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Complete list of Witchy Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

The New Witches

134 Episodes


Avg Length 89m


Latest episode 1 year ago

A podcast about modern witchcraft, the paranormal, and true crime. As witches with diverse perspectives, Maria & Laura break down topics for beginner witches and chill-seekers alike, with laughs along the way.
Busy, Gritty, Inked, and Witchy Podcast

156 Episodes


Avg Length 27m


Latest episode 6 days ago

A modern witchcraft podcast for the busy witch. Here, Morgan, owner of Inked Goddess Creations and eclectic witch of 25 years, shares her magickal knowledge, opinions, and unique way of looking at the world. Journey to the in-between with helpful witchcraft tips, magickal-living hacks, and more, all with a dose of Morgan's snarky personality. This podcast is for beginner witches and seasoned witches alike, so no matter where you are on your witchcraft journey, Busy, Gritty, Inked, and Witchy is sure to entertain and teach you something new. Morgan also shares her personal ebbs and flows on her spiritual journey, so join her weekly to see what she'll share next.
Your Average Witch Podcast

171 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 5 hours ago

A podcast by and about your average witch, talking about witch life, witch stories, and sometimes a little witchcraft.
The Three Ravens Podcast

232 Episodes


Avg Length 58m


Latest episode 1 day ago

The Three Ravens is an English myth and folklore podcast hosted by Eleanor Conlon and Martin Vaux.Each weekly episode focuses on one of England's 39 historic counties, exploring the history, folklore and traditions of the area, from ghosts and mermaids to mythical monsters, half-forgotten heroes, bloody legends, and much, much more.Then, and most importantly, we take turns to tell a new version of an ancient story from that county - all before discussing what that tale might mean, where it might have come from, and the truths it reveals about England's hidden past...Our Bonus Episodes are then released on Thursdays (Magic and Medicines about folk remedies and arcane spells, Three Ravens Bestiary about cryptids and mythical creatures, Dying Arts about endangered heritage crafts, and Something Wicked about folkloric true crimes from across history).Plus, starting April 2024, we're launching a new Bonus Series: Local Legends. Released on Saturdays, each episode is an interview with an acclaimed folklorist, author, podcaster or historian, deepening discussions into that week's county.We also release a range of exclusive content on Patreon, where supporters enjoy ad-free listening, including audio ghost tours, the Three Ravens Newsletter, monthly Three Ravens Film Club episodes about folk horror films from across the decades, and more.So, why not join us around the campfire and listen in?Learn more at www.threeravenspodcast.com, join our Patreon at www.patreon.com/threeravenspodcast, and find links to our social media channels here: https://linktr.ee/threeravenspodcast Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Witchcraft & Wellness

128 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Welcome to Witchcraft & Wellness! Using Witchcraft and my 10+ years in the field of Nutrition and Health & Wellness I give you exclusive information, tools, and interviews with experts to change your life from the inside out. From Nutrition, to Mental Health, and Spiritual Development, you can expect it all here on this podcast!
Get in Loser, We're Doing Witchcraft

129 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 3 months ago

A podcast for witches of all levels & walks of life. Join us as we navigate through our crafts and share what we learn along the way!
Welcome to the Wiederlife

71 Episodes


Avg Length 53m


Latest episode 10 days ago

If you're ready to reclaim your aliveness, your power, and have a renewed relationship to pleasure, you're in the right place! I'm Erica Wiederlight, CEO and founder of We the Light. Each week on this podcast, I'm bringing you episodes to guide you from feeling inadequate, broken, or shamed around your sexuality to feeling hella confident and living your #bestlife!
About That Life

54 Episodes


Avg Length 62m


Latest episode 1 year ago

💛Formerly Know as Lil Black Witch 💜About That Life was created with minorities in mind and as the creators we are Black Women in love with the human race and our endless capacity. We won't judge you and we will share truths of what it's like moving through the world as Black women who also are witches. We will always advocate and support the voiceless and we will continue to foster an environment that lifts everyone up. We are and always will be Pro-POC, Pro-LGBTQ+, but most importantly we are Pro-Inclusion. This means we are a safe place to be you. Since living in a world where a simple factor such as color can dictate where you fall in the eyes of society, we want to break away from this narrative. About That Life is here to educate, inspire, and lift you up! patreon.com/thelilblackwitch
Beyond the Veil

10 Episodes


Avg Length 39m


Latest episode 2 years ago

A little bit spiritual, a little bit intellectual with a whole lot of pop culture, venture beyond the veil as we confront our fear of death and deepen our relationships with deceased loved ones.
C3: Crystals, Cauldrons & Cocktails

