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Complete list of Experimental Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

The Tower

39 Episodes


Avg Length 11m


Latest episode 1 year ago

A young woman leaves behind her isolated, suffocating existence to climb The Tower, an abandoned relic of a forgotten age, built by a proud king who wanted to rule the sky as well as the land. It stretches up into the sky, through the smog. An experimental audio drama series from Tin Can Audio. Official Selection - Miami Web Series Festival 2022 Official Selection - Apulia Web Fest 2022 Official Selection - New Jersey Web Festival 2022 Official Selection - Minnesota WebFest 2022 Official Selection - New Zealand WebFest 2022 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
That's Classical?

183 Episodes


Avg Length 120m


Latest episode 2 days ago

“We live in a time I think not of mainstream, but of many streams, or even, if you insist upon a river of time, that we have come to a delta, maybe even beyond delta to an ocean which is going back to the skies.” -John Cage This quote, I believe, truly embodies the idea of music today. Yet, this quote is even more applicable to world of “classical” music. There are so many different avenues of new classical music, that one must ask oneself, “That’s classical?” That is the idea that we try and explore every Sunday evening. Neo-classical, electro-accoustic, minimalism, soundscapes, and everything in between. Everything from Stravinsky to Eagle, Messiaen to Dallapiccola, Glass to Tüür, no musical stone is left unturned. So sit back, and enjoy the tunes.
The Brülosophy Podcast

359 Episodes


Avg Length 71m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Brülosophy - where they who drink beer will think beer! Join the crew as they discuss the history of various brewing topics and the results of their interesting exBEERiments!
I Wanna Jump Like Dee Dee

132 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 6 days ago

The music podcast that does music differently. I'm Giles Sibbald and I'm talking to extraordinary musicians, DJ’s and producers about how they use an experimental mindset in their lives to amplify their own creativity, pursue new challenges, overcome fears and bounce back from mistakes. Don’t miss out on conversations that might inspire you to find your own experimental mindset!
The Eternal Now with Andy Ortmann | WFMU

202 Episodes


Avg Length 51m


Latest episode 12 days ago

A comprehensive exploration of contemporary experimental, psychedelic, noise & other obscure music. Hosted by Andy Ortmann (curator of the Nihilist Records label and member of longtime noise project Panicsville) presenting his obsessive perspective on the new difficult music. Peripheral and relating genres, including ethereal, electronic & extreme metal should also be expected in this weekly program. Sit back and relax into the hallucination amplification of The Eternal Now.
Crucial Listening

165 Episodes


Avg Length 65m


Latest episode 5 days ago

Experimental musicians and sound artists discuss the albums that are important to them. A bi-weekly podcast from ATTN:Magazine.
Holland Patent Postal Union

3 Episodes


Avg Length 10m


Latest episode 6 months ago

A show of audio letters.Produced by Ryan Dann Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The Brü Lab

175 Episodes


Avg Length 71m


Latest episode 1 day ago

Welcome to The Brü Lab where Brülosophy's Cade Jobe takes you into the lab with brewing scientists to discuss research they've completed on our favorite beverage!
Aw, Would You Look At The Time

16 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 7 months ago

A late night talk show in the truest sense of the phrase. Andru Marino and Allegra Frank host the midnight hour audio show that borrows from traditions of the late night format with consideration of how time affects media, life, science, and art.
Chill Out Session

234 Episodes


Avg Length 96m


Latest episode 25 days ago

Every week new session - Listen and Relax Style: ambient, chill out, oriental, lounge, eclectic and alternative For more info check out the official page: http://chilloutsessionworld.blogspot.com Copyright © 2011 - 2024 Chill Out Session © All Rights are Reserved to the artists!
In A Walled City

8 Episodes


Avg Length 28m


Latest episode 2 years ago

A guide to navigating the coming phases of human existence. This work is nonlinear and you may enter at any point. Created and performed by Disparition (Jon Bernstein), the producer/composer of Welcome to Night Vale and Alice Isn't Dead.
Straight On ‘Til Morning

