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Complete list of Holy Spirit Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

Our Father's Heart

139 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 3 days ago

These weekly podcasts are intended to nurture, instruct, and help you understand what the Lord has said in His Word that you may walk in the manner worthy of your calling in Him. We pray that you are blessed, not merely in the hearing, but more so in the doing. Simply put, our utmost desire is to be in the Father's heart, to know the Father's heart, and express the Father's heart to you.
Chatter Box Radio

40 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 5 months ago

Hello beautiful friends! We are a podcast made up with various guests, such as: therapists, life and health coaches, parents, authors, teens, teachers, trainers, etc - who tell their personal stories of how their "ashes turned to beauty". You’ll unravel -wild- untold tales from normal people, just like you and me. Each episode shares the hardships and then gives hope by sharing the miracles that came from it. We are REAL - open and honest about what we’ve been through and want to spread hope in the miracles we've experienced, and that are all around us. Our intention is to help and support the mental health community with our money and our time. We provide free resources for those seeking professional help for a loved one struggling with mental health. We offer meditations, stories of encouragement, experience, and resources to help you on your mental health wellness journey. We'd love to hear from you! If you or someone you know would like to share their story, please email: [email protected] or visit us at www.thechatterboxradio.com. Carrie has a Bachelor of Arts Degree from St. Edwards University and Master Studies emphasis in Latin America and Spanish. Her career in radio began at Clear Channel Radio in 1995 in Austin, Texas. A professional Voice Over Artist, specializing in Commercial, Animation and Elearning genres. (www.carriefarris.com ) She has voiced for many brands, corporate companies, announcements, schools, radio stations... the list goes on and now to be a voice for the #mentalhealth community! Master yoga, kickbox and cycle instructor.Certified Meditation Coach - spiritual and cognitive meditations. Podcast Host - The Chatter Box Radio Podcast. Voice Brand - KWVH 94.3Please contact [email protected] for sponsorship ad requests.Disclaimer: Supplements and medical stories have been shared in various episodes. Please contact your physician or medical care provider before taking or adding new medicines or supplements to your normal regime. We are not medical physicians and do not claim any health benefits that are right for you. You are your own advocate. Seek medical help immediately if you or someone you know is suicidal or may have overdosed on alcohol or drugs. When in doubt - pick up the phone and don't hesitate. It's better to be safe. Call 911.
Revelations Podcast

93 Episodes


Avg Length 55m


Latest episode 3 days ago

Revelations Podcast (formerly Loved by the King Podcast) is devoted to sharing the revelation of Jesus Christ and the freedom that comes from following Him. Host Reagan Kramer digs deep into the redemptive stories and biblical teachings of her guests to give the listener wisdom, hope and a deeper understanding of who God is, who they are and how only God can use tragedy and difficult circumstances to bring purpose and life!
Jesus Image

395 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 6 days ago

Jesus Image exists to bring Jesus to the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want this reality to permeate our hearts and lives as we love Him. Jesus Image is reaching the nations with Jesus Image Church, Jesus School, and Jesus Image events. Millions have joined us from around the world to be a part of our live-streamed meetings and worship.
I just want to talk about the Bible

95 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Everything we discuss on this podcast is in some way connected to the Scriptures and will hopefully encourage you with your walk with the Lord.
Daily Effective Prayer

630 Episodes


Avg Length 4m


Latest episode 1 day ago

Welcome to the Daily Effective Prayer Podcast that is all about helping you start your day in conversation with God. Learn to pray as Daniel, an internet prayer warrior and founder of the popular social media prayer ministry DailyEffectivePrayer, prays for you. All you have to do is listen and agree as he prays. From healing and restoration, to provision, to spiritual warfare, Daniel leads you through effective daily prayer that really works. May these simple yet powerful daily prayers help you find the words to pray and focus your heart on the goodness of God today. LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE TODAY! (https://www.dailyeffectiveprayer.org)
Triune LOVEs me

115 Episodes


Avg Length 11m


Latest episode 4 months ago

"To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the great human achievement." St. Augustine of Hippo....Triune LOVEs me is a self-narrated spiritual journey of love. Join me as I share the most incredible spiritual experience of my life. The event left me with a burning desire to find answers to my questions about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Together, they have held my hand and placed me in many amazing moments. My journey includes Photography, Music, Life, Love, and relationships with souls in Heaven as well as earthbound. The story is based in Nashville TN. and surrounding areas. This experience with the Triune has left me saying, "I now Live and Love in the WOW."
AWR Korean 한국어 / 조선말

