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Complete list of Fighter Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

Abstract Adventures

95 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Abstract Adventures is a DnD podcast with a brand new DM, and we’re making everything up as we go. Every city, every encounter and even our cast of player characters has been left to the fate of the dice. Join us every Friday for cozy story-telling, relentless puns, and unpredictable adventures~
Plunders & Blunders

242 Episodes


Avg Length 77m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Plunders & Blunders is a live-play RPG where 6 friends sit around a table and tell a story together. Sometimes it's epic, sometimes it's silly, but it's always an adventure.New Episodes Mondays
Plunders & Blunders

242 Episodes


Avg Length 77m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Plunders & Blunders is a live-play RPG where 6 friends sit around a table and tell a story together. Sometimes it's epic, sometimes it's silly, but it's always an adventure.New Episodes Mondays
The Mike Dolce Show

433 Episodes


Avg Length 58m


Latest episode 2 days ago

4-Time Trainer Of The Year Mike Dolce shares his thoughts on topics ranging from pregnancy weight to bench pressing twice your body weight. He also answers your questions and brings you behind the scenes of his world-class training camps. The founder of The Dolce Diet, Mike is known the world over for his work managing the weight cuts of professional athletes worldwide. His #1 international best-selling books include The Dolce Diet: 3 Weeks to Shredded, The Dolce Diet: Living Lean, & The Dolce Diet: Living Lean Cookbook. For more information on Mike's books, MMA weight cuts, weight management, gaining muscle, weight loss, overall healthy living, UFC FIT and so much more, visit TheDolceDiet.com
Kicking in Zubaz

185 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Kicking in Zubaz is a journey into the seedy underground world of full contact, no holds barred kumite fighting. Actually, it’s just a podcast hosted by some dude named Camaro Kev who really loves mma, kickboxing and boxing.
Challenges Won't Stop Me

146 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Challenges. Uggh. Life is full of challenges. How do you navigate those unexpected turns in your path? You could crumble and believe life isn't fair, giving that challenge permission to defeat you. But that's not you who you are. Neither are the courageous women who our host, Melony Brown, interviews. These women chose to fight to overcome life's tough challenges. They share their stories, as well as the strategies and habits that strengthened them and helped them maintain a 'challenges won't stop me' mindset.Throughout the season, Melony publishes video solocasts to share messages and resources to strengthen you for your current challenges and those that are right around the corner. Discover what kind of journey navigator you are when life's tough challenges intersect your path. Take the quiz at journeyonquiz.comInterested in sharing your overcomer story? Email me at [email protected] book "Challenges Won't Stop Me: An Interactive Survival Guide for Overcoming & Thriving" is available on Amazon.
Muay Thai Guy Podcast

100 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Get pumped up! A podcast made for passionate Muay Thai fighters, fan and addicts like yourself to help improve your Muay Thai training. Find out who I am, why I started Muay Thai Guy and how it will help you acheive your goals!
PilotPhotog Podcast

108 Episodes


Avg Length 14m


Latest episode 1 month ago

A podcast all about fighter planes, military aircraft, and aviation history. We will take a look at the pilots, designers, engineers, and maintainers who have flown or worked on some of the most iconic aircraft in history. Available on all podcast steaming platforms, you can find a full directory here: https://pilotphotog.buzzsprout.comWant even more content? You can subscribe to my free newsletter here: hangarflyingwithtog.comFollow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @pilotphotogNow you know!
Who The Fook Are These Guys?

152 Episodes


Avg Length 85m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Brace yourself for a wild ride with the ultimate armchair enthusiasts, Matty C & The Mako Shark! Get ready to laugh, learn and be entertained as this dynamic duo tackles MMA, Boxing, Wrestling, and the craziness of life in general. Tune in for a hilarious and insightful take on the world of combat sports and beyond with Matty C and The Mako Shark
Gundamn! @ MAHQ

256 Episodes


Avg Length 128m


Latest episode 15 days ago

Gundamn! @ MAHQ is your source for mecha podcasting.
Zaku Talk

50 Episodes


Avg Length 65m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Learn story structure by comparing and contrasting the narrative tactics employed by shows within the Gundam metaverse. Each season will pit two Gundam series against each other as Patrick and his special guest co-host dissect the flaws and merits of each one.
C1 Radio