152 Episodes


Avg Length 150m


Latest episode 10 months ago

The live concert experience in a snapshot, taped live and not in studio, no overdubs warts and all included. Sometimes a little far sometimes a little near, but hopefully something we can all enjoy. We bring you blues, rock, jazz, fusion, folk, reggae, world, in fact a nice eclectic mix. Drop by and check it out.
The Wind

44 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 1 month ago

A podcast about listening made at a handmade desk in the mountains.
Pop podcast from Magnatune.com

73 Episodes


Avg Length 57m


Latest episode 2 years ago

60 minutes of Pop, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil: magnatune.com

1 Episodes


Avg Length 64m


Latest episode 14 years ago

MARKO BATISTA is Ljubljana based mixed-media artist born in 1976 in Tito's Yugoslavia. At the end of the year 1997 he is accepted to ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS in Ljubljana under the guidance of professor BOJAN GORENEC. The result of collaboration with professor Borut Vogelnik, Bojan Gorenec, Joze Barsi, Sreco Dragan and artists Vasja Lebaric, Andrej Kamnik was a participation at the LA BIENNALE DI VENEZIA 50th International Art Exhibition: VV2 in June 2003. Texts, discussions and photo documentation was published in a book entitled PHOTOFINISH (Batista M., Kamnik A., Lebaric V.; 2004) in collaboration with Tomaz Kucer. In 1998 together with Miha Horvat (son:DA) founded multimedia group KLON:ART:RESISTANCE. Exploring moving images and digital sound environments they presented several projects at festivals, galleries and different urban places.In December 2000 FORUM STADTPARK (Gratz - Austria) and YOUTH CULTURAL CENTER (Maribor - Slovenia) invited Klon:Art:Resistance members in Gratz as a part of the introducing young conceptual artists of slovenian contemporary video art; WEB LINK & CONTACT: http://www.project-data.info/ sko (at) siol (dot) net -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing): ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances. The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art. The project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE). Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
SONDA - "dubrovnik.008"

1 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 14 years ago

son:DA belogs to that area of art characterised by linking of various technologies and media, as well as a new approach to the group work. son:DA is active in the fields of space installations, computer drawings, audio-video performances and different gallery project. Since 2000 son:DA has shown their work internationaly. Their solo exhibition were in Razstavnem salonu Rotovž Maribor, Kibla Maribor, Galeriji Meduza Koper, Likovnem salonu Celje, Galerij Kapelica Ljubljana, ARCO Madrid, Turner contemporary Margate, Kunstverein-Porschehof Salzburg, Mario Mauroner Contemporary Vienna and Salzburg, C-O Care of Milano, LaVitrine Maribor, AP4-Art Lugano, Mali galerija MOMA Ljubljana, Miklova hiša, Galerija Škuc, New Moment Gallery Belgrade and Bitforms gallery New York. Among other places, they were part of group exhibitions in Essl Collection Vienna, Renaissance society Chicago, Tate Modern London, Museum of contemporary art St.Louis, The Kitchen gallery New York, Stedelijk museum Amsterdam, Museum of contemporary art Solun, Museum of contemporary art Novi Sad, ARCOS Benevento, Center for Visual Introspection Bucharest, Kunstraum Bethanien Berlin, The Cultural Centre of Liège, Press to exit Skopje, MACRO Rome, Institute for contemporary art Sofia, Sonambiente Berlin, Kunstlerhaus Vienna and Graz, Center for contemporary art Velan Torino, UGM Maribor, P74 Ljubljana, MOMA Ljubljana, MGLC Ljubljana and on animation film festivals in Izola, Zagrebu, Florence, Utrechtu and Hiroshima. In 2009 son:DA became a foundation for theory and practice of audio-visual art. Their archive can be found on http://sonda.kibla.org WEB LINK & CONTACT: http://sonda.kibla.org/ MAIL: [email protected] -------------------------------------- o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing): ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances. The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art. The project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE). Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
BORUT SAVSKI and MILAN KRISTL - "Analogična kompozicija" (Analogic Composition)

