WūJīMāChā Dialogue
Architectural Observation, Art & Philosophy, Field Recording, Life & Work—the WūJīMāChā Dialogue documents everyday conversations in a somehow dusted but never polished fashion. Conversations are conducted mostly in Mandarin Chinese and English, supported by bilingual summaries. Happy listening : )
建築性觀察、藝術 & 哲學、環境錄音、生活 & 工作——「WūJīMāChā 對話」以一種略微推敲但不曾精雕細琢的方式記錄日常對話。語言爲北方話和英文,並配有雙語摘要。 收聽愉快:)
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[21E13] 過渡性空間:換站通道,兩樓之間
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
11/14/21 • 5 min
Intro | 介紹
Zizheng 通過最樸素的感受,無意間找到了兩處平常但似乎能對人的精神健康有幫助的地方:地鐵換站通道,和兩座寫字樓之間。
Voices | 聲音
- Zizheng: https://zizhengw.github.io/
- Jinglong
Notes | 筆記
- 提及的地鐵站換站通道(實際感受和照片有很大誤差):https://resize-v3.pubpub.org/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhc3NldHMucHVicHViLm9yZyIsImtleSI6IjVwcHQ1cTY4LzUxNjM2ODg2MjYwNTY0LmpwZyIsImVkaXRzIjp7InJlc2l6ZSI6eyJ3aWR0aCI6MTkyMCwiZml0IjoiaW5zaWRlIiwid2l0aG91dEVubGFyZ2VtZW50Ijp0cnVlfX19
- 提及的兩樓之間過道(實際感受和照片有很大誤差):https://resize-v3.pubpub.org/eyJidWNrZXQiOiJhc3NldHMucHVicHViLm9yZyIsImtleSI6ImFtNzNzbXV0LzExNjM2ODg2NzQwNzAzLmpwZyIsImVkaXRzIjp7InJlc2l6ZSI6eyJ3aWR0aCI6MTkyMCwiZml0IjoiaW5zaWRlIiwid2l0aG91dEVubGFyZ2VtZW50Ijp0cnVlfX19
Comments & Feedback | 評論 & 反饋
About | 關於
Architectural Observation, Art & Philosophy, Life & Work. 建築性觀察,藝術 & 哲學,生活 & 工作。
WūJīMāChā Podcast documents observations and reflections to inspire and promote actions. 「WūJīMāChā 瞭望台」記錄觀察和思考,從而啓發和推動行動。
Updates monthly. 每月更新
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If you find our contents enjoyable and like the way we do things, please consider contributing by donating, joining particular projects, and so on to help WūJīMāChā remain sustainable: details. 如果您喜歡我們的內容並認可我們的做事方式,請考慮通過捐助,參與具體項目等方式讓 WūJīMāChā 得以良性運轉:詳情
[22E02] Essay+ 「縱書卷軸」排版誕生始末
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
02/11/22 • 26 min
Intro | 介紹
爲何 WūJīMāChā Essay+ 中文版 要做正體豎排的電子雜誌?這個決定究竟是怎麼來的?編輯組首次相聚,一起回顧了「縱書卷軸」排版的誕生過程,以及團隊成員之間關於設計上的取捨。
Voices | 聲音
- 林檎
- Jinglong,Essay+ 編輯
- eno,Essay+ 排版設計:https://twitter.com/enokoneko
- Toto,Essay+ 排版設計 & 工程:https://twitter.com/toto_minai
- Zizheng,Essay+ 編輯 & 排版設計: https://zizhengw.github.io/
- Yueeie,Essay+ 校對
Notes | 筆記
- 《WūJīMāChā Essay+ 中文 二〇二一・冬》:https://www.wujimacha.com/2021-winter-tc
- Toto 的 Tategaki 項目:https://github.com/Denkiame/Tategaki
Comments & Feedback | 評論 & 反饋
歡迎通過郵件和我們分享您的評論(請註明針對的錄音題目):[email protected]
有關其它任何反饋,歡迎發送郵件至: [email protected]
About | 關於
Architectural Observation, Art & Philosophy, Life & Work. 建築性觀察,藝術 & 哲學,生活 & 工作。
WūJīMāChā Podcast documents observations and reflections to inspire and promote actions. 「WūJīMāChā 瞭望台」記錄觀察和思考,從而啓發和推動行動。
Updates monthly. 每月更新
Subscribe | 訂閱更新
Subscribe to stay connected with us for latest podcast, essay, and project updates. 您可通過 RSS,播客客戶端,郵件等途徑訂閱我們的播客和更多內容更新:訂閱方法
Donate & Contribute | 捐助 & 其它方式支持
If you find our contents enjoyable and like the way we do things, please consider contributing by donating, joining particular projects, and so on to help WūJīMāChā remain sustainable: details. 如果您喜歡我們的內容並認可我們的做事方式,請考慮通過捐助,參與具體項目等方式讓 WūJīMāChā 得以良性運轉:詳情
[21E01] 视觉主导,感官平衡,主動參與
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