343 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 16 hours ago


18 Episodes


Latest episode 2 years ago

This is our weekly study through Colossians at South Beach Church
AWR Korean 한국어 / 조선말

343 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 16 hours ago

The Drive - A Daily Devotional by Pastor Mike Sternad

1222 Episodes


Avg Length 9m


Latest episode 1 day ago

THE DRIVE: Short 10 minutes talks about topics related to God's Word.
Cultivate Connection - Christ Centred Meditation

450 Episodes


Avg Length 30m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Welcome to Cultivate Connection, a weekly Bible-based meditation podcast, giving you the skills to carve out space, experience peace, and grow your relationship with God. Each 30 minute podcast provides you with plenty of quiet time to meditate and reflect on several Bible verses with a specific focus at heart. We often dedicate several weeks or more to a podcast series. While you can certainly listen to any one podcast in any order you wish, to get the most from Cultivate Connection’s podcasts, we recommend picking a series and listening your way through it. To learn more, visit us online at https://www.cultivateconnection.com
The Keswick Convention Podcast

55 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Welcome to the Keswick Convention podcast 2024, meeting some of the speakers and seminar leaders to unpack the content and topics that feature at the Convention 2024, where the big theme is ‘Resurrection’.Hosted by Graham Albans and Matt Holden.
Coach & Joe Leadership Podcast

321 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 1 year ago

We believe that ministry isn’t limited to a building called “church”, but that leaders are called to bring the Kingdom of God into every sphere of life making disciples as they go. Whether you are a leader in the church or in the marketplace, join us weekly for conversations on this all encompassing life with Jesus.Check out our Youtube talk show at www.youtube.com/coachandjoe. To donate click https://app.securegive.com/bridgewaychurch/coach-joe/donate/category. More online at www.coachandjoe.com.
Colossians: Power to Endure with Joy

12 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

Most of the letters that Paul wrote to the churches were written to those that he had started himself. But he did not begin the church at Rome, nor did he begin the church at Colossae. It is not certain who started the church at Colossae, but it is very likely a man mentioned in certain of Paul's other letters -- Epaphroditus, or, since that was too long a name for even the Greeks to say, Epaphras. He is mentioned in this letter as being from Colossae, and is very likely the one who founded the church. Where he had heard the Gospel we do not know, but he had evidently taken it to his own home town and had begun to proclaim Christ. Out of that proclamation had come the church at Colossae. Epaphroditus had gone to Rome to see the Apostle Paul, who was then a prisoner, carrying with him reports of the church at Colossae. Another man had also gone to Rome to see Paul during his first imprisonment, and he too brought reports of the church at Colossae. So it was to these new Christians who had never met the apostle face to face that Paul wrote the letter from Rome.
Grace en Español Sermon Podcast

372 Episodes


Avg Length 74m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Recent sermons from Grace en Español, a ministry of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
CBN.com - Jerusalem Dateline - Video Podcast

364 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Jerusalem Dateline
Kerusso Daily Devotional

1622 Episodes


Avg Length 2m


Latest episode 1 day ago

Your Daily Dose of Faith and InspirationIn the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding time for spiritual growth can be a challenge. That’s where the Kerusso Daily Devotional steps in - bringing you bite-sized moments of inspiration to help you make more room for Jesus. Each episode is just 2-3 minutes, perfect for busy believers seeking a deeper relationship with Christ.Brought to you by Kerusso, the trusted name in Christian apparel, accessories, and gifts.Here’s what you can expect:Inspiring Stories: Dive into personal and historical stories influenced by the Bible, designed to strengthen your faith and renew your hope.Biblical Insights: Enjoy scripture from various translations including NIV, KJV, ESV, and NLT, making every episode rich and exciting.Original Content: Connect with God’s Word through unique, relatable stories and themes that resonate on a personal level.Quick & Uplifting: You’ll find encouragement and joy to brighten your day, no matter how hectic your schedule.Tune in to the Kerusso Daily Devotional for a fun, conversational, and encouraging journey through faith. Ready to be inspired? Subscribe and listen today!Learn more about Kerusso at www.kerusso.com
The Braveheart Podcast

309 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 1 day ago

The Braveheart Podcast produces gospel centered content that explores the majesty of the gospel and results in Christians who are happy and free in Christ.
H.O.T. House of Truth