224 Episodes


Avg Length 46m


Latest episode 4 days ago

Welcome to C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, a bewitching podcast that delves deep into the world of witchcraft, magic, and the mysteries of the unseen. Join us every Friday on a journey of exploration as we uncover the ancient arts, modern practices, and timeless wisdom that weave together the tapestry of the witching world.Hosts River Kane and Wren Graves, seasoned practitioners with a heart full of curiosity and a cauldron full of knowledge, each episode of C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails invites you to step into a realm where spells, rituals, and potions dance with the energies of the cosmos. Whether you're a seasoned witch or a curious seeker, this podcast is your spellbinding guide to all things mystical.In each episode, we'll dive deep into a variety of enchanting topics, from the history of witchcraft across cultures to the practical art of casting spells. We'll explore the properties of herbs and crystals, share recipes for potent potions, and discuss the ethics and responsibilities that come with wielding magical power. Are you ready to embrace the mysteries of the moon, summon the energies of the elements, and unlock the secrets of the universe? Tune in to C3: Crystals, Cauldrons, & Cocktails, and let the enchantment begin.
The Writing Witch

182 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Afura Nefertiti, The Writing Witch is inspiring magickal mavens and drifting dreamers to manifest their most magickal life by utilizing seasons, elements and personal development. Your fairytale happy ending is not a pipe dream, but a premonition of the reality you're meant to create when you step into your magick. Lets transmute your biggest perceived weaknesses into your greatest super powers so you can live out your true fairytale.
Divine Gossip Girls

62 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 2 days ago

Hey Cosmic Witches, Divine Gossip Girls here, your one and only source into the spiritual happenings of the cosmos. Join spiritual practitioners Maggie, Karlie, & Sophie every Sunday for the 411 on all things spiritual, so make sure you are subscribed so you never miss a cosmic update. This podcast includes monthly forecasts on energetics, astrology, and how you can ground yourself into it. So pour a cup of tea and join us for some weekly channelled chats where we make spirituality fun and practical. See you inside for some mystical magic!
Soul-Fulfilling Prophecy Podcast

27 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 3 months ago

You are the Power Center of your life - the root from & through which all of your experiences, your vitality & your wealth are born. In this podcast, we'll explore the scientific & spiritual nature of revealing, focusing & unleashing your soul's intrinsic power on every area of your life to create your very own Soul-Fulfilling Prophecy.XoXoLauren
Mystic Fool's Journey

41 Episodes


Avg Length 30m


Latest episode 10 months ago

The Mystic Fool's Journey Podcast covers all thing Occult History including its origins, popular myths, and how the woo-woo and weird has evolved throughout the centuries.
Arcane Archeology

5 Episodes


Avg Length 72m


Latest episode 1 year ago

Arcane Archeology is a podcast about all things paranormal, supernatural, witchy, weird and otherwise arcane. Scott Mayle AKA Skedoozy is the host, a paranormal investigator for over 15 years, a practicing witch, and supernatural geek. Bruhmeetheus is our co-host, long time friend of Skeodozy and fellow paranormal enthusiast! Join us for a level headed, hilarious, and interesting perspective. We'll have news, stories, experiments, and fun! The goal is to entertain, engage, and maybe make you think of the paranormal in a different way!
Broomstave Witchery

26 Episodes


Avg Length 22m


Latest episode 2 years ago

A Podcast that explores all things Pagan.
Witchy Wellness with Em

116 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 5 days ago

Where bodybuilding meets woo woo magic. ✨Join Emily, a Nutrition, Fitness & Mindset Coach, National Level Bikini Competitor, Yoga teacher, Reiki level 2 Practitioner, and Eclectic Witch for advice & discussions that relate to your wellbeing--from science based nutritional advice to the woo woo as it relates to wellness.
Die kleine Podcasthexe - Zauber und Rituale für den Alltag