01/10/21 • 9 min
- Zizheng: https://zizhengw.github.io
- Jinglong
- 「感官參與」意同 「sensory participation/engagement」,而並非特指 「sensual (sexual) participation」。「感官」在這裏和「感知 (perception)」緊密相關。
- 古希臘語 οἶδα: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0058:entry=oi)=da
- 古希臘語 εἶδος: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.04.0057:entry=ei)=dos
- 「千與千尋」電影裡父母吃飯變成豬的段落:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1sz411v7vy?from=search&seid=2857871735504295621
- 「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」作為 WūJīMāChā 的一部分,負責記錄觀察和思考,從而推動行動。更多請見主頁:https://www.wujimacha.com/
- 歡迎訂閱「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」:https://www.wujimacha.com/pub/how-to-subscribe
- 往期節目分類匯總:https://www.wujimacha.com/podcast
[20E14] 樸素空間呈現:木心山水畫「會稽春明」
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
04/30/20 • 26 min
Zizheng 和 Jinglong 所追尋的一種樸素(primitive)時空感在木心的畫作中再次被體現出來。但他們尚且無法進一步用語言細化對它的描述。他們各自需要更多的經歷和實踐才可以更精準抓住它,並且以各自的方式使其再現。
Zizheng: https://zizhengw.github.io/
- 木心山水畫「會稽春明」:https://artgallery.yale.edu/collections/objects/81927
- Taiko 演出現場錄像舉例:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZagsLrNzg3I
- 「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」作為 WūJīMāChā 的一部分,負責記錄觀察和思考,從而推動行動。更多請見主頁:https://www.wujimacha.com/
- 歡迎訂閱「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」:https://www.wujimacha.com/pub/how-to-subscribe
- 往期節目分類匯總:https://www.wujimacha.com/podcast
[21E02] 福建福州永泰縣嵩口镇
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
01/21/21 • 1 min
- 嵩口鎮居民
- 河水
- 飛行動物鄰居
- 「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」作為 WūJīMāChā 的一部分,負責記錄觀察和思考,從而推動行動。更多請見主頁:https://www.wujimacha.com/
- 歡迎訂閱「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」:https://www.wujimacha.com/pub/how-to-subscribe
- 往期節目分類匯總:https://www.wujimacha.com/podcast
[21E04] Neil Postman: 真理和傳達真理的媒介
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
04/15/21 • 10 min
Neil Postman 在 Amusing Ourselves to Death (「娛樂至死」) 中為媒介頻繁更迭且逐漸趨同,變得單一的時代提供了一種從希臘到康德,從 epistemology 蛻變出來的強有力的思考工具。
- Zizheng: https://zizhengw.github.io/
- Jinglong
- Danchen
- Amusing Ourselves to Death, Neil Postman: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/74034.Amusing_Ourselves_to_Death
- Ten Commandments: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Exodus+20&version=KJV
- 「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」作為 WūJīMāChā 的一部分,負責記錄觀察和思考,從而推動行動。更多請見主頁:https://www.wujimacha.com/
- 歡迎訂閱「WūJīMāChā瞭望台」:https://www.wujimacha.com/pub/how-to-subscribe
- 往期節目分類匯總:https://www.wujimacha.com/podcast
[21E06] 特輯:In Memory of Ms. Lise van Boxel
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
04/30/21 • 28 min
This special episode is dedicated to Ms. Lise van Boxel, Nietzsche scholar and our former Tutor at St. John's College. As we traced back in memory her teachings and personal qualities, we found that intellectual heritage came in a form distinct from the intellect, and life was breathed at moments unnoticed. Perhaps at this special time a commemoration suggests fewer things than a conversation, which is endearing and "poly-thropos" enough to recall less of our loss, but more of her givings.