311 Episodes


Avg Length 71m


Latest episode 11 days ago

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;" 2 Timothy 4:3."He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." Matthew 11:15For more Truth: www.HOTHouseOfTruth.comDownload Free Books: https://www.hothouseoftruth.com/free-book-downloadFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/HotHouseofTruth (English)Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HothouseoftruthBrasil (Portuguese)Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hothouseoftruthspanish (Spanish)Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9DW9SW0XaU5e86Uu50m3Cg
The Dewfall (Catholic Reflection)

4 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

What is it like to be a Catholic single dad with four daughters under the age of 14? This podcast will answer that question and any others you may have about the Catholic Faith.
Water, Wind, Wine Ministries's Podcast

167 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 7 days ago

This is a Holy Spirit inspirit Podcast that evokes a deeper understanding of the Scriptures in a way you have never heard before. Grow your understanding, increase your ability to incorporate the Word in your everyday life, and learn a thing or two!!
Auckland Ev Church - Sermons

572 Episodes


Latest episode 6 days ago

We are a bunch of people, convinced we're not perfect, captivated by the historical Jesus, excited about the future he offers, and eager to authentically share this hope with Auckland.
Good hebrew bible reading and interpretation

300 Episodes


Avg Length 19m


Latest episode 6 years ago

We talk about the bible and go over bible scriptures.The Bible is one of the most intriguing subjects of all time.Men for thousands of years have tried to decipher the Bible in order to understand its contents.Men have failed to look at the creator for his holy spirit to help them understand scriptural meaning to the Bible.All they ever had to do is pray for holy spirit and they would have received understanding of the scriptures.With holy spirit they would be able to decipher God commandments on becoming righteous and Good.A cure to all there worldly problems.If you pray and be patient,seek understanding like a hidden treasure.Good will enrich your life with all the understanding of the scriptures.With this blog on blogtalkradio that is what I was trying to help you to understand is the scriptures.I will read from the Bible and then give the interpretation or meaning to all scriptures I read.
Mark: He Came to Serve

31 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

The Gospel of Mark, the second book in the New Testament, is 16 short chapters long, the briefest of all the Gospels, and therefore easy to read in one sitting. Its brevity is probably the reason it is the most often translated book of the New Testament. The Wycliffe translators, I understand, almost invariably begin their translation work with the Gospel of Mark because it is so short and gives the whole story in one brief compass. This Gospel has a completely different atmosphere from the Gospel of Matthew. If you go on to read Luke and John, you will see that they are still different from Matthew and Mark, Matthew, Mark and Luke are more similar to each other than any of these three are to the Gospel of John. Nevertheless, they are all different. There is a reason for this, designed deliberately by the Holy Spirit. We make a mistake if we think these four Gospels are four biographies of the Lord. They are not biographies at all, they are character sketches, intended to be different, intended to present different points of view. Therefore, they constitute four distinct views of our Lord and of his work. The Gospel of Matthew is written to present Christ as the King. The Gospel of Mark presents his character as a servant. The Gospel of Luke presents him as the Son of man -- as man in his essential humanity. The Gospel of John presents him as the Son of God, that is, his deity, and there you find the greatest claims for his deity.
David Hall | Audio Podcast

295 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 3 days ago

Welcome to the David Hall Audio Podcast. David ’s passion for the supernatural power of God in our lives is so infectious that he travels the world holding meetings where people are changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is a regular speaker at churches, conferences, and at Revival City Church; the church he and his wife Donna pastor in Adelaide, South Australia. You're going to be blessed by David's messages from all across the world as well as from Revival City Church.
2 Corinthians: authentic Christianity

23 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

Reading through Paul's second letter to the church at Corinth makes you aware that this is the most personal and emotional of all his letters. It throbs with a sense of the glories of God's grace. Visiting Corinth on my recent trip was a moving experience for me. There is very little left standing of the original city -- it was destroyed by the Romans shortly after Paul's visit there and has been lying in ruins ever since. Certain temple columns remain, though. as well as the market place and other public areas of the city. They can be clearly discerned, and the actual pavement of the judgment hall of the Roman proconsul is well preserved. It wasn't hard for me to imagine the Apostle Paul as he came down from Athens into this city which was at the time a center of pleasure, a great commercial city and a city of great beauty, with many, many temples. It had gained a reputation as the center of lascivious worship -- the worship of the Goddess of Love. There were some 10,000 prostitutes attached to the temple of Aphrodite and the city lived up, or perhaps I should say, down, to its reputation as a place of sensual pleasure. It represented a sex-saturated society. You can see indications of this in Paul's letters to the church there. It was easy to imagine the apostle arriving in the dust of the road unknown and unheralded a simple tentmaker by all appearance. Finding two people of the same trade, Aquila and Priscilla, he lived and worked with them, and preached up and down the city streets and in the market places and synagogues. Thus God used him to lay the foundations of the church at Corinth.
Acts: An Unfinished Story