1 Episodes


Avg Length 66m


Latest episode 14 years ago

Borut Savski in Milan Kristl O analogični kompoziciji: Analogična kompozicija je osnova dramaturskega pristopa dveh avtorjev, ki je sicer improvizacija, vendar s predvidenim in predsestavljenim instrumentarijem. Razteza se med strukturo in de-strukturo - torej časovno: med trenutkom in konstruiranim (sestavljenim, zaporednim) časom. Če je sočasje (sinhronost) sodelovanja dveh avtorjev ena od osnov - torej: vzporejanje - je druga v razporejanju (v zaporedja) - v podrobnem je to ritmiziranje - v širšem pa je to glasbena kompozicija. Instrumentarij je na eni strani sestavljen iz različnih senzorskih sistemov - video, infrardečih, zvočnih in dotičnih (taktilnih) - povezanih na računalnik. Ti sistemi so različno odzivni - nekateri neposredno, drugi algoritmično. Na drugi strani je človesko telo in njegovi neposredni zvočni vmesniki, kot so piščali, brenkala in glasovi. Poudarek v obeh primerih pa je vendarle v iskanju sledi organskosti (telesnosti; ki je vedno predvsem struktura) logičnega (računalniškega, kulturnega) in analognega sistema (ki je avtonomija teles in njihovih odločitev)- torej analogne logike. O principu analogičnosti: Skovanka “analogično” je skrajsana besedna zveza ‘analogna logika’, ki je zanimiva zato, ker dejansko pomeni analogična logika, torej: nelogična logika. Torej nekaj takega kot ‘neumni um’. Semantično pa kaže na to, da je nelogično izpeljava iz logičnega - torej je primarnejši izraz: logično. Beseda, ki je zelo blizu ‘analogičnemu’ je ‘analogno’, vendar je v praksi (v kulturi...) povsem drugačnega (celo nasprotnega) pomena. Analogno opisuje, da je pri prevajanju iz ene vrednosti v neko drugo prišlo do proporcionalne (podobne - analogne) spremembe. Mi dodajamo, da je bila sprememba pri pretvorbi v drugo veličino skoraj linearna (v nasprotju z večpomenskostjo nelinearnih sistemov). V splošnejšem človeškem jeziku pa: da je pomen (skoraj) isti. V matematiki je bila pred desetletji zanimiva beseda ‘fuzzy logic’ ali slovensko: ‘mehka logika’. Primernejši izraz bi sicer bil ‘nejasna logika’. Ne le dve izključujoči se stanji - ampak neskončno stanj. Še en uporabljan izraz za omenjeni princip je ‘analogna logika’ - od tu torej skovanka principa analogičnega kot nelogične logike. Analogični princip sicer izhaja iz gradnje (elektronskih) strojev, pri katerih moment odločitve ni enoznačen, ampak je zaradi zajemanja podatkov dveh senzorjev, uporabe analognih elektronskih komparatorjev in posebne konfiguracije pomičnih registrov precej samosvoj. Pri tem mislimo na samosvojost v razmeroma kratkem časovnem intervalu, ki ga dojemamo kot ritem, vendarle pa ga lahko označimo kot rudimentarni spomin - no, pomnilnik. WEB: http://www.3via.org/trivia/ ------------- o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing): ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances. The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art. The project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE). Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
OCTEX - aka Jernej Marušič

