搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
Dr Abellona U & Keith Poon
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Top 10 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science Episodes
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搞乜咁科學 #21 - 聲音 Sound 🔊
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
02/16/24 • 104 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第21集!
今集嘅主題係聲音 Sound🔊!Keith會講點解你屋企部琴硬係唔啱音?🎹Abellona會講我地點樣用兩條飲管黎聽音樂?🎧
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
Abellona's Part
Endometriosis UK
Georg von Békésy - The Nobel Prize
Ashmore J. (2018). The neuroscience of hearing or how to do a hard job with soft components. Brain and neuroscience advances, 2, 2398212818810687. https://doi.org/10.1177/2398212818810687
Oppenheim, J. N., & Magnasco, M. O. (2013). Human time-frequency acuity beats the Fourier uncertainty principle. Physical review letters, 110(4), 044301. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.044301
Sound localization - Wikipedia
Keith’s Part
五度相生律 Pythagorean tuning - Wikipedia
純律 Just Intonation - Wikipedia
12 Equal Temperament 十二平均律 - Wikipedia
平均律鍵盤曲集 The Well-Tempered Clavier - Wikipedia
巴哈與十二平均律 - A Gertus History of Music
Pythagorean tuning vs 12 equal temperament - PTG HomeOffice
Chopin Étude Op. 10 No. 1 but it's in Just Intonation - ValkyRiver
Jacob Collier 話你知點解你部琴唔啱音! - George Collier
搞乜咁科學 #20 - 2023新發現 New in '23 🪄
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
01/12/24 • 94 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第20集!
今集嘅主題係『新發現 New in '23』 🪄!Keith會講點樣可以唔單調咁鋪地板?🧩 Abellona會講細菌抵抗病毒嘅武器而家可以用黎醫病?🩺
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
Keith’s Part
Archimedean Tessellation 阿基米德密鋪平面 - Wikipedia
Plane vertex tiling - Wikipedia
Uniform tiling - Wikipedia
Zigzag path tiling 唔係長方形嘅長方形磚 - Pinterest
Uniform tiling using star polygon 星形啊!! - Wikipedia
Aperiodic tiling - 非週期性密鋪平面 - Wikipedia
Penrose tiling - misc
The Infinite Pattern That Never Repeats - Veritasium
Einstein Tile 愛因斯坦磚(?) - Wikipedia
How a Hobbyist Solved a 50-Year-Old Math Problem - Up and Atom
Abellona's Part
CRISPR - Wikipedia
Pioneers of revolutionary CRISPR gene editing win chemistry Nobel - Nature
Sickle Cell Disease - Wikipedia
UK first to approve CRISPR treatment for diseases: what you need to know - Nature
FDA approves two gene therapies for sickle cell, bringing hope to thousands with the disease - CNN
Sickle cell: ‘The revolutionary gene-editing treatment that gave me new life’ - BBC
搞乜咁科學 #13 - 知覺 Sense 🙈
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
03/31/23 • 83 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第13集!
今集嘅主題知覺Sense🙈! Keith 會解釋1同9中間究竟係幾多 (提示: 唔係5) 🧮 Abellona 會講我地係點樣畀我地嘅視覺呃咗?👀
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFj2cwjDASS2SyYsj3pkNSQ
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/KeithPoonSir
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
Keith’s part
心理物理學 Psychophysics - Wikipedia
韋伯-費希納定理 Weber–Fechner law - Wikipedia
Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy? - Veritasium
小朋友或者偏遠地區的人會覺得 1 同 9 中間唔係 5 ? - MIT News
最小可覺差 Just Noticeable Difference - Wikipedia
Psychophysics of Prices Paradox - JSTOR
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 ... - Vsauce
Abellona’s part
世紀爭議: 條裙咩色 The Dress - Wikipedia
傳籃球 1.0 版本 - Selective Attention Test
傳籃球 2.0 版本 - The Monkey Business Illusion
Simons, D.J., Levin, D.T. (1998) Failure to detect changes to people during a real-world interaction. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 5, 644–649.
