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Complete list of Testament Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

Lifting Her Voice

644 Episodes


Avg Length 16m


Latest episode 2 years ago

I know...you want to read the whole Bible. Your intentions are good. But it’s tough! Life is busy. Would it help if you had a friend? Because I would love to be that friend! I’m Joy Miller and I want to invite you to read along with me everyday in God’s Word, here on the Lifting Her Voice podcast. So, hit that Subscribe button, grab your Bible, and join me here everyday. Invite a friend. We can do this together!
Let's Get Biblical Q&A with Rabbi Tovia Singer

51 Episodes


Avg Length 114m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Let's Get Biblical Q&A"on TeNak Talk with Host Wil'liam Hall. TeNaK Talk is a LIVE video Broadcast Our goal is to have guest speakers who will be able to interact with the viewers and listeners, mostly on a Q&A format. We also have guest teachers and Authors to discuss their Books and or testimonies. All speakers are TaNaKh teachers only and will discuss topics ranging from the Hebrew Scriptures to the Christian New Testament.
Podcast – Ethnic Relations and Migration in the Ancient World:  The Websites of Philip A. Harland

106 Episodes


Latest episode 5 years ago

Portal to my podcast, websites, blog, and publications, providing an entryway into social and cultural life anong Greeks, Romans, Judeans, Christians, and others in ancient Mediterranean. Ethnicity, Diaspora, and relations among ethnic and minority groups is a focus.
The Book of Revelation – Enduring Word Media Server

22 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Bible as Literature

868 Episodes


Avg Length 23m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Each week, Fr. Marc Boulos discusses the content of the Bible as literature. On Tuesdays, Fr. Paul Tarazi presents an in-depth analysis of the biblical text in the original languages.
The Book of Acts – Enduring Word Media Server

57 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Daniel

16 Episodes


Avg Length 61m


Latest episode 8 years ago

This is our weekly study through The Book of Daniel at South Beach Church
The Book of Hebrews – Enduring Word Media Server

29 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Galatians – Enduring Word Media Server

18 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Isaiah – Enduring Word Media Server

33 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 1 John – Enduring Word Media Server

18 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Ephesians – Enduring Word Media Server

7 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Daniel – Enduring Word Media Server

12 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Philippians – Enduring Word Media Server

6 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 1 Corinthians – Enduring Word Media Server

20 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Exodus – Enduring Word Media Server

33 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Ecclesiastes – Enduring Word Media Server

5 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 1 Kings – Enduring Word Media Server

12 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 2 Kings – Enduring Word Media Server

12 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 1 Samuel – Enduring Word Media Server

45 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Ruth – Enduring Word Media Server

4 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 2 Timothy – Enduring Word Media Server

5 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 1 Thessalonians – Enduring Word Media Server

6 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 2 Thessalonians – Enduring Word Media Server

3 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 2 Corinthians – Enduring Word Media Server

14 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 2 Samuel – Enduring Word Media Server

25 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Philemon – Enduring Word Media Server

1 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Ezekiel

15 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 13 years ago

Stud­ies in the Prophet Ezekiel: Grace through Truth to the Glory of God. This is a 15 part series on the book of Ezekiel. This podcast is from a series of sermons preached at Cornerstone an Evangelical Free Church in Annandale, Virginia.
The Book of Judges – Enduring Word Media Server

11 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of 1 Timothy – Enduring Word Media Server

7 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of Malachi

6 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 12 years ago

God’s Mes­sen­ger to a Dis­il­lu­sioned People: This is a 6 part series on the book of Malachi. This podcast is from a series of sermons preached at Cornerstone an Evangelical Free Church in Annandale, Virginia.
The Gospel of Matthew – Enduring Word Media Server

38 Episodes


Latest episode 6 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Book of James – Enduring Word Media Server

11 Episodes


Latest episode 8 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
The Gospel of John – Enduring Word Media Server

49 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word

25 Episodes


Latest episode 7 years ago

discussion on topics ranging from the weekly sermon to current events
Family of Faith Ministries

12 Episodes


Latest episode 13 years ago

Just another WordPress.com site
Grow in Grace Daily

474 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Grow in Grace is the Radio ministry of The Packinghouse Christian Fellowship in Redlands California. Ed Rea has been the senior pastor for almost two decades. He can be seen by streaming webcast on Sunday mornings, and you can hear his teaching by web cast at the church web site www.thepackinghouse.org. He has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East sharing the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.
generic sunday school

15 Episodes


Latest episode 10 years ago

NT Pod

109 Episodes


Latest episode 11 months ago

Podcast about the New Testament and Christian Origins by Mark Goodacre, Professor of Religious Studies, Duke University.
NT Pod

109 Episodes


Latest episode 11 months ago

Podcast about the New Testament and Christian Origins by Mark Goodacre, Professor of Religious Studies, Duke University.
The Minor Prophets – ST PAUL REPOSITORY

15 Episodes


Latest episode 11 years ago

HEBREWS - Evers Bible Class

14 Episodes


Latest episode 4 years ago

Who is the resurrected Jesus? What is he up to now? Does it matter? ​ Hebrews is written especially for those of us stuck in guilt, running in circles, and feeling far from God.
Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Latter-day Saints