41 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

Acts is the book that reveals the power of the church. Therefore, when a church begins to dwindle, lose its power, and turn dull and drab in its witness, it needs desperately to get back into the spirit, expectation, knowledge and teaching of the book of Acts. In this book, the principles of the exchanged life -- "Not I, but Christ" -- is dramatically unfolded. If the book of Acts were taken out of our New Testament, we would never understand the rest of it. It would be like a child with his front tooth missing. When you close the record of the gospels, you see nothing but a handful of Jews in the city of Jerusalem, the center of Jewish life, talking together about a kingdom for Israel.
Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast

92 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Dr. Mark Virkler is Your How-To Coach for the Spirit-Led Life. Making things simple, practical, and transferable. In his five decades of ministry, Mark has taught over 1 million people worldwide how to hear God's voice and see His vision on a daily basis. Mark is entertaining and transparent as he unfolds practical insights from the Word of God, showing you how to easily interact with the Holy Spirit on a continuous, ongoing basis and how to receive wisdom and power for successful Kingdom living. Mark sees himself as a coach, drawing you into doing Godly activities which transform the quality of your life.
Heart of the Bay Christian Center Services - Audio Podcast

2056 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 6 days ago

Welcome to Heart of the Bay Christian Center's message archive. Heart of the Bay Christian Center (HBCC) is a church centrally located in the city of Hayward, California. As a growing church in the Bay Area, we know of the special challenges and needs facing those who live in such a fast-paced and demanding area. It is vital as believers that we have a sense of belonging and a safe place where we can go for regular spiritual nourishment and the fellowship with other believers that only a local church can provide. Participation helps build healthy and loving relationships while encouraging each believer in their personal walk with God. Whatever be your need or season in life, if you don't already have a home church, we invite you to come and be a part of our family of believers who love God, love His people and the world.
Bible Patterns and Principles

255 Episodes


Avg Length 4m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Here we will discuss the patterns and principles taught in the Bible. They are the most important truths on the face of the earth. The patterns and principles discussed here can lead you into dimensions in your life that will set you free from the fears you face in our troubled world and also as you face the reality of an afterlife. We will look at the truths that reveal how you can have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A relationship that will free you from sin and give you a knowledge of where you will spend eternity.

395 Episodes


Latest episode 6 days ago

The Mount Church Message Audio
Gospel Beautiful Podcast

96 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 2 years ago

This interview-based podcast features a range of guests who are wrestling with the challenging task of preaching the Gospel in the 21st century.
Matthew: Behold Your King!

10 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

Beginning in the New Testament we move from the realm of shadow, type, and prophecy, into the full sunshine of the presentation of the Son of God. The Old Testament speaks of him on every page, but speaks in shadows, in types, in symbols, and in prophecies -- all looking forward to the coming of Someone. You cannot read the Old Testament without being aware of that constant promise running through every page -- Someone is coming! Someone is coming! Now, when we open the Gospels, that Someone steps forth in the fullness of his glory. As John says, "We have beheld his glory...as of the only Son from the Father," (John 1:14 (RSV). I love the Gospels. They are to me one of the most perennially fascinating sections of the Bible. There you see Christ as he is. Remember that what he was is what he is; and what he is is what you have, if you are a Christian. All the fullness of his character and being and life is available to us, and we only learn what those resources are as we see him as he was and is. That is why the Gospel records are so important to us. People often wonder why we have four Gospels. There is a very good reason for this. It is interesting to note that each of these Gospels is a development of an exclamatory statement that is found in the Old Testament. Four different times -- and only four times -- in the Old Testament there was an exclamatory statement made concerning the Messiah, introduced always by the word behold. In one of the prophets we read, "Behold thy king, O Israel!" In another place we read, "Behold the man!" In a third place we read, "Behold my servant!" In still a fourth place we read, "Behold thy God!" These four statements are amplified and developed in the four Gospels -- Matthew, the Gospel of the King; Mark, the Gospel of the Servant; Luke, the Gospel of the Son of man; and John, the Gospel of God, the presentation of the Son of God. These four Gospels give us four aspects of our Lord's character and person. They are not, strictly speaking, biographies. They are really sketches about the Person of Christ -- eyewitness accounts by those who knew him personally, or those immediately associated with them. Therefore, they have the ring of authenticity, and they carry to our hearts that first and marvelous impression that our Lord made upon his own disciples, and then upon the multitudes that followed him. No more amazing character has ever walked among men. As you read the Gospel accounts, I hope something of this fascination breaks upon your own heart as you see him stepping forth from these pages, revealed to you by the Spirit, when you see him as he is. The first book of the New Testament is Matthew, and this is the place where most people start reading the Bible. I think more people begin reading in the New Testament than the Old, therefore, that would make Matthew the most widely read book in all the world. In fact, Renan, the French skeptic, said of this book, "This is the most important book of all Christendom." He also said, "The most important book that has ever been written is the Gospel of Matthew." But it has its critics, too. There are those who claim that this book contains nothing but the early legends of the church which grew up around Jesus, that these accounts are not historical, and that this book was not actually written until the fourth century A.D. Therefore, they say, we are uncertain as to how much is really true. Other critics make the claim that this is only one of many gospels that were circulated.
Coffee and Jesus

