we’ll jump into how you can defend yourself.The CyberBrief is brought to you by the National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) and hosted by Micki Cockrille, the Director of Communications. The NCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit for cybersecurity education, collaboration and leadership development grounded in a shared mission to advance pragmatic, forward-thinking security policies and programs. Serving public and private organizations, the NCC, in partnership with the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS) and as the operational home to the Space ISAC, delivers an integrated and fully interdisciplinary cyber center that is actively transforming the nation’s ability to deter cyber threats.

20 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 1 month ago

A bi-monthly show focusing on cybersecurity, hacker news with a lighter side. Unmasked is a look behind the cyber professionals and will spotlight teammates, community advocators and businesses to give insight to how cybersecurity affects everyone. Brought to you by Assura. Where the superheroes of cybersecurity provide a clearer understanding of the threats we face in our digital world.With Host:Paul BlackerWeb:https://www.assurainc.com/
Somos Hackers

15 Episodes


Avg Length 63m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Hacking. Hackers. Ataques informáticos. Anonymous. Vulnerabilidades. Filtraciones de información. Guerra cibernetica. Derecho informático.El mundo actual está lleno de amenazas informáticas. Es difícil entender todo esto y más aún mantenerte actualizado.Por eso, WhiteSuit Hacking cada semana con el autor bestseller y hacker experto Pablo Gutiérrez y sus invitados, aprenderás lo más nuevo del ciberespacio, las noticias más actuales de ciberseguridad ¡Y más!Puedes ver más de nosotros en whitesuithacking.com
National Cyber Security Radio By Gregory Evans

229 Episodes


Avg Length 6m


Latest episode 4 years ago

National Cyber Security Radio gives the hottest topics in cyber security news and reveals all the Fake News by other experts. Topics include, hacker for hire murders, how to make money cyber security, should you get your college degree or certification in cyber security, plus over 20 over topics. Execute Produced by one of the world’s most known and respected Ex-hacker Gregory Evans (GregoryDEvans.com) listeners will not be disappointed.
Ich glaube, es hackt!

58 Episodes


Avg Length 20m


Latest episode 23 days ago

Hier ist der „Ich glaube, es hackt“-Podcast, in dem wir (Tobias Schrödel und Rüdiger Trost) die Themen der IT Sicherheit einfach und verständlich erklären. Jeder nutzt Smartphone, Tablet und Computer und ist von den Gefahren betroffen. Aber wie behält man als Nicht-Nerd da den Überblick? Etwa 20 Minuten widmen wir uns alle 2 Wochen einem Thema und geben praktische Tipps für jedermann. Wir wünschen Euch gute Unterhaltung bei unserem Podcast!
Mind the Tech – Cyber, Crime, Gesellschaft

89 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Mind the Tech ist ein Podcast, der die dunklen Seiten der IT- und Tech-Welt beleuchtet. Dazu zählen legendäre Hackerangriffe, Datendiebstähle und Cyberattacken. Ebenso kommen die unzähligen Geschichten von Menschen auf den Tisch, die es mit Recht und Gesetz im Web nicht so ernst nehmen – und irgendwann die Konsequenzen ihres Handelns zu spüren bekommen. Wir widmen uns Antitrends und Mythen, stellen Entwicklungen im und rund ums Internet in Frage, wägen ab. Denn wir sind fest davon überzeugt: Nur wenn wir uns ihren Schattenseiten widmen, können wir die (digitale) Welt zu einem besseren Ort machen.
You are fucked – Deutschlands erste Cyberkatastrophe

7 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Ab dem 6. Juli 2021 geht in der Landkreisverwaltung von Anhalt-Bitterfeld nichts mehr. Hacker haben Daten verschlüsselt und erpressen den Landkreis. “You are fucked” ist ihre erste Nachricht. Der Podcast rekonstruiert, warum der Landkreis wegen des Hackerangriffs für 210 Tage den Katastrophenfall ausruft. Was heißt es für die Menschen, wenn eine Verwaltung nicht arbeiten kann? Wieso reist eine IT-Forensik-Firma nach neun Tagen wieder ab? Wofür kommt die Bundeswehr? Warum kritisiert das BSI den Landkreis? Wer sind die Hacker? Und vor allem: Was haben Verwaltungen und Behörden aus Deutschlands erster Cyberkatastrophe gelernt? Ein Podcast von MDR SACHSEN-ANHALT.
Changelog Interviews

630 Episodes


Avg Length 70m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Conversations with the hackers, leaders, and innovators of the software world. Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo face their imposter syndrome so you don’t have to. Expect in-depth interviews with the best and brightest in software engineering, open source & leadership. This is a polyglot podcast. All programming languages, platforms & communities are welcome.

