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Top 13 Trading Podcasts
Mar 11, 2025
The Best Trading Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

1139 Episodes
Avg Length 51m
Latest episode 5 days ago

205 Episodes
Avg Length 29m
Latest episode 13 days ago
We're all investors in the stock market, either directly or through our retirement plans. We're handing over management of our assets to financial advisors and fund managers. The best will look after our interests and make us wealthier. But how can we know for sure? Where are the investors' yachts? The big money on Wall Street is made by charging us fees. The finance industry is collecting for managing money, whether they win or lose or break even.
Where do you go if you're completely new but want to start learning about investing in the market yourself. The jargon is dense and it can feel like we're being kept deliberately in the dark with many confusing metrics.
In Stocks for Beginners you'll hear from people in the finance industry and together we'll explain the key concepts of investing while they share their financial knowledge. More importantly, they have insights that allow us to look under the hood of the stock market, explaining how it works and what to look out for.
How is your Roth 401 (k) or 401 (k) investment retirement account linked to the stock market? It's crucial to understand the fundamentals of stock markets. I recommend "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham and Warren Buffett's newsletters.
I explore the basics - what a stock is and how to buy one, and delve into the world of value investing, exploring strategies to identify undervalued stocks. I cover the NYSE, FTSE, Dow Jones, S&P500, the Russell, CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange), ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), Mutual Funds, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), and the difference between passive and active investing.
There are many traps for beginner investors and it's good to be aware of the role and risks of options, warrants, CFDs (Contracts for Difference), day trading, bonds, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, the difference between fundamental and technical analysis.
Tracking your investments is essential, and it's important to know about watchlists, understand dividends, robo-investing, dollar-cost averaging, fixed income, index funds, and micro-investing.
What is the role of stockbrokers and online brokers and how to buy and sell stocks.
I've interviewed industry experts and collaborated with Gary Brode, Caleb Silver, Spencer Jakab from Wall Street Journal, Erik Smolinski, Investopedia, Stockopedia, Lawrence Carel, Deep Knowledge Investing, 2 bulls in a china shop.
We have to be smart. We have to be diversified and we have to have good risk management strategies if we want to invest for the long term. That's what I'm all about. I'm Phil Muscatello. Join me on Stocks for Beginners. For more information go to
Stocks for Beginners is a production of Finpods Pty Ltd. The advice shared on Stocks for Beginners is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. Stocks for Beginners exists purely for educational and entertainment purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs. Philip Muscatello and Finpods Pty Ltd are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708, AFSL - 451289.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

267 Episodes
Avg Length 31m
Latest episode 5 months ago

161 Episodes
Avg Length 33m
Latest episode 1 year ago

106 Episodes
Avg Length 35m
Latest episode 9 months ago

749 Episodes
Avg Length 6m
Latest episode 16 hours ago

31 Episodes
Avg Length 35m
Latest episode 13 hours ago

2803 Episodes
Avg Length 26m
Latest episode 16 hours ago

228 Episodes
Avg Length 27m
Latest episode 13 days ago
If you are an avid follower of financial markets, stocks, or anything entrepreneurial, then The Exchange for EntrepreneursTM podcast is your source for must-listen conversations with business leaders and influencers in capital markets. Stay informed and connected to the brightest minds in finance and public markets and benefit from the professional insights offered by our esteemed guests.
Trading Podcasts
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the greatest show on earth - trading podcasts! That's right, we've got a brand new format for you today, and we're ready to shake things up. We know you've been searching far and wide for the latest tips and tricks on how to maximize your trading profits, and we're here to deliver the goods. Forget about those boring old podcasts with their stale format and monotone hosts.
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Top 100 Trading Podcasts
We're here to give you an experience that's as lively as the stock market itself. Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top trading podcasts for you. So, fasten your seatbelts, turn up the volume, and get ready to embark on a journey of trading enlightenment. The world of trading podcasts just got a whole lot more exciting, and we're thrilled to have you along for the ride.
What's the best trading podcast right now in 2025?
Goodpods aggregates the best trading podcasts people are listening to right now. From Trading-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated trading podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Business Podcasts, Money Podcasts, and Best Accounting Podcasts.
Check out these Trading Podcasts
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