Kennedy, K. D., Stephens, C. L., Williams, R. A., & Schutte, P. C. (2014) Automation and Inattentional Blindness in a Simulated Flight Task. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 58 (1), 2058–2062.
搞乜咁科學 #16 - 散播 Spread🧈
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
09/01/23 • 76 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第16集!
今集嘅主題係散播 Spread🧈!Keith會講有咩會好似病毒咁傳播,但唔洗見面都傳得好快?😯 Abellona就講一個水喉柄竟然係殺死幾百人嘅元兇?🚰
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎
搞乜咁科學 IG - 大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎
Keith 的部分
遙言傳播SIR Model的原文
Daley, D.J., and Kendal, D.G. 1965 Stochastic rumors, J. Inst. Maths Applics 1, p. 42.
Abellona 的部分
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - Wikipedia
Pasteur and Spontaneous Generation - 巴斯德推翻自然發生論的實驗
1854年倫敦Broad Street霍亂爆發 - Wikipedia
England: The Broad Street Pump - You Know Nothing, John Snow - Extra History - YouTube
The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson
搞乜咁科學 #15 - 賭博 Gamble🎰
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
08/11/23 • 91 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第15集!
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: @gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
Abellona IG: @_doctor_u
Keith IG: @keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
後期製作 阿Long IG: @arlongphotog.hk
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
06:04 - Keith話蘇格蘭傳統樂器真確應該叫風笛 Bagpipes
06:23 - Abellona 手風琴嘅左手邊應該係有六列
Framing effect 框架效應 - Wikipedia
Loss aversion 損失規避 - Wikipedia
Endowment Effect 禀賦效應 - Wikipedia
Prospect theory 展望理论 - Wikipedia
後扣帶皮層厚度(Posterior cingulate cortex)與中年過後漸增的損失規避的關係
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
大部份嘅人用緊錯嘅方法去溫書!你有無中呢個伏? - The Myth of Rereading - YouTube
馮紐曼 John von Neumann - Wikipedia
斯蒂格勒 George Stigler - Wikipedia
Regression toward the mean - Wikipedia
搞乜咁科學 #8 - 腦袋 Brain 🧠
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
10/07/22 • 67 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第8集!
今集嘅主題係腦袋 Brain 🧠!Keith會講有咩超級電腦係永遠都做唔到嘅?Abellona會解釋寄生蟲操控真係可以腦袋?!
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFj2cwjDASS2SyYsj3pkNSQ
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9fh5paH2jh5kfBVDEPC1YA
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
Abellona 部分:
冬蟲夏草 Ophiocordyceps sinensis
偏側蛇蟲草菌 Ophiocordyceps unilateralis
Further Reading:
Toxoplasmosis: How Parasites in Your Cat Can Infect Your Brain - YouTube
How parasites change their host's behavior - YouTube
Keith 部分:
Dall-E 生成的圖片 - A still of Kermit The Frog in Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
哥德爾不完備定理 - Godel's incompleteness theorem
Further Reading:
Math's Fundamental Flaw by Veritasium - YouTube
Proof That Computers Can't Do Everything (The Halting Problem) by udiprod - YouTube
搞乜咁科學 #10 - 驚喜Surprise🙀
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
12/02/22 • 76 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science !
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFj2cwjDASS2SyYsj3pkNSQ
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube:
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
Abellona’s Section
動物如何依靠星空搵路 - 訪問早期研究先驅Prof Stephen Emlen - Vox
遷徙的雀鳥運用量子原理感應磁力 - Scientific American
狗狗便便的方向 - 狗也能夠感應到磁場?
