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Top Sherlock Holmes Podcasts

Mar 10, 2025

The Best Sherlock Holmes Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

The Big Finish Podcast
Top 10 Best The Big Finish Podcast Episodes

935 Episodes


Avg Length 54m


Latest episode 1 day ago

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Join the Big Finish team on their regular adventures through time, space, Victorian London, Mars, the 1960s and the Torchwood Hub in Cardiff for witty banter (ahem), free stories, news, interviews and exclusive trailers. We are best known for our Doctor Who ranges of audio plays starring Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, David Tennant, as well as a world of spin off adventures with Jago and Litefoot, UNIT, Captain Jack Harkness among others. We also produce a wide range of audio drama featuring the characters from Sherlock Holmes, Blake's 7, Dark Shadows, Captain Scarlet, The Avengers, The Prisoner, Survivors, Class, Star Cops, The Omega Factor and more.


Sherlock Holmes

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Sherlock Holmes
Top 10 Best Sherlock Holmes Episodes

3 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 11 months ago

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Adaptations and original stories featuring the adventures of that most famous detective, Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes Podcasts

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, first introduced in 1887. The character has become a cultural icon, and his adventures have been adapted into numerous books, movies, and TV shows. Sherlock Holmes podcasts have become increasingly popular in recent years, providing fans with a variety of content, from adaptations of classic stories to original works inspired by the character. These podcasts feature discussions of the original stories, analysis of adaptations, and interviews with authors and experts on the character. Whether you are a lifelong fan of Sherlock Holmes or a newcomer looking to explore the world of the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes podcasts provide a fun and engaging way to delve into the character's mysteries and adventures.

Top 100 Sherlock Holmes Podcasts

Our listeners have taken the liberty of rating the top Sherlock Holmes podcasts for you. Join hosts and fellow fans as they discuss their favorite stories, share their theories and opinions, and celebrate the enduring legacy of Sherlock Holmes.

What's the best Sherlock Holmes podcast now in 2025?

Goodpods aggregates the best Sherlock Holmes podcasts people are choosing to right now. From Sherlock Holmes-favorites to new releases, these shows are guaranteed to be entertaining and informative. Check out the top-rated Sherlock Holmes podcasts in 2025 according to the Goodpods list. Explore our popular categories like Tv & Film PodcastsScandal Podcasts, and Screenwriting Podcasts.


Frequently Asked Questions Sherlock Holmes Podcasts

What are Sherlock Holmes Podcasts?

Sherlock Holmes Podcasts are audio programs dedicated to the world of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective, Sherlock Holmes. These podcasts delve into the adventures of Holmes and his loyal companion Dr. John Watson, exploring the classic stories, adaptations, and discussions on the enduring legacy of the fictional detective.

How can Sherlock Holmes Podcasts benefit fans of the detective's adventures?

Sherlock Holmes Podcasts offer a captivating platform for fans to dive deeper into the mysteries and brilliance of Sherlock Holmes. They provide analyses of the stories, discussions on adaptations in various media, and insights into the character's cultural impact, enhancing the overall appreciation of the timeless detective tales.

What topics are commonly covered in Sherlock Holmes Podcasts?

Sherlock Holmes Podcasts cover a variety of topics, including story breakdowns, character analyses, discussions on the detective genre, interviews with Holmes enthusiasts, and explorations of the historical context in which the stories were written. These podcasts cater to fans with varying levels of familiarity with Sherlock Holmes.

Can you recommend some popular Sherlock Holmes Podcasts?

Certainly! Some well-regarded Sherlock Holmes Podcasts include "I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere," "Sherlock Holmes is Real," "Sherlock Holmes: Trifles," "The Baker Street Babes," and "The Great Detectives of Old Time Radio." These podcasts feature a mix of expert insights, fan discussions, and explorations of the Sherlockian universe.

Are Sherlock Holmes Podcasts suitable for both longtime fans and those new to the detective's adventures?

Yes, Sherlock Holmes Podcasts are designed to be inclusive, offering content suitable for both longtime fans well-versed in the detective's adventures and newcomers eager to explore the world of Sherlock Holmes. They often provide a blend of introductory material and in-depth analyses, making the podcasts accessible and enjoyable for listeners with varying levels of familiarity with the detective and his stories.

Check out these Sherlock Holmes Podcasts

Top 10 Best DerNarrLiest Episodes

329 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 6 days ago

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Der Narr liest Geschichten aller Art. Meist klassische Kriminal- oder Gruselgeschichten. Alle Werke sind freies Allgemeingut da die Rechte verfallen sind, oder die Rechte wurden mir vom Inhaber zur Verfügung gestellt. Im Zweifel, bitte bei mir nachfragen [email protected]

Sherlock Holmes -Rathbone & Bruce
Top 10 Best Sherlock Holmes -Rathbone & Bruce Episodes

122 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 5 years ago

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The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes was an exceedingly popular Old-time Radio (OTR) show that aired in the United States, and starred Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce from October 1939 to July 1947. Edith Meiser, Dennis Green and Anthony Boucher wrote the episodes. Together, Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce appeared in 220 episodes as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