1 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 7 years ago

30 Episodes
Avg Length 38m
Latest episode 2 years ago

18 Episodes
Avg Length 37m
Latest episode 1 year ago

322 Episodes
Avg Length 4m
Latest episode 4 days ago
Connecting leading market themes and top performing ASX companies for better trading.
FMP follows the ethos the best performing shares don’t climb those massive gains alone, the move in packs. Huge performance gains from shares happen with the participation of other companies within the same industry. Lithium stocks, Uranium Stocks and Defence companies all rise off the back of their competitor’s strong announcements.
ASX investors and traders seeking to connect the best shares through their industries will find the standard and out own, unique industries grouped on FMP. The best performances on the ASX happen in concert with their peers and that’s what Shares In Play delivers through the Top 6 updates.
Subscribe to the channel to keep across:
-The ASX Top performing shares and industries
-Tuesday’s Technical analysis reports with Gary Glover
- The 30:30 List of top performing companies and the next market leaders
Der feministische Podcast über nachhaltiges Investment. Dieser Podcast bringt dir das Investieren näher.
Erfahre, wie du deine erste Aktie und deinen ersten ETF kaufst, wie Immobilieninvestments funktionieren, was die Börse bewegt und wie du durch nachhaltiges Investieren die Welt und dein Portfolio besser machen kannst - Vorsicht: kann Aktivismus beinhalten! Investorellas Ziel ist es, dass 100 Millionen Frauen nachhaltig investieren und vorsorgen. Frauen sind nämlich die besseren Investorinnen, nur wissen es die meisten noch nicht.
Folg uns auf Instagram & Facebook @investorella @ohwow_eu
Termine, Newsletter und Goodies unter
Bei diesem Podcast handelt es sich um Wissensweitergabe und nicht um Anlageberatung. Die darin erwähnten Strategien sind keine Wertpapierkaufs- oder Verkaufsempfehlungen, sondern es handelt sich lediglich um Beispiele und die persönliche Meinung der Podcasterin. Die Haftung ist somit ausgeschlossen.
Dieser Podcast wird präsentiert von OH WOW Podcasts
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

5 Episodes
Avg Length 28m
Latest episode 10 months ago
Otis Klöber's VERMÖGENSBAUM ist ein Podcast für alle Menschen, die ein selbstbestimmtes Leben führen wollen.
Otis' Lebensmotto ist: "DU, bist der Kapitän Deines Lebens". Diese Einstellung vermittelt er auch in diesem Podcast. 'Mehr Zeit, mehr Geld, mehr Leben' als vereinfachte Formel für mehr Lebens-Qualität, bedeutet, die Verantwortung auch für das eigene Geld zu übernehmen, als eine der Grundvoraussetzungen für Wohlstand und Vermögensaufbau.
Du findest hier daher vieles zum Thema Erfolg, Motivation, Strategien und Konzepte für privaten Vermögensaufbau und die Steigerung der eigenen Lebensqualität. Otis Klöber ist Gründer und Leiter der 'INX InvestingExperts Community' sowie 1. Preisträger des DAC Trading-Awards, dotiert mit 50.000,00 € Preisgeld. Als Spitzenmusiker im Angestellten-Verhältnis in führenden Positionen in seiner Leidenschaft der Musik gestartet, hat er sich zum freischaffenden Dirigenten, Gründer und Künstlerischen Leiter des Philharmonic Orchestra of Europe entwickelt und selbstständig gemacht. Heute ist er als Managingpartner der INX InvestingExperts GmbH - Institut für privaten Vermögensaufbau, als Investor und Unternehmer auch in diesem Bereich sehr erfolgreich. Orts- und zeitunabhängig leben und arbeiten zu können und eigene Projekte voran zu treiben, zeichnet Otis dabei ebenso aus, wie die Freude diese Konzepte mit anderen Menschen zu teilen. Über 125.000+ Menschen haben in den vergangenen Jahren bereits sein Erfolgsbuch gelesen 'DER VERMÖGENSBAUM - 5 Einkommensarten, die Dich finanziell frei machen.' Sein Workshop- und Community-Projekt 'INX InvestingExperts' hilft jedes Jahr mehreren hundert Menschen mit individuellen Ausbildungen in den Bereichen Trading, Investing, Immobilien, Mindset und Cryptos. In kleinen Online-Workshops werden die Community-Mitglieder auf die praktische Umsetzung vorbereitet und in wöchentlichen Coachings weiter begleitet und sind so eingebunden in ein Netzwerk aus Experten zum jeweiligen Fachbereich und damit Teil der exklusivsten, deutschsprachigen Community für privaten Vermögensaufbau. 'Kleine Geister wünschen sich Freizeit, große Geister wünschen sich Freiheit.' Die Vision der INX InvestingExperts ist es: so viele Menschen wie möglich zu unterstützen, ein selbstbestimmtes Leben in finanzieller Unabhängigkeit und -Freiheit führen zu können.