1 Episodes


Avg Length 63m


Latest episode 14 years ago

Octex - aka Jernej Marusich Octex's (aka Jernej Marusich musical path started in late 90s, when he fell in love with the sound of old analog synthesizers and started conducting Organic Crackle and Tone EXperiments (Octex). His debut album Idei Laehsna (Tehnika records, 2002) received high praises from both critics and the public and got proclaimed as one of the best post Basic Channel dub-techno releases. But always looking forward his next album Variations (rx:tx, 2005) took his experimentation even further and deeper, which confused some of his fans a little, but gained him new ones, and got him some really good reviews in the press. In the mean time he has lent his remixing skills to the likes of Laibach, Ultra-Red, Marko Furstenberg, Spyweirdos... 2008 will see the release of new EP and his ambient album Dead Center of Nowhere, originally recorded as a sequel to Idei Lahesna, but till now never released. It will finally see the day of light as a shared release between proclaimed Thinner net label and rx:tx. In 2003 he has received Slovenian Boomerang Award for best new comer of the year, and in both 2002 and 2003 he was selected as one of the 10 finalist for Radio France International Electronic Music Award. His live sets have taken him all over Europe to events such as: Club Transmediale (Berlin), Sprawl (London), Dispatch (Belgrade), Exit (Novi Sad), Cynet Art (Desden), Meet Me, Progress festival... In 2008 he will be presenting his new audio/visual performance. Having already done video for his tracks (which also ended being played on Viva, Onyx TV...) he had developed a system that allowes him to automatically sync visuals to his improvised live performances. WEB LINK & CONTACT: http://www.octex.si/ EMAIL: octex (at) soundoflj.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing): ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances. The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art. The project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE). Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

1 Episodes


Avg Length 61m


Latest episode 14 years ago

she is a dancer and singer, mostly performing in dance-theater performers and she has choreographed four performances of my own. She has worked with many choreographers and theater directors in Slovenia and also abroad (all mentioned in biography) with whose She has received many rich experiences. She gain my dance education in Intakt studio of Ljubljana, Dance theater Ljubljana, in education programs of En knap group in Laboratory and Agon and in Emanat (Maja Delak) and in many workshops (Ann Populis, Wendy Huston, Iztok Kovač, Joseph Nadj...) also abroad. In 2004 she got the scholarship for DanceWeb (Gavin Webber, Barbara Mayr, Judith Grodowitz, Gustavo Miranda, Risa Steinberg, Antony Rizzi, Ori Flomin, Agelique Willkie, Mark Tompkins, Nuno Rebelo, Franz Poelstra, Robert Stein, Ko Murobushi) in Vienna. In 2007 she was in Wroclaw in Grotowsky institute and she had a chance to work for one month with many great artists as Pioter Borowsky, Maisternia Pisni, Theater Zar, Zigmund Molik, Jaroslaw Fret...All the time she is visiting different kind of workshops for movement and dance and in last five years she has been working intensely also on voice trough the work sessions with Diego Ross, Brina Vogelnik Saje, Lejla Radovan, Agelique Willkie, Charmain le Blanc, Nhandan Chirco, Anne Marie Blink, Gey Pin Ang, Maud Robard, Maisternia Pisni, Zar thetre, Zygmud Molik, Jonathan Hart Makwaia... she has made four projects of her own up till now: Hitchcock’s metamorphosis, Caprice, Caprice (re)lapsed and “like a drop of rain into the mouth of silence” and many more in the collaboration with other dancers, actors and directors (Dragan Živadinov, Mala Kline, Maja Delak, Emil Hrvatin, Sebastian Horvat...) she is working on voice in solo project named “iT” – for voice and three dictaphones, with which she was touring also abroad ( http://www.myspace.com/torarobit ). she is also a member in a band of Aldo Ivančič (Borghesia) Bast Kolektiv ( http://www.myspace.com/bastkolektiv ) - we made album retinal Circus together. she is a teacher of dance in High school of dance in Ljubljana, teaching dance techniques -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing): ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances. The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art. The project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE). Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.