Listen to our radio station Old Time Radio https://link.radioking.com/otradio

Listen to other Shows at My Classic Radio https://www.myclassicradio.net/

Entertainment Radio | Broadcasting Classic Radio Shows | Patreon

Remember that times have changed, and some shows might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Entertainment Radio

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Books to Die For! Podcast
Top 10 Best Books to Die For! Podcast Episodes

253 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 17 days ago

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This show covers the Crime Fiction genre. We talk to everyone from beginners to New York Times Best Selling Authors like Dean Koontz. Hear about their techniques and styles here

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Les Enquêtes de Sherlock Holmes
Top 10 Best Les Enquêtes de Sherlock Holmes Episodes

43 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 9 months ago

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Version extraordinairement restaurée des "Enquêtes de Sherlock Holmes", une série radiophonique de Maurice Renault.

Sherlock Holmes est l'incarnation romanesque par excellence du détective privé. Accompagné de son fidèle complice - et narrateur - le docteur Watson, il est régulièrement forcé de quitter le confort de sa maison de Londres pour résoudre les énigmes les plus rocambolesques à travers tout le Royaume-Uni. Assassinats, disparitions, cambriolages, escroqueries... Doué d'une intelligence hors du commun doublée d'un sens de l'observation à toute épreuve, aucun crime ne lui résiste.

Interprétée par de célèbres comédiens comme Bruno Cremer, Pierre Mondy ou Roger Carel, cette adaptation radiophonique qui a débuté en 1958 restitue l'atmosphère de l'Angleterre à l'époque victorienne et fait revivre avec force les enquêtes imaginées par Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Geeks et Légendes
Top 10 Best Geeks et Légendes Episodes

36 Episodes


Avg Length 134m


Latest episode 6 years ago

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Le podcast Geeks & Légendes se propose de visiter les mythes & légendes modernes au travers de ses manifestations dans le culture pop : cinéma, musique, séries, jeux vidéos, comics. L’émission est animé avec bonne humeur par Master Phil, Master Stef et Master Fred.
SNTC's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Top 10 Best SNTC's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Episodes

23 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Someone New Theatre Company presents a dramatised audiobook of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's twelve beloved stories featuring the most famous consultant detective of all time – Sherlock Holmes! This adaptation, with a cast of Australian actors bringing these stories to life, includes sound effects and all the original twists and turns. It was produced during the pandemic with the aim of giving artists a platform to continue creating during lockdowns.
Baker Street 2033
Top 10 Best Baker Street 2033 Episodes

18 Episodes


Avg Length 13m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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The Glass Cryptographer is set in London, 2033. Sherlock Holmes has become 'real', as a 3D bioprint, and soon learns that he was the fictional creation of Conan Doyle. Can he solve both the riddle of himself and a monstrous crime now that all his methods have been surpassed by technology?

Recorded, performed and produced by the author.

For more information about the author and producer, go to neil-fitzgerald.com

To help support a second series of Baker Street 2033: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/neilfitzgerald or go to Patreon.com.

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Top 10 Best The adventures of Sherlock Holmes Episodes

5 Episodes


Avg Length 12m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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This is my very interesting podcast

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

Ab dem 1. Dezember 2023 versorgt dich Hörbuchsprecher Stefan Krombach wieder mit täglicher Krimispannung! Er liest für dich klassische Winterkrimis mit bekannten Ermittlern wie Sherlock Holmes und Pater Brown, aber auch Fälle von wiederentdeckten Stars ihrer Zeit wie Harald Harst und A.J. Raffles. Insgesamt erwarten dich in diesem Jahr sieben komplette Krimi-Hörbücher, die du im Podcast kostenlos anhören kannst. Erlebe die fesselnden Geschichten von gestohlenen Reliquien, mysteriösen Visitenkarten und ungeklärten Morden. Jeden Tag ein neues Kapitel, jeden Tag ein neues Rätsel!

Höre alle Hörbücher ohne Werbeunterbrechung im ESKA Audio Hörbücher Kanal bei Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/channel/eska-audio/id6442588825

Mehr von Stefan Krombach: https://stefan.kromba.ch

Mehr kostenlose Hörbücher und Hörspiele: https://www.gratis-hoerspiele.de

Folge mir in den sozialen Medien für Hinter-den-Kulissen-Content eines Hörbuchsprechers:

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@stefan.kromba.ch

Instagram: https://instagram.com/stefan.spricht

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

​​WDR 5 Sherlock Holmes Detektivgeschichten - Hörbuch​
Top 10 Best ​​WDR 5 Sherlock Holmes Detektivgeschichten - Hörbuch​ Episodes

21 Episodes


Avg Length 29m


Latest episode 1 year ago

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​​Späte Rache oder Eine Studie in Scharlachrot ist der erste Fall von Sherlock Holmes und Mr. Watson – und nur der Anfang. Detektivgeschichten von Arthur Conan Doyle, gelesen von Regina Münch und Michael Müller.​