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Top 3 Etf Podcasts
Feb 4, 2025
The Best Etf Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.
204 Episodes
Avg Length 29m
Latest episode 1 month ago
We're all investors in the stock market, either directly or through our retirement plans. We're handing over management of our assets to financial advisors and fund managers. The best will look after our interests and make us wealthier. But how can we know for sure? Where are the investors' yachts? The big money on Wall Street is made by charging us fees. The finance industry is collecting for managing money, whether they win or lose or break even.
Where do you go if you're completely new but want to start learning about investing in the market yourself. The jargon is dense and it can feel like we're being kept deliberately in the dark with many confusing metrics.
In Stocks for Beginners you'll hear from people in the finance industry and together we'll explain the key concepts of investing while they share their financial knowledge. More importantly, they have insights that allow us to look under the hood of the stock market, explaining how it works and what to look out for.
How is your Roth 401 (k) or 401 (k) investment retirement account linked to the stock market? It's crucial to understand the fundamentals of stock markets. I recommend "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett's newsletters.
I explore the basics - what a stock is and how to buy one, and delve into the world of value investing, exploring strategies to identify undervalued stocks. I cover the NYSE, FTSE, Dow Jones, S&P500, the Russell, CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), Mutual Funds, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and the difference between passive and active investing.
There are many traps for beginner investors and it's good to be aware of the role and risks of options, warrants, CFDs (Contracts for Difference), day trading, bonds, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the difference between fundamental and technical analysis.
Tracking your investments is essential, and it's important to know about watchlists, understand dividends, robo-investing, dollar-cost averaging, fixed income, index funds, and micro-investing.
What is the role of stockbrokers and online brokers and how to buy and sell stocks.
I've interviewed industry experts and collaborated with Gary Brode, Caleb Silver, Spencer Jakab from Wall Street Journal, Erik Smolinski, Investopedia, Stockopedia, Lawrence Carel, Deep Knowledge Investing, 2 bulls in a china shop.
We have to be smart. We have to be diversified and we have to have good risk management strategies if we want to invest for the long term. That's what I'm all about. I'm Phil Muscatello. Join me on Stocks for Beginners. For more information go to
Stocks for Beginners is a production of Finpods Pty Ltd. The advice shared on Stocks for Beginners is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. Stocks for Beginners exists purely for educational and entertainment purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs. Philip Muscatello and Finpods Pty Ltd are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708, AFSL - 451289.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
267 Episodes
Avg Length 31m
Latest episode 4 months ago
1188 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 1 day ago
Check out these Etf Podcasts
Enjoy Financial Abundance and Financial Freedom by copying everyday personal finance tips that are easy to use. You will learn how to protect your income with life insurance, invest the easy way with your 401k, IRA and build a financial fortune for your children. Take pride in leaving a Financial Legacy for your loved ones. The personal finance tips that you will learn on the show will improve your financial literacy level.
Host Michael Dillard, Personal Finance Coach and Speaker
93 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
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235 Episodes
Avg Length 30m
Latest episode 5 days ago
Välkommen till Bankvalvet. Podden där vi träffar personer från marknadens alla hörn. Tillsammans upptäcker vi vad som finns inuti dessa personers valv. Ett samarbete mellan Daglig Utdelning och Calle Björkegren.
255 Episodes
Avg Length 32m
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219 Episodes
Avg Length 13m
Latest episode 5 days ago
Et indblik i 2 brødres rejse for at tjene penge mens de sover. Vi følger op på ugens udbytter, de næste investeringer og tager et nyt emne op hver uge.Vi forsøger os med en masse forskellige investeringer i både ejendom, erhvervslån, privatlån, boligudlejning, ETF og kryptovaluta/Crypto Currency.
Enjoy Financial Abundance and Financial Freedom by copying everyday personal finance tips that are easy to use. You will learn how to protect your income with life insurance, invest the easy way with your 401k, IRA and build a financial fortune for your children. Take pride in leaving a Financial Legacy for your loved ones. The personal finance tips that you will learn on the show will improve your financial literacy level.
Host Michael Dillard, Personal Finance Coach and Speaker
Herzlich willkommen bei "Hedge" - dem Podcast, der Dich in die faszinierende Welt der Finanzen entführt! Tauche mit uns ein und erfahre alles Wichtige rund um die Themen Crypto, Aktien und Märkte.
In jeder Folge bieten wir Dir spannende und aktuelle Einblicke in die neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends in der Finanzbranche. Dabei legen wir besonderen Wert auf fundierte Analysen und verlässliche Informationen, die Dir als Hörer dabei helfen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und Dein finanzielles Wissen zu erweitern.
Um Dir stets das Beste aus der Welt der Finanzen zu präsentieren, laden wir regelmäßig Experten aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen ein. Von Krypto-Enthusiasten und Blockchain-Spezialisten bis hin zu erfahrenen Aktienanalysten und Marktstrategen - unsere Gäste teilen ihr profundes Wissen und ihre einzigartigen Perspektiven, um Dir wertvolle Einblicke zu bieten.