1 Episodes


Avg Length 71m


Latest episode 14 years ago

TAO G. VRHOVEC SAMBOLEC is a sound artist and musician based in Amsterdam and Ljubljana. His works encompass audiovisual and mixed media installations, sound interventions in public spaces, composed and improvised (electro)acoustic music, sound design for video, and music for silent film. Born in 1972 (Ljubljana – Slovenia), he received BA - main subject clarinet - at Trondheim Music Conservatory (Norway), BA in music composition and MA at Interfaculty Image and Sound – ArtScience, both at The Royal Conservatory in The Hague - The Netherlands, where he also followed Sonology course. His works were shown and performed in various art galleries, museums and music festivals across Europe. Among others: Public Space With a Roof Gallery - Amsterdam, State Museum of Contemporary Art - Thessaloniki - Greece, Ars Electronica - Festival for Art Technology and Society - Linz - Austria, De Appel - Amsterdam, Madrid Abierto - Madrid, Museum of Modern Art - Ljubljana, Kapelica Gallery -Ljubljana, SKUC Gallery - Ljubljana, Musica a Metronom - Barcelona, Gaudeamus Music Week – Amsterdam, Forum neuer Musik - Köln, EuroJazz Festival - Tomar – Portugal, festival of contemporary music Contemporanea 2004 – Udine, AV Festival - Newcastle Upon Tyne, CMMAS - Morelia, Mexico ... He was commissioned pieces by Barton Workshop Ensemble (Amsterdam), Percussion Group The Hague and Slovenian Cinematheque. In 1996 he formed together with Tomaz Grom electroacoustic improv duo TILT, with which he performs live. As improviser he has performed with Will Guthrie, Alzheimer Trio, Riccardo Massari Spiritini, The Same Girl (Gilles Aubry, Nicolas Field), Sabine Vogel, Dirk Bruinsma, ... So far he has released two CDs with duo Tilt. He is founder of international cycle of sound events, lectures and workshops Bitshift in Kapelica Gallery - Ljubljana, which started in 2001. In 2008 he got awarded Startstipendium from The Netherlands Fundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture - Fonds BKVB. WEB LINK: http://www.taogvs.org/ -------------------------------------- o projektu / about the project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing): ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is presenting the work of artists and music by sound researchers: Marko Batista, Luka Prinčič (Nova deViator), Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, SON: DA, Octex, Borut Savski, Irena Tomažin and Bojana Šaljič Podešva. ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is a production of a thematically related sound-art audioperformances of Slovenian composers and sound artists in podcast format. The project integrate audio-Slovenian intermedia scene, creating the field of contemporary music on musical theatrical, audio and internet-based field and internet research performances. The project involves the authors of young and middle generations that generate predominantly creative approach to music and sound for various forms of contemporary art projects. Featured authors are actively flirting with exploratory attitude to sound, music and sound presence in the field of contemporary sound-art. The project ZVO.ČI.TI. (so.und.ing) is produced by CONA institute in a co-production with RAM LIVE and co-curated by Ilari Valbonesi (intermedia curator, director RAM LIVE). Project is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia.
Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza

114 Episodes


Avg Length 107m


Latest episode 3 years ago

Live improvised sound collage experiment, weaving mesmerizing loopy layered found soundscapes, riding the liminal spaces between waking and dreaming. https://lastever.org
NoizeCast ! Electro Dark Indus & Cold Mixez !

16 Episodes


Avg Length 68m


Latest episode 12 years ago

Electro Dark Industrial & Coldwave Mixez ! Ces mixes sont réalisés live, au tempo (ou presque.. (-: ) avec des samples de films ou d'autres... Abonnez vous & accrochez vous !Electro Dark Industrial & Coldwave Mixez ! Ces mixes sont réalisés live, au tempo (ou presque.. (-: ) avec des samples de films ou d'autres... Abonnez vous & accrochez vous ! Theses Mixes were recorded during parties... made with movies samples and others... Register and get ready !!
The Virtual Ocean

81 Episodes


Avg Length 69m


Latest episode 1 year ago

THE "LET'S LISTEN" VAPORWAVE PODCAST. Vaporwave is an art aesthetic that embodies the anxiety, disillusionment, and nihilism of the modern world. In music form, vaporwave dives deep into these unconscious anxieties, manifesting sounds from past decades - warping them, manipulating them, and summoning the ghost of the good times that were promised by modern capitalism, but never came. Vaporwave is an expression of the pains of the collective modern unconscious, taking the form of heroin-level escapism, ecstasy-inducing pop music, or dystopian ambient worlds. Because of its internet-based nature, its aesthetics have evolved so rapidly, further reflecting the chaotic subconscious of the modern mind. Vaporwave captures the modern unconscious of humans raised by the internet succinctly, and understanding this art form matters. In each episode, we listen to tracks that make up genre and give our thoughts, analysis, emotions, and commentary on them. Let's set sail on the Virtual Ocean. {Casted from the Bay Area, California. You can follow us on Instagram: @thevirtualocean to join the conversation! Consider donating to us! $thevirutalocean on CashApp will get you your name and any message you want read at the end of the show, starting episode 63.}
Mind The HeadSpace

