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Complete list of .Net Podcasts - Listen & Review on Goodpods

Hanselminutes with Scott Hanselman

995 Episodes


Avg Length 34m


Latest episode 18 hours ago

Hanselminutes is Fresh Air for Developers. A weekly commute-time podcast that promotes fresh technology and fresh voices. Talk and Tech for Developers, Life-long Learners, and Technologists.
The IJYI Way

21 Episodes


Avg Length 25m


Latest episode 4 years ago

The IJYI Way Podcast is about the inner workings of a software delivery startup, covering everything from business, finance, software development, agile delivery and DevOps.
Betatalks the podcast

102 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 4 days ago

Welcome to Betatalks the podcast, in which we talk with friends from the development community. We chat not only about technology, but what drives them, inspires them and makes them unique. Rick (Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft) and Oscar (CTO at Virtual Vaults), invite developers, makers, Open Source maintainers and other amazing people from the .NET and Azure development community. Looking for more content? Have a look at our Betatalks video's.
MVP Voices

3 Episodes


Avg Length 42m


Latest episode 1 year ago

+++ english version below +++Die Digitalisierung und der Weg in die Cloud ist für Unternehmen nach wie vor eine Challenge - mit wem könnte man da besser sprechen, als mit den Kolleg:innen am Kunden. MVP Voices ist ein Podcast der Regelmäßig Microsoft MVP's zu Gast hat und dabei über Themen aus dem Azure Universum reden. MVP's teilen regelmäßig Ihr Wissen mit anderen und geben Insights sowie best practices. Einen Teil davon hole ich Euch in diesen Podcast.MVP steht für "Most Valuable Professional" und ist eine Auszeichung, die Microsoft an Personen verleiht, die sich durch ihr technisches Verständnis und Ihre Community Arbeit auszeichnen. Mehr zum Programm erfährst Du hier: Microsoft MVP Overview.Abgesehen von der ersten Folge werde ich den Podcast einmal in Deutsch und dann wieder in Englisch gestalten - nur das Ihr vorgewarnt seit.+++ english version +++Digitization and the path to the cloud is still a challenge for companies - who better to talk to than the colleagues at the customer. MVPVoices is a podcast that regularly hosts Microsoft MVP's to talk about topics from the Azure universe. MVP's regularly share their knowledge with others and give insights and best practices. I'll bring some of that to you in this podcast.MVP stands for "Most Valuable Professional" and is an award Microsoft gives to individuals who excel in their technical understanding and community work. You can learn more about the program here: Microsoft MVP Overview.Except for the first episode, I'll be doing the podcast once in German and then again in English - just so you're forewarned.
Merge Conflict

451 Episodes


Avg Length 44m


Latest episode 4 days ago

Merge Conflict is a weekly discussion with Frank and James on all things development, technology, & more. After years of being friends, Frank and James finally decided to sit down and start a podcast about their lives as mobile developers using C#, Xamarin, and .NET MAUI. Much more than just another mobile development podcast, Merge Conflict, reaches all areas of development including desktop, server, and of course mobile. They also cover fun things happening in the world of technology and gaming and whatever else happens to be on Frank's and James' minds.
Gone Mobile

120 Episodes


Avg Length 52m


Latest episode 3 months ago

All the latest in .NET Mobile & MAUI (formerly Xamarin) developer technologies, covering in-depth topics ranging from Android, iOS, macOS and Windows, to mobile marketing, design and more! Also on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@GoneMobilePodcast
Null Pointers

92 Episodes


Avg Length 36m


Latest episode 1 month ago

Your opinionated podcast on development, tech and every day struggles.
Developers! - mer än bara kod

206 Episodes


Avg Length 41m


Latest episode 8 days ago

Om du är en tech-nörd som älskar att hålla dig uppdaterad med det senaste inom mjukvaruutveckling, någon som är nyfiken på "det där med programmering", en som pluggar just nu eller någon som har jobbat många år i branschen - då är Developers! podden för dig! Här får du möjligheten att lära dig om teknik, höra roliga rants, lära dig om livet som en utvecklare och allt som hör därtill. Men det handlar om mer än bara om kod, vi pratar också om allt från hur man gör ett bra intryck på en intervju, till hur man kan hämnas på sina fiender genom kodgranskningar, hur man kan uppnå sina mål eller en hantera en jobbig kollega. Ibland bjuder vi också in inspirerande gäster som delar med sig av sina erfarenheter. Så, om du är redo för en rolig, avslappnad och lärorik resa inom teknikvärlden, klicka på play och följ med oss på Developers! Podden där Sofia och Madde tar dig med på en resa full av kunskap, inspiration och skratt! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/developerspodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/developerspodcast Mail: [email protected]
DXTalk: Navigating the Digital Experience Industry

8 Episodes


Avg Length 38m


Latest episode 6 months ago

Welcome to DXTalk: Navigating the Digital Experience Industry - your guide to understanding the dynamic landscape of the digital experience industry. In this podcast, we delve into the world of Digital Experience Platforms (DXP), Content Management Systems (CMS), and more, with the goal of uncovering valuable insights from an industry perspective. We decided to create this podcast due to our own professional curiosity, and, most importantly, because we truly think there is a need for it - a space to find inspiration and enlightenment for listeners navigating the industry. Through this podcast series, we invite guests who have industry expertise and differing vantage points to illuminate different topics in an open discussion format. We believe in openness, inclusivity, and transparency, and we aim to invite guests with a variety of perspectives and opinions to learn as much as possible about the industry. In the discussions, we place a strong emphasis on trends in the industry through the perspective of our guests. We hope to bring focus to emerging technologies, changing consumer behaviors and needs, and the latest trends shaping and evolving the digital experience landscape. Some of the topics we will be discussing: - Trends within the industry - The Future of CMS and DXP - Looking at the digital experience industry from outside - Understanding new markets - Consumer behavior, requirements, and needs - Competitors' view on open-source CMS’s - And much more Join us on this journey as we explore the industry and uncover new insights. Your hosts of this podcast: Lasse Fredslund, Product Owner CMS, Umbraco Jonas Poulsen, Tech Partner Manager DXP, Umbraco Bolette Kern, Product Owner, Umbraco
Thuis Inn IT

4 Episodes


Avg Length 43m


Latest episode 21 days ago

Thuis aan de keukentafel praat Roel Rens met Microsoft- en IT-experts over actuele IT-topics.
Being The Worst

43 Episodes


Avg Length 45m


Latest episode 9 years ago

Audio apprenticeships for the aspiring software craftsman. Currently exploring DDD, Event Sourcing, CQRS, distributed systems, cross-platform, cross-cloud, & cross-language software delivery.