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Español Podcast está diseñado para personas que necesiten repasar sus conocimientos de español, para quienes quieran ampliar su vocabulario, ganar fluidez y agilidad, aprender expresiones tanto formales como coloquiales, ponerse al día en el español de hoy, así como revisar sus niveles gramaticales de una forma entretenida. Español Podcast está grabado de una forma clara y audible, en un español estándar, poniendo especial cuidado tanto en la pronunciación, como en el ritmo y entonación nativas de las frases.
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Top 10 Spanishpodcast Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Spanishpodcast episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Spanishpodcast for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Spanishpodcast episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

Spanishpodcast - La noche mágica

La noche mágica



06/23/07 • 22 min

The magic night is the San Juan night, a night full of witches, spirits and spells.We explain you how is this mediterranean night festival and we explain you all the elements that compose this mysterious and very special night.
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Spanishpodcast - Práctica 3 # Inmersión

06/30/07 • 28 min

In one of the previous episodes you reviewed deeptly how ask to go to places, what kind of public transportation you have to take, how long was it, holliday ́s vocabulary, etc. In another episode, you reviewed mexican, and catalan & spanish gastronomy...
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Spanishpodcast - La Playa

La Playa



07/07/07 • 28 min

You go to the beach a week end with your friends. You want to get a suntan but you don ́t want to get burned your self. You bring a very high protection sun lotion and sunglasses, and you ́ll hire a deck chair and an umbrella beach.
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Spanishpodcast - Sol, playa, toros y flamenco

02/25/19 • 35 min

In our 274th episode: Sun, beach, bulls and flamenco (What foreigners think about Spaniards. Stereotypes II) we are going to review a series of stereotypes that have been working for a long time among foreign citizens, about what Spain is like and how Spanish people are. Let's know why these opinions and how they have changed over time.
En nuestro episodio no 274: Sol, playa, toros y flamenco (Lo que opinan los extranjeros de los españoles. Estereotipos II) vamos a repasar una serie de estereotipos que funcionan desde hace mucho tiempo entre ciudadanos extranjeros, sobre cómo es España y cómo son los españoles. Conozcamos el porqué de estas opiniones y cómo han ido cambiando a lo largo del tiempo.

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Spanishpodcast - Los españoles, siempre de fiesta

02/20/19 • 34 min

In our 273rd episode: The Spaniards, always partying (What foreigners say about Spaniards. Stereotypes I) we are going to review a series of stereotypes that have been working for a long time among foreign citizens, about what Spain is like and how Spanish people are. Let's know why these opinions and how they have changed over time.
En nuestro episodio no 273: Los españoles, siempre de fiesta (Lo que opinan los extranjeros de los españoles. Estereotipos I) vamos a repasar una serie de estereotipos que funcionan desde hace mucho tiempo entre ciudadanos extranjeros, sobre cómo es España y cómo son los españoles. Conozcamos el porqué de estas opiniones y cómo han ido cambiando a lo largo del tiempo.

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Spanishpodcast - Nuevos villancicos -Gatatumba

12/13/17 • 47 min

In our 248th episode, Nuevos Villancicos / Gatatumba, we are going to share with you two new Christmas carols: Gatatumba and Ya viene la vieja, two traditional
Christmas songs that you will love to hear and sing during this Christmas.

En nuestro episodio no248 (Nuevos Villancicos / Gatatumba), vamos hoy a compartir con vosotros dos Nuevos villancicos: Gatatumba y Ya viene la vieja, dos canciones tradicionales navideñas que os encantará oír y cantar durante estas Navidades.

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Spanishpodcast - Práctica 4 # Inmersión

07/20/07 • 25 min

In the 11th. episode (La Playa) you could live a beach stiuation together our five friends. You prepared with them their suntan lotion, theirs caps, sunglasses, you talk about you felt like getting a suntan and going on a binge saturday night.
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Spanishpodcast - Que la fuerza te  acompañe

01/25/19 • 21 min

En nuestro episodio no 272: Que la fuerza te acompañe, revisamos unas cuantas frases famosas de películas idem, muy famosas, que han traspasado fronteras para ser muy populares y conocidas en muchos países y en diversos idiomas. Vamos a jugar a decir la frase y a adivinar la película. Este es el segundo episodio sobre el tema.
In our 272nd episode: May the Force be with you, we check again a few famous quotes from very famous movies, movies that have crossed borders to be very popular and known in many countries and in different languages. Let's play to say the phrase and to guess the movie in our second episode about this topic.

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Spanishpodcast - Ligando (picking up)

Ligando (picking up)



07/25/07 • 28 min

Toni stares at Alice in the Samantha party. He stares her, he likes her, he wants to meet her. Toni and Alice introduce each other. They are chating and breaking the ice. Toni and Alice are knowing one other and they are picking each other up.
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Spanishpodcast - Cena de Fin de Curso

Cena de Fin de Curso



06/23/07 • 24 min

Do you want to suggest a diner to your colleagues? What kind of offers will you do? What kind of restaurants do you propose them? We suggest a mexican, a japanese and a catalonian and spanish restaurant...although they will finally go to a brazilian one.
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How many episodes does Spanishpodcast have?

Spanishpodcast currently has 309 episodes available.

What topics does Spanishpodcast cover?

The podcast is about Language Learning, Podcasts, Education and Spanish.

What is the most popular episode on Spanishpodcast?

The episode title 'El Cuento de la Lechera' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Spanishpodcast?

The average episode length on Spanishpodcast is 35 minutes.

How often are episodes of Spanishpodcast released?

Episodes of Spanishpodcast are typically released every 10 days, 5 hours.

When was the first episode of Spanishpodcast?

The first episode of Spanishpodcast was released on Apr 14, 2007.

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