62 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 1 year ago

In this community, we will read the bible, ask questions, challenge ourselves and celebrate our victories. Welcome to the Coffee and Jesus Podcast! A little about me: My name is Jamie Crosier and I'm a full time pastor, wife, mom and friend. My life is crazy busy! Coffee and Jesus both help me to love myself and love others. Questions: Reach out anytime at [email protected].
Word of Life Family Church

147 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 6 days ago

Messages from Word of Life Family Church's weekly worship services. Declaring the REAL Jesus to the world.
So, What do you think?  Bible talk from Genesis to Revelation

183 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Ever have questions about the Bible but were afraid to ask? Me too, but I was fortunate enough to have people in my life I could ask. I decided to share my questions about the Bible, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in this podcast format with the thought that others may benefit from these conversations. "So, What do you think?"also includes our life journey's that helped us grow in Christ. We hope you can learn from our mistakes or know that you aren't alone. We always welcome any questions. Thank you so much for listening and supporting us.
Where Love Always Wins

17 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Can there be a world where love always wins? Daniel Black firmly believes so. In each episode, the founder of Love Fest Global invites us to discover this world through heartfelt conversations with people who have experienced God’s love in a deeply personal way. Whether you are looking to discover God’s love in your own life, yearn to see the world changed, or just simply love inspiring real-life stories of hope - this is the podcast for you.
What Does The Bible Say?

259 Episodes


Avg Length 30m


Latest episode 6 days ago

30 Minute Discussions Of Bible Subjects
Every Woman’s Grace Sermon Podcast

163 Episodes


Avg Length 49m


Latest episode 3 months ago

Recent sermons from Every Woman’s Grace, a ministry of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California.
Jacob's Well Church

640 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 4 days ago

Wherever we are on our journey, we will take steps together to know and become like Jesus.
ACIM Inspiration with Anthony Gold

231 Episodes


Avg Length 2m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Each week Anthony shares an inspirational quote from A Course in Miracles along with some brief commentary on what it means and how we can practice the teachings of the Course. You can see all posts and essays on Anthony's site, Live Beyond the Illusion: www.LiveBeyondTheIllusion.com
The Rough and Real Christian Podcast

70 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 3 years ago

We believe the only way to the Father is through Christ. Jesus is our Lord and Savior and we love talking about Him. Tune in Monday's for a new episode of the best Christian Podcast currently available.
Preaching For Change

236 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Messages aimed at making a difference in your life, Encouraging, Uplifting, and Spiritual! Similar in teaching to Andy Stanley, Charles Stanley, Billy Graham, Andy Stanley, Charles Stanley, Rick Warren, Jack Hayford, Ed Young, Tim Keller, Warren Wiersbe, Charles Swindoll, Stephen Furtick, Craig Groeschel, Wayne Cordeiro. Biblical teaching, Jesus, Savior, Love,
Finding Faith: Sharing Stories of Encounter and Questions

64 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 2 years ago

It has always astounded me that even the disciples of Jesus often did not recognize or acknowledge who He was. The same is true in our world today. It is difficult to recognize Jesus, as He is often hidden from us, dressed up in questions and difficult conversations. Maybe you have questions about who Jesus is and why He should matter in your life. From beginning to end, but especially in the Gospel’s, there is a priority of asking questions and seeking answers as a way of coming to know truth and wisdom. More importantly, asking and seeking are a way to come to know who God is, and why He matters. Questions and hard conversations are not the enemy but rather a path to encountering Jesus.“Finding Faith” is a Podcast aimed at sharing the stories of people who have had an encounter with Jesus. Over the course of the first season, we will share stories from young adults who have sought answers to their own questions and discovered what faith meant to them. Everyone has a story and “Finding Faith” seeks to tell those stories and allow others to ask the questions they need answered.
Covenant Church Doylestown Sermons