Keith’s Section
大衛·希爾伯特 David Hilbert - Wikipedia
無限旅館 Infinite Hotel - Wikipedia
One Two Three... Infinity by George Gamow - Wikipedia
所有數都只係得唯一一個質因數連乘式? - Wikipedia
製造大啲嘅無限嘅方法 Power Set - Wikipedia
連續統假設 Continuum Hypothesis - Wikipedia
延伸閲讀 Further Reading
搞乜咁科學 #26 - Bonus: Keith 喺劍橋?! 🇬🇧
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
09/08/24 • 27 min
Keith 同 Abellona 竟然同時喺英國劍橋出現,仲錄左集Bonus Episode?! 想知佢地喺撐完船半醉半醒嘅時候,同埋Keith俾Abellona迫左去做苦力之前,吹左啲咩水就快啲聽啦~
搞乜咁科學 #23 - 根源 Origin 📍
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
04/05/24 • 75 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第23集!
今集嘅主題係根源 Origin 📍!Keith會講點解覺得自己係0竟然係一個讚賞?0️⃣ Abellona就會講你幾時發現原來你係非洲人?🌍
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
Show Notes and Links:
大部份今集有關嘅圖片會係我哋IG見到㗎: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
Abellona's Part
Museum of African Diaspora, San Francisco - Homepage
Lucy's Story - Institute of Human Origins
Australopithecus afarensis, Lucy's species - NHM
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - YouTube
Chromosomal crossover - Wikipedia
Chromosomal Crossover in Meiosis I - YouTube
Human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup - Wikipedia
Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup - Wikipedia
Further watching: The Two People We're All Related To - YouTube
Correction: 37:24 每粒精子入面有唔止一粒粒線體,而係有50-75粒喺精子嘅中段(Midpiece),佢哋嘅用途係用黎power粒精子去游水。但呢d粒線體唔會進入受精卵,我地所有嘅粒線體都係黎自卵子,即係媽媽嘅貢獻。
Keith's Part
Null Island: The Busiest Place That Doesn't Exist - Minute Earth
字母數字系統 Alphabetic Numeral System - Wikipedia
進位制 Positional notation - Wikipedia
英國符木 British Tally Sticks - UK Parliament
Further reading: Number: The Language of Science by Tobias Dantzig & Joseph Mazur
搞乜咁科學 #24 - 嘉賓: 唔係醫生 Guest: Not A Doctor 🎧
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science
05/10/24 • 88 min
歡迎嚟到 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science 第24集!
今集係我哋 Not a Doctor 嘅 Nic 同 madformedic 上嚟做嘉賓~
喂!好奇心,係時候醒喇 :)
00:00 熱烈歡迎 Not a Doctor!!!
10:48 Abellona 的部份
24:25 @madformedic 的部份
35:28 Keith 的部份
52:44 Nic 的部份
01:24:28 Yeahhh!
Social Media:
科學一齊搞 Got Something for GMG - 有咩想同我哋講都可以係度share㗎: https://forms.gle/26RSEgW9NeeSMc4a7
搞乜咁科學網頁: www.gmgscience.com
搞乜咁科學 IG: www.instagram.com/gmgscience
搞乜咁科學 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gmgscience
Abellona IG: www.instagram.com/_doctor_u
Keith IG: www.instagram.com/keith.poonsir
Keith YouTube: www.youtube.com/@KeithPoonSir
後期製作 Ah Long IG: www.instagram.com/arlongphotog.hk
Not a Doctor: https://www.instagram.com/notadoctor.podcast
Mad for Medic: https://www.instagram.com/madformedic/
Show Notes and Links:
@Mad for Medic的部分
Why are more boys born at the end of wars?
Nic@Not A Doctor的部分
Aphantasia Network
Extreme Imagination Online Exhibition - Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience
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How many episodes does 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science have?
搞乜咁科學 GMG Science currently has 28 episodes available.
What topics does 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science cover?
The podcast is about Life Sciences, Mathematics, Maths, Podcasts, Education, Science, Math and Biology.
What is the most popular episode on 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science?
The episode title '搞乜咁科學 #23 - 根源 Origin 📍' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science?
The average episode length on 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science is 64 minutes.
How often are episodes of 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science released?
Episodes of 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science are typically released every 30 days, 23 hours.
When was the first episode of 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science?
The first episode of 搞乜咁科學 GMG Science was released on Feb 10, 2022.
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