15 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 6 years ago

Big announcements, conferences, the hallway track. We’re in the trenches having awesome conversations with real people from the community. This show features conversations from technology and software development events such as O’Reilly’s OSCON, All Things Open, Node Interactive (covering the Future of Node.js and JavaScript), and more. Hosts Adam Stacoviak and Jerod Santo talk to software engineers, keynote speakers, industry experts, and passionate attendees about open source, software industry trends, what it means to be a hacker, and much more.
Carbon Hack

8 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Le dérèglement climatique est dans tous les esprits et c'est très angoissant 😱 pour la plupart d'entre nous ! L'éternel optimiste que je suis, voit aussi un moment historique pour transformer notre société d'un point de vue environnemental et social : on ne peut plus faire contre les gens et contre la planète 🙅 ! Et ceux qui ne l'ont pas encore compris seront les KODAK de demain ☠️ ! Histoire de se rassurer un peu (on en a tous besoin) et de bien voir que le train est déjà en marche, même si ce n'est pas encore un TGV, partout dans les entreprises des individus lancent des actions concrètes pour cracker la problématique carbone ✌️. Des collaborateurs ont compris, un peu avant les autres, qu'il fallait changer les choses en vrai. Ils/elles lancent des initiatives, parfois avec très peu de moyens mais avec beaucoup de bon sens, de volonté et une énergie incroyable 💪. Et un peu comme les Hackers, rien ne peut les arrêter. Alors, partons ensemble à la rencontre des Carbon Hackers !

62 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 6 days ago

On WE’RE IN!, you'll hear from the newsmakers and innovators who are making waves and driving the cyber security industry forward. We talk to them about their stories, the future of the industry, their best practices, and more.
TrueCyberCrime - Der Podcast für Ihre digitale Sicherheit.

9 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Der Podcast für Ihre digitale Sicherheit.Moderator und Journalist Tobias Ranzinger ist immer auf der Suche nach spannenden Geschichten. Im neuen Podcast TrueCyberCrime macht er sich auf die Spur von Hackern, die die Sicherheit im Netz für Privatpersonen wie für Unternehmen gefährden. Gemeinsam mit IT-Experten will er einen Beitrag leisten zu mehr Sicherheit im Internet. Wie Sie sich vor Hackerangriffen schützen können und Internetkriminalität abwehren können – das erfahren Sie hier im Podcast der Stadtsparkasse München. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Digital Crime - Auf digitaler Spurensuche

72 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 10 days ago

Erlebt die spektakulärsten Fälle von Cyber-Kriminalität und Cyber-Sicherheit hautnah mit. In der vierten Staffel des preisgekrönten True-Crime-Podcasts Digital Crime begibt sich Moderatorin Mag gemeinsam mit Expert*innen auf digitale Spurensuche und rekonstruiert die spannendsten Kriminalfälle aus dem Netz. Und wem das noch nicht reicht, der hört alle zwei Wochen in unser neues Kurzfolgen-Format rein. Dort vertiefen wir die interessantesten Aspekte rund um das Thema Cyber-Sicherheit.
The Phone Show 2012 Archive Feed

28 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 12 years ago

The Phone Show was a weekly show hosted by RedBoxChiliPepper and friends.
Le monde de la cyber

57 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 6 days ago

Bienvenue dans le monde de la cyber ! Je m'appelle Leslie Fornero et je travaille dans la cybersécurité. Avec ce podcast, je vous emmène à la découverte de ce monde à la fois merveilleux et terrifiant. Chaque mois, je rencontre un nouvel acteur de la cyber : un hacker éthique, un acteur politique, une association, une entreprise qui propose une solution innovante, et bien d'autres encore... On parle de cyberattaques, de gangs de hackers, d’entreprises et d’hôpitaux qui se font attaquer, de rançons qu’il faut payer ou non, des gestes de cybersécurité simples à mettre en place pour ne pas tomber dans les pièges d’internet. Pour que le monde de la cyber n’ait plus aucun secret pour vous.
Security Unfiltered

221 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Cyber Security can be a difficult field to not only understand but to also navigate. Joe South is here to help with over a decade of experience across several domains of security. With this podcast I hope to help more people get into IT and Cyber Security as well as discussing modern day Cyber Security topics you may find in the daily news. Come join us as we learn and grow together!
Reimagining Cyber - real world perspectives on cybersecurity

124 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 8 days ago

Explore the critical intersection of cybersecurity and business impact while gaining insights into CISO priorities with "Reimagining Cyber." Stay informed on the latest cybersecurity news, trends, and solutions tailored for today's CISOs and CIOs. Episodes cover a range of topics, including the role of AI in cyber security, technology, preventive measures to stop cyber attacks, response strategies for cyber attack victims, cybersecurity challenges in healthcare, the future landscape of cyber security, computer security essentials, managing cybersecurity budgets, and the implications of SEC rulings.Engage with industry experts and CISOs who share their perspectives on what matters most in the cybersecurity landscape. Hosted by Rob Aragao a seasoned security strategist with CyberRes, this podcast is your go-to resource for staying updated on cybersecurity developments and addressing common challenges in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.