493 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Weekly messages from Covenant, a gospel-centered church in Doylestown, Pa. Visit us on the web at www.covenantdoylestown.org
Revelation: The End -- and a New Beginning

23 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

What is it that makes us want to read the last chapter of a book first? For some reason, many people begin reading the Bible with the book of Revelation; but this is a serious mistake. This book plunges you into a confusing array of dragons and trumpets and vials and seals, with many amazing sights and sounds and visions. A person starting here might well throw the whole Bible away in frustration, unable to make head nor tail of it. It is very significant that the book of Revelation is the last book of the Bible. And if you have read the rest of the Bible before you come to Revelation, you will be much better equipped to understand the climax of the entire revelation of God to his people. Nevertheless, the reason many have difficulty in understanding this book lies not only in interpreting the symbols, but also in failing to take note of the suggestions that are given in the first eight verses. If you read these verses carefully and thoughtfully, you will have a tremendous key to this book. They are like certain introductory remarks often found on the title page of a book, and if you read them that way, you will be greatly helped. The title of the book is the first line: The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him.. (Revelation 1:1a RSV) Notice that it is not "the revelations," plural. The book is all about Jesus Christ, and it is his self-revelation: it was given to him by God the Father to reveal to his servants. The purpose of it is in the next line: ...to show to his servants what must soon take place... (Revelation 1:1b RSV)
The Man Warrior King Podcast

77 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 4 months ago

You want to live a life on fire and on mission. You want to be filled with such conviction and drive that you stop caring about what ANYone thinks. You want to face each day alive, authentic, and fully present in every moment: with your wife, kids, on the street, at the gym, at work. You want to bring yourSELF to the table, and to stop bringing the watered-down, nice, what everyone wants version of you. You want that self to be a man who is burning in passion for Jesus, unafraid to bring his kingdom to anyone in your path, no matter the cost. You want to love the one in front of you without fear, without needing love back, and without reserve. You want to experience God for real, to not just believe, but to KNOW that he’s got you and that he’ll show up on your behalf. That he’ll show up THROUGH you. You want to get to the end of your race and say, “Yep...I gave it everything. Jesus, you know I’m all in.” ...And you want to know just how to get there. Welcome to Man Warrior King. Congratulations. You are among the violent taking the kingdom by force. You are among the chosen, answering the call to rise above your self. You are in the forge being stripped down and strengthened—and you WILL rise stronger, solid, unshakeable. You are a man. You are a warrior. You are a king.
Deeper With Jesus Podcast
Live a deeper, more fulfilling and purpose-driven life as you listen to the Deeper With Jesus podcast. Join Michael Moreno and his guests of spirit-filled, Bible-believing musicians, artists, authors, ministers and organizations from around the world. You will be inspired and motivated to take your Christian walk to a higher level, activate your faith to receive miracles and experience a relationship with Jesus you never imagined. Michael Moreno is a living testimony of God’s power to heal and change lives. In 2014, he received an amazing miracle when he was completely healed from a crippling condition in his back, discs, and nerves. He is passionate about sharing Jesus with the world and his heart is about bringing all people to experience God’s love. Deeper with Jesus Podcast and RoyalJesus.com, are projects founded and carried out by Michael under instructions from the Holy Spirit. The mission of these ministries is to effectively teach, reach and touch people of all walks of life, languages, races, and cultures from every nation on earth with the message of Christ.You can count on each episode of the Deeper with Jesus Podcast to be exciting, biblically sound and spirit-led, packed with spiritual truths that will transform your life.
Ephesians: The Calling of the Saints

49 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

The Epistle to the Ephesians is, in many ways, the crowning glory of the New Testament. But perhaps this letter ought not to be called "Ephesians" for we do not really know to whom it was written. The Christians at Ephesus were certainly among the recipients of this letter, but undoubtedly there were others. In many of the original Greek manuscripts there is a blank where the King James translation has the words "at Ephesus;" just a line where the names of other recipients were apparently to be filled in. That is why the Revised Standard Version does not say, "To the saints at Ephesus," but simply "To the saints who are also faithful in Christ Jesus..."