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Top 4 Midwifery Podcasts

Feb 3, 2025

The Best Midwifery Podcasts from millions of podcasts available on the Goodpods platform and ranked by listens, ratings, comments, subscriptions and shares.

Doulas of the Roundtable
Top 10 Best Doulas of the Roundtable Episodes

163 Episodes


Avg Length 58m


Latest episode 4 days ago

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Doulas of the Roundtable, A modern twist on an ancient concept. A place where all voices are equal, knowledge is shared and hard topics are talked about.
Midwifery Wisdom Podcast
Top 10 Best Midwifery Wisdom Podcast Episodes

127 Episodes


Avg Length 58m


Latest episode 5 days ago

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Welcome to the Midwifery Wisdom Podcast This podcast is your go-to resource for practical education, thoughtful insights, and relevant conversations tailored to modern midwives. Each week, we bring fresh content and engaging guest speakers to explore key themes in midwifery, including: Advocacy, business, and clinical skills Self-care and professional growth Current issues shaping midwifery today Listen to meaningful stories and essential advice from leading midwives working to elevate care for families across the globe. Gain clarity, encouragement, and actionable guidance to support your business, practice, and personal life. Wherever you are in your journey, the Midwifery Wisdom Podcast is here to empower you. Together, we strive to make midwifery the gold standard of care worldwide.
Future Generations Podcast with Dr. Stanton Hom
Top 10 Best Future Generations Podcast with Dr. Stanton Hom Episodes

296 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 7 days ago

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The Future Generations podcast is for practitioners, professionals, parents who are committed to natural living and health freedom and especially our future generations. Powerful weekly conversations with doctors, scientists, influencers and parents that have catalyzed the transformation of families, communities and the planet with their expertise, inspiration and leadership in natural living, brilliance, and self-healing.
Mod Midwives: a Metro Midwifery Podcast
Top 10 Best Mod Midwives: a Metro Midwifery Podcast Episodes

94 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Denver-based home birth midwives Gina Gerboth and Nedra Hale discuss all things birth and breastfeeding, some of which might be of interest home birth families, midwives, and student midwives.

Check out these Midwifery Podcasts

Top 10 Best Hebammenkundig Episodes

16 Episodes


Avg Length 35m


Latest episode 27 days ago

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Hebammenkundig richtet sich an Hebammen und werdende Hebammen. Für sie sprechen wir mit Hebammen und Expert*innen sowie wichtigen Akteur*innen aus angrenzenden Fachgebieten und vertiefen Themen aus der Zeitschrift Hebamme. Wir liefern Hintergründe, machen Wissenschaft greifbar und diskutieren ihre Anwendung in der Praxis. „Hebammenkundig“ ist eine Produktion der Thieme Gruppe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Wichtiger Hinweis - Der Podcast kann das persönliche Arztgespräch, die Diagnose und Behandlung NICHT ersetzen! Wie jede Wissenschaft ist die Medizin ständigen Entwicklungen unterworfen. Forschung und klinische Erfahrung erweitern unsere Erkenntnisse, insbesondere was Behandlung und medikamentöse Therapie anbelangt. Soweit in diesem Podcast eine Dosierung oder eine Applikation erwähnt wird, darf der Zuhörer zwar darauf vertrauen, dass die Hosts große Sorgfalt darauf verwandt haben, dass diese Angabe dem Wissensstand bei Fertigstellung des Podcast entspricht. Für Angaben über Dosierungs- und Behandlungsanweisungen und Applikationsformen kann vom Verlag jedoch keine Gewähr übernommen werden. Jede*r Benutzende ist angehalten, durch sorgfältige Prüfung der Beipackzettel und Bedienungsanleitungen der verwendeten Präparate, Methoden oder Geräte und gegebenenfalls nach Konsultation eines Spezialisten oder einer Spezialistin, im Arztgespräch deren korrekte Applikation festzustellen und festzustellen, ob die dort gegebene Empfehlung für Behandlungsformen, Dosierungen oder die Beachtung von Kontraindikationen gegenüber der Angabe in diesem Podcast abweicht. Eine solche Prüfung ist besonders wichtig bei selten verwendeten Behandlungsformen, Präparaten oder solchen, die neu auf den Markt gebracht wurden. Jede Anwendung, Dosierung oder Applikation erfolgt auf eigene Gefahr des Benutzenden. Podcast Hosts und Verlag appellieren an alle Benutzenden, ihnen etwa auffallende Ungenauigkeiten dem Host oder dem Verlag mitzuteilen. Without Thieme Group's prior express written permission, the following use is strictly reserved: You shall not 1) use the content for commercial text and data mining as under § 44b German Copyright Act, i.e. use robots, spiders, scripts, service, software or any manual or automatic device, tool, or process designed to data mine or scrape the content, data or information from the service, product or content, or otherwise use, access, or collect the content, data or information using automated means; 2) use the content or any part thereof for the development of any software program, algorithm or other automated system, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence - AI - system, including generative AI. Die Thieme Gruppe behält sich eine Nutzung ihrer Inhalte für kommerzielles Text- und Data-Mining im Sinne von § 44b UrhG, ausdrücklich vor, ausgeschlossen ist der Einsatz, z.B. von Robots, Spiders, Scripts, Services, Software oder anderen manuellen oder automatischen Geräten, Werkzeugen oder Prozessen, die dafür bestimmt sind, Data-Mining zu ermöglichen oder Inhalte, Daten oder Informationen aus dem Service, Produkt oder Inhalt zu Scrapen oder in anderer Weise zu nutzen, darauf zuzugreifen oder Inhalte, Daten oder Informationen zu mittels automatisierter Mittel zu sammeln; die Inhalte dürfen auch nicht zur Entwicklung, zum Training und/oder zur Anreicherung und oder Vergleichbarem von KI-Systemen, Software Programmen, Algorithmen oder anderen automatisierten Systemen, insbesondere von generativen KI-Systemen verwendet werden. Impressum: Georg Thieme Verlag KG Oswald-Hesse-Straße 50 70469 Stuttgart Postfach 30 11 20 70451 Stuttgart Telefon: +49 711 8931-0 Kontakt: [email protected] Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 147 638 607
Midwifery Podcast
Top 10 Best Midwifery Podcast Episodes