Egal, ob Du bereits ein erfahrener Investor bist oder gerade erst Deine ersten Schritte in der Welt der Finanzen wagst, der "Hedge" Podcast ist Dein zuverlässiger Begleiter auf dieser Reise. Wir möchten Dir dabei helfen, die Komplexität der Finanzmärkte besser zu verstehen, Chancen zu erkennen und Risiken zu minimieren.
93 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
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64 Episodes
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5 Episodes
Avg Length 13m
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
159 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 1 month ago
173 Episodes
Avg Length 22m
Latest episode 4 days ago
Der feministische Podcast über nachhaltiges Investment. Dieser Podcast bringt dir das Investieren näher.
Erfahre, wie du deine erste Aktie und deinen ersten ETF kaufst, wie Immobilieninvestments funktionieren, was die Börse bewegt und wie du durch nachhaltiges Investieren die Welt und dein Portfolio besser machen kannst - Vorsicht: kann Aktivismus beinhalten! Investorellas Ziel ist es, dass 100 Millionen Frauen nachhaltig investieren und vorsorgen. Frauen sind nämlich die besseren Investorinnen, nur wissen es die meisten noch nicht.
Folg uns auf Instagram & Facebook @investorella @ohwow_eu
Termine, Newsletter und Goodies unter
Bei diesem Podcast handelt es sich um Wissensweitergabe und nicht um Anlageberatung. Die darin erwähnten Strategien sind keine Wertpapierkaufs- oder Verkaufsempfehlungen, sondern es handelt sich lediglich um Beispiele und die persönliche Meinung der Podcasterin. Die Haftung ist somit ausgeschlossen.
Dieser Podcast wird präsentiert von OH WOW Podcasts
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
82 Episodes
Avg Length 45m
Latest episode 6 days ago
66 Episodes
Avg Length 11m
Latest episode 15 hours ago
We're all investors in the share market, either directly or through our superannuation. We're handing over management of our assets to financial advisors and fund managers. The best will look after our interests and make us wealthier. But how can we know for sure? Where do you go if you're completely new but want to start learning about investing in the markets yourself. The jargon is dense and it can feel like we're being kept deliberately in the dark. In Shares for Beginners, you'll hear from people in the finance industry and together we'll explain key concepts of investing in the ASX, the NASDAQ, S&P500, FTSE and Dow. More importantly, they have insights that allow us to look under the hood of the stock market, explaining how it works and what to look out for. We have to be smart. We have to be diversified and we have to have good risk management strategies if we want to invest for the long term.
For more Information go to:
How is your superannuation linked to the Australian & US stock markets? It's crucial to understand the fundamentals of stocks and shares, and recommend reading "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham.
I explore the basics - what a share is and how to buy one, and delve into the world of value investing, exploring strategies to identify undervalued stocks. I cover key terms like ASX (Australian Securities Exchange), CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), ASX200 (Australian Securities Exchange 200 Index), ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), LICs (Listed Investment Companies), Managed Funds, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), as well as the difference between passive and active investing.
There are many traps for beginner investors and it's good to be aware of the role and risks of options, warrants, CFDs (Contracts for Difference), day trading, bonds, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and the difference between fundamental and technical analysis.
Tracking your investments is essential, and it's important to know about watchlists, understand dividends and dividend reinvestment plans (DRPs), while exploring robo-investing, fixed income, index funds, and micro-investing.
I cover topics like trading and buying shares, making money from shares, and understanding the Australian stock exchange. What is the role of stockbrokers and online brokers and how to buy and sell shares.
I've interviewed industry experts and collaborated with Superhero, Stockspot, Caleb Silver Investopedia, Spencer Jakab from The Wall Street Journal, Pearler, Sharesight, Magellan, Saxo, Morningstar, QAV, Equity Mates, Owen Rask, Strawman, Motley Fool, Stockopedia, Betashares, Vanguard, Van Eck, Roger Montgomery, Tony Kynaston, Gemma Dale, Betsy Westcott, Molly Benjamin, Liz Tian, Andrew Baxter, Simon Ree, Wisr, Ladies Finance Club, Strong Money Australia, Captain Fi, Fred Schebesta, Kylie Purcell, Australian Shareholders' Association, Jessica Amir, Jordan Eliseo, Shani Jayamanne, Vic Jokovic, Scott Phillips, Mark Monfort, Andrew Page, and Claude Walker.
Shares for Beginners is a production of Finpods Pty Ltd. The advice shared on Shares for Beginners is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. Shares for Beginners exists purely for educational and entertainment purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, read the PDS, TMD and obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs. Philip Muscatello and Finpods Pty Ltd are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708, AFSL - 451289. Moneysherpa is home to Life Sherpa Australia's most affordable financial advice service.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
272 Episodes
Avg Length 16m
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247 Episodes
Avg Length 49m
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Investment Opportunities: Opto Sessions brings you exclusive interviews with the world’s top investors, fund managers and CEOs, uncovering their secrets to success. Tune in to learn how to invest in the next big idea and gain actionable insights from the industry's sharpest minds.
93 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
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93 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
Latest episode 6 days ago