29 Episodes


Avg Length 22m


Latest episode 1 year ago

C1 ・・・ Compact 小型1/10スケールで Custom 改造自由なマシンを Cockpit コックピットFPV、プロポFPV、AI等で操縦する Combat 戦闘やレース C1 PARKの大阪・関西万博2025、大阪ヘルスケア・パビリオンへの出展が決定。(出展期間:2025/6/17(火)-6/23(月)) 2025/6/21(土) C1 FPV 2025 EXPO (最速ドライバー決定戦) 2025/6/22(日) C1 2025 EXPO (人間vsAI) 2025/6/23(月) ギネス世界記録 自動車スラローム走行世界最速記録への挑戦(1/1実車の世界記録を1/10Carで抜く) Virtualとの違いは、実体を持つ為メカの作りこみが存在し、動きがリアルであること。1/1 Realとの違いは、製作コストが低く、FPV体感速度が実速度の10倍であること。 そして、2030年までにC1世界一決定戦開催を目指す。 【HP】https://www.c1race.com/ 【Instagram】https://www.instagram.com/c1race/ 【X】https://twitter.com/c1race/ 【パーソナリティー】林佑樹 C1(株)代表取締役、1983年愛知県豊田市生まれ。 学生時代の賃貸物件営業のバイトでクルマに目覚め、五月山(ハコ)→宝塚カートフィールド(K)→仙台ハイランド(F)→ツインリンクもてぎ(F)→オートパラダイス御殿場(K)。 エンジニア出身の技術経営コンサルタント。これまでの主なクライアントは、重工メーカー、自動車メーカー。 【ナビゲーター】千太郎 芸人、タレント、MC、DJ、レース実況者、カーキュレーター。 1982年日本生まれ、アメリカとのハーフ。 16歳でバイクの走り屋から始め、18歳で車に転向。 その後はモータースポーツに興味持ち現在も走り続けている。 草レースやカートのドライバーだけでなく、サーキットでの実況、サーキットでのDJ、走行会などのイベントコンサルなど「クラブマンを笑顔にする」をモットーに現在も東日本で活動中。 自身の乗る車は718ボクスターS。 【ナビゲーター】碧井エリ 埼玉県さいたま市出身のMC・ボーカリスト。 高校2年生から、歌手をメインとした芸能活動を開始。同時にケーブルテレビで芸人リポーター、衣装制作、アイドル活動等を経て、事務所を退所後にイベントを主としたMC業へ。 2008年にスーパーGTにMCとして参加して以来、現在までモータースポーツの現場に携わりSUBARU、ARTA、TOYOTA、ヨコハマタイヤ、HONDA等数多くのドライバーや監督のトークショーステージを担当。 他、AKB48team8カート選手権やマリオカート爆走キッズ選手権の実況&進行MC等。 老若男女問わずレースの楽しさを分かりやすく届けていく事を信念としている。 【配信日】不定期 日曜日17時 配信 【制作】株式会社オトポート 【BGM】「Journey」「Lone」「Cloud Sea」「Together」/伊勢賢治
The Iron Realm Mega Dungeon Crawl & Dark Fantasy Solo RPG Gaming Podcast

139 Episodes


Latest episode 27 days ago

Dramatic RPG adventure in a massive Mega Dungeon. Free gaming aids provided. Dark Fantasy Fiction in the classic RPG style. Listen or play!
The Movie Dump Podcast

10 Episodes


Latest episode 11 years ago

News - Avoiding The Puddle

26 Episodes


Latest episode 12 years ago

Scripture Memory Project

328 Episodes


Avg Length 7m


Latest episode 4 years ago

A weekly podcast devoted to equipping the church to memorize Scripture. Follows the Fighter Verses Memory Verse Program
Have Gun Will Travel

185 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 3 months ago

Have Gun Will Travel stories revolved around gun-for-hire with principles, Paladin (his real name was never revealed). Though Paladin, played on the radio by John Dehner preferred to try to work out problems without violence if possible, he worked for people who he felt were wronged and could pay. Occasionally, if he felt people who couldn't pay were in a really hard situation with bad guys, he worked for free. If, during the course of his work, he discovered his employer turned out to be shady, Paladin would turn on his employer.