3 Episodes


Avg Length 10m


Latest episode 8 years ago

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This podcast begins an ongoing conversation about midwifery and the historical, social, economic, and political aspects.
Birth & Body Podcast with Bethany Stricker
Top 10 Best Birth & Body Podcast with Bethany Stricker Episodes

24 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 4 years ago

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So many people believe natural birth, midwifery and the idea of having a baby at home to be a thing of the past. And yet, history shows us just how healthy and empowering these practices really are! So if you want to know what it really means to be an "empowered woman" who chooses her own birth journey, join Dallas Midwife Bethany Stricker as she and her guests share stories about the true power of home birth, and what it takes to be a healthy no matter where you are in life. Welcome to the Birth & Body Podcast!
Alberta Midwives: Our Stories
Top 10 Best Alberta Midwives: Our Stories Episodes

9 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Drawing from the personal narratives of Alberta midwives and the families they serve, the Alberta Midwives: Our Stories podcast provides an intimate glimpse into the expertise, heart and soul of Alberta's leading perinatal care providers and the people with whom they collaborate. Through our inspiring, informative and sometimes challenging conversations, host Dr. Lolly de Jonge will explore Alberta's midwifery roots, the current state and each midwife’s vision for the future, all within the context of the broader perinatal care landscape.
A Maternal/Child Health Investigator and an Obstetric Violence Lawyer report on the political, legal, and financial realities of childbirth in the United States.
contractions: the politics of midwifery
Top 10 Best contractions: the politics of midwifery Episodes

6 Episodes


Avg Length 31m


Latest episode 3 years ago

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Contractions is a podcast about the politics of midwifery. All contractions address the analysis and practical change of one political issue surrounding childbirth, such as obstetric or reproductive violence, care, workload, sexism or racism. Every contraction is necessary to cope with in order to arrive at the birth of a midwifery care wherein all pregnant people feel free, safe, and emotionally and physically supported. Contractions' aim is to start an international dialogue with midwives globally, to recognise our issues as shared issues, and to learn from each others visions, critiques and practices. If you want to share your own political contraction that you're currently labouring through, or inscribe to our mailinglist to receive updates, please send an email to [email protected]. Contractions is produced by Rodante van der Waal and Vinny Tailor and is part of the Dutch midwifery platform www.hetvroedegeluid.nl. SEASON TWO COMING UP END OF NOVEMBER 2021!!
At Home with Kelly + Tiffany
Top 10 Best At Home with Kelly + Tiffany Episodes

175 Episodes


Avg Length 33m


Latest episode 6 months ago

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Welcome to At Home With Kelly + Tiffany, where naturally-minded women gather together as we pursue simplicity and confidence in health alternatives, so we can show up better in our busy lives and feel more at home in our bodies. Join your favorite homebirth midwife duo for conversation, candor and community.
The Homebirth Midwife Podcast
Top 10 Best The Homebirth Midwife Podcast Episodes

146 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 13 days ago

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The Homebirth Midwife podcast is hosted by Sarah McClure, CPM, LDM, LM and Charli Zarosinski, CPM, LDM, LM, founders and primary midwives of Hearth and Home Midwifery, a homebirth practice in Oregon and Washington. They are experts on all things related to natural pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Each week the podcast delves into the topics you want to know about regarding your pregnancy and birth.
The Homebirth Midwife Podcast
Top 10 Best The Homebirth Midwife Podcast Episodes

146 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 13 days ago

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The Homebirth Midwife podcast is hosted by Sarah McClure, CPM, LDM, LM and Charli Zarosinski, CPM, LDM, LM, founders and primary midwives of Hearth and Home Midwifery, a homebirth practice in Oregon and Washington. They are experts on all things related to natural pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum. Each week the podcast delves into the topics you want to know about regarding your pregnancy and birth.
thru the pinard Podcast
Top 10 Best thru the pinard Podcast Episodes

89 Episodes


Avg Length 57m


Latest episode 1 month ago

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a conversational podcast with @Academic_Liz with midwives & other birth professionals about their studies/ research & how it's changing our practice globally - email [email protected]