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Top 3 Technology Podcasts
Feb 10, 2025
The Best Technology Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

456 Episodes
Avg Length 47m
Latest episode 9 days ago

2372 Episodes
Avg Length 4m
Latest episode 2 days ago
Technology Podcasts
Listen up, tech-heads and gadget geeks! It's time to turn up the volume and tune into our Technology Podcasts. We're not here to bore you with the usual tech drivel - we're here to bring you the latest and greatest tech news, trends, and innovations in a way that's fun, engaging, and just a little bit quirky.
From the latest smartphones to the wildest new AI applications, we've got our fingers on the pulse of the tech world. And we're not just talking about it - we're diving deep into the tech trenches to bring you exclusive interviews with tech leaders, insider insights into the industry, and a healthy dose of humor and personality.
Top 100 Technology Podcasts
Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top technology podcasts for you. So plug in your earbuds and join us for a tech journey like no other. We're the technology podcasts that's breaking the tech mold and bringing you the tech talk you didn't even know you needed. Don't miss out on the fun.
What's the best technology podcast right now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best technology podcasts people are listening to right now. From technology-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated technology podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Google Podcasts, Artificial Intelligence Podcasts, and Microsoft Podcasts.
Frequently Asked Questions About Technology Podcasts
What are technology podcasts?
Technology podcasts are audio programs that explore and discuss topics related to the world of technology. These podcasts cover a wide range of subjects, including the latest tech trends, innovations, industry insights, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, software development, and discussions on the impact of technology on society.
How can technology podcasts benefit listeners?
Technology podcasts offer numerous benefits to listeners. They provide a convenient and accessible way to stay informed about the rapidly evolving world of technology. Listeners can gain insights into new gadgets, emerging technologies, industry trends, and expert opinions, helping them stay up-to-date and make informed decisions in the tech space.
What topics are covered in technology podcasts?
Technology podcasts cover a diverse array of topics. Common areas include discussions on new gadgets and devices, software development practices, cybersecurity threats and solutions, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, tech industry news, and the societal impact of technological advancements.
Can you recommend some popular technology podcasts?
Absolutely! Here are a few popular technology podcasts: "Reply All" by Gimlet Media, "The Vergecast" by The Verge, "Accidental Tech Podcast," "This Week in Tech (TWiT)," "Clockwise," and "The Upgrade by Lifehacker." These podcasts feature discussions, interviews, and insights from experts and enthusiasts in the technology field.
Are technology podcasts suitable for both tech professionals and casual listeners?
Yes, technology podcasts cater to a broad audience. They are designed to be engaging and informative for tech professionals, developers, engineers, and enthusiasts who want in-depth discussions. At the same time, they are accessible and enjoyable for casual listeners who are curious about the latest tech trends and innovations.
Check out these Technology Podcasts
Information is vital. So is your time. Understanding the importance of balancing both, Forum has launched this initiative designed to bring you quick, relevant podcasts, featuring Government and Industry leaders, and covering topics that support our Federal IT community.

75 Episodes
Avg Length 29m
Latest episode 7 years ago

27 Episodes
Avg Length 46m
Latest episode 3 years ago

7 Episodes
Avg Length 26m
Latest episode 2 years ago

318 Episodes
Avg Length 13m
Latest episode 3 years ago

183 Episodes
Avg Length 58m
Latest episode 12 days ago

37 Episodes
Avg Length 20m
Latest episode 4 months ago

14 Episodes
Avg Length 65m
Latest episode 3 years ago
Welcome to AcoraCast - The forefront of expertise and innovation, with the freshest IT, cyber security and AI insights brought to you by Acora.
Tune in as we unravel the latest trends, tips, and tools, all tailored to empower you in your role as an IT or Security Trailblazer.
Interested in seeing what else Acora can do? Visit our website.

152 Episodes
Avg Length 21m
Latest episode 2 days ago

86 Episodes
Avg Length 18m
Latest episode 2 years ago
Фемтех — технологии для улучшения жизни женщин. Чаще всего это приложения, платформы, сервисы, девайсы, диджитал-комьюнити затрагивающие репродуктивное здоровье, но не только! В FemTech можно найти решения самых разнообразных вопросов - от здоровья, красоты и секса до карьеры и образования.
Присоединяйтесь к Femtech Force и инвестируйте свой талант в технологии, улучшающие жизнь женщин!
Музыка: Higher - Mehul Choudhary
Дизайн обложки: Полина Чапурина

1236 Episodes
Avg Length 71m
Latest episode 1 day ago

142 Episodes
00Latest episode 28 days ago

30 Episodes
Avg Length 55m
Latest episode 7 years ago

9 Episodes
00Latest episode 12 years ago
Каждую неделю собираем, обсуждаем и высмеиваем самые актуальные и курьёзные события с просторов интернета. Строго под присмотром зловещей нейросети SHiNi v 3.0.