54 Episodes


Avg Length 19m


Latest episode 7 days ago

Willkommen bei der kleinen Podcasthexe – dem Podcast, der dir die Geheimnisse der Hexerei, Zaubersprüche und Rituale für den Alltag verrät! Ich bin die kleine Podcasthexe, deine Gastgeberin auf dieser Reise durch die faszinierende Welt der Magie. Wir tauchen hier tief in die Kunst der Hexerei ein, von alten Zaubersprüchen bis hin zu praktischen Ritualen, die das tägliche Leben verzaubern können. Hier gibt es keine abgehobenen Zaubererwitze, sondern konkrete Anleitungen und Tipps für diejenigen, die den Zauberstab selbst schwingen wollen. Wir erkunden gemeinsam bewährte Zaubersprüche für Glück, Liebe und Schutz, teilen Rezepte für Alltagszaubersprüche und entdecken die kraftvollen Rituale, die die Magie in unserem Leben entfachen können. Egal, ob du gerade erst in die Welt der Hexerei eintauchst oder bereits deine eigene Sammlung von Zauberbüchern besitzt – bei mir findest du Inspiration und Anleitung für deine eigene magische Reise. Also, schnapp dir deinen Zauberstab, entzünde eine Kerze und lass uns zusammen Magie in jeden Moment unseres Lebens zaubern. Drücke Play und erlebe hier deinen Podcast für Hexensprüche, Zauberrituale und die Kunst, den Alltag zu verzaubern. WICHTIG: Die in diesem Podcast geteilten Informationen, Zaubersprüche, Rituale und Empfehlungen dienen ausschließlich dem Zweck das eigene Wohlbefinden zu steigern. Es wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass es keine Garantie für die Wirksamkeit von Zaubersprüchen gibt, und die Ergebnisse können individuell variieren. Die Gastgeberin dieses Podcasts ist keine lizenzierte Therapeutin, Ärztin oder Apothekerin. Die bereitgestellten Informationen ersetzen keine professionelle medizinische, psychologische oder therapeutische Beratung. Bei ernsthaften gesundheitlichen oder psychischen Problemen wird empfohlen, sofort einen qualifizierten Fachmann oder eine Fachfrau zu konsultieren. Die Entscheidung, die in diesem Podcast geteilten Informationen anzuwenden, liegt allein in der Verantwortung der Hörerinnen und Hörer.
Rise With Natalie: Expand Your World with Astrology, Spirituality and Soul Evolution

69 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 2 years ago

Join Spiritual Coach, Intuitive Astrologer and Forever Student Natalie Holbrook for a journey into your highest vibration through the lens of Astrology, Personal Growth, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Transformation. Listen weekly as Natalie provides update on what happens in the cosmos above, which affects our human experience below, and brings on powerful and impactful guests that inspire you to Expand Your World. Connect with Natalie on Instagram @risewithnatalie for upcoming specials and events.
The Goddess Complex

189 Episodes


Avg Length 37m


Latest episode 5 days ago

A podcast dedicated to discovering our potential through spiritual study, physical health and a well developed mind, body and soul connection. Ashley Michelle is the owner and CEO of StarSeedShadows, LLC and you may know her from a little show called 90 Day Fiancè or Happily Ever After. Ashley Michelle has devoted her life to spiritual development. Learn how shadow work, light code language, tarot, astrology and physical fitness can help you create the life that you desire and deserve. This podcast is for the starseeds, spiritual business owners and witches on a weight loss journey. Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or are yearning to make the big bucks with your magick or you simply desire to shed some weight, Ashley Michelle has got you covered! For more follow https://www.instagram.com/ashleymichelle_90day/ or visit: https://starseedshadows.com/
Living in Cycles

3 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 2 years ago

The Living in Cycles Podcast is about stepping away from Linear Living and reconnecting with Cyclical Time. This podcast is open to everyone at any stage of their Cyclical Living journey, whether you’re already thinking in cycles or you’re just now questioning whether linear time is a lie (at worst) vs seeing linear time as a rigid construct that works for some people but leaves little room for others who cannot move through life in a straight, upward facing line (at best). Your host, Sabrina B., is a podcast producer, tarot reader, and multi-passionate soul. Sabrina would love to hear about any and all of the insights or reflections you come to through listening to the show, if you’d like to connect with Sabrina head to this link: https://www.experimentalaudioscene.com/contact and if you’d like to support the show, feel free to donate here: Living in Cycles is a sibling podcast to the Living in Cycles Group Community. If you’re interested in exploring Cyclical Living further, you’re seeking a community of people who understand what it’s like to attune more deeply to the cycles, or you’re looking for a structured framework because you’re not sure where to start with reconnecting to Cyclical Time; I invite you to join the community. More information can be found here:
The Alibi Tent

22 Episodes


Avg Length 26m


Latest episode 4 years ago

Somewhere between the Mundane and the Mysterious. ALIBI - Origin: late 17th century (as an adverb in the sense 'elsewhere'): from Latin, 'elsewhere'. The noun use dates from the late 18th century. Elsewhere is where I live and where I travel. Through the gloom and between the moments, I visit places, people and, occasionally, things. I listen to their dreams, their desires and I keep their secrets. And, yes...sometimes I am their excuse. Somewhere between the Mundane and the Mysterious,...the Privileged and the Primitive,..the Divine and the Damned...The Alibi Tent