122 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 2 months ago

Bringing you the best in the cerebral side of Electronic (Dance) Music with a focus on Dallas area DJs and producers.
Radio Orphans Video Podcast

25 Episodes


Latest episode 14 years ago

A video podcast featuring Radio Orphans music videos. Utilizing a blend of public domain film footage and our own music, we create quirky, strange, visual delights with a humorous nod, for your viewing pleasure.
the fna show

37 Episodes


Avg Length 5m


Latest episode 3 years ago

fna is an aural excursion through thought. it is an experiment in sound and idea. it is a terrible champion. listen at risk. fear to listen. crucify complacency.
The Den of Sin

6 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Den of Sin! I am your lovely host, TS Denizen, the denizen of the Den of Sin. Afford me the time to provide you with a brief summation of my story. I am not of the planet you call Earth. I hail from the planet Sinestra. On the planet Sinestra, I, along with many of the other Sinestrians, were not permitted to express our true selves. Our Elders believed there was a correct Way to Be that all Sinestrians were duty bound to adhere to, whether this Way to Be was the Way we Were, or not. The oppression of my soul was too great to bear! So I stole a space pod of my World and flew it to the nearest inhabited World which my Elders deemed Sinful: Earth. Here, I fell in deep love with Earth culture, and Earth music in particular. Each song was an undiscovered reflection of my own soul! And so I established this Den of Sin to share with you myself, others, and most importantly, yourselves.
Look What I Made - DIY indie music podcast with Kevin Pike

113 Episodes


Avg Length 9m


Latest episode 5 months ago

Experience the unique world of Kevin Pike Music. Experiments in DIY recording. Jazz, Funk, Rock, Classical, Third Stream and more. Composer Kevin Pike picks one song per episode and explains how it came about and what instrumentation he used in the arrangement.
Bassomatic: daily experimental bass podcast

2366 Episodes


Latest episode 14 years ago

It has been more than ten years since the first zand o matic bass guitar podcast, let's try something again but with a few extra comments! Once again the same crappy sound, only and only bass for my part, the same unfinished and unedited grooves as I recorded them on my looper(s), using my old basses, my plethora of effects, and just use some rythm sections I can find here or there. There may be some surprises regarding this podcast in the near future. Yeehaaa! Just another abstract way to loose some time both for you and me! One more thing, this audio file will present three complementary grooves played alone, then the same ones in all combinations with a single drum track.

10 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 11 years ago

Fake Plastic Heads Podcast

43 Episodes


Avg Length 3m


Latest episode 8 years ago

This podcast is here to guide you into the universe of multimedia artist and graphic designer Charles S. Kuzmanovic.

4 Episodes


Avg Length 3m


Latest episode 14 years ago

Jason Sims is Calling You

12 Episodes


Latest episode 11 years ago

Jason Sims has pleasant phone conversations with delightful people on a variety of topics, recording and podcasting them for your enjoyment. Produced by Nowah Jacobs. If you’d like to talk on the telephone, read this to find out how to sign up!
Space Music podcast from Magnatune.com

73 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 2 years ago

60 minutes of Space Music, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil: magnatune.com
Jazz podcast from Magnatune.com

3 Episodes


Avg Length 59m


Latest episode 8 years ago

60 minutes of Jazz, all commercial free, with no talking DJ between songs. All songs Creative Commons by-nc-sa 1.0 licensed from the record label that isn't evil: magnatune.com
What's This Called? w/ Ricardo Wang

154 Episodes


Avg Length 60m


Latest episode 10 days ago

Experimental, Post-Punk, Noise, Drone & Beauty.
Two Song Shot - Enhanced version

10 Episodes


Latest episode 13 years ago

Twice a month we bring you two songs - songs you've probably never heard and songs you've requested we make for you. We serve you fresh originals and obscure gems, could be indie rock, pop, ambient soundscapes, experimental, music-made-on-retro-computers or whatever other genre we've wandered into to bring you good music. We also often feature satiric SuBBrilliant News reports from Tom Merritt. And you can ask us to make your dream song for you - specify the song title and what you'd like it to sound like, and your request could become a reality. One custom-made song requested by a listener will be featured every month, so get your own request in!
Tabs Out Cassette Podcast