12 Episodes
Avg Length 19m
Latest episode 1 month ago
Kinesis is a revolutionary monetary system, based 1:1 on allocated gold and silver that provides users with a stable store of value, that rewards you every month.Send digital gold and silver globally in the blink of an eye. Spend globally via the Kinesis Debit Card. Be rewarded monthly, in digital gold and silver for your participation.

46 Episodes
Avg Length 54m
Latest episode 1 year ago
Tommy Grisafi hosts the Ag Bull podcast.
The Ag Bull Podcast showcases agriculture's top talents in a long-form video format.

44 Episodes
Avg Length 28m
Latest episode 1 year ago

99 Episodes
Avg Length 25m
Latest episode 3 days ago
Money Talks focuses on personal finance as it applies to Mississippians. In any given week, we’ll talk about anything from preparing your taxes to saving for college or investing in the stock market. Our experts, Dr. Nancy Lottridge-Anderson, President of New Perspectives and Ryder Taff, portfolio manager at New Perspectives, are both Chartered Financial Analysts and Ryder also holds the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement from the CFA Institute. They join Kevin Farrell in the studio to answer your personal finance questions about family budgeting, retirement savings, Social Security, investments, debt management and more.
Money Talks airs Tuesday mornings at 9 a.m. CST on MPB Think Radio and online at Email the show: [email protected].
Need a budget? Here's one:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

6 Episodes
Avg Length 8m
Latest episode 15 years ago

91 Episodes
Avg Length 15m
Latest episode 5 days ago

507 Episodes
Avg Length 36m
Latest episode 7 days ago

101 Episodes
Avg Length 24m
Latest episode 21 days ago

23 Episodes
Avg Length 18m
Latest episode 5 years ago

147 Episodes
Avg Length 58m
Latest episode 2 days ago
This podcast is a smart and entertaining peek into the world of investment banking, sales & trading, private equity, hedge funds and more. Hosted by two lifelong friends with a passion for teaching, and over two decades of experience on Wall Street. Discover the basics, ranging from “what is investment banking?” to “what moves markets?". Learn about different roles and exit opportunities, and get tips on how to land the job. Our mission is to make the world of Wall Street accessible to everyone, while keeping things relatable and fun.
Whether your goal is to work on Wall Street, or if you have NO idea what any of those things are and just want to learn some basics, this podcast is for you.

5 Episodes
Avg Length 93m
Latest episode 2 years ago

17 Episodes
Avg Length 46m
Latest episode 4 years ago
In this podcast and livestream, we meet real traders from all corners of the globe and walks of life. These traders are on TradingView, honing their craft, meeting others, and building tools to get better.
Join us as we explore markets and dive deep into mindset, process, and the journey of becoming a great investor or trader.
Topical news summaries and issues of interest from a next generation energy company.
Välkommen till Bankvalvet. Podden där vi träffar personer från marknadens alla hörn. Tillsammans upptäcker vi vad som finns inuti dessa personers valv. Ett samarbete mellan Daglig Utdelning och Calle Björkegren.

39 Episodes
Avg Length 42m
Latest episode 19 days ago