The episode is conducted in Mandarin Chinese.
- Zizheng Wang (St. John's College, Santa Fe Alumnus, Class of 2017): https://zizhengw.github.io/
- Jinglong Yang (St. John's College, Santa Fe Alumnus, Class of 2018)
Latest work by Ms. Lise van Boxel- Warspeak: Nietzsche's Victory over Nihilism: https://www.politicalanimalpress.com/product/warspeak-nietzsches-victory-over-nihilism/
- More: https://johnscollege.academia.edu/LisevanBoxel
- "Poly-thropos": many-turned, what Homer used to describe Odysseus, a Greek hero renowned for his tricks and wisdom.
- "Tutor": a less intimidating but equally respectful term for "professor".
- 「施特勞斯詐騙集團」:对思想家,前 St. John's College Tutor 列奧·施特勞斯(Leo Strauss)和被其重要學術貢獻所影響的學生們的戲稱。
- Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/4363/4363-h/4363-h.htm
- What is Political Philosophy by Leo Strauss: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/W/bo3638570.html
- Circles by Ralph Waldo Emerson: https://emersoncentral.com/texts/essays-first-series/circles/
- Youth by Jospeh Conrad: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/525/525-h/525-h.htm
- Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/36483
- Architectural Observation, Art and Philosophy, Life and Work. At WūJīMāChā, we build physical space-time to manifest what's already there: https://www.wujimacha.com/
- Subscribe: https://www.wujimacha.com/pub/how-to-subscribe
- Episode Catalogue: https://www.wujimacha.com/podcast
[21E08] 藥山暮鼓
WūJīMāChā Dialogue
06/15/21 • 10 min
因偶然讀到蘋果公司創始人 Steve Jobs 曾皈依日本曹洞宗進而對佛教產生興趣。如今已出家,目前在曹洞宗祖廳湖南藥山寺修行。
耀月師父有一次飯後散步聽 Zizheng 提起蘇格拉底的一些事蹟,便很認真地在思考蘇格拉底擁有「禪定」能力的可能性。
- Architectural Observation, Art and Philosophy, Life and Work. At WūJīMāChā, we build physical space-time to manifest what's already there: https://www.wujimacha.com/
- Subscribe: https://www.wujimacha.com/pub/how-to-subscribe
- Episode Catalogue: https://www.wujimacha.com/podcast
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How many episodes does WūJīMāChā Dialogue have?
WūJīMāChā Dialogue currently has 56 episodes available.
What topics does WūJīMāChā Dialogue cover?
The podcast is about Society & Culture, Architecture, Design, Podcasts, Philosophy, Arts, Analysis, Thinking, Reflection and Asia.
What is the most popular episode on WūJīMāChā Dialogue?
The episode title '随笔:屏幕與痕跡' is the most popular.
What is the average episode length on WūJīMāChā Dialogue?
The average episode length on WūJīMāChā Dialogue is 18 minutes.
How often are episodes of WūJīMāChā Dialogue released?
Episodes of WūJīMāChā Dialogue are typically released every 10 days, 23 hours.
When was the first episode of WūJīMāChā Dialogue?
The first episode of WūJīMāChā Dialogue was released on Jan 23, 2020.
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