658 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 1 day ago

LATTER-DAY SAINT CULTURE & THEOLOGY Cwic Show articulates the current cultural, political, and Church-related trends that affect our lives and the Church. Also, Cwic Media offers a new approach to the scriptures through its Cwic Interpreters. Theology, History, No fluff. LDS, Mormon. Unscripted! 'I have been looking for an LDS podcast like this! Not like anything else out there!' Unique, weekly Come Follow Me LDS Commentary Latter-Day Saints, Christian Book of Mormon New Testament Old Testament The products (services) and content offered by Cwic Media are neither made, provided, approved nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with the goods (services) offered by Cwic Media are solely those of [name of User] and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Gospel of Luke – Enduring Word Media Server

49 Episodes


Avg Length 21m


Latest episode 7 years ago

Audio and Video Server For Enduring Word
Today With God, Hindi language version

1 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 16 years ago

Today With God Hindi language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospel of John are presented in the series with insightful explanation from Dr. Randy Weiss in the land of Israel. Viewers are entertained and educated as the big picture of God's plan is revealed.
Shadyside Church of Christ

364 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Evangelist Jeff Kent and the Shadyside Church of Christ present a weekly lesson to help and encourage listeners in their daily walk with Christ and spread the Gospel. We are non-denominational and all lessons are taken directly from the scriptures.
Two Texts

166 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 26 days ago

A Podcast about the Bible Every two weeks, from two different countries, the two hosts of the Two Texts podcast pick two biblical texts to talk about. Each episode we pick one text to talk about, which invariably leads to us talking about two texts and often many more.Dr John Andrews and Dr David Harvey share a mutual fascination with the Bible. Simple yet complex; ancient yet relevant; challenging yet comforting. But one thing that fascinates them consistently is that, like a kaleidoscope, no matter how many times they look at it there is something new, fresh and exciting to talk about.This podcast is designed for you regardless of how much or how little you've read the Bible. Grab a hot beverage, a notepad (or app), and a Bible, sit back, listen, enjoy, and learn to also become fascinated (or grow your fascination) with this exciting, compelling and mysterious book. John and David are two friends who love teaching the Bible and have both been privileged enough to be able to spend their careers doing this - in colleges, universities, churches, homes and coffee shops. The two of them have spent extended periods of time as teaching staff and leadership in seminary and church contexts. John has regularly taught at David's church, and there was even a point where John was David's boss! Nowadays David is a Priest and Pastor in Calgary, Canada, and John teaches and consults for churches in the UK and around the world. They're both married with children (John 3, David 1) and in John's case even grandchildren. In their down time you'll find them cooking, reading, running or watching football (but the one thing they don't agree on is which team to support). If you want to get in touch with either of them about something in the podcast you can reach out on [email protected] or by liking and following the Two Texts podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you enjoy the podcast, we’d love it if you left a review or comment where you’re listening from – and if you really enjoyed it, why not share it with a friend?
Juz of the Day

31 Episodes


Avg Length 56m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Recitation of the Holy Qur'an at Cambridge Central Mosque by Imam Ali Tos in 30 parts (juz). Subscribe now for new episodes published every day during Ramadan 1441 / 2023 as part of our Day by Day Ramadan campaign. “Verily the one who recites Qur’an beautifully, smoothly and precisely, they will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering, or stumbling through its verses then they will have twice that reward.” – Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم
Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich - Biography and Complete Visions

123 Episodes


Avg Length 22m


Latest episode 6 days ago

If you'd like to learn more about Blessed Emmerich - New website being built here: https://annecatherineemmerich.org/. All four Mysteries of the Rosary are available in Parts 57 through 60. Audio recordings improve substantively with Visions Part 8 - hang in there!This podcast series focuses on readings from some of the published works of the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. Among other fruits, her visions were a heavy contributor to Mel Gibson's the Passion of the Christ and led to the finding of what many believe to be Mary's home in Ephesus after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Currently trying to add 2 episodes / week. If there's a longer delay, it likely means I have life to deal with and will return God willing. To receive email updates, contact me: [email protected].
Light The World by Cicily Sunny

46 Episodes


Avg Length 32m


Latest episode 4 days ago

RSSVERIFY Biblical messages by Cicily Sunny, New York, USA. Jesus said to the disciples, ”Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature,” (Mark 16:15). Without motivation from the heart no one can do this great job. Only after having an encounter with Jesus in 1995 I got the desire to know God more through the Bible and through the writings and messages of other people who have experienced God. I got the motivation to share with others about my experience, the wonders God has done in the lives of people as narrated in the Bible, the hope of eternal bliss with God, the hard fight we have to do with the devil in this world to obtain that eternal heaven, the need to be thorough with the message of God in the Bible, to establish a relationship with God, to prioritize God in our lives, and to spend time in matters regarding God. Just being a Christian does not mean that all these things happen automatically. We have to caution ourselves every minute of our life against our enemy, who is constantly busy in polluting the minds of people until our heart is fully with him and escape will seem very minimum. “Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1st Peter 5:8). The Holy Spirit is in our midst for those who seek Him. Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you” (Matthew 7:7). When I seriously asked God for help, He talked to me right away. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will enter his house and dine with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). When you try to know God more, more will be revealed to you. Listening to Biblical messages may seem boring, but its effect is miraculous. “Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is herd comes through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). According to my convictions, knowing who God is, what God had done in the lives of people in the past, how God is working in the lives of people now, how we can make a good friendship with God, how we can unite with God again physically and spiritually will straighten our spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing forever. The Bible is the perfect source for this. Everything said above is connected to my life also.