89 Episodes
Avg Length 24m
Latest episode 3 years ago

37 Episodes
Avg Length 40m
Latest episode 13 days ago
Breakpoint-'Exploring the depths of Defensive Security'. The defensive side of Security is a world in itself with teams achieving amazing feats that involve excellent engineering practices and smart optimisation for scale. This is not talked about enough in the industry. Join me in the br3akp0int podcast as we reflect on the methods and approaches these smart teams use to solve practical challenges in information security and innovate their way into the future. Who is this meant for? : This podcast is for anyone in InfoSec willing to know more about advances in security techniques. This includes security researchers or professionals, product owners, compliance or cloud, AI/ML, threat intel, SecOps automation, Security Leaders, development teams, pentesters and security practitioners. A bit about me: I am a technical security enthusiast and have been dabbling my hands at both offensive and defensive security. I am passionate about growing security communities and have spoken and trained at various security conferences.

7 Episodes
Avg Length 24m
Latest episode 5 years ago

159 Episodes
Avg Length 76m
Latest episode 2 days ago

2 Episodes
Avg Length 14m
Latest episode 4 days ago
In just 25 minutes, I deliver concise and thought-provoking conversations with top minds in technology, cybersecurity, business, culture and enterpreneurship. Whether you’re a technologist, executive, culture-enthusiast or someone passionate about growth, each episode explores trends, strategies and ideas that shape success.
For those with limited time but unlimited ambition, 25Minutes offers actionable insights and fresh perspectives where they matter most. Your time is valuable. Your 25 minutes. Your advantage.
Contact: [email protected]

9 Episodes
Avg Length 9m
Latest episode 9 months ago
Explore the world's biggest ideas and the people making them happen. Are you ready for self-driving cars, jetpacks, 3D printed food, or a trip to Mars? Moonshot talks to the people who are at the forefront of all this rapid change to find out what the future of humanity might actually look like. Hosted by Kristofor Lawson and Andrew Moon.

28 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 4 years ago

9 Episodes
00Latest episode 1 month ago
A fun, caffeine-powered podcast about the Django web framework by Adam Hill and Sangeeta Jadoonanan!

22 Episodes
Avg Length 57m
Latest episode 7 years ago

31 Episodes
Avg Length 20m
Latest episode 10 months ago

62 Episodes
Avg Length 27m
Latest episode 2 months ago

60 Episodes
Avg Length 73m
Latest episode 11 months ago
Écrire un petit programme informatique est facile. Concevoir et réaliser un logiciel complet qui soit fiable, pérenne et résistant aux attaques reste extraordinairement difficile. C'est le but des sciences du logiciel que de concevoir et développer les principes, les formalismes mathématiques, les techniques empiriques et les outils informatiques nécessaires pour concevoir, programmer et vérifier des logiciels fiables et sécurisés.
L'enseignement de la chaire Sciences du logiciel vise à explorer cette problématique et à présenter la recherche contemporaine dans ce domaine. Le cours privilégie les approches dites « formelles », par opposition à l'empirisme souvent de mise en génie logiciel. Ces approches s'appuient sur des fondements mathématiquement rigoureux, connus ou en émergence : sémantiques formelles, logiques de programmes, systèmes déductifs, équivalences de programmes, calculs de processus... Historiquement, ces concepts ont émergé de considérations de programmation très terre-à-terre avant de se parer de rigueur mathématique. Le cours s'efforce de retracer ce cheminement des idées en partant de l'intuition du programmeur et en allant jusqu'à la mécanisation de ces approches formelles.
Les premières années de cet enseignement auraient pu s'intituler « Programmer, démontrer », car ils ont exploré plusieurs modes d'interaction entre la programmation de logiciels et la démonstration d'énoncés mathématiques : programmer puis démontrer, comme dans les logiques de programmes pour la vérification déductive ; programmer pour démontrer, comme dans les logiques constructives et l'assistant à la démonstration Coq ; enfin, programmer égale démontrer, comme dans la féconde correspondance de Curry-Howard, objet de la première année du cours.
La recherche de la chaire Sciences du logiciel s'effectue dans le cadre de l'équipe-projet Cambium, commune avec l'Inria. Les travaux de l'équipe visent à améliorer la fiabilité, la sûreté et la sécurité du logiciel en faisant progresser les langages de programmation et les méthodes de vérification formelle de programmes. Les principaux thèmes de recherche sont les systèmes de types et les algorithmes d'inférence de types, la vérification déductive de programmes, le parallélisme à mémoire partagée, et les modèles mémoires faiblement cohérents. L'équipe conçoit et développe deux grands logiciels de recherche qui intègrent et font passer dans la pratique bon nombre de ses résultats : OCaml, un langage de programmation fonctionnel statiquement typé et son implémentation, et CompCert, un compilateur formellement vérifié pour logiciels embarqués critiques.