223 Episodes


Latest episode 20 days ago

Tabs Out is an all cassette podcast with a focus on experimental music and cassette culture.
You Are Hear: New Live Music Sessions and Specials - From the Outer Edges

159 Episodes


Avg Length 61m


Latest episode 11 years ago

You Are Hear is a podcast and online radio show brought to you by Magz Hall ( Radio Arts, Totally Radio, Resonance FM ) bringing you live sessions, new music, festival specials and interviews. Since May 2002 we've been exploring the outer edges of music. Hear the best cutting edge artists and bands. File under experimental alternative new music of all genres. Folk, Rock, Noise, Pop, electronic, dance, grime, electro http://www.youarehear.co.uk
G13 Podcast Series "Generations Of Rust"

4 Episodes


Avg Length 8m


Latest episode 18 years ago

Alternate Routes

7 Episodes


Avg Length 47m


Latest episode 5 years ago

Independent music not found on major streaming services, all tracks approved by artists/labels.
Experimental Audio Scene

2 Episodes


Avg Length 15m


Latest episode 2 years ago

A variety podcast featuring abstract audio art and listen-along journeys. Settle in and close your eyes as you're transported to amiable, interesting, and experimental soundscapes. Releases quarterly, next release: January 5th, 2022 Join the mailing list to be notified: https://eas.ck.page/3ce0280017
framework radio

1419 Episodes


Avg Length 58m


Latest episode 3 days ago

phonography, field recording, the art of sound-hunting. open your ears and listen. more info at https://frameworkradio.net. support us at https://www.patreon.com/frameworkradio. 1 hour approx., updated weekly.
Booty Machine: daily experimental guitar and bass podcast

365 Episodes


Latest episode 16 years ago

Vinston comes and adds his touch to the daily Bass O Matic podcast from Z ( www.bassomatic.info ).
Breaking The Tethers

129 Episodes


Latest episode 2 days ago

Listen to Breaking The Tethers for music you could call jazz, broadly defined. Free, modal, experimental, avant, out there, and more are words you could use for the music that BTT feeds to your ears. Breaking The Tethers sends out tentacles to experimental, folk, rock, world, and odd stuff that doesn’t have a label. Presented to you as a Monday morning sound experience. Suggestions, requests, and comments are always welcome.

21 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Soundworlds is your gateway to the sonic multiverse. We commission artists, musicians and theatre-makers to compose immersive audio worlds, which we're calling sonic theatre: an intoxicating blend of music and storytelling, documentary and fiction. From short trips to multipart odysseys, Soundworlds transports listeners to strange new places wherever they may be. Winner of Best Fiction Podcast (British Podcast Awards 2022) and Best Use of Sound (BBC Radio Drama Awards 2023). Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Porous Borders: Experimental Music in the Southern Hemisphere

23 Episodes


Avg Length 64m


Latest episode 1 year ago

A podcast about experimental music scenes and musicians in the Asia-Pacific region.
Theater in the Woods

9 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Get lost in the wilds of Theater in the Woods. PODs departing and arriving monthly.Every second Sunday at 10:01PM PSD.
Muddy Boots

108 Episodes


Avg Length 50m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Muddy Boots wanders where sneakers never will, moving on the back roads through the backwoods and to the forgotten cracks of our imagination. Tune in to hear a patchwork of sound, snippet, and song; field recordings from wherever, the random whimsical, and the rare, and not-so-rare. Learn more at muddybootsradio.org/
The Brian Turner Show

117 Episodes


Avg Length 121m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Order and disorder, a freeform haze of garbage guitars, shorted electronics, found detritus, collage, linear songs, sounds from strange lands. Every other week. Full playlists can be found at www.brianturnershow.com. I can be contacted at [email protected].